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From time to time, even the most product...

    From time to time, even the most productive professionals procrastinate(拖延). When your tendency to procrastinate is starting to make your overall quality of work and life suffer, 1.. Here’s what Forbes Coaches Council members recommend doing to stop racing the clock.

Take the tiniest step possible

When you don’t feel motivated, take the smallest step possible toward your goal. After taking that step,you’re more likely to continue taking more steps toward that goal. 2..

Give yourself a hard deadline, and then schedule it

The best way to overcome a natural tendency to procrastinate is to create a hard deadline for yourself and then put it on the calendar. 3.. Then honor it the same way you would if your boss were waiting for you to complete the task.


Become a detective or a scientist about your pattern of procrastinating. Notice your thoughts, feelings,behaviors and the situation when you feel like procrastinating. Write these down. Often perfectionism, which we may experience as anxiety, underlies the tendency to postpone action. Once you understand your pattern, you can hold yourself accountable in a positive and self-compassionate way.

Give yourself a reward for each task you complete

5.. Then give yourself a little reward for doing it. (piece of candy, a few minutes on Social media, etc.). Then do something on your list that you want to do and continue alternating from there. This makes your tasks less daunting.

AIdentify a positive outcome from your action

BTreat the deadline the same as if your boss created it

CUnderstand the underlying reasons you’re procrastinating

Dfind a way to make overcoming procrastination interesting

Eit’s time to do a reality check and break yourself of the habit

FMake a list of things you need to do and do the one you don’t want to do first

GInstead of telling yourself to work out for an hour, say you’ll go for 10 minutes


1.E 2.G 3.B 4.C 5.F 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。短文介绍了做事时防止拖延的几点建议。 1.由前句“When your tendency to procrastinate is starting to make your overall quality of work and life suffer ,”可知,当你拖延的倾向开始让你的工作和生活的整体质量受到影响时。所以选项要补充出when引导的时间状语从句的主句,来说明当你拖延的倾向开始让你的工作和生活的整体质量受到影响时,应该怎么做。故E选项“是时候做一个现实的检查,并改掉自己的习惯了”切题。故选E项。 2.由前句“After taking that step, you’re more likely to continue taking more steps toward that goal”可知,在迈出这一步之后,你更有可能继续朝着那个目标前进。所以选项要具体说明,朝目标前进时应该怎么做。故G选项“与其告诉自己锻炼一个小时,不如说你要锻炼10分钟” 切题。故选G项。 3.由后句“Then honor it the same way you would if your boss were waiting for you to complete the task ”可知,如果你的老板在等你完成任务,你也会这么做的。所以选项承接下文。故B选项“对待截止日期就像是你的老板设定的截止日期一样”切题。故选B项。 4.由“Become a detective or a scientist about your pattern of procrastinating. Notice your thoughts, feelings, behaviors and the situation when you feel like procrastinating”可知,成为一个侦探或者科学家,研究一下你的拖延模式。 注意你的想法,感觉,行为和你想拖延的情况。所以本段主要在说弄明白你拖延的根本原因也就是选项本段的标题所要说明的内容。故C选项“弄明白你拖延的根本原因”切题。故选C项。 5.由后句“Then give yourself a little reward for doing it ”可知,那就给自己一点奖励。所以选项承接下文。故F选项“列出你需要做的事情,先做你不想做的事情”切题。故选F项。

    Any time we burn fossil fuels, we’re pumping fine particulate matter(细颗粒物)from oil, gas and

other toxins(毒素)into the air. “Some of these carbon particles can persist in the lungs for decades,” says Dr. Don Sin, a respirologist and director of the Centre for Heart Lung Innovation in Vancouver.

Over 7,000 Canadians died from complications due to poor air quality in 2015. A study in the European Heart Journal earlier this year found that air pollution now kills 8.8 million people worldwide per year —more than tobacco smoking.

Sin adds that women’s lungs seem particularly easy to get cancer from pollution. Currently, 10,000

Canadian women die of lung cancer every year, and 15 per cent of new cases are people who have never smoked. “In Canada, lung-cancer deaths in female non-smokers will very soon probably outnumber the deaths from breast cancer, because lung cancer is so deadly,” he says.

Contributing to air pollution are the 8,000 wildfires we experience every year in Canada, like those that destroyed large areas of Alberta this past spring. These are increasing in frequency and intensity with our hotter, drier spells. A study in the Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine found that prescriptions for an asthma and COPD drug rose by 22 per cent in the Yellowknife region in the summer of 2014, when it was surrounded by wildfire smoke. The number of ER visits for breathing problems was 42 per cent higher; for children, it more than doubled.

