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Take a walk through Washington and you’l...

    Take a walk through Washington and you’ll find plenty of marble memorials(纪念碑). But is that what the future of the memorial-rich city holds? If the winners of a new design competition have their way, probably not.

The Memorials for the Future design competition invited submissions (意见书) from teams throughout the world. Though, the memorials selected won’t actually be built in the city, they were intended to start a discussion about how to think of memorials in a very different future.

Climate Chronograph, the winning project by Team Azimuth Land Craft, greatly departs from memorials as we know them. The project memorializes the harmful effects of climate change by suggesting a memorial at Hains Point, a spot between the Potomac River and Washington Channel. Just 100 years ago, the man-made island was part of the river. It came into existence after the National Park Service decided to turn the confluence(合流点) of the waters into a tidal basin to protect the nearby National Mall from floods.

Those floods are expected to come more and more often as the climate changes. Climate Chronograph will memorialize those changes by planting cherry trees as a kind of tidal gauge(潮位计) that can be used by future visitors to determine just how much water levels have risen.

The other winning projects include a project that frees mechanical parrots that fly over the Jefferson Memorial and collect and retell stories about monumentsa podcast (播客) platform that puts immigrant stories on public transportation, and an interactive memorial that brings national parks to the D. C. Metro. The competition also produced a report that points to ways America can better memorialize the things that matter—strategies that could help cities save money and space.

That’s good news, especially given that D.C.’s iconic Mall has been closed to new construction. The memorials of the future won’t just turn collective memories toward the stories of new phenomena and groups like climate change and immigrants. Rather, it seems that they’ll make use of space in new creative ways—no marble needed.

1.What is the purpose of the design competition?

A.To select the best design team.

B.To find new uses for old memorials.

C.To design new memorials for Washington.

D.To explore new ways of experiencing memorials.

2.What can be used to replace the underlined word “departs” in Paragraph 3?

A.Differs B.Benefits

C.Suffers D.Learns

3.What do we know about Climate Chronograph?

A.It will be located in a park.

B.It will be built after the competition.

C.It clearly shows the effects of climate change.

D.It uses high-tech equipment to measure climate change.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A.A memorial to a sad future.

B.Marble memorials are out of date.

C.Climate Chronograph, memorial for our future.

D.What will the memorials of the future look like?


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了一项设计未来纪念碑的比赛中获胜者为一个名为Climate Chronograph的项目,可以清楚地显示气候变化的影响。竞赛还产生了一份报告,指出了美国可以更好地纪念那些重要事物的方式——帮助城市节省资金和空间的策略。未来的纪念碑会以新的创造性方式利用空间。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段中Though, the memorials selected won’t actually be built in the city, they were intended to start a discussion about how to think of memorials in a very different future.(尽管如此,所选的纪念碑实际上并不是建在这座城市里的,它们是为了在一个非常不同的未来如何看待纪念碑而设计的。)可知设计比赛的目的是探索纪念碑体验的新方式。故选D。 2.词义猜测题。结合后文The project memorializes the harmful effects of climate change by suggesting a memorial at Hains Point, a spot between the Potomac River and Washington Channel.可知该项目通过在Hains Point(位于Potomac河和华盛顿海峡之间)建造一座纪念碑来纪念气候变化的有害影响。这与人们通常理解意义上的纪念碑有很大不同,故划线单词意思为“不同于”。故选A。 3.细节理解题。根据第三段中The project memorializes the harmful effects of climate change by suggesting a memorial at Hains Point…(该项目通过在Hains Point建立纪念碑来纪念气候变化的有害影响……)可知Climate Chronograph清楚地显示了气候变化的影响。故选C。 4.主旨大意题。根据第二段中Though, the memorials selected won’t actually be built in the city, they were intended to start a discussion about how to think of memorials in a very different future.(尽管如此,所选的纪念碑实际上并不是建在这座城市里的,它们是为了在一个非常不同的未来如何看待纪念碑而设计的。)以及结合文章主要内容可知主要为以Climate Chronograph为例来说明未来的纪念碑可能出现的方式,故D选项“未来的纪念碑会是什么样子?”符合文章标题。故选D。

    Survey after survey indicates that one of our biggest worries in retirement is running out of money. More than a third of retired investors and half who aren’t retired said they worry they will run out of money and be forced to depend on Social Security as their main income source, according to a Wells Fargo-Gallup survey.

You might think that it would make people save more. But few of us even know how much we need to save for a comfortable retirement. However, one way people can feel better about retirement is to start out with as little debt as possible. And that leads us to a question many financial planners are asked by pre-retirees: Should you pay off that mortgage(房贷) before you retire? Unlike many areas of retirement planning, there is no easy answer to this question. The simplest answer is: It depends.

“It’s very dependent on the actual individual,” says Jimmy Lee, chief executive of the Wealth Consulting Group in Las Vegas. “The people who have more reliable sources of income may be more suited to carrying a mortgage,” he says. “Interest rates are a big factor. In today’s low-interest environment, it would make sense to carry a mortgage if your mortgage rate is under 4 percent and you can get an investment rate of 6 percent.”

Mitch Katz, financial adviser and partner at Capital Associates in Bethesda, says having that mortgage paid off helps some people sleep at night. “It’s kind of an emotional thing more than a financial thing,” Katz says. “At the end of the day, financially it makes more sense to not pay off the mortgage. But that’s easy to say in theory and harder in practice.”

