满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

完形填空 It wasn’t yet 8:30 am. However, ins...


It wasn’t yet 8:30 am. However, instead of entering my office, I was leaving it. Carrying a plastic shopping bag of my personal things, I moved in a(n)____way to my car, and drove home crying. I had just been____

For following weeks, I was troubled by the____of that sudden lay-off: What about the people who would be____by my abandoned projects? Would I have a chance to get another job?____with anxiety, shame and sudden outbursts of tears, I felt completely____“What should I do next?” I asked myself.

One day, over dinner with my good friend Sophia in a restaurant, I told her about my____, “Being fired came as a____I am not a bad person. I don’t know____it happened to me. In fact, I was so hard-working and____to my company”. After listening to my words, she____me, “Never be so depressed. Being fired isn’t the same thing as being bad. There are lots of____that we cannot escape in life, and we have to face them____and find solutions. I think you should make some changes to help you____this issue. Unemployment just means a new start.” Her words gave me a lot of confidence and strength, which____me to take action to change the bad situation. I had a firm belief that everything would hopefully____fine.

Then a long journey of applying for new jobs began. In addition, I made a decision — starting to____the people who helped me either with the emotional support of my unemployment or in my search for a new job. I would send each of them a thank-you card. Sophia had helped me a lot, and she got my first card.

Expressing gratitude is the best thing that I have done to____my negative thoughts and move forward. Fortunately, I have got a(n)____job that fits my skills and interests. No matter what happens in the future, I will____this wonderful decision and show more people my thanks.

