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Be a Good One "Whatever you are,” said A...

Be a Good One

"Whatever you are,” said Abraham Lincoln, "be a good one." He _______ it with his own life. And in the present age.his words _______ an improvement.

Composer Frederick Loewe was not always _______. He learned the piano from the great masters of Europe and achieved huge success as an _______ and composer in his early years. But when he immigrated to the United States, he _______ as a piano genius. For a while he tried other types of _______ including looking for gold and boxing. _______ he never gave up his dream and continued to play the _______ and write music.

During those _______ years, he could not always ______________ to make payments on his piano. One day, bent over the keyboard he heard nothing but the music that he ______________ with such rare inspiration. When he finished and looked upon, he was ______________ to find that he had the audience of three men who were seated on the ______________.

They said nothing and made no movement toward the piano. ______________, they stood from the floor and dug into their pockets, collected together enough ______________ for the payment, placed it on the piano and walked out, empty handed. Moved by the   ______________ of his music, these men recognized excellence and ______________ to it.

Whatever you are, be a ______________ one. If what you do is worth doing, if you believe that who you are is of value, then you can't afford to be ______________ with mediocrity (平庸之才).When you choose the path of excellence through this life, you will bring it to your best and ______________ the best it can offer in return. And you will know what it is to be satisfied.

1.A.linked B.ensured C.proved D.invented

2.A.need B.take C.make D.bring

3.A.greedy B.famous C.polite D.generous

4.A.actor B.conductor C.singer D.musician

5.A.failed B.worked C.acted D.lived

6.A.choices B.jobs C.chances D.fortunes

7.A.Or B.So C.But D.And

8.A.card B.violin C.basketball D.piano

9.A.hard B.memorable C.unforgettable D.wonderful

10.A.bother B.seek C.struggle D.afford

11.A.recorded B.played C.wrote D.liked

12.A.surprised B.satisfied C.ashamed D.terrified

13.A.edge B.chair C.blanket D.floor

14.A.Thus B.Therefore C.Instead D.However

15.A.money B.cost C.charge D.fee

16.A.form B.meaning C.title D.beauty

17.A.adapted B.turned C.responded D.led

18.A.honest B.good C.wise D.positive

19.A.content B.patient C.popular D.busy

20.A.experience B.present C.addict D.receive


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了作曲家 Frederick Loewe(弗雷德里克·洛韦)通过不懈的努力,在音乐方面最终实现了从平凡到实现自己梦想的故事。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他用自己的生活证明了这一点。A. link联系; B. ensure确保; C. prove证明; D. invent创造。林肯说做人要优秀,通过his own life可知,他也是这样做的。故选C。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在当今时代,他的话需要改进。A. need需要;B. take拿走;C. make制作;D. bring带来。时代不同了,因此他的话“需要”改进。故选A。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:作曲家Frederick Loewe(弗雷德里克·洛韦)并不总是出名的。A. greedy贪婪的; B. famous著名的; C. polite礼貌的; D. generous慷慨的。根据后文He learned the piano… and achieved huge success... But when he immigrated to the United States, he …. 判断,他也遭遇过失败,因此并不总是出名的。故选B。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他从欧洲的大师那里学习钢琴,早年作为一名音乐家和作曲家取得了巨大的成功。A. actor演员; B. conductor售票员; C. singer 歌手; D. musician音乐家。根据本句中的He learned the piano from the great masters of Europe可知,他学习了如何演奏钢琴,他应该是一名音乐家。故选D。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是当他移民到美国时,他作为一个钢琴天才失败了。