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阅读短文,并按照題目要求用英语回答问题. In 2013, the carpen...


In 2013, the carpenter from Schuby, Germany was surfing the Internet when he came across an organization called Be The Match, the largest bone marrow(骨髓)registry in the world. The 19-year-old didn’t think twice about donating, but he never found out who his marrow went to until years later when he received a message from halfway around the world.

As it turns out. Dennis didn't just save another person. He saved a baby—little Gabriel Smith from Springfield, Illinois. As a little baby, Gabriel was diagnosed(诊断)with aplastic anemia and went into bone marrow failure. At just 14 months old, he received Dennis1 lifesaving transplant.

Fast forward to 20l8, when the Make — A — Wish Foundation contacted Gabriel's family to offer the seven-year-old one wish. "At first, he said, "Take my donor to meet Mickey," Gabriel's mom, Lauren, told CNN. "But we couldn't do that, so he was asked to choose one: Meet your donor or go to Disney. He chose to meet his donor, Dennis, without any hesitation."

Fortunately, Dennis had already agreed to share his identity with his recipient's family. Even so, hearing from them came as a bit of a shock. "I was speechless, Dennis said. "I can't believe that this happened and that he survived the bone marrow transplant." In August, Make — A — Wish arranged for Dennis to travel to the U.S. for the first time ever, where he and Gabriel became conjoined.

While Gabriel didn't go to Disney World, he got something even better: adventures with his own personal hero. "He is part of our family now," Lauren said. "We are hoping this experience will inspire others.”

And incredibly, it did! On August 27, Lauren shared on Facebook that Dennis and Gabriel's story has already inspired thousands of Americans to sign up with Be The Match. With one selfless choice, Dennis sparked a wave of potentially lifesaving acts. He's not just a hero to Gabriel and his family: He's a hero to us all.

1.How did Dennis learn about the organization called Be The Match? (no more than 10 words)


2.What was Gabriel's wish at last? (no more than 5 words)


3.What does the underlined word in Paragraph 4 mean? (I word)


4.What is the influence of Dennis and Gabriel's story? (no more than 15 words)


5.Who is the "hero" in your life? Please explain. (no more than 20 words)



1.He learned about the organization when surfing the Internet./ He got to know it through the Internet by accident./Through surfing the Internet. 2.To meet his donor. /To see Dennis. 3.Close/Connected/ Inseparable. 4.Their stories inspired thousands of Americans to sigh up with Be The Match./A lot of people followed their example. 5.Answers may vary. My father/mother. Because he/she raises me up and accompanies me through hardship./My teacher. Because he/she teaches me not only knowledge but also values and positive attitudes. 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了木匠丹尼斯捐献骨髓的故事。他的故事鼓舞了许多美国人。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段的“In 2013, the carpenter from Schuby, Germany was surfing the Internet when he came across an organization called Be The Match, the largest bone marrow(骨髓)registry in the world.”可知,Dennis在网上了解的这个组织。learn about了解;get to know“知道”;through the Internet“通过网络”;surf the Internet“上网”。根据语境,用一般过去时。考虑词数限制。故答案是 He learned about the organization when surfing the Internet./ He got to know it through the Internet by accident./Through surfing the Internet. 2.细节理解题。根据第三段的“He chose to meet his donor, Dennis, without any hesitation.”可知,最后,Cabriel的愿望是去见他的捐献者。考虑词数,故答案是To meet his donor. /To see Dennis. 3.词义猜测题。根据划线词上文“Fortunately, Dennis had already agreed to share his identity with his recipient's family. ”(幸运的是,丹尼斯已经同意与他的受捐者的家人分享了他的身份。)可知,丹尼斯同意与Gabriel想见,因此推断划线词所在句句意是:在八月,Make — A — Wish安排丹尼斯第一次去美国,在那里他和Gabriel取得了联系(connected),成为亲密(close)的或者形影不离的(inseparable)。考虑词数。故答案是Close/Connected/ Inseparable. 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段的“On August 27, Lauren shared on Facebook that Dennis and Gabriel's story has already inspired thousands of Americans to sign up with Be The Match. ”可知,丹尼斯和Gabriel的故事鼓舞了数千美国人报名参加了Be The Match,效仿他们。follow one’s example“以某人为榜样”。考查词数限制。故答案为Their stories inspired thousands of Americans to sigh up with Be The Match./A lot of people followed their example. 5.推理判断题。此处答案不唯一。只要合情合理,有根有据就可以。主语考虑词数。故答案为Answers may vary. My father/mother. Because he/she raises me up and accompanies me through hardship./My teacher. Because he/she teaches me not only knowledge but also values and positive attitudes.