Another threat to breathing is mould, which is a concern in areas with repeated flooding, such as around New Brunswick’s Saint John River, where floodwaters have been in homes for two years in a row and displaced more than 200 families. Moulds produce toxins and spores that can trigger allergic reactions or infections if taken in. Rising sea levels and increased urban development, combined with intense rainfalls, mean we will see a lot more of it.

To avoid breathing polluted air, wear a mask rated N95 — not a surgical mask, which is useless, says Sin. “Those are too thin and easily torn. They won’t protect you at all from air particles.” On bad-air days,get your exercise indoors, for instance by walking in an air-conditioned mall.

1.Which of the following is True according to the passage?

A.15 per cent of Canadian women have never smoked.

B.1,000 Canadian women die of lung cancer every year.

C.Air pollution has killed 8.8 million people in the world.

D.Over 7,000 Canadians died as a result of air pollution in 2015.

2.What may cause the wildfires in Canada according to the passage?

A.Hot weather. B.Cigarette end.

C.Dry plants. D.Poor management.

3.What of the following is NOT a factor to produce moulds?

A.Sea levels rising.

B.Development of countryside.

C.Lots of rainfalls.

D.Growth of city.

4.What should be suggested to prevent breathing polluted air?

A.Wearing a surgical mask.

B.Taking exercise.

C.Walking indoors.

D.Sleeping longer hours.



    Jellyfish are unusual creatures. They’re neither fish nor jelly. Some are among the most colourful creatures in the world, but it’s best to look but not touch these invertebrates(无脊椎动物). Not only are they very fragile creatures, but many give a painful sting, and some are even deadly. Whether you admire them in an aquarium or try to avoid them in the wild, you won’t be able to get these fascinating jellyfish facts out of your head.


Here’s a jellyfish fact that might come in handy: There are several names for a group of jellyfish. They include smack, bloom, and swarm. Choose the word you prefer depending on whether you think the jellyfish pack looks like a garden of blooming flowers or more like a frightening pack of stingers, and whether you’re admiring them at an aquarium or if you and your fellow snorkelers are surrounded.

Jellyfish have two main forms in their life cycle that look quite different from each other. Scientific American explains that an adult jellyfish, called a medusa, has a bell-shaped body with tentacles(触须)flowing down below it. Young jellyfish, called polyps, look more like sea anemones, with shorter tentacles that flow up above the main body. Medusas reproduce by releasing eggs.

Melanie Roberts, Senior Aquarist at SeaWorld Orlando, says that the largest jellyfish in the world is a lion’s mane jellyfish. The body of this beautiful orange jelly can grow up to three feet in diameter. With its 12,000 tentacles that can grow 120 feet long, Oceana.org adds that the lion’s mane jelly compares in size to the planet’s largest animal: the blue whale.

Regardless of their size, jellyfish are mostly made of water. In fact, they’re about 95 per cent water.These creatures don’t have brains, blood, or bones. And most jellyfish don’t have eyes. Jellyfish also use their mouths both for eating and for waste removal.

1.Why can’t we touch jellyfish?

A.Because they may be stung.

B.Because they may die easily.

C.Because they may feel painful.

D.Because they may hurt people.

2.What are jellyfish named after?

A.Its size. B.Its color.

C.Its appearance. D.Its lifestyle.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Mouth is an important organ for jellyfish.

B.Polyps can clone themselves by laying eggs.

C.The largest jellyfish in the world is 120 feet long.

D.Medusas have tentacles flowing up above the body.

4.What can be the best title of the passage?

A.Several facts about jellyfish.

B.The two main forms of jellyfish.

C.Jellyfish are neither fish nor jelly.

D.Jellyfish have many different names.



    In the summer of 2010, Deborah Barrett and her son, Anthony, walked out of a restaurant near the

Edmonton high school from which he’d graduated two years earlier. They had volunteered to wash dishes there to give Anthony something to do, but when they went out, the sun sliced through the clouds and Deborah had a realization: my kid is not spending his life in a dish pit.

Cleaning plates isn’t the only option for high-school graduates. But Anthony has autism(自闭症)and is mostly non-verbal, aside from short words in answer to yes-or-no questions and the Eeeee sounds he makes when he’s excited, happy or frustrated. Once a person with intellectual disabilities ages out of school, “There’s no life for them,” Deborah says. Programs end, and jobs are usually humble.

