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语法填空 Charles Dickens is often thought of...


Charles Dickens is often thought of as one of England's greatest 1. ( writer )yet his language is old-fashioned and his story plots often improbable. How then to explain Dickens's enduring (持久的) 2. (popular)?

His stories, though often overlong by today's standardare well written moral (道德的)tales. They are filled with 3. (color) characters.

But what makes his books stand out from other English writers is his insight 4. human nature. Dickens, like Shakespeare, tells us truths about human behaviour that 5.  (be) as true to citizens of the 21st century as they were to his readers in the 19th century.

Readers 6. ( return ) to Dickens’s books again and again over the years 7. ( see ) what he has to say about readers’ own time. No surprise then that 8. was Dickens that Britons turned to, during the economic crisis last year, to make sense of a world 9. (rapid) falling apart.

The BBC adapted one of his less well-known novels, Little Dorrit, into a popular television drama 10.introduced many Brits to the novel for the first time. It’s a dark story about greed and money which is the perfect story to explain the bad times.

As long as Dickens’s novels have something to say to modern audiences, it seems likely that he will remain one of Britain’s best loved writers.


1.writers 2.popularity 3.colorful 4.into 5.are 6.have returned 7.to see 8.it 9.rapidly 10.that/which 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了狄更斯的作品为什么现在还受欢迎。 1.考查名词复数。"one of +形容词的最高级+名词复数"结构表示"最……之一",为固定用法。故填writers。 2.考查名词。空处作动词explain的宾语,且空前有形容词修饰,故用名词形式。故填popularity。 3.考查形容词。空处作定语修饰characters,故用形容词colorful表示"有趣的"。故填colorful。 4.考查介词。insight当"(尤指对复杂情况、看法的)顿悟,猛醒"讲时,后常与into搭配。故填into。 5.考查主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,that引导定语从句,在从句中作主语,从句谓语动词与先行词truths保持时态,人称和数一致;根据上文的tells可知,用一般现在时,故填are。 6.考查时态。根据时间状语over the years可知,本句应用现在完成时。故填have returned。 7.考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空处作目的状语,指人们一遍遍看狄更斯作品的目的,故用动词不定式。故填to see。 8.考查强调句型。分析句子结构可知,去掉强调结构后,Britons turned to Dickens是完整的句子,故此句是强调句型,故填it。 9.考查副词。分析句子结构可知,空处修饰falling apart,故用副词作状语,故填rapidly。 10.考查定语从句。"10 introduced many Brits to the novel for the first time"为定语从句,修饰 drama,空处是关系词且在从句中作主语,故用关系代词that/which。故填which/that。

    This morning a young man was wandering on campus. He came from one of the mental illness houses on the surrounding streets. He’s quiet and polite, and I think him very _____ and bored. I saw him earlier standing at the soda vending machine (投币式自动售货机)jiggling (摇动) _____ in his pockets. It appeared he didn't have enough money for a soda at $ 1.50. He was bending down and _____ dropped change under the vending machine. Nothing to be _____ I asked him how much money he _____ and he replied, "Just 2 quarters." I _____ into my pocket and I had 2 lonely little quarters. I gave them to him and asked him what he was going to eat for lunch. He said they had food back at the house, _____ usually just noodles or a sandwich that he didn’t like. I took him back to my  _____ and gave him several Pizza Hut coupons (优惠券).

I’ve been _____ small change for several years in a can at the office. I gave him the ______ and told him to take it to the market and use the coins. I told him to make sure he ______ my can because it had cats on it. Just 10 minutes later he ______ the can back and handed me $ 30. 00 and some change. This was the ______ of the can. He didn't understand the money was for him and thought I just wanted him to do me a favor and cash in the change for me.

We had a ______ conversation about animals, science, food, etc. and then I handed him the $ 30.00 and change. I told him I wanted him to ______ the money and just return the can. He asked me why I was doing this for him. I ______ , "You have a need and I'm happy that I can help." After ______ to him, he understood. _____his exit, I handed him a(n) ______ psychology book in case he wanted to know more about the science of the mind.

Just 2 quarters can make the young man ______ , make me cry happy tears, and leave him to know people care about him.

