满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

During my second year in high school, I ...

    During my second year in high school, I got sick and missed a few days. When I.____, I was greeted with two essays due, three days of math and history homework, plus several tests____I went home from school that day exhausted, I had to stay up really late to finish them all.

The next day at school, I got a rude awakening: I'd totally forgotten to prepare for the ___on Romeo and Juliet, which I' d take____my lunch hour! Worse still, I had ___the in-class discussion and all the notes. When lunch came, I went to the English room to face my certain doom(厄运). All I could do was try to ___on the questions I didn't know.

As it turned out, I didn’t know the majority of the questions. I was just about to give____when my pencil accidentally fell and broke. Standing by the blackboard sharpening my pencil, I ___down and there in full view lay the answer sheet for the test! What good fortune! I can kiss good-bye to all my____of failing the test! My heart started beating, and my brain ______Yes! Read over the answers-quickly! This was quickly followed by another voice, No! You’ll get caught! My mind turning back and forth, Yes! No! Yes! No! This went on for ten of the____seconds in my entire life.

Finally, I decided to finish the test on my own, without ___! I was satisfied with my decision but pretty ____I had failed the test.

The next day when I walked into the English room, my great joy of having been an ____soul changed into a wave of doom as I saw my test paper lying face down on my desk. I knew what awaited me. I stared at it a few seconds before I got up the____to turn it over.

You can only imagine my ____when I feared that I had passed the test! I have never in my whole life been so happy to see my____, a C.

My mom says the victories that____the most courage are won within. Now I know ____what she means Now not only can my conscience(良心)rest easy, but I don't have to worry about getting caught and meeting a sad____ like Romeo and Juliet.

