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The market watchdog(市场监督部门)in northwest ...

    The market watchdog(市场监督部门)in northwest China's Xi'an has started a survey in a complaint that a woman's newly bought Mercedes-Benz car has engine oil leaks(泄漏). The incident has attracted wide attention after a video of a woman sitting on top of a Mercedes-Benz while weeping and arguing with salesmen went viral online. In the video posted on Weibo by a net friend on April II, the woman said she found an oil leak when she was driving the car home from the 4S store. After she drove the car back, the trader claimed(宣称)the car had passed all tests before it was sold. She was told she couldn’t get her money hack nor change a new car for her. All that the trader could offer was to change the engine. The CLS300 car cost around 660,000 yuan.($98,445).

The customer met with officials from the market watchdog of Gaoxin District on Saturdav, requesting full maintenance(维修)history of the car and an independent lest by a third-partyShaanxi TV Station reported.

Mercedes-Benz issued an announcement on its Weibo account on Saturdaysaying it was sorry for the customer's "unpleasant experience". The company has sent a team to Xi’an to help solve the problem. Li Yong, an official with the market watchdog of Gaoxin District in Xi’an, told cruest.com that they learned about the incident online. They are still surveying the incident. They will punish those who are responsible if anything illegal is discovered.

1.What can we know about the incident?

A.The woman has posted the video on the Internet.

B.The incident has attracted wide attention.

C.The woman destroyed the engine herself.

D.The market watchdog did a survey of the customer.

2.What did the trader promise to do for the woman?

A.Give her a VIP card. B.Return her money.

C.Inspect the car again. D.Change the engine.

3.How much did the woman spend buying the cat?

A.66 thousand dollars. B.Nearly 100 thousand dollars.

C.66 thousand yuan. D.98,445 yuan

4.Where can we see this article?

A.On a travel website. B.In a storybook.

C.In a newspaper. D.In a textbook.


1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 【解析】 本文是新闻报道。文章主要向我们描述了中国西北部西安的市场监管机构对一名女性新买的梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车发动机漏油的投诉展开调查。 1.细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的The incident has attracted wide attention after a video of a woman sitting on top of a Mercedes-Benz while weeping and arguing with salesmen went viral online.(一名女子坐在一辆梅赛德斯-奔驰车上哭泣并与销售人员争吵的视频在网上疯传后,这一事件引起了广泛关注)可知,这起事件引起了广泛关注。故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的She was told she couldn’t get her money hack nor change a new car for her. All that the trader could offer was to change the engine.(她被告知既不能把钱拿回来,也不能给她换一辆新车。销售商所能做的就是更换引擎)可知,销售商承诺为该名女子换一下引擎。故选D。 3.细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的The CLS300 car cost around 660,000 yuan.($98,445).(CLS300的售价约为人民币66万元(合98,445美元))可知,那个女人花了近100万元买这辆车。故选B。 4.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的Li Yong, an official with the market watchdog of Gaoxin District in Xi’an, told cruest.com that they learned about the incident online. They are still surveying the incident. They will punish those who are responsible if anything illegal is discovered.(西安高新区市场监管部门官员李勇告诉cruest.com,他们是在网上得知此事的。他们仍在调查这一事件。如果发现任何违法行为,他们将惩罚那些责任人)可推知,这极可能是一则新闻报道。结合选项可知,我们可能会在报纸上看到这篇文章。故选C。

    It was summer when I was asked whether I wanted to go to Malibu(an island in Canada)with my church to serve the military families. At firstI heard this and thought, “You are asking an eleven-year-old in his last weeks of summer if he wants to go on a trip with his mom to Canada to serve other people?” Of course, I responded with a kind refusalbut my mom found a way to convince me to go.

When we were on the ferry to the islanda thousand thoughts were running through my head, such as “What am I going to do here?” “Am I even going to be useful?” and “Why am I even here?" When we got to the islandI was asked to the child care. I was actually somewhat excited because my friend, said he would help me. The first time I met the kids, I got to know them pretty well. They were all between the ages of four and six. Some of them stayed behaved and a few of them started acting crazy and would even hit and push the other kids.