As her son entered his 20s, Deborah thought about what he could do and what he enjoyed. Among his likes: being driven around and carrying things, as well as seeing new places but not staying long. Maybe he could be a courier? The catch: Anthony doesn’t move fast, and courier jobs would require his support staff to be his driver and co-worker.

That wasn’t an issue for Mike Hamm. In 2012, he became Anthony’s new assistant and embraced the plan of spending part of their days delivering packages as a team. The pair called their venture Anthony at Your Service, signed a few customers and set out in Hamm’s lorry.

Seven years later, boxes awaiting distribution are piled on the porch of the home. Anthony, 30, shares with Deborah and her husband, David, a lawyer. The company now has two-dozen delivery teams — each comprising a contractor with an intellectual disability and their support-worker contractor — in Edmonton and Calgary.

Launching a company that employs 24 contractors with intellectual disabilities, and all the logistics that come along with that, wasn’t the original plan, Deborah says. But the realities of delivery work — the peaks and valleys in demand, the long hours — meant that Anthony and Hamm couldn’t shoulder the load alone.And the feedback she received from Alberta’s autistic and intellectually disabled communities suggested they wanted to work for a company that understood them.

Running Anthony at Your Service has become Deborah’s full-time, and she gave up her psychotherapy practice and the presidency of Autism Society Alberta a couple years ago. “What I’m doing for Anthony now has made more difference in his life than any of that other work,” she says. “We want to create jobs for people with all kinds of abilities and disabilities.”

1.What’s the future of the persons with intellectual disabilities according to Deborah?

A.They will lose their lives.

B.They will get well-paid jobs.

C.They will clean plates in restaurants.

D.They will find it hard to find a decent job.

2.What does the underlined word “courier” mean in the 3 rd paragraph?

A.Accountant. B.Barber.

C.Deliveryman. D.Engineer.

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.David launched the company for his son.

B.Anthony’s contractors are mainly disabled.

C.Deborah gave up her original job unwillingly.

D.Mike Hamm is an intellectually disabled person.

4.Which of the following words can best describe Deborah Barrett?

A.Accessible. B.Caring.

C.Humorous. D.Modest.



Four of the Oldest Buildings in the World

Knap of Howar

One of the oldest buildings in the world is the Knap of Howar, which dates back to 3700-3500 BCE.The farmhouse is one of the oldest, still-standing stone houses in Europe. It includes two stone homes linked through a hidden passage and joint walls. Archaeologists say Irish or Scottish monks could be the first builders and residents of the Knap of Howar. Although the house is still standing, these abandoned places around the world are better candidates for restoration.

Ġgantija Temples

The Megalithic Temples of Malta, or the Ġgantija Temples, date back to 3600 to 3200 BCE. The two temples on the island of Malta are UNESCO World Heritage sites. It’s one of the oldest free-standing monuments in the world. Archaeologists think the temple was used for ritual animal sacrifices.

Shunet el-Zebib

Shunet el-Zebib is partially standing, but mostly in ruins. It’s still, however, one of the oldest buildings in the world. The Egyptian temple built in 2750 BCE is of mud and brick. It has an underground tomb as well as an above-ground complex. Architecturally, it’s a nod to the Egyptian pyramids soon to come.

Tomb of Cyrus

Built in 530 BCE, the Tomb of Cyrus is one of Iran’s World Heritage Sites and one of the oldest buildings on the planet. It’s also believed to be one of the first earthquake-protected structures in the world, according to Atlas Obscura. The base isolating used on the tomb protects the main structure from moving apart from the foundation.

1.What do the four buildings have in common?

A.All of them are located in Europe.

B.All of them are made of stone and mud.

C.All of them are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

D.All of them were built before the birth of Christ.

2.Which of the four buildings may be the strongest?

A.Knap of Howar. B.Ġgantija Temples.

C.Shunet el-Zebib. D.Tomb of Cyrus.

3.Which of the following is True according to the passage?

A.Shunet el-Zebib is earthquake protected.

B.Tomb of Cyrus has an underground tomb.

C.Ġgantija Temples are built by Irish monks.

D.Knap of Howar may be the oldest building among the four.



假定你是李华,想邀请你校交换生Allen一同参观正在市艺术中心举办地以我和我的祖国为主题的书法绘画展(painting and calligraphy exhibition)。请给他写封电子邮件,内容包括:

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3. 约定时间。




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