满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

‘Lissa thought—well, we both just though...

‘Lissa thought—well, we both just thought you should know. Sorry, old chap. I ... I do hope things improve for you and I hope you do want to stay in touch when things... you know ... when things ____________ a bit.’

A.settle down B.drop out C.broke off D.sink in


A 【解析】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:莉萨觉得——嗯,我们都觉得你应该知道。对不起,老伙计。我......我真心希望情况会变好,并希望当事情稳定下来一点你一定想保持联系。A. settle down稳定,平息; B. drop out离开,退出; C. broke off脱离; D. sink in渗透。分析句子可知,再联系,要等事情稳定下来。故选A。  

‘I’ve got lots of things I should be doing in here,’ I said. I was actually quite relieved that I would be ____________ his company for an hour or so. I screwed the lid on to the beaker.

A.guaranteed B.spared C.offered D.kept



As we stepped into the room, the man in the wheelchair looked up from under shaggy, unkempt hair. His eyes met mine and after a pause, he ____________ a bloodcurdling groan.

A.set out B.let out

C.gave off D.reached out



She glanced at my legs. ‘Although you might want to wear... something a bit less ____________.’

A.revealing B.temporary

C.complicated D.inadequate



‘Three months!’ Dad ____________, as my mother thrust a cup of sweet tea into my hands. ‘Well, that’s big of him, given she’s worked like a ruddy Trojan in that place for the last six years.’

A.betrayed B.exploded

C.swallowed D.assessed



There are 158 footsteps between the bus stop and home, but it can ____________ to 180 if you aren’t in a hurry, like maybe if you’re wearing platform shoes.

A.signal B.adjust C.stretch D.attend



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