    The world we live in is becoming increasingly complex and uncertain. And with it, the conventional thinking of yesterday is no longer sufficient. Creating real breakthrough opportunities requires a fundamental change in our thinking. As Einstein said, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

There's no better example of this than the myth of the four-minute mile.

For centuries, runners had been attempting to run a mile in under four minutes. In the 1950s, the attempt to break the barrier took on renewed importance, and a number of famous runners publicly and unsuccessfully attempted the challenge. Many of the newspapers of the day began to question whether humans would ever be able to run a sub-four-minute mile. Then, in 1954, a man named Roger Bannister did the unthinkable. He broke through the imaginary barrier, running the mile in 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds. It was an amazing achievement.

But here's what's really interesting: it was only forty-six days later that another runner broke Bannister's record. And the following year, two new runners broke the four-minute mark in the same race. Dozens followed, and as of this writing, more than 1,400 runners have accomplished the goal, including one runner who ran two miles in less than eight minutes.

Did something change with respect to human body, track conditions, weather patterns, running shoes, or the human diet between the start of Bannister's race and the few years that followed? No. So what explains the sudden and dramatic explosion of athletic achievement?

The myth's unimaginable power over runners had lifted. What Bunnister had done was not just break the four — minute — mile barrier; he shattered(粉碎)the myth that created the barrier in the first place. This paradigm (榜样)had offered a set of actions available for runners to take. Runners were really free to run through the invented boundary.

Creating breakthroughs requires shattering the myths that limit our imagination and lock us into conventional thinking. Think about your own situation. What myths are you stuck in? And what would be possible if you had the courage to challenge the myths?

1.What is needed to create breakthroughs?

A.Conventional thinking. B.Changes in our thinking.

C.Complex situation. D.Einstein's encouragement.

2.What was the real barrier that kept runners succeeding in the four-minute mile?

A.The belief that it was unachievable.

B.Lack of professional training.

C.The poor track conditions.

D.Lack of sufficient diet.

3.The example of Roger Bannister is used to .

A.list a new record in the race B.prove newspapers are wrong

C.show barrier can be broken D.call on us to learn from him

4.What does the writer try to explain in Paragraph 6?

A.The power of the myth.

B.The achievements of Bannister.

C.The importance of running freely.

D.The significance of breaking barriers.

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A.Creating Breakthroughs B.Accepting the Myths

C.Locking Your Imagination D.Becoming the Best Athlete



    Perhaps you spotted them on La Cienega Boulevard, flying north by the thousands near the Westfield mall. Maybe you saw them in Santa Anita crossing a quiet street in a thick line. You may have even driven with hundreds of them along the 105 Freeway, where they violently beat their small wings as if they were trying to catch a flight at Los Angeles International Airport. People may mistake these black — and — orange insects for moths (飞蛾) or monarchs (黑脉金斑蝶)due to the appearance. Actually, they are called painted ladies, and these butterflies are flying by the millions across the state.

The migration((迁徙)itself is nothing new. What's unusual this year is the number of butterflies making the journey. James burg, the director of Palm Desert, came across a pack of butterflies while riding a bike lust week. "They were Hying with me, as I rode," he said. "It was absolutely magical. I felt like a Disney princess."

The painted lady's appearance is a welcome exception to California's current butterfly crisis. The number of butterflies in the state has been in a loss for decides, reaching historic lows in 2018. A monarch count led by the Xerces Society found only 28,129 of monarchs wintering along the California coast. That figure represents an 85% drop from the previous year and a 99.4% fall compared with 40 years ago. Other butterfly populations have been hit even worse.

No one is certain what is causing butterflies in California to disappear, but researchers have pointed several likely factors. They include the general loss of open spaces, which means fewer flowers and leaves for food, as well as changing agricultural practices that have reduced the number of butterfly-friendly plants along the edges of crop fields. The climate change plays a role, which produces higher temperatures that can dry plants out and make them uneatable.

Scientists say the reason for this year's painted ladies' appearance can be summed up in one word: rain. And more specifically, rain in the desert. “The more plants, the more butterflies," James Burg said.

1.What can learn about painted ladies from Paragraph 1 ?

A.They enjoyed flying in the sky.

B.The liked chasing the drivers.

C.They and moths look much alike.

