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假定你是李华,你校国际部下周将在学校报告厅(auditorium)举办中华诗词大会(Chinese Poetry Conference)的国际学生专场,届时将比赛背诵古诗、回答问题、根据图画猜诗词。请根据下列要点给你的美国朋友、留学生Peter写一封信,邀请他参加。


1. 比赛的时间和地点;

2. 比赛的目的和形式;

3. 诚挚邀请Peter参赛。

要求:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Peter,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear Peter, I’m glad to tell you that the international department of our school is to hold a Chinese Poetry Conference for international students next week. It is aimed to arouse foreign students interest in Chinese culture and popularize Chinese poetry. The competition consist of three sections-reciting poems, answering questions about Chinese poetry and making right guesses of the poems according to the given paintings. This is a good chance to show how much you have learned about Chinese poetry and also a good opportunity to learn more. I would be looking forward to your participation with great pleasure. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【解析】本文属于邀请信,要求写封邮件邀请美国朋友、留学生Peter参加学校国际部下周将在学校报告厅(auditorium)举办中华诗词大会(Chinese Poetry Conference)的国际学生专场。写作情境设置真实,任务要求符合学生能力水平,自然地融入了中华诗词的内容,能够引导学生在使用外语了解世界的同时,注重传承发扬中华民族优秀文明成果,运用中国元素讲中国故事,增强文化自信。该写作贴近学生生活,学生有话可说。考生成文时应注意:1. 结构采用三段成文:第一段引出话题说明目的;第二段具体交代比赛的时间和地点及 比赛的目的和形式;第三段诚挚邀请Peter参赛。2. 时态:以一般现在时为主。3. 人称:第三人称和第一人称。4. 注意恰当使用一些连词,使文章自然、流畅。5. 适当使用一些高级词汇和句型以提高作文档次。如宾语从句that the international department of our school is to hold a Chinese Poetry Conference for international students next week.和how much you have learned about Chinese poetry.  


One year ago, I had a special English lesson hold at the railway station. It was quite different from the regular English classes we were familiar to, for we had no textbooks, no blackboard and no fixed seats.

Gathered at the entrance of the station, we were told to collect many English words and sentences as possible there. Curious and excited, they walked around the station and looked everywhere, searching for any informations in English. Whenever an English word comes into sight, the class would burst into the cheers as if we had discovered a new world. With the Chinese translation and vividly pictures, we could figure out their meaning with ease.

Now, this unforgettable lesson still encourages me to be an active learner where I go.




If you make a career choice while you are still in high school, you1.(save) time and money in the long run. Students who do not plan ahead may delay stating college or take extra courses2.( give) themselves time to make up their. minds. U. S. News and World Report say that the average yearly tuition at a four-year college is $ 35,000. If you spend3.extra year in school, you may have to take out additional4.(loan) or pay extra money to cover the cost.

Choosing a career while you are in high school also gives you time to explore your5.( choose)industry, If you find a career6.sounds interesting, you can follow someone in the field and see what it is7.(real) like to have that job. You can also apply8.a chance to get an informal position related to your desired industry. This will help you build a professional network even before you graduate from high school. Professional contact is very9.( value), especially when you are looking for a job in your field. If you do as much as you can to build a network10.you are ready for a job, you will be more likely to succeed.



    Adventure is in my blood. And I had been considering how I was going to celebrate my high school graduation. I didn't just want a small _________ in the backyard, I started thinking about doing a solo(独自的)_________ somewhere out of the ordinary. I took out the _________ and drew a 1,500-mile route along which I would be _________ from the northernmost point in Norway to the southernmost section of Sweden. When I _________ my plan with my dad, he _________ as I thought he would. Because I get my adventurous _________ from him, he was all for it.

I had only been away from my _________ for three days, but there was an inner _________ going on. Part of me was homesick and doubting whether I really could _____________ it. The other part of me was ready to ___________ to myself and my family that I could do it by myself.

On the road, I met another ___________ who was quite a bit older than I was. He started his journey alone by ___________ at the southern part of Norway and just finished. I could tell he had a great sense of ___________. It encouraged me not to ___________.

As I listened to my ___________ artists on my MP4 player, I pedaled(踩踏板)with my feet. There was ___________ around me for miles. ___________, that wasn’t entirely true. There were mosquitoes millions of them. My arms were so dotted with ___________ that they looked like a topographical(地形的)map. But, however __________ it would be, nothing could stop my advance on the destination. As you know, adventure is in my blood.

