满分5 > 高中英语试题 >








Dear Sir,

I sincerely hope that my family can have the honor to be a host family.



Li Hua


Dear Sir, I sincerely hope that my family can have the honor to be a host family. I live with my parents who are caring and friendly. Our home is next to the city center, where easy shopping access and convenient transportation are available. We can offer one separate room for the student. My good command of English makes me free to communicate with foreigners in daily life. So I believe I will be a qualified host. If given the chance, I will invite our guests to join in my family get-together. Besides, we can see around the city, getting the student to know more about real life and culture in China. In a word, I’m eager to provide an impressive trip for the foreign visitors. Hope you can take my application into consideration. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生写一封承接申请,表明可以接待来参观访问的学生代表。 第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时。 写作内容:1.介绍家庭成员及居住、交通条件; 2.说明英语交流沟通水平; 3.安排美国朋友参加的家庭活动。 第二步:列提纲 (重点词组) live with; next to; offer…for…; communicate with; join in; see around; provide…for..; take.. into consideration. 第三步:连词成句 1. I live with my parents who are caring and friendly. 2. Our home is next to the city center, where easy shopping access and convenient transportation are available. 3. We can offer one separate room for the student. 4. My good command of English makes me free to communicate with foreigners in daily life. 5. If given the chance, I will invite our guests to join in my family get-together. 6. Hope you can take my application into consideration. 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) 1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second… And then, Finally, In the end, At last 2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition As well as, not only…but (also), including, 3.表转折对比关系:However, On the contrary, but, Although+clause(从句), In spite of+n/doing,On the one hand…,On the other hand… Some…,while others…,as for, so…that… 4.表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰, 第五步:润色修改

Can you believe everything that you read? It seems as if every day, some new articles come out about a new discovery about this or that. For example, water is bad for you, or good for you. The answer depends on which scientific study has just come out. People cannot decide which food items are healthy, how pyramids were constructed, and why dinosaurs disappeared. When we look for answers we sometimes can believe persuasive researches and scientists. But how trustworthy are they really? Here are two examples of scientific hoaxes (骗局).

As far back as 1726, Johann Beringer was fooled by his fellow scientists into thinking he had made an amazing discovery. The fossils of spiders, lizards, and even birds with the name of God written on them in Hebrew were unlike anything that had been found before. He wrote several papers on them and was famous for those only to have it revealed that they were planted by jealous colleagues to ruin his reputation.

When an early human being was discovered in 1912, scientists at this time were wild with excitement over the meaning it had for the theory of evolution. There were hundreds of papers about this Piltdown man over the next fifty years until it was finally discovered to be a complex hoax. The skull (头骨) of a man had been mixed with the jawbone of an orangutan (猩猩) to make the ape () man.

The next time you read the exciting new findings of a study of the best scientist, do not automatically assume that it is true. Even qualified people can get it wrong. Though we certainly should not ignore scientific research, we do need to take it with a grain of salt. Just because it is accepted as the truth today does not mean it will still be trustworthy tomorrow.

1.What is the reason why Johann Beringer was fooled?

A.His fellow scientists wanted to make fun of him.

B.His workmates are eager to become famous too.

C.These scientists made a mistake because of carelessness.

D.His colleagues was jealous of him and did so to destroy his fame.

2.The excited scientists thought that this Piltdown man ________.

A.was in fact a complex hoax

B.was a great scientific invention

C.contributed to the theory of evolution

D.had the skull like that of an ape

3.What does the underlined phrase “with a grain of salt” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A.Happily. B.Generally.

C.Doubtfully. D.Completely.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Hebrew is probably a kind of language.

B.Truths of science will never be out of time.

C.People believe scientists because they are persuasive.

D.We are advised to believe famous scientists.




阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(ABCD)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

The ability to do several things at once has become one of the great measures of self-worth for 21-century Americans. It is called multitasking, and it takes many forms. As one example, why go out to lunch when you can eat at your desk, talk to a client on the phone, scroll through your e-mail, and scan a memo simultaneously? And why simply work out on treadmill (单调的工作) when you could be watching television and talking on a portable phone at the same time? What a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment --- three activities for the time commitment of one! Ah, such efficiency. No wonder those who turn “to do” lists into a time-management art form tend to boast (自夸): “Look, me, how many things I can accomplish at once. If I’m this busy, I must be important.”

Yet last week the New York Assembly struck a blow against multitasking, at least behind the wheel, when it approved a bill banning drivers in the state from using handheld cellular phones. Too dangerous, the assembly said, citing research showing that drivers are four times more likely to have a collision when they are talking on a cellphone.