A. fail失败; B. work工作; C. act表演; D. live生活。but之前的内容表示他很成功,因此之后遭遇的是失败,故选A。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:有一段时间,他尝试了其他类型的工作,包括寻找黄金和拳击。A. choice选择; B. job工作; C. chance机会; D. fortune运气。他遭遇失败后,做寻找黄金和拳击的“工作”,故选B。 7.考查连词词义辨析。句意:但他从未放弃梦想,继续弹钢琴和创作音乐。A. Or或者; B. So因此; C. But但是; D. And并且。故选C。根据空格前后内容可知,语义发生了转折,故选C。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但他从未放弃梦想,继续弹钢琴和创作音乐。A. card卡片; B. violin小提琴; C. basketball篮球; D. piano钢琴。根据第二段He learned the piano from the great masters.可知,他没有放弃弹钢琴,故选D。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在那些艰难的岁月里,他并不能总是靠弹钢琴来维持生活。A. hard困难的; B. memorable难忘的; C. unforgettable难忘的; D. wonderful精彩的。根据上文他来到美国之后遭遇失败,可知他的生活很艰难,故选A。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在那些艰难的岁月里,他并不能总是靠弹钢琴来维持生活。A. bother困扰; B. seek寻求; C. struggle挣扎; D. afford负担得起。他的生活的艰难,是因为来到美国后遭遇了失败,因此弹钢琴没能给他带来多少收入,他无法依靠弹钢琴来负担生活费用,故选D。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一天,他俯身弹琴时,听到了他用如此罕见的灵感演奏的音乐。A. record记录; B. play玩,演奏(乐器); C. write书写; D. like喜欢。music 是定语从句的先行词,在从句中作play的宾语,即play music,演奏音乐,故选B。 12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当他抬头时,惊讶地发现有三个人坐在地板上。A. surprised惊讶的; B. satisfied满意的; C. ashamed惭愧的; D. terrified恐惧的。因为他全身心地弹琴,因此抬头看见有人在眼前时会感到惊讶,故选A。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当他抬头时,惊讶地发现有三个人坐在地板上。A. edge边缘; B. chair椅子; C. blanket地毯; D. floor地板。根据下一段中they stood from the floor可知,那三个人是坐在地板上的,故选D。 14.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他们站在地上,掏出口袋,凑够了钱,放在钢琴上,两手空空地走了出去,却什么也没说,也没朝钢琴走去。A. Thus由此; B. Therefore因此; C. Instead代替,反而,却; D. However然而。根据空格前后内容,他们把钱放在钢琴上就走了,却什么也没说,也没朝钢琴走去。故选C。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们站在地上,掏出口袋,凑够了钱,放在钢琴上,两手空空地走了出去,却什么也没说,也没朝钢琴走去。A. money钱; B. cost成本; C. charge收费; D. fee费用。根据空格后for the payment,可知他们在掏钱,来支付他们听的这次钢琴演奏,故选A。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些人被他的音乐之美所感动,体会到他的卓越的演奏水平,并对此作出了回应。A. form形式;B. meaning意义;C. title称号;D. beauty美丽。他们在听音乐时没有打扰弹钢琴的人,听完又主动掏钱,可看出他们对于演奏者的钦佩,感受到是音乐的 “美”,故选D。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些人被他的音乐之美所感动,并对此做出了回应。A. adapt适应,改编; B. turn转身; C. respond回答,回应; D. lead引导。此处指的是他们三人掏钱欣赏美丽的音乐,这是对于音乐之美的“回应”,故选C。 18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不管你是谁,做个优秀的人。A. honest诚实的;B. good好的,优秀的; C. wise聪明的;D. positive积极的。此处对文章进行总结,结合文章标题Be a good one,故选B。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果你所做的事情是值得的,如果你相信你是有价值的人,那么你就不能满足于平庸。A. content满意的,满足的; B. patient耐心的;C. popular流行的; D. busy繁忙的。相信自己是有价值的人,那就要做到优秀,不能满足于平庸,这里在紧扣文章主题,be content with对…满足,故选A。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当你选择这一生中的卓越之路时,你会把自己做到最好,并得到最好的回报。A. experience经历; B. present颁发,授予; C. addict 使沉溺,使上瘾;D. receive收到。根据空后in return,可知,你会得到回报的,故选D。

You ______ have carried all these parcels yourself. The shop would have delivered them if you had asked them.

A.may not B.needn't C.can't D.mustn't



Shakespeare’s play Hamlet              into at least ten different films over the past years.

A.had been made B.was made

C.has been made D.would be made



The hall had no spare seats left last night. ______, the performance achieved a great success.

A.Immediately B.Fortunately C.Surprisingly D.Obviously



As teachers, we should be ______ of our students' feelings. And then they will trust us.

A.anxious B.afraid C.delighted D.considerate



When he was still very young, Ba Jin ______ the reputation he still enjoys today as one of China's greatest writers.

A.founded B.started C.established D.made



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