“We can control only what we can control,” he says. “You can go to the gym and eat healthy, and walk outside and get hit by a bus. We can’t control that. But, paying off a mortgage, it gives you the ability to pay off other things. Emotionally, it’s very powerful.”

1.How will those depending on Social Security probably feel?

A.Proud B.Awkward

C.Hopeful D.Ignorant

2.What benefit might worry in retirement bring?

A.It may result in more savings. B.It leads to a wiser investment.

C.It will reduce the mortgage greatly. D.It ensures a comfortable retirement.

3.What’s Jimmy Lee’s advice for those carrying a mortgage?

A.Ask financial planners for suggestions.

B.Pay off the mortgage before retirement.

C.Seek new investment opportunities after retirement.

D.Balance the mortgage against the investment return.

4.What does Mitch Katz’s answer focus on?

A.Interest rates B.Mental burden

C.Social changes D.Financial theory



    It was the week before Christmas, and the line at the post office snaked twice around the lobby(大厅). It seemed that no one was moving. The office looked like an exhibit in the Postal Wax Museum. I came to the self-service machine where the line was much shorter.

I don’t like self-service. I tell people it’s because I don’t approve of taking jobs away from people, but the real problem is that I’m not good at it. The machine always asks me something I don’t know the answer to. I hate this. I am a retired letter carrier, and we moved mail in the old-fashioned way hand to hand, human to human. We were fast, friendly, and frequently accurate.

The woman in the front of the line was clicking away at the screen. And the clicks were surprisingly loud. Any signs of hesitation on her part were telegraphed to the whole lobby. I felt sorry for her: The machine could smell fear. The next person took a long time, too. I breathed deeply. By the time it was my turn, I had the heart rate of a yogi(瑜伽修行者).

Under the weight of concern from the people in line behind me, I felt a growing obligation to minimize the seconds between clicks. Finally it was time to slide in a credit card. The machine didn’t take it. “Try putting it in the other way” the gentleman behind me suggested. No good.

“I’ve got a different card,” I said, and fished around for that one, beginning to sweat. The machine wanted a PIN, but not the one I suggested.

“Start over.” I clicked, intending to try the first card again.

Oh no. I had to start all over again.

“I’ m sorry,” I said, looking back, sheepish. “I guess I don't know what I’m doing. You all go ahead.”

“Don’t give up,” said the nice man behind me. “Try it again. We’re all friends here, right?”

Smiles were blooming all down the line. I tried again, clicked with deliberation and sincerity, and introduced my credit card as though I were presenting it to the queen. Finally, I made it!

I couldn’t have been happier. Everyone burst into applause. Comfort and joy!

1.What do we know about the post office?

A.It was pretty large. B.Something went wrong there.

C.It was very busy at Christmas. D.Efficient services were provided.

2.While waiting for his turn, the author was     .

A.a little excited B.totally relaxed

C.bored and impatient D.nervous and anxious

3.What does the underlined word “sheepish” in Paragraph 8 mean?

A.Grateful B.Surprised

C.Embarrassed D.Determined

4.What did the man behind the author do?

A.He rushed the author. B.He laughed at the author.

C.He mailed for the author. D.He encouraged the author.



Author Talks &Lectures in the Toronto Public Library

Ice Ghosts: The Epic Hunt for the Lost Franklin Expedition

Thu Apr 27, 2019

1:00 p.m.—2:00 p.m.

Location: City Hall

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Paul Watson on the epic hunt for the lost Franklin Expedition and the rare mix of marine science and Inuit knowledge that led to the shipwreck’s (海难的) recent discovery.

No registration required.

Toronto 1910: Tales of Our Past: Clergy and Convicts

Tue May 02, 2019

12:00 p.m.—1:00 p.m.

Location: Barbara Frum

Learn about your city’s history and participate in reading and slide show featuring excerpts(节选) from a new historical fiction novel series.

To register, please call 416-395-5440.

Beneath the African Sun with Author Maria Lynch

Wed May 03, 2019

7:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m.

Location: Bloor/Gladstone

Join us for a book talk and Q &A with Maria Lynch, the author of Beneath the African Sun. Beneath the African Sun is a migrant’s story about moving from Portuguese India to British East Africa during the early 20th century. More than a history, it is a story about family, home, social justice and what it means to truly belong somewhere.

Drop in. No registration required.

The Science of Shakespeare

Wed May 10, 2019

7:00 p.m. —8:00 p.m.

Location: Beaches

William Shakespeare lived in the first stage of the scientific revolution. New ideas about the human body, the earth, and the universe were transforming western thought—and—yet “Shakespeare” and “science” are rarely talked about in the same breath. Dan Falk will explore Shakespeare’s interest in the scientific discoveries of his time—asking what he knew, when he knew it, and how that knowledge is reflected in his works.

No registration necessary.

1.Where can you hear a lecture by a Pulitzer-Prize winner?

A.Beaches. B.City Hall.

C.Barbara Frum. D.Bloor/Gladstone.

2.For which event do you need to register?

A.The Science of Shakespeare.

B.Beneath the African Sun with Author Maria Lynch.

C.Toronto 1910: Tales of Our Past: Clergy and Convicts.

D.Ice Ghosts: The Epic Hunt for the Lost Franklin Expedition.

3.What can be inferred from the last lecture?

A.Shakespeare was interested in the universe.

B.Science is touched upon in Shakespeare’s works.

C.The scientific revolution changed Shakespeare’s thought.

D.Shakespeare had a deep understanding of the scientific revolution.



Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.







Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.











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