No one can argue against using time effectively. But accompanying the supposed gains are losses. Consider the woman out for an early-morning walk in a suburban neighborhood. She strides briskly, head down, cellphone clamped to her ear, chattering (喋喋不休) away, oblivious of the birds and flowers and glorious sunshine. Did the walk have any value?

More than a decade ago, long before multi-tasking became a word in everyday use, a retired professor of theology(神学) in Indiana with whom I corresponded (通信) made a case for what might be called uni-tasking — the old-fashioned practice of doing one thing at a time.

Offering the simplest example, he said, “When you wash the dishes, wash the dishes.” Good advice, I’ve found, whatever the task.

Perhaps, too, the ban on phoning-on-the-road will even spark a move away from other forms of dual activity. Who can tell? It could mark the first step in a welcome reconsideration of what really constitutes productivity and accomplishment.

1.The author thinks that multitasking has become one of the great measures of self-worth because ________.

A.it helps people to use time effectively

B.it makes people feel they are important

C.it means the ability to do several things at once

D.people worship speed and desire

2.The bill approved by the New York Assembly is mentioned in the second paragraph in order to ________.

A.demonstrate the danger of multitasking

B.show the high efficiency of multitasking

C.introduce the legislation system in America

D.argue against using time effectively

3.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “oblivious” in the third paragraph?

A.serious B.absorbed deeply     

C.not noticing D.forgetting

4.We learn from the passage that uni-tasking is ________.

A.the new fashion for 21-century Americans

B.accepted by most residents in Indiana

C.created by a retired professor of theology

D.the traditional act of doing one thing at once

5.In the eyes of the author, multi-tasking ________.

A.could not be avoided in this fast-changing age

B.should be taken the place of by uni-tasking

C.robs people of time to focus and reflect

D.should not become a word in everyday use



We once had a poster competition in our fifth grade art class.

“You could win prizes,” our teacher told us as she wrote the poster information on the blackboard. She passed out sheets of construction paper while continuing, “The first prize is ten dollars. You just have to make sure that the words on the blackboard appear somewhere on your poster.”

We studied the board critically. Some of us looked with one eye and held up certain colors against the blackboard, rocking the sheets to the right or left while we conjured up our designs. Others twisted their hair around their fingers or chewed their erasers while deep in thought. We had plans for that ten-dollar grand prize, each and every one of us. I’m going to spend mine on candies, one hopeful would announce, while another practiced looking serious, wise and rich.

Everyone in the class made a poster. Some of us used parts of those fancy paper napkins, while others used nothing but colored construction paper. Some of us used big designs, and some of us preferred to gather our art tidily down in one corner of our poster and let the space draw the viewer’s attention to it. Some of us would wander past the good students’ desks and then return to our own projects with a growing sense of hopelessness. It was yet another grown-up trick of the sort they seemed especially fond of, making all of us believe we had a fair chance, and then always—always—rewarding the same old winners.

I believe I drew a sailboat, but I can’t say that with any certainty. I made it. I admired it. I determined it to be the very best of all of the posters I had seenand then I turned it in.

Minutes passed.

No one came along to give me the grand prize, and then someone distracted me, and I probably never would have thought about that poster again.

I was still sitting at my desk, thinking, What poster? when the teacher gave me an envelope with a ten-dollar bill in it and everyone in the class applauded for me.

1.What was the teacher’s requirement for the poster?

A.It must appear in time.

B.It must be done in class.

C.It must be done on a construction sheet.

D.It must include the words on the blackboard.

2.The underlined phrase in Paragraph 3 most probably means ________.

A.formed an idea for

B.made an outline for

C.made some space for

D.chose some colors for

3.After the teacher’s words, all the students in the class________.

A.looked very serious

B.thought they would be rich

C.began to think about their designs

D.began to play games

4.After seeing the good students’ designs, some students________.

A.loved their own designs more

B.thought they had a fair chance

C.put their own designs in a corner

D.thought they would not win the prize

5.We can infer from the passage that the author________.

A.enjoyed grown up tricks very much

B.loved poster competitions very much

C.felt surprised to win the competition

D.became wise and rich after the competition






To: All members of the sales department

From: Annette Derringer

Re: Year-end party

Date: November 26


This is just a quick note to let you all know the arrangements for next month’s year-end party. As you know, the party will be held at the Green Vale Country Club, which we have reserved between 7:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. on the evening of December 21st. I’ve received replies from almost all of you confirming attendance, but if you haven’t let me know yet, please do so in the next day or two. Tickets for all employees have been covered by the company.

