满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。 Swedish b...


Swedish businessman Nile is delighted with his new hotel, the world’s first igloo(冰屋) hotel.

1.(build) in a small town, it has been attracting lots of visitors but soon the fun will be over. In two weeks’ time, Nile’s ice creation 2.(be) nothing more than a pool of water.“We don’t see it as a big problem,”he says.“We just look forward to 3.(replace) it.

Nile built his first igloo in 1991 for an art exhibition. It was 4. successful that he designed the present one , 5. measures roughly 200 square meters. Six workmen spent more than eight weeks—pilling 1,000 tons of snow onto a wooden base, when the snow froze, the base 6.(remove).

After their stay, all visitors will receive a survival certificate(证书) 7.(record) their success. With no windows, nowhere to hang clothes and temperatures below 0, it may seem more like a survival test 8. a relaxing hotel break.“It’s great fun ,” Nile explains,“as well as a good start in survival training.”

The 9.(popular) of the igloo is beyond doubt, it is now attracting tourists from all over the world. 10. least 800 people have stayed at the igloo this season even though there are only 10 rooms.


1.Built 2.will be 3.replacing 4.so 5.which 6.was removed 7.recording 8.than 9.popularity 10.At 【解析】 这是一篇新闻报道。短文报道了世界上首个冰屋旅馆。 1.考查过去分词。分析句子可知,it与build在逻辑上是被动关系,所以用过去分词作状语。故填Built。 2.考查一般将来时。由“In two weeks’ time ”可知,本句为一般将来时,所以谓语动词为will be。故填will be。 3.考查动名词。look forward to doing“ 期望做某事”,to为介词后接动名词作宾语。故填replacing。 4.考查固定句型。分析句子可知,本句为so…that….“ 如此……以至于”引导的结果状语从句。故填so。 5.考查关系代词。分析句子可知,the present one为先行词,在后面的非限制性定语从句中作主语,所以关系代词为which。故填which。 6.考查一般 过 去 时 的 被 动 语 态。分析句子可知,本句为一般过去时,主语the base与谓语remove 为 被 动 关 系, 所 以 本 句 为 一 般 过 去 时 的 被 动 语 态。故填was removed。 7.考查现在分词。分析句子可知,certificate与record在逻辑上是主动关系,所以用现在分词作定语。故填recording。 8.考查连词。分析句子句意可知,没有窗户,没有晾衣服的地方,气温也低于0℃,这看起来更像是一场生存考验,而不是一次放松的酒店之旅。所以空处应填than“ 而不是” 。故填than。 9.考查名词。定冠词the后接名词popularity。故填popularity。 10.考查介词。at least“ 至少”为固定短语,且符合句意。故填At。

    “A public-speaking competition will be held next Monday. Each student will give a two-minute speech,” Mr. Taylor said.

The idea of _____ in front of the class made me _____. On the bus home, I asked Tanya, “What will I give a speech about?”

“I don’t know. What can you ______ for two minutes?” she said.

______!” I said. “All I’ll be able to _____ is my shaky legs and voice!”

I tried thinking and thinking. Maybe ...

“Yes!” I said. “I’ll talk about how scared I am of public speaking.”

For the whole ____, I felt nervous and worried. I wished for road-closing snow and I even ____ flying to South America.

The day came. It hadn’t ______, and I hadn’t gone on vacation. Fifty students went into the hall.

“Andrew Addison.” My name was called.

I stood up. I begged my legs to stop shaking but they didn’t _____.

“He-ll-o,” I said. Someone laughed quietly.

I _____ again, “Hello.”

Better — _____ I still sounded like a scared dog.

I looked at my notes but they were unclear in my hands. No _____ there. What was my first line? I closed my eyes.

Yes! That was it. “I _____ public speaking,” I said. Some laughed.

“My hands shake.” Another _____. I showed the _____ my shaking legs. Everyone laughed. I looked at Tanya and she gave me a big smile. My speech flooded back to me. My knees settled and my hands _____.

“Many people feel like ____ when they have to give a speech,” I stopped for a second. “But I guess I’m the only one who _____ bought a ticket to Brazil.” I was on a roll and my two minutes _____.