With those kids1 was very strictbut 1 still tried to be positive and keep a smile. After allthey were just innocent kids. In most of 'he timeI needed to help them with things like washing clothe, and setting tables. Even though it sounded dull, I enjoyed every second of it. One of the things I did in my free time was to play pool(打台球). I made friends with a few kids there. They were really easy to talk to. Some of the things we talked about were sports, food, video games, and most of all pool.

Even though I was only at Malibu, Canada for one week, I feel like I made spiritual changes in some people's life. You don't have to go above and beyond to have an influence on someone's life. In the end, it all comes down to what way you changed them. It could have been in a spiritual way or a mental way as long as you had a positive effect. So go out and try to make a difference in this world.

1.How did the author react when asked if he liked to serve the military families?

A.He hardly believed it. B.He was very confused about the decision.

C.He refused to accept it. D.He was worried about the trip.

2.As a volunteer, the author's main task on the island was___.

A.to take care of kids there. B.to educate kids there.

C.to make friends with kids there. D.to share his experiences with kids there.

3.What can we know about the author's stay in Malibu?

A.He found thee kids very hard to deal with.

B.He didn't quite like the badly-behaved kids.

C.He managed to get along well with most kids.

D.He shared common hobbies with some kids.

4.What does the author mainly tell us in the last paragraph?

A.He regretted having taken the trip.

B.His spiritual changes in Malibu.

C.What he has learnt from the experience.

D.What to do to make a greater difference.



Your guide to the best place to go in town

Winning Voices

More than 20 bands(乐队)play their best songs in a competition to win a great prize: a place in the national final and the chance to record a CD.

Streetford Student Centre, 6 pm

Tickets10 and 7.5

The Art of the Camera

Beautiful exhibition(展览)from some of the best young photographers working today.

Stamford Hall .June 20th-30th


Film Club

Tonight's movie at the Young People's Film Club is the last of the series starring the Osear-winning actor Johnny Depp. It's the wonderful Pirates of the Caribbean!

Starts 6:30 pm. Tickets 3

Street life Dance Group

Come and see the amazing “SDG” at the Atlas Centre. Twenty-four dancers aged between 11 and 18 show off their skills in street dancing for you.

Starts 7 pm.

Tickets 15

Young Vic Theatre

The final performance(演出)of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is tonight. This is your last chance to see this wonderful play. Don't miss it.

Starts 8 pm.

Tickets 9.7

1.What can we learn about the Art of the Camera?

A.It will last half a month. B.It will show some old photos.

C.It will be held by 24 young artists. D.It will be open to the public for free.

2.Where can you watch street dancing?

A.At the Atlas Centre. B.In Stamford Hall.

C.At Young Vic Theatre. D.At Streetford Student Centre.

3.If John only has 4,what could he do?

A.See Romeo and Juliet. B.See Pirates of the Caribbean.

C.Watch Winning Voices. D.Watch Street life Dance Group.











Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to our English Corner. This English Corner was set up three years before. Every Sunday morning, students from different schools and some foreigners often take part. Gathered around here, we practise spoken English by talking about everything we are interested. We also exchange my experience in English study. We all had a good time here. Thousands of people have been here when it was set up.

They have learned a lot by taking part in activity here. It is a really supplement(补充)to our English class and it is welcomed by students and teachers. They all think it is of helpful. If you want to know much about the corner, you may talk to the students here.




The Dujiangyan is the oldest man-made water system in the world, and a wonder in the development of Chinese agriculture. 1. buildover 2,200 years ago in what is now Sichuan Province in Southwest China, this amazing engineering 2.achieveis still used today.

In ancient times, the region where Dujiangyan now stands 3.sufferfrom regular floods from the Minjiang River. 4.helpthe victims of the flooding, Li Bing, 5. region governor, together with his son, decided to find a solution. Li designed a series of channels built at different levels along Mount Yulei that would take away the floodwaters while leaving the river flowing naturally. 6.goodstill, the extra water could be directed to the dry Chengdu Plain, making 7. suitable for farming.

Once the system 8.finish, no more floods happened and the people were able to live 9.peaceful. Today, Dujiangyan is admired by scientists from around the world because of one feature. Unlike modern dams, 10. the water is blocked with a huge wall, Dujiangyan still lets waterflow through the Minjiang River naturally, making the ecosystem(生态系统)and fish populations exist in peace.



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