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Incredible Women You Didn't Learn About ...

Incredible Women You Didn't Learn About in History Class

Here are the stories of women you may not know about, but definitely should

Maria Sibylla Merian

Born in Germany in 1647, Merian was fascinated by insects, and she began collecting, studying, and drawing them when she was as young as 13. She was one of the few naturalists of her time to actually study live insects. It was through her study of caterpillars(毛毛虫) that she discovered the truth about their life cycles. Her work provided major contributions to the field of entomology(昆虫学)。

Murasaki Shikibu

Murasaki Shikibu, a Japanese woman, was widely considered to be the world’s first novelist. She was a noble woman living in Japan around the year 1000 AD. She wrote a two-part novel called The Tale of Genji, which tells a riches-to-rags story about the son of a Japanese emperor forced to live as a common man. The Tale of Genji is widely considered to be a masterpiece of Japanese literature.

Ada Lovelace

Ada was working to design early computing machines that she hoped would be able to quickly solve math problems. In addition to designing this early computer program, she also was first to suggest that these computers might be able to do more than, well, calculate. She imagined them doing everything, from producing images to composing music.

Lucy Stone

Born in 1818, Stone married a fellow activist and changed her name, but decided to change it back a year later. She held the belief that "a wife should no more take her husband's name than hers." She became the first American married woman to keep her maiden name for her entire life. Stone was also one of the founding members of the American Equal Rights Association and fought for the ending of slavery.

1.What can readers learn about from The Tale of Genji?

A.Ancient Japanese culture.

B.Development of computer.

C.Research on living things.

D.Modern life of Japanese women.

2.What do Maria Sibylla Merian and Ada Lovelace have in common?

A.They were pioneers in computer.

B.They devoted themselves to science.

C.They created masterpieces of literature.

D.They made progress in studying Insects

3.Which of the following women fought for human rights?

A.Lucy Stone B.Ada Lovelace

C.Murasaki Shikibu D.Maria Sibylla Merlan


1.A 2.B 3.A 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了四位在世界上不太为人所知却拥有非凡成就的女性。她们分别是:研究活体昆虫的德国博物学家Merian;世界第一位女性小说家Murasaki Shikibu;早期电脑设计师Ada Lovelace;美国第一位保留自己婚前姓氏的女性 Lucy Stone。 1.细节理解题。根据第二则信息She wrote a two-part novel called The Tale of Genji, which tells a riches-to-rags story about the son of a Japanese emperor forced to live as a common man.(她写了《源氏物语》,这部小说分为两部分,讲述了一位日本王子被迫像一个普通人一样生活。)可知,从这部小说中我们可以了解到当时日本人的文化、生活等各方面知识。故选A。 2.细节理解题。从文章中可以得知,Merian是极少数研究活体昆虫的博物学家,并为昆虫学做出了巨大贡献;Ada Lovelace是早期解决电脑运算问题的电脑设计师;由此,可知Sibylla Merian和Ada Lovelace的共同之处在于她们两个都致力于科学研究。故选B。 3.细节理解题。根据第四则信息中Stone was also one of the founding members of the American Equal Rights Association and fought for the ending of slavery.(斯通也是美国平等权利协会的创建者之一,并为结束奴隶制而战。)可知,美国第一位保留自己婚前姓氏的女性 Lucy Stone也在为争取人权而战。故选A。

假设你是李华。你校学生会要招募一名英语导游,陪同今年寒假期间即将 来校访问的美国学生参观滨海新区。请你根据下列提示向你校负责招募工作的外 Mr. Johnson用英语写一封自荐信。







参考词汇:英语演讲比赛the English Speech Contest

滨海新区 Binhai New Area

Dear Mr. Johnson,

I'm writing to apply for the English-speaking guide in this winter vacation.


Looking forward to your earliest reply.


Li Hua




As a child growing up, I have very few memories of the times when we gathered as a family to sit down and eat dinner together. I grew up in a home where both of my parents worked. My mother taught school, and my father worked during the night at a local chemical plant. There was not much time available for us to sit down to eat dinner together due to my parents' conflicting work schedules and the extracurricular activities in which my sister and I participated.