1.A.friendly B.naughty C.lonely D.lovely

2.A.notes B.cellphones C.paper D.change

3.A.looking out B.looking for C.looking into D.looking over

4.A.found B.benefited C.gained D.adopted

5.A.lent B.borrowed C.needed D.owed

6.A.dragged B.reached C.turned D.explored

7.A.so B.and C.or D.but

8.A.office B.home C.classroom D.store

9.A.finding B.saving C.donating D.hiding

10.A.paperwork B.soda C.money D.can

11.A.protected B.polished C.returned D.abandoned

12.A.brought B.rewarded C.won D.called

13.A.price B.contents C.reward D.possessions

14.A.heated B.public C.nice D.private

15.A.distribute B.lock C.count D.keep

16.A.replied B.admitted C.whispered D.stressed

17.A.complaining B.announcing C.explaining D.apologizing

18.A.With B.Upon C.After D.At

19.A.typical B.ordinary C.special D.free

20.A.delighted B.desperate C.embarrassed D.astonished



    Nowadays it is necessary to be reasonable and flexible enough to avoid conflicts as much as possible and live in peace with others. 1. If you have done all your best to avoid conflicts but you are still arguing, then read these effective tips on how to avoid conflicts.

1. Don’t get in the center of the conflict.

Sometimes people can get in the center of conflicts because they want to help. Frankly speaking, it is very risky, because it can make you the main figure of the conflict. 2. You should focus on your own life issues.

2. Be kind

3. Life is full of conflicts and disagreements, and that’s why you should find more conservative (保守的) ways of dealing with them. For example, kindness can lessen the conflict.

3. 4.

Peacekeepers tend to cooperate with people without bad emotions which usually lead to arguments and even conflicts. “The greatest victory is the battle not fought.” This saying is the life motto of a natural-born peacekeeper. Don’t worry if you are not a natural-born peacekeeper. You can gain this skill during life.

4. Walk off.

When the conflict is gathering pace and you can’t manage to keep yourself, you should choose to handle the situation in another way. By all means, try to keep yourself away from stress. 5. You should get away from the situation for a while.

A. Try to be a peacekeeper.

B. Conflicts are unavoidable, so try to accept them.

C. Weak people usually desire others to offer help and support.

D. It is helpful to put some distance between yourself and the competitor.

E. Let other people sort out their relationships without your presence.

F. When someone pushes you to the limit, try to act.

G. Arguing can either break your relationship or help you get to know your partner better.



    If you ever visit an English village, make sure to look out for morris dancing. Undoubtedly one of the strangest traditions of English culture, morris dancing is a form of folk dancing that dates back to the 15th century. If you ever get the opportunity, you really have to see it.

Men and women wearing old-fashioned, shabby(破烂的)clothing dance in the streets of towns and villages across the country during the holiday periods. Women wear long skirts and men wear short trousers with bells attached to them. They dance to traditional folk music which is often played on traditional musical instruments.

Some groups carry heavy black sticks with which they beat against each other while they dance. Other groups wave handkerchiefs in the air while they perform. The dances are usually performed near a pub so that when they’re over, the dancers and audience can sing some traditional folk songs over beer. The celebrations will often continue long into the night.

Morris dancing is a great English tradition but it’s facing a big crisis. As the years go by, fewer and fewer young people are joining morris dancing groups. The dancers are getting older and older and eventually, if not protected, the tradition will die out within the next few decades.

If you’ve ever had the fortune to see morris dancing, you may understand why teenagers aren’t rushing to sign up. Frankly, it’s not exactly the coolest thing for an 18-year-old to do. Why dress up in bells and funny costumes when you could be going camping, playing sports or doing anything else?

However, it would be a great shame to lose such a fun and lively part of England’s history and culture. So here’s a toast to the next generation of would-be morris dancers! Let’s hope they don’t leave it too late.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The origins of moris dancing.

B.The popularity of morris dancing.

C.The protection of morris dancing.

D.The introduction of morris dancing.

2.What do we know about morris dancers?

A.They dance in pubs late into the night.

B.They perform with sticks or handkerchiefs.

C.They wear long dresses with bells attached.

D.They sing folk music while they dance.

3.What is the present situation of morris dancing?

A.It is losing appeal among young people.

B.It is keeping pace with people's demand.

C.It is witnessing great changes in history.

D.It is being criticized by modern people.

4.What does the author think about morris dancing?

A.It helps stay healthy.

B.It is fun for teenagers.

C.It deserves more attention.

D.It is too old-fashioned.



    Cyclist Alain Such has been dropped from the Ingotel cycling team for two years after a positive drug test at the Institute of Drug Free Sport. "I was flabbergasted, "said Vidier Garcia, from Team Ingotel. "Alain joined our team last month and we had no idea that he was being examined."

It’s a story that has become more and more familiar in recent years. Dr Mohammad Farnood, a leading sports scientist from Cairo, Egypt, said, "It is thought that some athletes will look for other ways to improve their performance in addition to using drugs."