1.A.party B.meeting C.conversation D.game

2.A.flight B.interview C.performance D.trip

3.A.instruction B.map C.magazine D.newspaper

4.A.walking B.flying C.cycling D.running

5.A.compared B.shared C.prepared D.changed

6.A.agreed B.sighed C.left D.cried

7.A.story B.spirit C.skill D.hobby

8.A.hotel B.school C.home D.office

9.A.battle B.activity C.request D.discussion

10.A.get B.make C.put D.take

11.A.turn B.reply C.prove D.adapt

12.A.driver B.jogger C.bicyclist D.pilot

13.A.bike B.car C.air D.sea

14.A.humor B.direction C.balance D.satisfaction

15.A.calm down B.break down C.speed up D.give up

16.A.favorite B.personal C.professional D.successful

17.A.nobody B.everybody C.anything, D.everything

18.A.Firstly B.Actually C.Eventually D.Fortunately

19.A.wounds B.cuts C.bites D.burns

20.A.boring  B.confusing C.complex D.difficult



Keep Calm During the Hard Times

When life gets hard, sometimes it's not easy to control yourself and not to sink deep into the bad feelings. Have you ever wondered how some people can be so calm during the hard times1. Here are four things you can do to get through hard times.

Cry if you need to-for a while. Some people like to control themselves.2. If you do control them, it's like holding a ball under the water. You can do it for a while, but it will finally come back to the surface. So have a good cry once in a while to help you think more clearly.3. Lost in the bad emotions, we won't change anything. Let's say you just lost your job. Maybe it is a shock. After crying, then you should make the decision to put your calm hat on. Start to find new jobs. Then do something.

Ask for help. Unluckily, a lot of people think that asking for help is a sign of weakness. It's not!4. Nowhere! Having other people support you will make you feel like you have more power than before.

Believe that things will get better. If you don't believe that things will change, then they won't. I always love Henry Ford's words, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't-you are right." If you think things will get better, then they finally will. If you think they won't, then they won't.5.

Stay calm when life gets hard. If you practice these steps on a regular basis, sooner or later it will become second nature to you.

A. Find the solution.

B. Remember that it won't last forever.

C. Your belief shapes your experience.

D. But controlling your feelings doesn't always help.

E. Would you like to use some ways that keep you calm during the hard times

F. Somewhere in the world, someone has it a lot worse than you right at this moment.

G. Where has it ever been written that everyone needs to go through the difficulties alone



    Nothing succeeds like success, as every parent of a straight-A student knows, but trying to strengthen academic excellence by telling your child, " You're so smart!" may be counterproductive.

According to the: findings of a 2017 study, children who think their intelligence is fixed are less likely to pay attention and return to normal from mistakes than children who think their intelligence can grow and change. Telling kids they're smart strengthens the idea that intelligence is a genetic gift rather than a skill that can be improved.

In the study published online, researchers at Michigan State University looked at 123 children who were about 7, as kids at this age face the challenge of going to school. The team assessed the children to determine whether they had a "growth mindset", who believe that they can work harder to get smarter, or a"fixed mindset", who believe that their intelligence is unable to change. They then asked the children to complete a fast-paced computer accuracy task while their brain activity was recorded. In the task, children played a game, helping a zookeeper catch escaped animals by pressing the space bar when an animal showed up on their screens.

Based on the data they collected, the researchers concluded that children with a "growth mindset" were much more likely to have a larger brain response after making a mistake, and in turn were more likely to improve their performance by paying closer attention to the task after making an error.

While previous research has shown that people with a "fixed mindset" don't want to admit they've made a mistake, this study found that children with a "fixed mindset" were able to "return to normal" after making an error, but only if they gave their full attention to the mistake and used it as an opportunity to learn.

For parents, the lessons are clear: For starters, don't pay compliments(赞美的话)that suggest intelligence is fixed. If a child hands you an A+test, don't say, " You're so smart!" Instead say," Wow, that studying really paid off!" or " You clearly mastered this material—way to go!". Note the effort, not the intelligence.

1.Which of the following can be closest to the meaning of " counterproductive"?

A.Achieving the opposite result.

B.Going far away from the goal.

C.Showing off your intelligence.

D.Forming a good relationship.

2.What was discovered in a 2017 study?

A.Children are easy to lose focus in class.

B.It takes time for children to regain confidence.

C.Skills are generally thought to be able to be improved.

D.Telling kids they're smart means emphasizing the born gift.

3.What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?

A.The purpose and the process of the study.

B.The major breakthrough made in the study.

C.The participants and the place of the study.

D.The scientific methods used in the study.

4.How is the text developed?

A.By listing statistics.

B.By comparison.

C.By showing examples.

D.By reasoning



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