It wasn't until I got married and had two children of my own that I began to realize the importance of eating dinner together. In my family there are elements that take us away from each other, day in and day out, but as a mother I feel it is my responsibility to bring us all back together again at the end of the day. In my house, dinner time is a time of thanks. I give thanks for the food we share, but I am more thankful for the family I share it with. Dinner time is a time for us to share our day, and reflect on our thoughts. It is also a time when we learn about honesty, perseverance, courage, sympathy and friendship. Above all it is a time when my family are able to connect with the ones they love.

As I look at the bread basket which sits on my kitchen table, I am reminded of how the basket's tight weave resembles the tightly woven strands (线)of my family. I believe that through our family dinner, we will not only pass around the meat and potatoes, but we will also hand round virtues that will shape and mold (塑造)us so that we can forever embrace one another just as the basket embraces the bread.

1.Why couldn't the author's family eat dinner together when she was young?(No more than 15 words)

2.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?(No more than 2 words)

3.What does the author think the dinner time actually is for her family?(No more than 10 words)

4.What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?(No more than 15 words)

5.What do you think of eating dinner together with your family? Please give your reason.(No more than 25 words)



    We walk, talk and sleep with our phones. But are we more — or less-connected? Just as remarkable as the power of mobility, over everything from love to global development, is how fast it all happened. It is hard to think of any tool, any instrument, any object in history with which so many developed so close a relationship so quickly as we have with our phones. Not the knife or match, the pen or page. Only money comes close—always at hand, don't leave home without it. But most of us don't take a wallet to bed with us. don't reach for it and check it every few minutes, and however useful money is in pursuit of fame, romance, revolution, it is inert compared with a smart phone — which can replace your wallet now anyway.

So how do we feel about this? To better understand attitudes about mass mobility, Time, in cooperation with Qualcomm, started the Time Mobility Poll, a survey of close to 5,000 people of all age groups and income levels in eight countries. Even the best survey can be only a snapshot in time, but this is revealing a lot about both where we are now and where the mobile wave is taking us next.

Not for a day — in most cases not even for an hour. In Time's Poll, 1 in 4 people check it every 30 minutes, 1 in 5 every 10 minutes. A third of respondents admitted that being without their mobile for even short periods leaves them feeling anxious. It is a form of sustenance, that constant feed of news and notes and nonsense, to be the point that twice as many people would pick their phones over their lunch if forced to choose. Three-quarters of 25-to 29-year-olds sleep with their phones.

Americans are grateful for the connection and convenience their phones provide, helping them search for a lower price, navigate a strange city, expand a customer base or track their health and finances, their family and friends. But in some ways Americans are still ambivalent (矛盾的); more than 9 in 10 Brazilians and Indians agreed that being constantly connected is mostly a good thing. America's 76% was actually the lowest score.

1.What can have a comparison with phones?

A.A pen. B.A knife.

C.A match. D.Money.

2.It can be inferred that a smart phone can also have the function of ______

A.paying bills. B.helping sleep.

C.pursuit money. D.cutting things.

3.Why did Time start the Time Mobility Poll?

A.Because it wanted to cooperate with Qualcomm.

B.Because it wanted to know where the mobile wave was taking us.

C.Because it wanted to learn people's attitudes to mass mobility

D.Because it wanted to know how well the mobile wave went.

4.What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?

A.Mobile phones have become a tool to sleep with.

B.Mobile phones have become a way to get news.

C.Mobile phones have become a tool to order food.

D.Mobile phones have become a must in daily life.

5.According to the passage. Americans are less ______.

A.likely to show appreciation to their phones.

B.constantly connected than Indians.

C.likely to search for a lower price.

D.likely to find ways in a strange city.



    The United States Department of Agriculture has a program called Wildlife Services. Its job is to help protect agricultural and other resources. Often that means helping farmers deal with unwelcome visitors. This organization has experts from different fields and it has set up thousands of inquiry centers all over the country where farmer can explain their difficulty and get practical help.

One example from Wildlife Services of its work involved a farmer in Washington State in the Pacific Northwest. Several years ago, thousands of Canada geese landed on his fields. The geese began to eat his carrot crop. Biologists from the program suggested that the farmer use noise-making devices and other measures to scare the large birds away. These efforts succeeded, which made the farmer quite happy. Wildlife Services also has a livestock protection program. The program just offers suggestions to keep those unwelcome visitors away instead of killing them. The Wildlife Services program is part of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, or APHIS. APHIS offers some suggestions of ways to keep away predators. For example, try to keep food and water safe from wildlife. Fences may help keep out wolves, especially if the fences are at least two meters high.

