满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Tom was on his way to the campsite. He s...

    Tom was on his way to the campsite. He sat at the back of his father’s car in_________. Besides, his own_________, his aunt, uncle and two cousins were also going.

Before long, they arrived at the _________. Tom’s relatives were already there. He waved to them _________. After removing the stuff from the cars, his father and uncle tried to put up _______

before night fell. While his mother and aunt were_________ dinner, the three boys gathered firewood in the_________ nearby.

By six o'clock in the evening, the three tents were up and a pot of soup was boiling over the campfire. Everyone sat around the fire, _________ happily and drinking the soup. Time seemed to pass _________in such a quiet place. The children cleared up after dinner. Then everyone________songs and played games. After that, they went to sleep.

The sky was clear the next__________. After a simple breakfast, they decided to__________ in the river before their adventure in the woods. Then, after walking for three __________in the forest, they stopped for lunch. With the birds singing around them, they__________ plans for the rest of the week as they enjoyed the__________sandwiches.

1.A.anger B.horror C.excitement D.embarrassment

2.A.family B.pet C.children D.friends

3.A.school B.campsite C.office D.building

4.A.slowly B.happily C.anxiously D.proudly

5.A.buildings B.flags C.notices D.tents

6.A.preparing B.enjoying C.exchanging D.expecting

7.A.river B.kitchen C.forest D.farmhouse

8.A.running B.chatting C.shouting D.jumping

9.A.quickly B.immediately C.suddenly D.hurriedly

10.A.wrote B.recited C.sang D.recorded

11.A.evening B.night C.afternoon D.morning

12.A.swim B.eat C.dance D.walk

13.A.minutes B.hours C.days D.weeks

14.A.refused B.praised C.forgot D.discussed

15.A.strange B.new C.cheap D.delicious


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者一家和一些亲戚去野营。文章叙述了在外野营的经历。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他兴奋地坐在他父亲的汽车后座上。A. anger生气;B. horror恐惧;C. excitement兴奋;D. embarrassment尴尬。根据Tom was on his way to the campsite.可知,作为一个孩子,坐在父亲的汽车里,在去营地的路上应该是“兴奋地”。故选C。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:此外,他自己的家人,他的叔叔、婶子和两个堂兄弟也要去。A. family家人;B. pet宠物;C. children孩子;D. friends朋友。根据空后的his aunt, uncle and two cousins were also going.可知,“his own____2____,”他自己的“家人”一定会去的。故选A。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:不久,他们到达了营地。A. school学校;B. campsite营地;C. office办公室;D. building建筑物。根据文章第一句,可知,此处应该指到达了“营地”。故选B。 4.考查副词词义辨析。句意:汤姆的亲戚已经在那里了。他高兴地向他们挥手。A. slowly慢慢地;B. happily高兴地;C. anxiously焦虑地;D. proudly自豪地。根据Tom’s relatives were already there. 和waved ,可知,看到亲戚们已经到了,应该是“高兴地”挥手致意。故选B。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的父亲和叔叔把车里的东西搬出来后,试图在夜幕降临前搭起帐篷。A. buildings建筑物;B. flags旗帜;C. notices通知;D. tents帐篷。根据before night fell和前文提到的campsite,所以自然是搭建“帐篷”在野外过夜。故选D。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当他的母亲和婶婶正在准备晚饭时,三个男孩在附近的森林里拾柴火。A. preparing准备;B. enjoying享受,喜爱;C. exchanging交换;D. expecting期盼。根据dinner和 the three boys gathered firewood可知,这里指“准备”晚饭。故选A。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当他的母亲和婶婶正在准备晚饭时,三个男孩在附近的森林里拾柴火。A. river河流;B. kitchen厨房;C. forest森林,树林;D. farmhouse农舍。根据the three boys gathered firewood可知,找柴禾应该是在“森林里”。故选C。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:大家围坐在火堆旁,愉快地聊着天,喝着汤。A. running跑;B. chatting聊天;C. shouting大喊;D. jumping跳跃。根据Everyone sat around the fire, 和happily and drinking the soup.可推知,这里应该是“聊天”。故选B。 9.考查副词。句意:在这样一个安静的地方,时间似乎过得很快。A. quickly讯速地;B. immediately立刻,马上;C. suddenly突然地;D. hurriedly匆匆忙忙地。在外野营,人们很开心,所以时间会过得很快。故选A。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后每个人唱歌和玩游戏。A. wrote写;B. recited背诵;C. sang唱歌;D. recorded记录。根据songs,可知,这里指每个人“唱歌”。故选C。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:第二天早晨,天空晴朗。A. evening晚上;B. night夜晚;C. afternoon下午;D. morning早晨,上午。根据下文中的After a simple breakfast,可知,这是到了第二天早晨。故选D。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:吃了一顿简单的早餐后,他们决定先去河里游泳,然后再去森林探险。A. swim游泳;B. eat吃;C. dance跳舞;D. walk散步。根据in the river可知,此处指去河里游泳。故选A。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后,在森林里走了三个小时后,他们停下来吃午饭。A. minutes分钟;B. hours小时;C. days天;D. weeks周。前面提到“早饭”,再根据they stopped for lunch.可推知,这是散步“几个小时”之后。故选B。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:鸟儿们围着他们唱歌,他们一边享用着美味的三明治,一边讨论着接下来一周的计划。A. refused拒绝;B. praised表扬;C. forgot忘记;D. discussed讨论。根据plans for the rest of the week可推知,“讨论”下一步的计划。故选D。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:鸟儿们围着他们唱歌,他们一边享用着美味的三明治,一边讨论着接下来一周的计划。A. strange奇怪的;B. new 新的;C. cheap便宜的;D. delicious美味的。根据enjoyed 和sandwiches,可推知,“美味的”三明治。故选D。

