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改成表示人的名词 ①work→______ ②wait→______ ③win→...













worker waiter/waitress winner Chinese writer actor/actress driver Canadian sailor artist 【解析】 考查构词法。 1.考查名词。work表示“工作”,表示人的名词在词尾加上-er构成worker“工人”。 2.考查名词。wait表示“等待”,表示人的名词为在词尾加上-er构成waiter“服务员”或在词尾加上-ress构成waitress“女服务员”。 3.考查名词。win表示“获胜;赢”,表示人的名词双写尾字母-n再加上-er构成winner“获胜者”。 4.考查名词。China表示“中国”,表示人的名词为去掉尾字母-a,再加上-ese构成Chinese“中国人”。 5.考查名词。write表示“书写”,表示人的名词为在词尾加上-er构成writer“作家”。 6.考查名词。act表示“行为;表现”,表示人的名词为在词尾加上-or构成actor“演员”或词尾加上-ress构成actress“女演员”。 7.考查名词。drive表示“驾驶”,表示人的名词为在词尾加上-r构成driver“司机”。 8.考查名词。Canada表示“加拿大”,表示人的名词为去掉尾字母-a,再加上-ian构成Canadian“加拿大人”。 9.考查名词。sail表示“航行;启航”,表示人的名词为在词尾加上-or构成sailor“水手”。 10.考查名词。art表示“艺术”,表示人的名词为在词尾加上-ist构成artist“艺术家”。


1.Her words warmed his heart. (词性:______ 词义:______

2.Each young person must shoulder his responsibility. (词性:______ 词义:______

3.His support furthered my career. (词性:______ 词义:______

4.I have booked two rooms for the whole family. (词性:______ 词义:______

5.The government hopes to better the conditions of the peasants. (词性:______ 词义:______

6.Which country is to host the next Olympic Games?(词性:______ 词义:______

7.Open the windows to cool the room. (词性:______ 词义:______

8.This apartment can house six people and a dog. (词性:______ 词义:______

9.Every year, fresh fruit from these trees is shipped from one country to another. (词性:______ 词义:______




1.______(地铁) is an electric railway which runs below the surface of the ground.

2.To be on the safe side, we should fill up the tank now, because we might run out of ______(汽油)on the way.

3.There is a new ______(类型)of machine which can produce colour copies.

4.If you have any questions, you can ______(联系) me either by e-mail or by WeChat.

5.We can guess the meaning of a new word from the ______(语境).

6.This international ______(组织)is aimed at inspiring girls to explore the world of games.

7.I am ______(不熟悉的) with the place and the people here.

8.Women who eat plenty of fresh vegetables are far less______(可能的) to suffer anxiety or depression.



假如你是一名记者,请根据以下提示,用英语向China Daily写一篇有关台湾大地震的报道。







2.生词提示:7.6 magnitude7.6





A serious weather warning has been announced as more than two inches of rain is expected to fall in parts of the UK on Monday, according to 1. Met Office. Three flood 2. (warn) in southwest England have been put in place, 3. caused fears of travel interruption at the beginning of the week. The Met Office has announced the warning for heavy rain across central and 4. (south) England, including London, Birmingham and Manchester, for Monday.

Although 5. is too early to forecast which exact areas will see the 6. (heavy) rain, the Met Office said the South is most likely 7. (see) “the biggest rainfall”. “The heavy rainfall brings a risk of flooding and interruption, but the situation is uncertain, such that the likelihood of this 8. any given county is small,” forecasters said.

Grahame Madge, a spokesperson for the Met Office, said areas from the Isle of Wight up to the M4 are predicted to see the worst weather. He 9. (add) that there were no weather warnings in place for the rest of the week 10.  forecasters have advised people to keep an eye out for more warnings as the unsettled weather is expected to continue.



    Larks are most likely to be healthy, wealthy and wise, according to the old saying.

But those who are early to bed and early to rise do not always have the upper hand, researchers say. They have found that night owls are generally brighter and wealthier than those able to get up early in the morning.

Experts from the University of Madrid carried out tests on around 1,000 teenagers and found that those who preferred to stay up late proved the kind of intelligence associated with honored jobs and higher incomes. “Larks” or “morning people”, however, often acquired better exam results, possibly because lessons are held at the wrong time of day for night owls. The researchers examined the habits and body clocks of the youngsters to determine whether they liked to stay up late and sleep in later in the morning, or preferred to go to bed early and were at their peak in the morning. School performance and inductive(归纳的)intelligence, or problem solving, were measured and academic grades in the major subjects were also taken into account. The results showed that evening types scored higher than morning types on inductive reasoning, which has been shown to be a good estimate of general intelligence and a strong indicator of academic performance. They also had a greater capacity to think conceptually as well as analytically. Such abilities have been linked to innovative(创新的) thinking, more admired occupations and better incomes.

Famous night owls include President Trump, Obama, Charles Darwin, Winston Churchill, Keith Richards and Elvis Presley. George W. Bush, who is regularly in bed by 10 p.m., Thomas Edison, Napoleon, Condoleezza Rice, who wakes at 4:30 a.m., and Ernest Hemingway are among those known as larks. Jim Horne, professor of psychophysiology at Lough borough University, said, “Evening types tend to be the more active and creative types, the poets, artists and inventors, while the morning types are the deducers(推断者), as are often seen with civil servants and accountants.” A previous study of US Air Force recruits found that evening types were much better at thinking to solve problems than larks.

1.What does the word “lark” mean in the text?

A.A bird of prey that flies in the morning.

B.A bird of prey that is a symbol of wisdom.

C.A kind of person who goes to bed early and wakes up early.

D.A kind of person who has honored jobs and higher incomes.

2.What characteristics do night owls have?

A.Night owls are much healthier, wealthier and wiser.

B.Night owls are not good at inductive reasoning.

C.Night owls stay up late and wake up early in the morning.

D.Night owls are expert in analyzing and innovative thinking

3.What’s the author’s attitude towards night owls?

A.Doubtful. B.Objective.

C.Subjective. D.Negative.

4.From the passage, we can infer that ______________.

A.The early bird will catch the worm.

B.Morning types have a tendency to do some creative jobs.

C.Night owls can do better in the examinations if lessons are held in the right time.

D.President Trump, Winston Churchill and George W. Bush are models of night owls.

5.According to the writer, what kind of job is an evening type likely to do in the future?

A.A fashion designer B.A social worker

C.An accountant D.A government employee



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