满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Colleen and her husband were part of a g...

    Colleen and her husband were part of a group walking the Overland Track. It was the fifth day of a 6-day walk. The guide, who was waiting for them at the nearest camp, had ______ them about the slippery and potentially dangerous conditions. Colleen, an experienced adventurer from Sydney, was a naturally ______ walker. She walked in front of her husband and carefully checked the safety of the track when they were going down a steep slope (陡坡). Suddenly she heard a cracking sound from ______.

“When I realized what was happening, I was ______ to a deep ditch (沟壑), my pack on my back.” Colleen’s fall was only ______ by the presence of a branch that stretched across the ditch and ______  her from a fall that could otherwise have been deadly.

Colleen hit her head badly and went into ______. She soon woke up and turned around to see her husband sitting stunned on the side of the track. He had ______ fallen from the top. He had first slipped above Colleen, and his full weight, with his pack, ______ down on top of her. He was uninjured, and Colleen was suspended on the branch. He ______ out to grab Colleen’s arm. Colleen felt so ______, the worst physical suffering she had ever felt in her life. She knew ______ that her arm was broken.

Her husband took her pack along with his own and together they ______ for the final three kilometers to the camp. Once they reached the camp, the guide gave her first aid and called for the rescue helicopter immediately.

Colleen was ______ to the nearest hospital by helicopter. She was ______ in the hospital and was told that her head and neck were okay, but her arm had been broken in four places.

Later, Colleen ______ with emotion. “After this personal ______ of near-death and being saved, I realized that in some situations there’s absolutely no ______ to get to hospital, and the rescue helicopter was the only way. At that moment, the most ______ noise was hearing the helicopter come. The helicopter rescue workers were so generous, so highly skilled as well. When they arrived with the policemen, I was never more ______ to see anyone in my whole life.”