    Our culture is the system we use to build our identity. All living things are part of a culture. Even animals have a culture! So what is culture? It's the way we behave in a group. It begins with each individual (单个的) family. Within our families we do things to build relationships with each other. This can include routines like daily housework and weekly shopping. It also includes traditions. Traditions are activities that are repeated on a regular basis.

Culture is not limited to individual family groups. The real strength of culture is in larger community groups. These larger groups are called societies. Every society makes rules for itself. It decides how people should act in different situations. Some of these rules are written down. Some are just things that are naturally expected of all members of that society.

Often, cultures can be recognized by what the people believe. Cultures are also known by what they choose to include in their art. Sometimes cultures may be formed by people who speak the same language. Cultures may also be known for their customs, including the foods they make and the things they do.

Our cultures help us understand who we are and what we believe. There are very strong feelings connecting us to our own society. Two different cultures may disagree on something, especially if they both feel strongly about it. When that happens, war is a common result.

People are learning better ways to communicate with each other. The more we communicate, the more we appreciate the differences in cultures.

1.The underlined word routines in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.

A.hobbies B.behaviors

C.formal activities D.daily activities

2.Where does the real strength of culture?

A.In arts. B.In societies.

C.In families. D.In languages.

3.Which of the following may the author disagree with according to the passage?

A.Culture doesn't exist in animals.

B.Culture is the way we behave.

C.Cultures may not agree with each other.

D.Cultures help us understand ourselves.

4.How can people appreciate cultural differences?

A.By building a wall. B.By preparing to fight.

C.By communicating. D.By making friends.

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A.What Is Culture? B.What Is Society?

C.What Is Tradition? D.What Is System?



    Albert was mad about computer games. He could spend hours in front of the computer. When people encouraged him to leave the screen to have a normal life, he would respond "this is my window to the world. There is much more here than you realize."

Among all his games, he especially liked a rabbit-catching game. He was a real expert at it. He once even won the champion of an online rabbit-catching competition.