1.A.arrived B.returned C.appeared D.finished

2.A.If B.Because C.Until D.Although

3.A.lecture B.test C.play D.essay

4.A.by B.upon C.over D.toward

5.A.missed B.carried C.lost D.dropped

6.A.depend B.agree C.guess D.improve

7.A.in B.off C.out D.away

8.A.wrote B.settled C.calmed D.looked

9.A.boredom B.tiredness C.loneliness D.worries

10.A.whispered B.warned C.persuaded D.flashed

11.A.coldest B.saddest C.longest D.fastest

12.A.suffering B.checking C.cheating D.thinking

13.A.certain B.regretful C.annoyed D.relieved

14.A.open B.honest C.optimistic D.energetic

15.A.wisdom B.nerve C.intention D.encouragement

16.A.anxiety B.fear C.shock D.appreciation

17.A.paper B.credit C.rate D.grade

18.A.take B.put C.find D.gain

19.A.gradually B.exactly C.willingly D.seemingly

20.A.film B.fact C.ending D.love


1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.D 10.A 11.C 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.B 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.C 【解析】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。主要内容是作者生病之后,错过了一些课程,而担心不能通过考试,在考试过程中经历了“想要作弊到放弃作弊”的心理过程,明白了母亲说的那句话:最需要勇气的胜利是发自内心的。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我回来的时候,迎接我的是两篇要交的论文,三天的数学和历史作业,还有几次考试。A. arrived到达;B. returned返回;C. appeared出现;D. finished完成。根据语境可知,作者因病缺课了几天,回校之后又很多的作业还有考试,returned意为“返回”,与题意相符,故选B。 2.考查状语从句连词。句意:虽然那天我放学回家的时候已经筋疲力尽了,但是为了完成作业,我不得不熬夜到很晚。A. If 如果;B. Because因为;C. Until 直到;D. Although尽管。根据句意可知,尽管作者很累,但为了作业不得不熬到很晚,此处用although引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管”, 故选D。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:第二天在学校,我猛然醒悟:我完全忘了准备《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的考试。A. lecture讲座;B. test测试;C. play戏剧;D. essay论文。根据第一段的plus several tests可知,此处还有《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的考试。故选test与前文呼应,故选B。 4.考查介词词义辨析。句意:第二天在学校里,我猛然醒悟:我完全忘记了准备《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的考试,我要占用我的午餐时间! A. by在……旁边;B. upon在……上面;C. over 在……下方;D. toward朝向。根据语义可知,take over在此处意为“花费(时间)”,与句意相符;而take upon承担;take和by, toward不构成短语,故选C。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:更糟糕的是,我错过了课堂讨论和所有的笔记。A. missed错过;B. carried搬动;C. lost丢失;D. dropped推动。根据语境可知,因为作者生病错过了很多课程,自然错过了很多课程笔记,missed意为“错过”,与题意相符,故选A。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我所能做的就是试着猜那些我不知道的问题。A. depend依靠;B. agree同意;C. guess猜测;D. improve改进。根据语境可知,作者因生病没有太多的时间复习,自然有很多题都不会,需要靠猜的,guess意为“猜测”,与题意相符,故选C。 7.考查动词辨析。句意:我刚要妥协,我的铅笔不小心掉下来摔断了。give in 让步;give off释放(气体);give out分发;give away赠送。根据句意可知,作者正准备向猜答案妥协的时候,铅笔掉了下来,give in意为“让步”,与题意相符,故选A。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我站在黑板旁削铅笔,低头一看,试卷就在眼前!A. wrote写;B. settled解决;C. calmed使冷静;D. looked看。根据语境可知,铅笔掉落之后,作者在黑板前削铅笔,低头看到了试卷就在眼前,look down意为“向下看”,与题意相符,故选D。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:太幸运了!我再也不用担心考试不及格了。A. boredom厌倦;B. tiredness疲累;C. loneliness孤独;D. worries担心。根据语境可知,作者看到了其他考生的试卷,认为自己再也不用担心考试不及格,worry在此处用作名词,意为“担心”,与题意相符,故选D。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的心开始跳动,我的大脑在低语:是的!快速阅读答案!A. whispered耳语;B. warned警告;C. persuaded劝说;D. flashed使闪光。根据空后的Yes! Read over the answers-quickly! …可知,作者在脑海里出现了很多念头,放佛在低声说话,whispered意为“耳语;与题意相符,故选A。 11.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这持续了我一生中最长的十秒钟。A. coldest最冷的;B. saddest最悲伤的;C. longest最长的;D. fastest最快的。根据语境可知,作者在和自己做斗争,可想而知,这短暂的几秒钟让作者觉得这是其一生中最长的几秒,故选C。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后,我决定自己完成考试,不作弊。A. suffering遭受;B. checking检查;C. cheating作弊;D. thinking思考。作者经历了思想斗争之后,决定放弃看别人试卷的行为(不作弊),cheat意为“作弊”,与题意相符,故选C。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我对我的决定很满意,但我确信我考试不及格。A. certain必然的;B. regretful遗憾的;C. annoyed烦恼的;D. relieved感到宽慰的。根据语境可知,作者固然对自己不作弊的想法感到很满意,但考试必然不合格,certain意为“必然的”,与题意相符,故选A。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:第二天,当我走进英语教室的时候,当我看到我的试卷面朝下躺在我的桌子上时,原本作为一个诚实的人的那种巨大喜悦变成了一股厄运的浪潮。A. open开放的;B. honest诚实的;C. optimistic乐观的;D. energetic精力充沛的。根据前文可知,作者放弃了作弊,选择做一个诚实的人,honest意为“诚实的”;故选B。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我盯着它看了几秒钟,才鼓起勇气把它翻过来。A. wisdom智慧;B. nerve神经;C. intention 意图;D. encouragement鼓励。根据句意可知,作者当看到试卷时,心情是十分紧张的,get up the nerve意“鼓起勇气”,故选B。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:你可以想象当我担心我通过了考试时的震惊!A. anxiety焦虑;B. fear害怕;C. shock震惊;D. appreciation欣赏。根据语境可知,根据下文可知,作者得到C的成绩之后,可想而知是非常震惊的,shock意为“震惊”,与题意相符,故选C。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:看到我的成绩是C,我从来没有这么高兴过。A. paper纸;B. credit信用卡;C. rate比率;D. grade成绩。根据空后的a C可知,这是成绩等级,故选D。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我妈妈说最需要勇气的胜利是发自内心的。A. take 拿走;B. put放置;C. find找到;D. gain获得。根据句意可知,take the courage意为“需要勇气”,与题意相符,故选A。 19.考查副词词义辨析。句意:现在我完全明白她的意思了。A. gradually 逐渐地;B. exactly确切地;C. willingly情愿地;D. seemingly表面上看起来。根据句意可知,经历了这次“作弊事件”作者确切地明白了母亲话语的意思,exactly意为“确切地”,与题意相符,故选B。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但我不用担心被抓,也不用担心像《罗密欧与朱丽叶》那样的悲剧结局。A. film电影;B. fact事实;C. ending结局;D. love爱。根据文意可知,作者在考试经历了“想要作弊到放弃作弊”,得到了内心的释放,而不用担心像《罗密欧与朱丽叶》那样的悲剧结局。ending意为“结局”,与题意相符,故选C。

