满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My husband and I recently went to Disney...

    My husband and I recently went to Disney World with our children and grandchildren. We had a wonderful time and made lots of sweet memories together, but unexpectedly, I learned something as we made our way through the parks.

Our four grandchildren were excited about the attraction where children can drive the cars. Since our party was uneven (不均匀的) in numbers and two people fit in each car, I sat out that one and headed down to get pictures of everyone as they drove past on the track.

As I waited for my gang to drive by, I noticed a car with a father and his son who looked to be about 7. They rolled down the hill at the beginning, and then the car stopped. The young driver looked panicked, “I can’t do it.” His father quietly said, “Yes, you can.”

“No. I can’t!”  “Yes, you can, son.”

The little guy was almost in tears, “I CAN’T!” With deep patience, the father said, “Son, you can do this. I’m going to help you.” Then he talked him through pushing the gas pedal (油门踏板) and driving the car. Mere moments later with the father helping his son, the two went smoothly on their way down the track.

The scene brought tears to my eyes. That sweet whispered to my soul, “Yes, you can”. Then every time things got hard or when I had failures along the way, I would think “You can”.

Time and time again, the words patiently encouraged me on the journey. That’s where the true strength comes in. I am aware that I can not do things under my own power, but the words “Yes, you can” come beside me and provide wisdom and strength. There’s no way I can fail. Are you struggling with something today? Have the “I can’t” moments taken over? You can trust the words “Yes, you can”.

1.What did the author think of her family’s trip to Disney World?

A.Surprising. B.Disappointing.

C.Satisfying. D.Boring.

2.How did the boy feel before the car restarted again?

A.Excited. B.Frightened.

C.Encouraged. D.Moved.

3.What did the boy’s father do?

A.He encouraged the boy. B.He let the boy drive all by himself.

C.He took the place of the boy and drove. D.He was unwilling to help the boy.

4.What can be inferred from the text?

A.The author enjoyed traveling very much.

B.The author was unwilling to help lazy children.

C.“You can” has helped the author a lot.

D.The author hasn’t failed in anything.


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者一家去迪士尼游玩,途中遇到了一对父子,那位父亲教育儿子的话使得作者得到鼓舞,在生活中面对挫折和失败时能够勇往直前。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段We had a wonderful time and made lots of sweet memories together, but unexpectedly, I learned something as we made our way through the parks.可知,作者一家度过了一段美好的时光,留下了许多美好的回忆,而且出乎意料的学到了一些东西。由此可看出作者对于去迪士尼的旅行是满意的。故选C。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段They rolled down the hill at the beginning, and then the car stopped. The young driver looked panicked, “I can’t do it.”可知,他们开始时从山上开下来,然后车停了下来。这位男孩儿看起来非常恐惧,和他的爸爸说“我做不到”。由此可看出男孩在继续开车前是很恐惧的。故选B。 3.细节理解题。根据第三段至第五段中His father quietly said, “Yes, you can.” “Yes, you can, son.”“Son, you can do this. I’m going to help you.”可知,父亲一直在鼓励儿子要勇敢,告诉他“你能行”。故选A。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段Time and time again, the words patiently encouraged me on the journey. That’s where the true strength comes in. I am aware that I can not do things under my own power, but the words “Yes, you can” come beside me and provide wisdom and strength. 可知,“你能行”这句话一直鼓励着我,给我前进的智慧和力量。因此“You can”对作者的影响很大,给作者以帮助。故选C。

    Emergencies can happen anytime, so being prepared for a home first aid kit(成套工具) is important for your family. Having a proper one in your home is an easy but necessary part of good emergency preparation.

Pick a good container

One good choice is a large translucent plastic container, which makes it easy to see the materials inside. Lunchboxes are also another good choice. Basically, if it’s big enough, and at least somewhat water resistant, it can make a good container. Regardless of your container choice, it should be easy to recognize, so write   “FIRST AID” on it with a marker.

Teach your family about the kit

For younger children who shouldn’t use the items in the kit, teach them where it’s located, so they could show a visitor, relative or babysitter. For older children and adults, instruct them on how to use the items in it. Use a first aid instruction booklet, like those available from the American Red Cross for guidance and place a booklet in the kit for reference.