One day, as usual, as soon as he got home, he ran to his room to play computer games. But this time he found the computer was not there. Yet in its place there was a box, on which a card said, “Gift for Game Winner." When he opened the box, he found a real rabbit in it. His parents then came in to tell him that they bought him the rabbit in place of the rabbit game because his computer was sent for repair.

Albert loved the little rabbit immediately. He liked playing with it and even gave it a name. He studied its diet and habits. Days later, he actually began to enjoy the company of the rabbit. And he also enjoyed sharing his stories and his growing knowledge about rabbits with his parents, friends and teachers.

Now, Albert is no longer mad about computer games. He prefers learning and discovering new things about animals. He also uses the computer to do that. When someone asks him why he stops playing computer games, he points to his pet and says. “This is my window to the world. There is more than you realize.”

1.Albert used to be  _______.

A.mad with his parents B.interested in rabbit stories

C.good at catching rabbits D.crazy about computer games

2.Albert was an expert at _______.

A.catching rabbits in the woods B.keeping different kinds of pets

C.online computer game competitions D.computer game of rabbit-catching

3.What did his parents do after Albert computer was sent for repair?

A.They gave him a real rabbit as a gift.

B.They bought him a new rabbit game.

C.They replaced his computer with a box.

D.They told him to stop playing computer games

4.What change does the little rabbit bring to Albert?

A.He starts to like the shop that sold the rabbit.

B.He prefers discovering new things about animals.

C.He likes playing computer games with the rabbit.

D.He is no longer good at playing computer games.

5.What is Albert's “window to the world” now?

A.His parents. B.Computer games.

C.His pet rabbit. D.Knowledge about nature.



    Ann started to work last summer. In order to have a holiday, she saved as much as she could and, this January, she booked a package tour to Spain. She left London airport early on the morning of the first Saturday in August. She was very excited, as this was her first trip abroad. When she arrived at Barcelona airport, the weather was beautiful.

At the hotel, she found that her Spanish money wasn't in her handbag. All she had was a small purse with ten English pounds in it!

Ann found a place to change her English money for Spanish money. She would stay here for two weeks. After changing her money, Ann bought some cheese, some bread and some oranges. When she got back to the hotel, she told the tour guide that her doctor had told her not to eat much food, so she'd just have breakfast each day. This was all right, as she knew breakfast was included in the price of hotel.

For the rest of her holiday, Ann swam in the hotel or lay on the beach. She also went for long walks with Jane, a Scottish girl. However, when the others went to interesting places,Ann always said she wasn't well. In fact, her holiday wasn't bad, except that she was always hungry.

On the last day, Jane asked her why she never ate with them in the hotel restaurant. The food was excellent. Ann told her all about her money problem. Jane looked at her for a minute, and then said, “But didn't you know? The price of this tour includes everything!"

1.Why was Ann so excited about the trip?

A.Because she had never been abroad. B.Because she had saved enough money.

C.Because she had booked a cheap tour. D.Because she had found a good job.

2.What problem did Am have on her tour?

A.She didn't find her purse.

B.She couldn't find a place to change money.

C.She couldn't find her Spanish money.

D.She didn't understand Spanish.

3.Ann told the tour guide that _______.

A.she wanted to see a doctor B.she doubted the price of the hotels

C.she had bought some food for her meals D.she would only take breakfast

4.According to Paragraph 4, Ann failed to _______.

A.go to interesting places B.see the beautiful beach

C.take long walks D.swim in the hotel

5.What can we learn from the story?

A.Ann was not allowed to eat much.

B.Ann's Spanish money was stolen.

C.Ann missed some meals included in the tour.

D.Ann didn't like the restaurant and the holiday.



Would you like to see a movie with me tonight?


A.I'm not free B.We'd better not

C.We'll be fine D.I'd love to



My wife and I are going to Paris.


A.Never mind B.No problem

C.Have a good trip D.It's my pleasure



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