根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 EmpathyLast year, researchers from the University of Michigan reported that empathy, the ability to understand other people, among college students had dropped sharply over the past 10 years.1.Today, people spend more time alone and are less likely to join groups and clubs.Jennifer Freed, a co-director of a teen program, has another explanation. Turn on the TV, and you’re showered with news and reality shows full of people fighting, competing, and generally treating one another with no respect.2.There are good reasons not to follow those bad examples. Humans are socially related by nature.3.Researchers have also found that empathetic teenagers are more likely to have high self-respect. Besides, empathy can be a cure for loneliness, sadness, anxiety, and fear.Empathy is also an indication of a good leader. In fact, Freed says, many top companies report that empathy is one of the most important things they look for in new managers.4.“Academics are important. But if you don’t have emotional (情感的) intelligence, you won’t be as successful in work or in your love life,” she says.What’s the best way to up your EQ (情商)? For starters, let down your guard and really listen to others.5.To really develop empathy, you’d better volunteer at a nursing home or a hospital, join a club or a team that has a diverse membership, have a “sharing circle” with your family, or spend time caring for pets at an animal shelter.

A. Everyone is different, and levels of empathy differ from person to person.

B. That could be because so many people have replaced face time with screen time, the researchers said.

C. “One doesn’t develop empathy by having a lot of opinions and doing a lot of talking,” Freed says.

D. Humans learn by example—and most of the examples on it are anything but empathetic.

E. Empathy is a matter of learning how to understand someone else—both what they think and how they feel.

F. Good social skills—including empathy—are a kind of “emotional intelligence” that will help you succeed in many areas of life.

G. Having relationships with other people is an important part of being human—and having empathy is decisive to those relationships.




    The next time you attend a social function or go to a place where people meet and interact, take note of the number of people who have adopted the same gestures and posture---the way you sit or stand--of the person with whom they are talking. This “carbon copying” is a means by which one person tells the other that he is in agreement with his ideas and attitudes. By this method, one is non-verbally (非语言的) saying to the other, “As you can see, I think the same as you, so I will copy your posture and gesture.”

This unconscious (无意识地) mimicry is quite interesting to observe. Take, for example, the two men standing at the hotel bar. They have mirrored each other’s gestures and it is reasonable to assume that they are discussing a topic upon which they have the same thoughts and feelings. If one man uncrosses his arms and legs or stands on the other foot, the other will follow. If one puts his hand in his pocket the other will copy and this mimicry will continue for as long as the two men are in agreement.

This copying also occurs among good friends or people of the same social position and it is common to see married couples walk, stand, sit and move in very similar ways. People who are strangers, however, try hard to avoid holding mutual(相互的) positions. The significance of carbon copying can be one of the most important non-verbal lessons we can learn, for this is one way that others tell us that they agree with us or like us. It is also a way for us to tell others that we like them, by simply copying their gestures.

If an employer wishes to develop immediate friendliness and create a relaxing atmosphere with an employee, he needs to copy the employee’s posture to achieve the end. Similarly, an up-and-coming employee may be seen copying his boss’s gestures in an attempt to show agreement. Using the knowledge, it is possible to influence a face-to-face encounter by copying the positive gestures and postures of the other person. This has the effect of putting the other person in a receptive and relaxed frame of mind and he can “see” that you understand his point of view.

1.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Carbon Copying---Showing Agreement B.Developing Non-verbal Communication

C.How to avoid Carbon Copying D.Proper Social Behavior

2.What is "carbon copying" according to the passage?

A.To adopt identical gesture of others. B.To repeat what others have said.

C.To show agreement with others. D.To mock others.

3.In which of the following groups is carbon copying NOT frequently seen?

A.Married couples B.People not familiar with each other.

C.Good friends. D.People of the same social position.