Laughter and clapping floated around me _____ I finished my speech. I had given my audience an excellent speech.

1.A.singing B.dancing C.speaking D.writing

2.A.excited B.frightened C.interested D.bored

3.A.talk about B.learn of C.find out D.wait for

4.A.Anything B.Everything C.Something D.Nothing

5.A.give away B.think about C.get into D.work out

6.A.morning B.week C.month D.year

7.A.considered B.risked C.enjoyed D.missed

8.A.rained B.cleared C.snowed D.blown

9.A.decide B.feel C.understand D.listen

10.A.failed B.tried C.cried D.moved

11.A.but B.or C.because D.so

12.A.time B.luck C.help D.money

13.A.regret B.choose C.forget D.hate

14.A.laugh B.joke C.game D.example

15.A.teachers B.students C.doctor D.audience

16.A.shook B.relaxed C.closed D.hurt

17.A.dreaming B.preparing C.disappearing D.celebrating

18.A.even B.almost C.also D.still

19.A.flew B.stopped C.started D.grew

20.A.since B.for C.as D.if



    What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating fast food?

Many people do not have time to eat home-cooked food. 1.There’re more than 13,000 McDonald’s restaurants in the United States itself, and over 8,000 KFCs in 80 countries. In most cities, it is not difficult to find hamburgers and pizza.

Advantages of fast food

2.Eating fast food helps working people and students to get back to work as quickly as possible. Besides, many love the look, smell and taste of it. Perhaps the greatest advantage is the price. 3. If one lives alone, then it is cheaper to buy a meal at the supermarket than cook it at home.

Disadvantages of fast food

The greatest disadvantage of fast food is the bad effect that it has on one’s health. Many people feel that fast food is unhealthy because it contains a lot of artificial ingredients (人造成分). Some even think that it is addictive (上瘾的) because of these ingredients. 4.Fast food may lead to obesity in the American population.

5. I believe that it can be a good thing, as long as people do not eat it too often, eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, and also do plenty of exercise to keep in shape.

A. Fast food does raise health concerns.

B. It is often cheaper than other kinds of restaurant food.

C. In short, fast food has both advantages and disadvantages.

D. Fast food probably makes people much fatter than before.

E. More and more fruit and vegetables are offered in fast food.

F. The most evident advantage of fast food is that it saves time.

G. Because of our non-stop modern lifestyle, fast food is popular almost everywhere.



    The Internet is a growing new world that has been developing ever since it was created many years ago. The only reason Internet sales are not taxed (征税) is because we did not know the Internet would be used to sell products when it was created. Internet sales are no different than going into the store to buy the exact same product except for the fact that Internet sales are not taxed.

When buying online, people cannot see and touch the product the same way they could in a store. To fix this, customers are going into the store to see the product. Then if they like the product, they buy it online to save money on the sales tax. This is a form of tax evasion (逃税) if you ask me!

Everyone has to pay the tax in the store so they should have to pay taxes online as well. Also, the added money brought in through Internet taxing could help the government to fund (……拨款) certain policies and other things that they could not do without the added funds. This could go toward the country’s schools or other things necessary for society to function well. These funds could be extremely beneficial because of the recession (经济衰退) that the country is in at this point. Internet taxing is a way to increase those funds and in turn improve the quality of life for all who live in that country.

In conclusion, there are many more positives than negatives in the argument over taxing Internet sales. I do understand that I may have to pay more if I want to buy something online, but the funds stay within my society and help my country. The added cost may hurt me at first but in the end, the funds will help me and others in our country.

1.The text mainly discusses _____.

A.whether it is a good way to buy things online.

B.whether Internet sales should be taxed.

C.why people love to buy things online.

D.why Internet sales are not taxed.

2.Internet sales are not taxed because _____.

A.selling online was unexpected. B.they are different from store sales.

C.people don’t know how to tax them. D.many people are against taxing them.

3.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A.Online shoppers find it difficult to buy satisfactory goods.

B.Customers get better products at a lower price online.

C.Problems related to online shopping are hard to fix.

D.Online shoppers probably try to avoid paying tax.

4.According to the author, taxing Internet sales _____.

A.is good for all people. B.can help the country out of the recession.