1.A.interviewed B.warned C.asked D.taught

2.A.curious B.independent C.cautious D.patient

3.A.opposite B.ahead C.faraway D.above

4.A.jumping B.heading C.turning D.walking

5.A.broken B.caused C.followed D.protected

6.A.hid B.released C.kept D.pulled

7.A.shock B.action C.silence D.panic

8.A.consequently B.immediately C.accidentally D.eventually

9.A.lay B.settled C.bent D.crashed

10.A.looked B.ran C.spread D.reached

11.A.fearful B.painful C.regretful D.pitiful

12.A.straight away B.after all C.at times D.without hesitation

13.A.prepared B.struggled C.searched D.competed

14.A.forced B.guided C.rushed D.invited

15.A.consulted B.cured C.assessed D.examined

16.A.recalled B.declared C.advised D.responded

17.A.experience B.training C.evaluation D.feeling

18.A.possibility B.privilege C.alternative D.necessity

19.A.familiar B.unexpected C.deafening D.wonderful

20.A.honored B.grateful C.motivated D.confident


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.A 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.B 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是Colleen在一次行走之旅中遭遇意外并且获救的事。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:导游提醒过他们关于路滑,可能有风险的一些情况,他在最近的营地等他们。 A. interviewed采访;B. warned提醒;C. asked询问;D. taught教授。一个团体中的导游,主要负责提醒一些注意事项,warn意为提醒,符合题意,故选B项。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Colleen 是来自悉尼的一个经验丰富的探险者,她是个天生谨慎的行走者。A. curious好奇的;B. independent独立的;C. cautious谨慎的;D. patient耐心的。Colleen经验丰富,做事不会太莽撞,比较谨慎。cautious意为谨慎的,符合题意,故选C项。 3.考查副词词义辨析。句意:突然,她听到上面有裂缝声。 A. opposite在对面;B. ahead在前面;C. faraway远的;D. above在上面,在较高处。根据上下文,他们是沿着斜坡向下走,而且是她丈夫在她后面,摔倒时撞着了她,所以裂缝声是从上面传来的,故选D项。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我意识到发生什么时,我正朝一个深壑走去,背上背着包。A. jumping跳;B. heading朝(某方向)行进;C.turning转弯;D. walking行走。根据下文,Colleen往下掉的过程被深壑旁的树枝打断可知,她当时是正朝那里前进。Heading意为朝(某方向)行进,符合题意,故选B项, 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她往下掉时被伸到深壑上的树枝打断了,树枝挡住了她的继续下滑,不然的话可能会让她丧命。 A. broken打断;B. caused引起; C. followed追随;D. protected保护。树枝挡住了她,中断了她的继续下滑。broken意为打断,符合题意。故选A项。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她往下掉时被伸到深壑上的树枝打断了,树枝挡住了她的继续下滑,不然的话可能会让她丧命。A. hid躲藏;B. released释放;C. kept保存;D. pulled拉。树枝阻止了她的继续下滑,否则,如果她继续下滑,可能会丧命。keep …from…意为阻止….做….,是固定短语,符合题意。故选C项。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Colleen狠狠地撞着了头部,陷入休克。A. shock休克;B. action行动;C. silence沉默;D. panic惊恐。Colleen撞着了头部,暂时昏迷,进入休克状态。shock意为休克,符合题意。故选A项。 8.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他不小心从顶部摔下来。 A. consequently因此;B. immediately立即;C. accidentally不小心,偶然地;D. eventually最后,终于。摔下来这个行为不是故意为之,所以是不小心摔下来的。故选C项。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他先是不小心从Colleen上方滑下来的,他整个的重量加上背的包从colleen上方重重地撞下来。 A. lay趟;B. settled定居;C. bent弯曲;D. crashed碰撞。根据上下文,他们是下坡,他在Colleen的后面,所以他摔倒后,带着自身的重量和包的重量朝下猛撞。故选D项。 10.考查动词短语辨析。句意:他伸出手抓住Colleen的胳膊。A. looked(out of)小心,提防;B. ran(out of)跑出,缺乏;C. spread传播;D. reached(out of)伸手去….。他往下滑时撞到了Colleen,Colleen被树枝挂住时,这种危急情况,他伸手去抓住妻子。故选D项。 11.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Colleen感到如此的疼,是她一生以来感受到的最糟糕的身体上的疼。A. fearful害怕的;B. painful疼痛的;C. regretful 后悔的;D. pitiful可怜的。她摔下来,受伤很严重,主要是身体上的疼痛。故选B项。 12.考查固定短语辨析。句意:她立刻就知道胳膊断了。 A. straight away立刻,马上;B. after all毕竟,终究;C. at times有时;D. without hesitation毫不犹豫地。她醒来后,感到的是疼痛难忍,她立刻就知道自己的胳膊断了。故选A项。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她丈夫将她的背包背起,两人一起艰难地走完最后三公里,到达营地。A. prepared准备;B. struggled努力;C. searched搜寻;D. competed比赛。两人出了意外,而且Colleen还受伤严重,两人最后的行走只能是挣扎着,努力着。struggle意为努力,挣扎,符合题意。故选B项。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Colleen被用直升机紧急送往最近的医院。A. forced强迫;B. guided指导;C. rushed快速运输;D. invited邀请。Colleen受伤严重,所以到了营地被急忙送往医院。rushed意为快速运输,符合题意。故选C项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她在医院接受了检查,被告知头和脖子还好,但是胳膊四处骨折。 A. consulted咨询; B. cured治愈;C. assessed评估;D. examined检查。到医院去,当然是检查身体。故选D项。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:后来,Colleen激动地回忆这件事。A. recalled回忆;B. declared宣布;C. advised建议;D. responded回应。事情过后,Colleen回忆这件事。故选A项。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在这次接近死亡又被拯救的个人经历后,我意识到在有些情况下,没有其他的选择可以去医院,直升机是唯一的途径。 A. experience经历;B. training培训;C. evaluation评估;D. feeling感觉。这次事件是Colleen的一次个人经历,而非其他。故选A项。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在这次接近死亡又被拯救的个人经历后,我意识到在有些情况下,没有其他的选择可以去医院,直升机是唯一的途径。A. possibility可能性;B. privilege特权; C. alternative选择;D. necessity必要性。根据下文的直升机是唯一的方法可知,没有其他可选择的途径。故选C项。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那个时候,最美妙的声音,就是听到直升机的声音。 A. familiar熟悉的;B. unexpected意料之外的;C. deafening震耳欲聋的;D. wonderful极好的。根据上文,直升机在某些情况下是送人去医院的唯一途径,受伤的人听到直升机的声音会有即将获救的如释重负,所以直升机的声音听起来是美妙了的,极好的。故选D项。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当他们和警察一起到来时,我一生中从来没那么地感激。 A. honored荣幸的;B. grateful感激的;C. motivated有积极性的;D. confident自信的。Colleen受伤了,所以对急救人员和警察的到来是感激不已,并非其他。故选B项。


The Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes is a world heritage (遗产) site 1. (locate) in Gansu Province, Northwest China. In 2016, the first phase of Digital Dunhuang resource database went online. Now people from all over the world can enjoy high-definition images and panoramic (全景的) tours of 30 caves on the Digital Dunhuang website. Digital Dunhuang 2. (integrate) all kinds of data, including videos, 3D data, pictures and others, into digital images that can be shared globally over the Internet, Although the Digital Dunhuang project has a long way 3. (go), it has significant meaning to 4. (culture) heritage protection.




According to a recent study, dolphins have displayed certain characteristics of human conversation in their communication. Two dolphins, Yana and Yasha, 1. (study) as they communicated with each other. Researchers found that they would stop talking in order to listen to 2. the other had to “say”, just like a conversation between two humans. Dolphins have been known to be one of the most intelligent 3. (animal). We have studied dolphins for decades, but this new evidence on their communication patterns is one of the most exciting.




Christmas was near. I walked away from my school and followed the worn path through the trees onto the street 1. Cole’s grocery store stood. In my pocket was a collection of coins and bills I 2. (earn) the summer before. Cars ran down the street as I opened the door to the store. The noise of the cars disappeared when the door closed 3. me. I was a kid who felt out of place and on a mission. For the first time, I was going to buy a Christmas gift for my mum and dad.



假定你是李华,你校将举办文学艺术节(Literature and Art Festival)。请给你校外教Phil写邮件,邀请他做讲座。邮件内容包括:


2. 时间: 1228日,下午4;

3.地点: 艺术馆大厅(Art Gallery Hall)


1. 词数100左右;

2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;

3. 书写占5分。

Dear Phil,


Looking forward to hearing from you son


Li Hua




增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^) ,并在其:下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。


注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


A habit is that we do on regular basis, Good habits does contribute to our success. Good habits of learning will help us obtain more knowledges and improve our skills. Meanwhile, good habits of living can make us heath both physically and mentally. Once a good habit is formed, and it will give us the power to control ourselves. Besides make efforts to form good habits, we should also try to kick bad ones. Though bad habits are hard to get rid with, we all know where there is a will, there is a way, If we insisted on behaving ourselves properly, we are sure to remove it



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