D.They were big trouble to the airport.

2.What is special about painted ladies' migration this year?

A.Their quantities. B.Their destination.

C.Their flying route. D.Their flying distance.

3.How is Paragraph 3 mainly developed?

A.By giving examples. B.By quoting a statement.

C.By analyzing cause and effect. D.By listing accurate numbers.

4.Which can best summarize the main idea of Paragraph 4?

A.Open spaces in California decrease greatly.

B.Changes on agriculture affected butterflies.

C.Lack of food makes butterflies disappear.

D.Climate change drives butterflies away.

5.In which section of a magazine will you probably read the passage?

A.Travel. B.Nature.

C.History. D.Health.



    Swimming across the English Channel is no easy feat. In addition to the strong ocean currents, swimmers also have to endure extremely cold temperatures. However, don't tell that to Sarah Thomas. The 37-year-oki American recently became the first person ever to swim across it not once, hut four times non-stop!

"I just can't believe I did it/' Thomas told the BBC after the swim. "I'm really just pretty numb. There was a lot of people on the beach to meet me and wish me well, and it was really nice of them, but I feel just mostly stunned."

What makes Thomas's achievement even more remarkable is that just a year ago, in 2018, she was undergoing treatment for breast cancer. She said that fighting the strong currents was hard. But even worse was “dealing with the saltwater... it really hurts your throat your mouth and your tongue”, she said. “I got stung()in the face by a jellyfish. The water wasn't as cold as I thought it might be, but it was still very cold."

Thomas’s record-breaking journey began just past midnight on Sunday, September 15, 2019, when she dove into the waters off the shore of Dover, England. Though the swim was initially meant to be about 80 miles, strong currents forced the athlete to change course several times, lengthening the total distance by about 50 miles. By the time she appeared from the water at 6:30 a.m. local time on Tuesday, September 17, 2019, she had been in the water for 54 hours and 13 minutes and swum a total of 133 miles! Even more impressive, Thomas achieved the astonishing feat in a regular swimsuit. Her only aids were swim goggles, one cap, a nose clip, and earplugs.

This is not the first time Thomas has swum across the English Channel. She has done it twice before, in 2012 and 2016. She told filmmaker Jon Washer, who is making a documentary about her swim, “As I was doing 20 mile swims, it occurred to me that I could do more and I wanted to see what that more was." The swimmer, who is being praised “an absolute legend" by the CS&PF, has indeed shown the world what she is capable of However, we have a feeling she is not done yet!

1.By mentioning “Swimming across the English Channel is no easy feat", the writer aims to

A.warn people not to swim across it

B.arouse people' interest in swimming

C.set off Sa rah Thomas's achievements

D.stress the difficulties swimmers have to conquer

2.What does the underlined word “stunned" mean in Paragraph 2?

A.Surprised. B.Satisfied. C.Doubtful. D.Regretful.

3.What troubled Thomas most during swimming?

A.Strong currents. B.Sea water.

C.Jellyfish. D.Water temperature.

4.What does Paragraph 4 mainly focus on?

A.The long distance she covered.

B.The ordinary equipment she possessed.

C.The record-breaking time she stayed in water.

D.The impressive determination she displayed.

5.What can we infer from the last Paragraph?

A.A documentary is being made about her achievements.

B.She has swum across the Channel more than once.

C.She will probably plan to swim the Channel in the future.

D.She is capable of doing everything she wants to achieve.



    Because travel is as much about the journey as the destination, the right accessories((配件) make a difference to the jet-setters on your gift list.

Smart carry-on suitcase

There's nothing worse than landing in a foreign city and realizing you have no way to call Uber because your phone died while you were delayed before takeoff and unable to find a plug. If your suitcase is the Millennial Power Bank Spinner from Traveler's Choice, problems like this will be a thing of the past If you remember to charge it up along with your phone the night before your flight, you'll always have a charge in reserve.

Purchase: via NORDSTOMRACK.COM $189.97

Noise-canceling headphones

Few things are more needed by travelers than a quality pair of noise-canceling headphones. The Bose Noise Cancelling Wireless Bluetooth Headphones 700 has 11 levels of noise canceling power so you can control your environment as needed, and four microphones that pick up and separate your voice so you can still take calls, even in a noisy airport. Plus, it offers one-touch access to Google Assistant or Alexa, and 20 hours of battery life, which should get you most anywhere in the world on a single charge.