C.can help improve the quality of products. D.is beneficial to the development of Internet.



    Living on mountainous La Gomera, one of Spain’s Canary Islands off West Africa, Juan Cabello takes pride in not using a mobile phone or the Internet to communicate. Like his father and grandfather, he uses Silbo Gomero, a language that is whistled (吹口哨), not spoken, and that can be heard more than two miles away.

“I use it for everything: to talk to my wife, to tell my kids something, to find a friend if we get lost in a crowd,” Cabello says. “I also make a living from Silbo, performing daily exhibitions at a restaurant.”

People throughout La Gomera are known to have used Silbo in the past as a way of communicating over long distances. A strong whistle saved farmers from walking over the hills to give messages or news to neighbors. Then came the phone. Nowadays, it’s hard to know how many people still use Silbo. In 1999, it was introduced as a compulsory subject (必修学科) in La Gomera’s primary schools, in an effort to prevent the language from going silent. Now 3,000 students are studying it, but only a few people are believed to be able to communicate fully in the whistling language.

“Silbo is said to be the most important cultural heritage (遗产) we have,” said Moises Plasencia, the director of the Canary Islands’ government’s historical heritage department.

In fact, little is known about Silbo’s origins. Silbo-like whistling has been found in parts of Greece, Turkey, China and Mexico, but none is as developed as Silbo Gomero. One study is looking for signs of Silbo in Venezuela, Cuba and Texas, all places to which Gomerans have gone in the past during hard economic times.

“Silbo has many historical and linguistic (语言学上的) values,” Plasencia said. And, as Cabello explains, “It’s good for just about anything except for romance: everyone on the island would hear what you’re saying!”

1.Juan Cabello uses Silbo Gomero _____.

A.in his daily life. B.to learn computers.

C.just to make a living. D.only when eating at restaurants.

2.What can we learn about Silbo Gomero?

A.It first started in Greece. B.It is in danger of dying out.

C.It is helpful in keeping secrets. D.It is the oldest way of communicating.

3.Plasencia thinks it’s very important to _____.

A.know the origins of Silbo Gomero. B.find the values of Silbo Gomero.

C.have more cultural heritages. D.protect Silbo Gomero.

4.What is mainly described in the text?

A.A school’s subject. B.A famous performer.

C.An unusual language. D.A mountainous island.



    The word “invent” comes from a Latin word which means “to find.” Garrett Morgan, an African-American, was one such inventor. His first job was repairing machines in a factory. By accident, he had invented the hair straightener. He sold his products and then continued with his career as an inventor.

Every day, Garrett Morgan watched traffic become more dangerous. Cars, bicycles and walkers all competed to cross the street. Police officers made simple “stop / go” signals at busy crossroads, but cars, bicycles and walkers still rushed into the crossroads at different speeds and many crashed into each other. One day he saw a traffic accident between a car and a bicycle at a busy crossroads. he realized ,the problem with the traffic light, was its poor design: the traffic signal lacked a transition (过渡) between “stop” and “go.”

Morgan invented a new traffic signal that added a “caution (警告)” light that made traffic move more smoothly and safely. His traffic light stood on a T-shaped pole () with arms that flashed a red light to stop traffic in all directions, allowing walkers to cross safely. After walkers crossed, traffic could only go in one direction.

Soon, cities everywhere wanted his traffic light. In 1923, a popular electric company paid Morgan $40,000 to make and sell his invention. Traffic lights today work in the same basic way.

The traffic light is Morgan’s most famous invention. In 1963, the United States government gave Garrett Morgan an award for his life-saving idea.

1.What can we learn about Garrett Morgan from Paragraph 1?

A.He worked in a factory all his life.

B.He led a hard life in his early years.

C.He made money from hair straighteners.

D.He dreamed of being an inventor when he was a child.

2.What made Morgan invent the traffic light?

A.A traffic accident. B.A car driver’s advice.

C.Worry about his safety. D.Hard work of police officers.

3.According to the text, Garrett Morgan’s traffic light _____.

A.made cars move more slowly.

B.needed no help from police officers.

C.was special because it had a “caution” light.

D.was very different from the ones we use today.



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