Keep your kit up–to–date

No one wants to fetch a first aid kit and find the bandage box empty or the pain relievers expired (过期了的). Keep track of supply amounts and expiration dates regularly.

Create a checklist in the kit

Record every item on a sheet of paper and keep it in the kit. Besides, record the amounts of the items and expiration dates next to the listed items on the checklist that you include in your kit. In this way, anyone who wants to reach the kit can immediately know what it includes and doesn’t include. Also, they can be clear whether the items can be used.

1.Which is close to the meaning of the underlined word “translucent”?

A.Wide. B.Advanced.

C.Clear. D.Strong.

2.What should the young children be told about the home first aid kit?

A.How to use the items. B.What it contains.

C.Where to place it. D.When to fetch it.

3.Why should the home first aid kit be examined regularly?

A.To make it clean and tidy. B.To make sure it’s available.

C.To be familiar with the items. D.To learn to deal with emergencies.



Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

76. 假设你是明启中学学生王磊,你校下个月将举行中外学生交流活动,现向学生征求活动方案。你主动向校长写信,表达你的想法。你的信包括以下内容:

1. 活动的主题;

2. 你设计的1-2个活动的具体内容;

3. 你设计该活动的理由。




Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.




4.该选手的机智及开阔的知识面使评委们大为惊异,他们一致同意他为冠军获得者。 (So…)



Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Most of us — even those at the top — struggle with public-speaking anxiety. When I ask my clients what makes them nervous, invariably they respond with the same answers: “I don’t like being watched”, “I don’t like the eyes on me” or “I don’t like being in the spotlight”.

To understand why, we need to go way back to prehistoric times, when humans regarded eyes watching us as an existential threat. Those eyes were likely predators (肉食动物) and people were terrified of being eaten alive. The bad news is that our brains have transferred the ancient fear of being watched into public speaking. In other words, public-speaking anxiety is in our DNA.

Fortunately, there is a solution: human generosity. The key to disarming our panic button is to turn the focus away from ourselves and toward helping the audience. Studies have shown that an increase in generosity indeed leads to a decrease in amygdala (扁桃腺) activity, which is responsible for our panic feeling in the brain. When we are kind to others, we overcome the sense of being under attack and start to feel less nervous.

Admittedly, this is hard to do. But it’s absolutely possible to become a generous speaker. To begin with, when you start preparing for a presentation, the mistake you often make is starting with the topic. Instead, you should start with the audience. Identify the audience’s needs, and craft a message that speaks directly to those needs. Also, you are the most nervous right before you speak. This is the moment when your brain is telling you, “Everyone is judging me.” But it is exactly the moment when you should refocus your brain. Over time, your brain will begin to get it, and you will become less nervous.



Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

South Africa still has a long way to go on the right to food

Fifty-four percent of South Africans are hungry or at risk of hunger. Hunger affects people’s health, as well as their ability to live full and productive lives because the rights to dignity, health and education are affected by hunger.

1. There are significant race, class and gender differences. For example, black South Africans are 22 times more likely to be food insecure compared with white South Africans. Food insecurity is defined as not having physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.

This unequal distribution indicates a situation of severe food injustice in South Africa. Yet from the research with urban farmers it’s clear that people do not know of the right to food, and don’t see unequal access to nutritious food as an injustice. 2.While there are frequent protests around access to jobs, education, housing, water and electricity, we rarely, if ever, see protests about access to food.

One of the drivers of unequal access to food is the way in which the industrial food system works. For example, a few large companies dominate each aspect of the food value chain. 3. Because the large companies dominate the supply chain, they are able to maximize profits at the expense of small-scale producers, to whom they pay very low prices.

4.It needs to ensure that marginalized producers, processors and retailers have an opportunity to earn a decent living. At the same time corporate dominance needs to be addressed.

Anyway, at the most basic level, it requires that South Africans know they have a right to food in the first place.

A. As a result, questions of hunger are largely absent in South African politics.

B. Handling food injustice requires a transformation of the undesirable structure of the food system.

C. Therefore, the government has put forward numerous food and nutrition security programs to fight against hunger.

D. This means that smaller scale producers, processors and retailers are squeezed out.

E. Hunger, lack of nutrition and related illnesses are not equally spread.

F. There are international examples of governments taking their obligations seriously with regard to the right to food.



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