Purchase: via AMAZON.COM $399

Multi-purpose jacket

Sure, jackets are a great way to add a layer of warmth——but that's just about any conventional jacket with two front pockets. If the traveler on your list is a techie, he or she will be thrilled with the Baubax bomber jacket 2.0. which has 25 features to ensure everything stays organized and readily available. It comes with built-in neck pillow, travel footrest, eye mask, travel blanket, battery-charger pocket, bottle opener... and 12 pockets to place your tablet, phone, sunglasses and passport. Yes, 12...

Purchase: via BAUBAX.COM S238

Motion-sickness relief

There's a new choice for the traveler who suffers motion sickness. Reliefband 1.5, a drug-free wristband that uses patented, clinically proven, FDA-cleared technology to treat motion sickness. The wristband works by stimulating the nerve at the underside of the wrist with gentle pulses. It works for travel by plane, train, boat, or car, as well as for virtual reality gaming, amusement park rides, and even morning sickness.

Purchase: via AIMAZON.COM $94.99

1.What can a "Smart carry-on suitcase " do?

A.Guarantee a safe landing. B.Keep the cell phone alive.

C.Help avoid any trouble in flight. D.Ease the passengers' burden.

2.What's the additional function of "Noise-canceling headphones"?

A.It's of high quality. B.It's noise-proof.

C.It keeps a phone call clear. D.It can access Google Assistant.

3.Compared with ordinary jackets, the advantage of "Multi-purpose jacket" lies in .

A.its ability to keep warm B.its up-to-date design

C.its capacity to store stuff D.its affordable price

4.What can we learn about "Motion-sickness relief?

A.It's a smart wearable device.

B.It's a newly-invented pill.

C.It can cure any sickness.

D.It is effective only for passengers.

5.Which of the following is the cheapest one to purchase?

A.Smart carry-on suitcase. B.Noise-canceling headphones.

C.Multi-purpose jacket. D.Motion-sickness relief.



    Sending an urgent message in a bottle would not typically be considered a sensible strategy. However, it magically ___ for three hikers from California.

In June 2019, for Father^ Day weekend, the Whitsons ___ to go backpacking along central California's Arroyo Seco River. Things went ___ for the first two days. On June 16, Whitson, who was ___ with the area, led the trip to the Arroyo Seco narrows(峡谷).

____ when the hikers reached the waterfall in the narrows, Whitson realized that ___ his previous trip through the area, the water currents were too strong to pass. "My heart ____ when I realized that.” Whitson told CNN. Whitson and his son tried to ___ other routes to get around it, but their efforts proved ____ .

With food running low and no cellphone reception to____help, he decided to carve a "GET HELP” message on the side of his water bottle and threw it downstream in the ___ that someone would find it. Then they went back up the river to a small beach to camp out for the night.

Sometime after midnight, the three adventurers were ___ by a welcome sound — a California Highway Patrol helicopter flying overhead. Since it was too dark to conduct a(n) ____ , the officials asked them to stay warm for the night, and ___ to send a team the following day.

Shortly after being____on the morning of June 17, 2019, Whitson ____ that two hikers had tripped upon their water bottle and, upon seeing the urgent ____reported the issue to the officials. Whitson says, "They didn't leave their name or phone number. They just did what was ____ in their heart, and most importantly they took it ____ . Whitson and his family hope the two good hikers will reveal their ___ so that they can express their gratitude in person.

1.A.failed B.worked C.connected D.recommended

2.A.decided B.preferred C.attempted D.happened

3.A.obviously B.unexpectedly C.smoothly D.surprisingly

4.A.familiar B.popular C.content D.busy

5.A.Besides B.Meanwhile C.Moreover D.However

6.A.unlike B.like C.as D.opposite

7.A.beat B.sank C.ached D.broke

8.A.attach B.avoid C.expand D.seek

9.A.priceless B.hopeless C.fruitless D.endless

10.A.call for B.spread out C.beg for D.give away

11.A.challenge B.arrangement C.hope D.satisfaction

12.A.awakened B.disturbed C.annoyed D.greeted

13.A.experiment B.escape C.exploration D.rescue

14.A.regretted B.promised C.chose D.appealed

15.A.picked up B.tried out C.put Forward D.passed down

16.A.believed B.accepted C.predicted D.discovered

17.A.sculpture B.message C.coincidence D.comment

18.A.urgent B.flexible C.right D.possible

19.A.directly B.normally C.seriously D.frequently

20.A.identity B.motivation C.characteristic D.quality



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