4.What should an employer do to created a relaxing atmosphere for an employee?

A.Be polite. B.Avoid copying the employee’s gesture.

C.Be helpful. D.Copy the gesture of the employee.



    This weekend a marathon took place in Salzburg, the city where I’m living. I admired the runners who ran 42.2 kilometers if they finished the course. I’ve never run for more than half an hour, so I’m amazed that some people manage to keep going for over four!

At university I play korfball. This is a team sport with eight people on each team. The aim is to shoot the ball into the hoop(篮圈), which is like basketball hoop, only higher! All players get a chance to attack and defend during the game and it’s very fast-paced.

When I started korfball, I wasn’t very good at it. I could throw and catch but I wasn’t very fast on my feet. Shooting was also difficult for me. Moreover, you often have to shoot on the move in korfball, and I found it hard to balance and shoot straight while running backwards away from my defender!

However, I really enjoyed the sport and made friends in the club, so I attended training twice a week. Two years later I am in the first team for my university and have played in many matches. This just shows if you train hard, you can succeed.

Running is difficult because you have to make yourself willing to keep going. I used to get really out of breath while running and I didn’t feel good at all! Now I actually enjoy going for a run along the river in Salzburg, feeling my muscles(肌肉) working and breathing in the fresh air.

Challenging exercise is always rewarding. Hiking is fun because all the hard work—walking uphill—comes at the beginning of the day. Then at the top of the mountain you can enjoy the view and some well-earned chocolate! At the end of the day you feel like you’ve really achieved something.

I will never be a marathon runner, but I would like to try a 10-km run sometime, or perhaps even a half-marathon. Seeing how happy the runners were as they crossed the finishing line made me want to have that feeling—the months of training paying off as you achieve your goal.

1.How did the author feel about running the marathon at first?

A.Tough. B.Strange.

C.Enjoyable. D.Exciting.

2.Why does the author think challenging exercise rewarding?

A.It helps him sleep well. B.It gives him a sense of achievement.

C.It helps him lose weight. D.It makes him become a marathon runner.

3.What does the passage want to tell us?

A.The meaning of keeping going.

B.The ways of doing sports.

C.The importance of regular exercise.

D.The benefits of running the marathon.



All Summer Camp Programs

Llandovery, Wale, UK

Language and Music for Life (LMFL) — Founded in 1997, LMFL offers unique 2-week summer music and language courses. LMFL provides quality one-to-one training in a wide range of instruments & voice lessons for highly-motivated musicians of all ages.

Study programs & classes include: 2 weeks with Musical Masterclasses: Composition; Violin; Piano; Recorder; Guitar and Classical Singing...

Saint-Raphael, France

France Langue and Culture (FLC) — Experience a fun, educational language holiday for all the family this summer! FLC is the most family-friendly language school providing French summer classes for teens and young children.

Study programs & classes include: 1- 4 Week Sessions. Children’s Summer Camps for ages 4-12, with homestay accommodation by French host families.

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Edu-Inter Summer Language School (EI) — EI offers summer French programs for children and teenagers (ages 10-17) and adults (16+). Quebec City is the only major city in Canada that offers a 100% French-speaking environment, making it the ideal location for learning and practicing French.

Study programs & classes include: 2 weeks’ Summer French Programs: For Children & Teenagers (ages 10-17). French & Dance. French & Horse Riding...

Cambridge, England, UK

Reach Cambridge — Academic Camps (RC) — RC offers UK & international high school students the opportunity to gain an invaluable academic experience through a summer course. We provide unique and academic programs for students (ages 14-18).

Study programs & classes include: 3 weeks’ Summer Camps. Chemistry & Medicine. Computer Science & Math. Economics & ESL...

1.Why is Quebec the ideal location for learning and practicing French?

A. It offers summer French programs.

B. It is the only major city in Canada.

C. It has a Summer French Language School.

D. It has a 100% French-speaking environment.

2.If a boy is 18 and loves computer science, which summer camp suits him best?

A. LMFL. B. FLC. C. EI. D. RC.

3.It can be learned from the passage that ____________.

A. RC helps kids improve their horse-riding skill

B. kids can enjoy one-to-one training at LMFL

C. kids can stay at French host families at EI

D. FLC was founded in 1997 in France






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Dear Jack’

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