满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

You might have noticed that the ringing ...

    You might have noticed that the ringing sound of basketballs was almost like the beat to a song. But did you know that it could be taken seriously as music?

The music group STOMP has taken everyday objects and turned them into instruments. The music it has created is a hit all over the world.

STOMP was formed by British musicians Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas. They met in the early 1980s when they were both working as buskers, the British term for street performers. Cresswell and McNicholas were part of a busking group called Pookiesnackenburger that became very popular throughout Britain.

Cresswell was a drummer (鼓手) for the group. Because they performed on the street, he could not set up a traditional drum set. Instead, he wore one drum that hung around his shoulders. To be able to make different sounds, Cresswell began beating on everyday objects that he could find during performances. This creative drumming led to the idea for STOMP.

STOMP made its first public appearance at London’s Bloomsbury Theatre in 1991. The performers used one-of-a-kind instruments, such as empty water bottles, basketballs, and matchboxes to create music. Wearing overalls and T-shirts, they danced around on a stage made to look like a closed warehouse (仓库). STOMP was a great success, winning many theater awards and drawing huge crowds (人群).

In 1994, STOMP came to the United States and played at the Orpheum Theater in New York City. Years later it is still playing there! To celebrate its ten-year anniversary (周年纪念), the then New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg renamed the street outside the theater STOMP Avenue.

STOMP has now toured all over the United States and most of the world. One reason STOMP is so popular is that anyone can enjoy it. There are no words or story. People from all cultures can understand it, no matter which language they speak.

1.What makes STOMP a special music group?

A.There are few words in its music.

B.It usually performs in warehouses.

C.The performers wear special clothes.

D.It uses everyday objects as instruments.

2.What can we learn about STOMP?

A.It was created in 1980.

B.It was formed in Britain.

C.It was named after a street.

D.It was part of Pookiesnackenburger.

3.Who was behind the creative idea for STOMP?

A.Luke Cresswell. B.A busking group.

C.Steve McNicholas. D.Michael Bloomberg.

4.Which shows the correct order of the following events?

a. STOMP began performing at the Orpheum Theater.

b. STOMP began performing at the Bloomsbury Theatre.

c. Michael Bloomberg named a street STOMP Avenue.

d. Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas worked as buskers.

A.d-b-a-c. B.d-a-b-c.

C.b-a-c-d. D.b-a-d-c.


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了著名的打击乐队STOMP的历史,成员以及特点。 1.细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的The music group STOMP has taken everyday objects and turned them into instruments.可知该乐队把日常物品变成乐器进行创作。D. It uses everyday objects as instruments.(该乐队使用日常物品作为乐器)符合以上说法,故选D项。 2.细节理解题。根据文章第三段的STOMP was formed by British musicians和第五段的STOMP made its first public appearance at London’s Bloomsbury Theatre in 1991.可知该乐队是由英国音乐家在伦敦建立。B. It was formed in Britain.(它在英国建立)符合以上说法,故选B项。 3.细节理解题。根据文章第四段的To be able to make different sounds, Cresswell began beating on everyday objects that he could find during performances. This creative drumming led to the idea for STOMP.可知Cresswell创造性的击鼓方式促成了STOMP的音乐特点。故选A项。 4.细节理解题。根据文章第三段的Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas. They met in the early 1980s when they were both working as buskers,第五段的STOMP made its first public appearance at London’s Bloomsbury Theatre in 1991.第六段的In 1994, STOMP came to the United States and played at the Orpheum Theater in New York City和To celebrate its ten-year anniversary (周年纪念), the then New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg renamed the street outside the theater STOMP Avenue.可知四件事情的时间先后顺序是dbac。故选A项。

    “Life is about daring to carry out your ideas,” said Italian mountaineer Reinhold Messner.

One of the best-known living mountaineers, now 74, Messner became the first person to climb Mount Qomolangma alone and without the help of bottled oxygen (氧气) in 1980.

He also became, in 1986, the first to reach the world’s 14 mountain tops of over 8,000 meters, again without bottled oxygen.

Along the way, he has practiced a special style of mountaineering known as alpinism, in which climbers try to reach the top with as little material (材料) and outside help as possible.

But it is an art that is increasingly getting lost — today’s climbers depend on Sherpas (local guides for climbers in the Himalayas) and ready-made routes to reach the top, Messner said.

“The true alpinist doesn’t want such help. He wants to go into the wild,” he said.

His achievements have made him a great hero, but Messner says he has gotten into plenty of dangerous situations along the way too.

“Around half of the top alpinists have died climbing,” he said.

“Of course, if I turn back more often than the others, I can increase my chances of survival,” he added. “But if I hadn’t been lucky a few times, I wouldn’t be here.”

Messner later moved on to different challenges (挑战), crossing the Gobi Desert and Antarctica.

He is also a writer and was in Frankfurt to present his latest book, “Wild”, telling the true story of a 1916 Antarctic expedition (探险).

Today, Messner spends his time making films and talks excitedly about his present one, which is set in Kenya, Africa, and tells the story of two climbers who run into trouble and are faced with life-changing situations.

After a lifetime of following his next dream, he believes film-making will be his final project.

“I was always at my best when I was learning, when I was curious (求知的),” he said.

1.What is special about true alpinists?

A.They can reach the top quickly.

B.They try to depend on themselves.

C.They follow ready-made routes.

D.They often work with local guides.

2.What helped Messner survive dangerous situations?

A.Good luck. B.Belief.

C.Good skills. D.Courage.

3.What does Messner tell us about the story of his new film?

A.It is very interesting.

B.It happens in Africa.

C.It is based on his latest book.