However, it has not always been against the law. In the Olympics in 1994, Thomas Hicks won the marathon after using drugs in the middle of the race. In fact, the first one didn’t make him feel better for long, so he was given another and, as a result, he fell down soon after finishing and knew nothing. Another one may well have killed him.

Things are very different today. Some scientists are considering the possibility of using genetic engineering to further develop athletes’ abilities. "If it works with no risk of discovery, "said Dr Farnood, "then it’s likely to become common practice for athletes."

Researchers are looking at the possibility of identifying "athletic" genes and correcting weak ones. Put into practice, this would make a person healthier and stronger. Once scientists understand what the genes of top athletes look like, it might even become possible to identify "athletic" genes in young people, and then money could be spent on children who have the most promising genes.

"People are beginning to recognize that it can do good to our society, for example in saving lives and in creating better quality food for people," Dr Farnood said. "So, is it fair to use genetic engineering in sport? You could ask if it's fair for some runners to use the latest scientifically developed footwear. The key question is whether it’s available to everyone.’

1.What does the underlined word "flabbergasted" in Paragraph 1 mean?

A.Shy. B.Proud.

C.Excited. D.Surprised.

2.What happened to Thomas Hicks in 1994?

A.He was badly hurt in training. B.He broke the law when running in a race.

C.He took drugs and almost got killed. D.He lost the match in the Olympic Games.

3.Who may show the greatest concern about using genetic engineering in sport?

A.Vidier Garcia. B.Thomas Hicks.

C.Alain Such. D.Dr Mohammad Farnood.

4.What can we learn from Paragraphs 5 and 6?

A.The possibility of identifying " athletic" genes has become available.

B.It’s not clear whether it is fair to use genetic engineering in sport.

C.The practice of using drugs in sport has a long history.

D.It’s dangerous to use drugs in sport.



    The end of the year is drawing near, and winter is in full swing. The season brings along with it strong winds and snow — an environment that’s never comfortable to be in.

This unpleasant and even frightening aspect of winter can often be seen in literature. In Shakespeare’s King Lear (1606), the king has given away his kingdom and been rejected by his two ungrateful daughters. He is out in the winter coldsuffering things that are usually reserved for the poorest and most unfortunate human beings.

The winter is bad enough for Learbut being abandoned by his family is worse. A song from another Shakespeare play, As You Like It(1599), is fitting for this poor old man's situation: "Blowblowthou winter wind/Thou art not so unkind /As ma's ingratitude (忘恩负义)". Here, winter is used to bring out the ugliness of inhumanity (无人性). There aren't many things that are worse than winter, according to Shakespeare.

Once winter became less of a threat to human beings, literary works featuring it became more positive. Since Charles Dickens, the representation of the season in literature has often featured happy Christmas celebrations.

The cold of the winter weather provides a contrast to the fun going on indoors.

Dickens' A Christmas Carol (1843) was the start of this, but Christmas is still a common, cheery element (元素)in stories that feature winter scenes today. Consider the joy felt by Harry Potter and his friends in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1997) as they sit down for their festive meal

"Harry had never in all his life had such a Christmas dinner. A hundred fatroast turkeys; mountains of roast and boiled potatoes; platters of chipolatas; tureens of buttered peas, silver boats of thick, rich gravy and cranberry sauce".

It is almost as much a pleasure to read about the meal as it might have been to eat it.

Although winter still isn’t the most cheerful season in novels and poems, it’s safe to say that writers have certainly "warmed up" since Shakespeare’s days.

1.What’s the author’s main purpose in writing this article?

A.To recommend some winter stories in literature.

B.To explain what winter is like in literary works.

C.To describe certain customs that are related to winter.

D.To tell us why winter is described as unpleasant in literature.

2.What can we learn from Shakespeare’s works?

A.Shakespeare didn’t like winter for its bad weather.

B.King Lear was forced to give up being a king in a cold winter.

C.It’s in winter when King Lear drove his two daughters off.

D.Winter is compared with the ugly side of humanity.

3.Why does the author mention Charles Dickens in the passage?

A.Because a lot of his works are related to winter.

B.Because he is the most popular author of winter stories.

C.Because he started a new way of representing winter.

D.Because his works make people feel cheerful in winter.

4.The example of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is used mainly to show      .

A.traditional Christmas food makes the winter cheery

B.Christmas is still a symbol of joy in modern stories

C.it’s a pleasure to read Christmas-related books in winter

D.winter has become the happiest season in literary works



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