Experts suggest providing secure shelter for chickens, sheep and other animals that could be attacked. They also suggest using lights above places where these animals are kept. And they advise people who see wolves to chase them away by shouting, making loud noises or throwing rocks. And to protect livestock, consider using guard animals such as dogs and donkeys, which are very effective.

For home gardeners, a two-meter fence might help keep out deer. To keep out rabbits, a wire fence has to be only about a half-meter high. It should extend fifteen centimeters underground to keep rabbits from digging under it. If snakes are a problem, remove dead trees and cut high grass to destroy their hiding places. Due to its effective work, ever since the Wildlife Services was started, it has been well received by farmers all over the States and neighboring countries such as Canada and Mexico.

1.What does wildlife Services aim to help farmer handle?

A.Animals that attack farmers.

B.People who pollute the farmland.

C.People who don't care about wildlife.

D.Animals that do harm to crops or livestock.

2.It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that ______.

A.the cabbage crop was eaten up by Canada geese

B.the farmer didn't have a gun to kill those Canada geese

C.Wildlife Services involves some biologists in its group

D.the farmers like to eat Canada geese very much

3.What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 3?

A.Ways to protect livestock.

B.Ways to deal with wolves.

C.How to protect crops.

D.How to hunt wildlife.

4.Why should the bottom of the fence extend about 15 centimeters into the ground?

A.Wolves can climb over it easily.

B.The strong wind might blow it away.

C.Snakes can cross it from under the ground.

D.Rabbits may enter by digging holes under it.

5.Where does the passage probably come from?

A.A tourist brochure.

B.A science magazine.

C.An entertainment program.

D.A business report.



    Silvano Lattanzi, the master of made — in — Italy shoemaking, was totally conquered by a painting hung in the entrance hall of the very modem Rich Gate, the luxury district in Shanghai.

The painting, before which he knelt down to show his admiration, is the Rich Gale Rose painted by Liu Linghua. who's known as the “Chinese Van Gogh".

It was in May 2016 that Lattanzi first met Liu Linghua who was working on his 15-square-meter great piece. Lattanzi, from the country where Renaissance began, saw the painting accidentally and was immediately impressed by its beauty. He told others that he never imagined that western oil-painting techniques could be developed so well by a Chinese and that this was the best painting he had ever seen.

In the eyes of westerners, Lattanzi is a great master of shoemaking, fashion and arts. His admiration for the Rich Gate Rose well shows the high level of  Lius painting. Ever since this, the two art masters of different nationalities, different ages and different cultural backgrounds have forged a profound friendship.

When Lattanzi came back to China six months later with the pair of shoes he made for Liu, he insisted on delivering the shoes to Liu himself. The two friends met again al the Rich Gale and Liu Linghua presented an embroidery (刺绣)of his master work The Drunken Beauty in return.

Liu expressed repeatedly that his works should be explained by painting and not the words of compliments. He does not care about the titles, though he is on par with the greatest painters. A leading light or a grand master of art, Liu pays little attention to it. Liu thinks actions are more important than words.

1.We can know from the passage that ______.

A.Lattanzi specially came to see the painting

B.Lattanzi is best at oil painting in Europe

C.Liu presented an oil painting to Lattanzi in return

D.the Rich Gate Rose is an excellent oil painting

2.What does Liu think of the compliments on his paintings?

A.He thinks his works are worthy of the compliments.

B.He cares much about the compliments.

C.He thinks the words can encourage him all the time.

D.He thinks the words can't well explain his works.

3.The underlined phrase “on par with” in the last paragraph roughly means      .

A.no better than B.different from

C.as good/important as D.ahead of

4.What's the right order of the following things according to the passage?

a. Silvano Lattanzi and Liu Linghua became true friends.

b. Silvano Lattanzi knelt down in front of the Rich Gate Rose.

c. Liu Linghua presented Silvano Lattanzi an embroidery.

d. Liu Linghua met Silvano Lattanzi for the first time.

e. Silvano Lattanzi came back to China and met Liu Linghua again at the Rich Gate with the shoes he made for Liu.

A.e-d-a-c-b B.a-c-b-d-e

C.b-e-d-a-c D.b-d-a-e-c

5.What's the best title for this passage?

A.Chinese Van Gogh. B.Friendship between Masters.

C.Western Oil Painting. D.A Shoemaking Master.



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