1.A.relaxing B.confident C.unsteady D.humorous

2.A.adopted B.fired C.cheated D.fined

3.A.shadow B.guidance C.standard D.background

4.A.promoted B.trusted C.refused D.affected

5.A.Agreeing B.Connecting C.Struggling D.Dealing

6.A.positive B.confused C.confident D.serious

7.A.promises B.goals C.feelings D.needs

8.A.occasion B.threat C.present D.shock

9.A.why B.when C.whether D.where

10.A.attractive B.occupied C.aware D.faithful

11.A.blamed B.greeted C.encouraged D.announced

12.A.challenges B.opportunities C.arguments D.responsibilities

13.A.practically B.bravely C.secretly D.excitedly

14.A.rely on B.look into C.give up D.deal with

15.A.drove B.ordered C.forbade D.expected

16.A.set about B.turn out C.result from D.hold back

17.A.thank B.entertain C.understand D.help

18.A.explain B.remove C.suspect D.accept

19.A.difficult B.ridiculous C.satisfying D.embarrassing

20.A.research B.replace C.select D.continue


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.D 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。 文章主要叙述我在被公司解雇以后,无法从悲伤的情绪中摆脱处理。后来在朋友的鼓励下做出了改变:向别人表示自己的感谢。最后找到了满意的工作,并决定继续这样走下去。 1.C 考查形容词辨析。句意:拿着装满个人物品的一个塑料袋,我一路不稳地走向我的汽车,哭着回了家。形容词relaxing放松的;confident自信的;unsteady不稳的;humorous幽默的。使用unsteady表示我当时很难过,走路都走不稳了。故C正确。 2.B 考查上下文串联。句意:我刚被解雇了。动词adopt收养,采纳;fire开火,解雇;cheat欺骗。根据前面一句叙述可知我被公司解雇,所以才很伤心难过。故B正确。 3.A 考查名词辨析。句意:在接下来的几个星期里,我都处于突然被解雇的阴影之中。名词shadow阴影;guidance指导;standard标准;background背景。本句使用shadow叙述被解雇给我带来的影响。故A正确。 4.D 考查动词辨析。句意:我遗留的那些项目对那些人的影响会是什么样?动词promote宣传,提拔,促进;trust信任;refuse拒绝;affect影响。本句叙述作者被解雇以后他所做的项目可能会对别人造成影响,作者对此表示担心。故D正确。 5.C 考查动词辨析。句意:挣扎在焦虑、羞愧和突然而来的悲伤的情感之中,我感觉很困惑,我接下来应该做什么?动词agree同意;connect联系;struggle挣扎,努力;deal处理,对付。故C正确。 6.B 考查上下文串联。句意同上。形容词positive积极的;confused困惑的;confident自信的;serious严肃的,认真的;根据下一句“What should I do next?” I asked myself.说明我对接下来做什么很困惑。故B正确。 7.C 考查名词辨析。句意:一天,在和我的朋友Sophia吃饭的时候,我把我的感受告诉了她。名词promise诺言;goal目标;feeling感觉;need需要。故C正确。 8.D 考查上下文串联。句意:被解雇让我很震惊。名词occasion机会,时机,场合;threat威胁;present礼物;shock令人震惊的事情。被解雇对我来说是一件令人震惊的事情。和本文第一段对应,记叙阐述被解雇对作者的巨大影响。故D正确。 9.A 考查连词辨析。句意:我不知道为什么这件事情会发生在我身上,实际上我很努力工作对公司也很忠诚。根据句意可知why“为什么”进一步作者对于自己被公司解雇很不理解。故A正确。 10.D 考查形容词辨析。句意:实际上我很努力工作对公司也很忠诚。形容词attractive有吸引力的;occupied忙碌的;aware意识到的;faithful忠诚的。短语be faithful to对……忠诚。故D正确。 11.C 考查上下文串联。句意:听了我的话,她鼓励我说:不要这么难过,被解雇并不一定是坏事,在人生中有很多我们无法摆脱的挑战,我们应该勇敢地迎接挑战并找到解决的方法。我认为你应该做出改变来处理这个问题。失业了就意味着一个新的开始。动词blame责备;greet问候;encourage鼓励;announce宣布;根据上下文可知这是朋友对我的鼓励。故C正确。 12.A 考查名词辨析。句意:被解雇并不一定是坏事,在人生中有很多我们无法摆脱的挑战,我们应该勇敢地迎接挑战并找到解决的方法。名词challenge挑战;opportunity机会;argument争论;responsibility责任;根据常识可知,我们人生中有许多挑战可知A正确。 13.B 考查副词辨析。句意:我们应该勇敢地迎接挑战并找到解决的方法。仍然是朋友对我的鼓励。副词practically实用的;实际的;bravely勇敢地;secretly秘密地;excitedly兴奋地;根据句意可知B正确。 14.D 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我认为你应该做出改变来处理这个问题。失业了就意味着一个新的开始。短语rely on依靠;look into调查;give up放弃;deal with对付,处理;故D正确。 15.A 考查动词辨析。句意:她的话给了我很多鼓励和力量,这驱使着我采取行动改变这个糟糕的情况。动词drive驱使;order命令;forbid禁止;expect期待;根据句意可知A正确。 16.B 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我坚定地认为所有事情最后结果都会很好。短语set about着手,开始;turn out结果是;result from因为;hold back隐瞒,控制。故B正确。 17.A 考查动词辨析。句意:接着就是长时间申请新工作开始了。而且,我做出一个决定,开始感谢那些给我精神支持的人。根据本文可知作者对待生活的态度更为积极乐观了。动词thank感谢;entertain娱乐;understand理解;help帮助;根据下一段expressing gratitude表达感激,与之相一致。故A正确。 18.B 考查动词辨析。句意:表示感谢是我所做的消除消极情绪最好的事情。动词explain解释;remove去除;suspect怀疑;accept接受;根据句意可知remove符合上下文串联。故B正确。 19.C 考查上下文串联。句意:幸运的是,我找到了一份令人满意的工作,而且这份工作适合我的技巧和兴趣。形容词difficult困难的;ridiculous荒谬的;satisfying令人满意的;embarrassing令人尴尬的;根据后半句“而且这份工作适合我的技巧和兴趣”,说明这份工作是令人满意的。故C正确。 20.D 考查动词辨析。句意:我将继续这个很好的决定,向更多的人表示我的感谢。动词research研究;replace代替;select选择;continue继续。故D正确。

He ______ writing the paper now. He hadn’t written a single word when I left him ten minutes ago.

A.shouldn’t be B.can’t have finished

C.can’t be D.mustn’t have finished



Many companies don’t realize ____ important the customers are, which is why they lose their customers unconsciously.

A.what B.whether C.how D.which



Don’t act before you have a second thought about the mission_____ you are unable to handle any potential emergency.

A.as long as B.so that C.even if D.in case



—Do you think he is the only person for the job?

—I’m not quite sure but he’ll prove_______ to the task.

A.equal B.essential

C.special D.superior



To learn English effectively, you should not only have a good command of the grammar, but understand the culture ____ it is spoken.

A.which B.when C.whom D.where



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