D.It records his true experiences.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.A new film. B.A new book.

C.A great alpinist. D.A great expedition.



    It’s November now and Christmas is on the way. What would be a better way to spend time with your loved ones than sitting down to watch some classic Christmas movies?

1. The Grinch (2000)

This is a Christmas must-watch. It was originally (最初) a children’s book written by Dr. Seuss, which I would suggest reading! It’s the story of a green monster (怪兽) who wants to destroy Christmas but who in the end discovers the power of love. I promise it’s a great film with plenty of laughs along the way.

2. Love Actually (2003)

While this is not a personal favourite of mine, people in the UK love this film. It features (……主演) famous actors and actresses such as Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman. It might be a little difficult to follow, but the heart-warming story makes it worth watching.

3. Home Alone (1990)

This is one of my favourite films of all time and I would watch it all year round if I could. It tells the story of a boy, Kevin, who is left alone in his house when his large family forget to take him on vacation. While the family are away, burglars (窃贼) try to break into the house and Kevin must protect his home by setting traps. The trips, falls and traps will have you laughing out loud as you watch a 10-year-old boy outsmart two grown men.

4. Miracle on 34th Street (1994)

You can’t have Christmas in an English-speaking country without watching this film. It’s not funny like Home Alone or The Grinch, but it is really touching. It’s about a man who says he is Santa Claus, but nobody believes him except a lawyer and a little girl. The storyline may seem a little childish but you can enjoy it at any age.

1.Which movie is based on a children’s book?

A.The Grinch. B.Love Actually.

C.Home Alone. D.Miracle on 34th Street.

2.What does the author think of Miracle on 34th Street?

A.It is his favourite movie.

B.It is funny and touching.

C.It is a little difficult to follow.

D.It is suitable for people of all ages.

3.What do the four movies have in common?

A.All can make you laugh out loud.

B.All are newly-made movies.

C.All are related to Christmas.

D.All tell stories about kids.



假设你是美国纽约市的一名高中生 Chris, 打算暑假来天津学习汉语,来信向你在天津 一中的笔友李津咨询他们学校的国际班汉语课程。请你根据以下提示给李津写一封咨询 信。


1. 想学汉语的原因(中国文化;个人发展……)

2. 咨询国际班汉语课程的情况(班级大小;是否侧重听说;能不中国学生交流)

3. 询问是否提供食宿。


1 词数不少于 100

2 可适当加入细节,使内容充实,行文连贯;

3 开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear li Jin,






根据所给的首字母和中文写出所缺单词的正确形式(每空 1 分,满分 10 分)

1.I’d like to r _____ (保留)my judgements until I know all the facts.

2.We are p _____ (深远地;极大地) affected by what happens to us in the childhood.

3.We'll see how this schedule works, and then we'll make a few a _____ ( ) as necessary.

4.We can’t g _____  (担保) you a window seat on Oct. 1 if you don’t book in advance.

5.Some companies, unlike HUAWEI, seem c _____ (谨慎的) about investing more money in research and development.

6.College students are encouraged to take part-time jobs to a _____ (积累) social experience needed for their future career.

7.Rebecca still stood h _____ (犹豫) like a swimmer about to make his dive, hardly knowing whether to return or move forward.

8.Let me take this o _____ (机会) to say a few words to express my thanks for your help.

9.Is he a close friend of you or just an a _____ (熟人)?

10.The location helps Sri Lanka to become an i _____ (理想的) export market to access larger markets.



    It’s been two years since I came to Helsinki, and while I have already forgotten my confusion about street names, in my mind the structure of it is still forming. There are stages of adjustment to a new place — from loving all the new to hating just about everything — but feeling settled can take a while.

I consider New York City my second hometown. You fight your way into NYC. It isn’t easy. It isn’t cheap. It isn’t particularly friendly, at least until you’re used to a four-letter word as part of a compliment. So when I got to Helsinki, I was suspicious(怀疑的)of how easy it was(aside from the street names). People were friendly and nice.

Aside from the coffee and the cost of living, Helsinki and New York don’t have much in common; but I was born in the US Midwest, which was heavily influenced by Nordic immigrants(移民), so as foreign as it was, parts of Finnish life seemed familiar.

Still, I missed New York. I visited it last year, and went to my old coffee cart( 啡车), still in the same place. Although it was 2019, my mind insisted that it was 2007and I had never left. Or, I did: cities change, bit by bit, day by day, so slowly that they always seem the same, when you close your eyes for twelve years, even if everything looks the same when you open them, it isn’t. The slang(俚语)is slightly different; there are references to a TV show I’ve never seen.

In my mind, this was home. It was the place I saw when I dreamt of my childhood, long after I left it; and now I am the same as the tourists. So I get back on the plane to Finland. I’m leaving the ghost behind to return to a place where I’m real, and that is itself changing, bit by bit, day by day.

1.We can know from the passage that _____ .

A.it took the authors some time to adapt to Helsinki

B.the author has lived in Helsinki for many years

C.the author is tired of everything in Helsinki now

D.the author has never returned to New York since she left

2.When the author got to Helsinki at first, she _____ .

A.found people there were not friendly

B.was confused about street names

C.thought it was easy to praise people using four-letter words

D.thought the life in Helsinki was harder than that in New York

3.Why does the author feel familiar with parts of Finnish life?

A.Because her birthplace was affected by Nordic’ immigrants.

B.Because Finland has the same coffee as her hometown.

C.Because the cost of living in Finland is the same as that of her hometown.

D.Because Helsinki and New York have much in common.

4.Which of the following might be the title for passage?

A.A place where I was born

B.A place where I worked

C.A place that I visited

D.A place where I am real



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