The Green Vale manager has asked me to explain one or two things to those of you who have not been there before. Basically, there is sufficient parking space for only 100 vehicles, so they would like to ask those of you planning to drive, try to car-pool as much as possible. Also, the number of lockers available is small, so guests should try to keep belongings to a minimum.

Thanks in advance,




To: Annette Derringer aderringer@belway.com

From: Kyle Berwick

Date: Nov 28

Subject: Year-end party



This is to let you know that I will be able to attend the year-end party at the Green Vale Country Club on the 21st although I don’t think I will be able to arrive before 8:30. I was wondering if it would also be possible to bring a couple of guests. I know it is a bit of a last minute request, but my brother and his wife are planning to visit us at that time, and I know they’d love to see the Green Vale. If it is not a problem, then can you let me know how much I should pay for their tickets? Also, assuming this is OK, I was planning to drive down in a single car, to reduce the need for parking and also to allow us to keep our belongings in the car.

I have a couple of days off before the party, but I’ll be in my office until the 17th, so could you get back to me before then? Thanks a lot,



1.What’s the main purpose of the memorandum?

A.To explain the arrangement for an event.

B.To encourage people to travel by car.

C.To ask for help arranging a party.

D.To thank people for attending the party.

2.Why does Kyle Berwick write to Annette Derringer? Because he wants to _____.

A.ask the price of movie tickets B.explain why he cannot come to the party

C.request directions to a hotel D.ask if he may bring guests to the party

3.Which of Kyle’s points is NOT mentioned in the memo?

A.Payment for extra guests. B.Storage of personal items.

C.Parking restrictions    . D.Timing for the evening.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.The manager of the Green Vale doesn’t hope they go there by car.

B.Annette takes charge of the arrangement of year-end party.

C.They can take as many belongings as they can with them when going to the Green Vale.

D.Kyle Berwick won’t bring the guests to go to the party if he has to pay the tickets.



Dear Laura,

I just heard you tell an old story of gift giving and unselfish love in your program. You doubted whether such unselfish love would happen in today’s world. Well, I’m here to give you____.

I wanted to do something very ____ for my fifteen-year-old son, who has always been the perfect child. He ____ all summer to earn enough money to buy a used motorcycle. Then, he spent hours and hours on it ____ it looked almost new. I was so ____ of him that I bought him the shiniest helmet (头盔) and a riding outfit (装备).

I could ____ wait for him to open up his gift. In fact, I barely slept the night before. Upon awakening, I went to the kitchen to ____ the coffee, tea, and morning goodies. In the living room was a beautiful keyboard with a ____: “To my wonderful mother, all my love, your son.”

I was so____. It had been a long-standing joke in our family that I wanted a piano so that I could____lessons. “Learn to play the piano, and I’ll get you one.” was my husband’s ____.

I stood there shocked, crying a river, asking myself how my son could ____ this expensive gift.

Of course, the ____ awoke, and my son was thrilled (激动的) with my reaction. Many kisses were ____, and I immediately wanted him to ____ my gift.

As he saw the helmet and outfit, the look on his face was not ____ what I was expecting. Then I ____ that he had sold the motorcycle to get me the keyboard.

Of course I was the proudest mother ____ on that day, and my feet never hit the ground for a month.

So I wanted you to know, that kind of love still ____ and lives even in the ever-changing world of me, me, me!

I thought you’d love to ____ this story.



P.S. The next day, my husband and I bought him a new “used” already shiny motorcycle.

1.A.hope B.advice C.support D.courage

2.A.polite B.similar C.special D.private

3.A.played B.studied C.traveled D.worked

4.A.after B.before C.unless D.until

5.A.sure B.fond C.proud D.confident

6.A.perhaps B.really C.almost D.hardly

7.A.prepare B.cook C.set D.serve

8.A.note B.notice C.word D.sign

9.A.disturbed B.confused C.astonished D.inspired

10.A.give B.take C.draw D.teach

11.A.reason B.request C.comment D.response

12.A.present B.afford C.find D.order

13.A.neighbor B.building C.room D.house

14.A.exchanged B.experienced C.expected D.exhibited

15.A.tear B.open C.check D.receive

16.A.purely B.basically C.obviously D.exactly

17.A.realized B.remembered C.imagined D.supposed

18.A.only B.still C.ever D.even

19.A.works B.exists C.matters D.counts

20.A.send B.publish C.share D.write



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