满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What is the woman going to do? A.Give Je...

What is the woman going to do?

A.Give Jenny a gift.

B.Send Jenny a thank you card.

C.Mail Jenny a greeting letter.


B 【解析】 【原文】 此题为听力题,解析略。  

How much will the man pay for the parcel?

A.4 dollars. B.4.15 dollars. C.4.50 dollars.



最近,你参加了高一年级组织的你最重视哪科作业的调查,结果见下面的饼状图。请据此写一篇短文, 介绍调查结果,就某一数据是否合理提出自己的看法,并给出理由(理由不少于两点)。

注意:1. 短文的开头已为你写好。

2. 词数不少于120


Recently, a survey on homework preference has been conducted among senior three students. The results are as follows:





●Mrs. Foster made an 1.(假定,认为) that Kelly was having a bad dream and sent her back to bed. Mr. Foster was working that night on his road c2. job, and was not home when these events o3..

● A scientist named Dr Grover Krantz became c4. that these strange creatures exist and that they are linked to a common a5..

● I have been quite busy  6.(安排) my holiday with my brother and we are going to visit so many exciting places and do lots of 7.(不同寻常的) things.

● Since we will be walking for almost two weeks, I will need to buy a large backpack in a8. to carry my 9.(供给) of food and water.

● He 10.(正式地) announced his retirement from first-class cricket yesterday.




We were swimming happily 1. my 4-year-old son fell into the adult’s pool. We ran over and pulled him out of the water, only to find his face blue and body still. He was weak and 2.(life). I was so sad that I didn’t hold out any hope.

One person immediately contacted the front desk and called 911. Though we tried our best, we failed. Another friend of mine realized that two off-duty lifeguards, Liz and Alison, were nearby. The sisters, 15 and 18, recently trained by the Red Cross in CPR, took 3. compression and breathing. Alison started compression and Liz gave 4. (instruct). All at once 5.filled my mind were regret and hope. “Help, somebody, do anything!” Then it happened. My son opened one of his eyes and began to cry. I held him firmly and burst out 6.(cry). When back home, he 7. (allow) to get out bed the next morning. At that time, I could finally let out a sigh of 8.(relieve).

How 9.(forget) the experience was! Without those kind people, my son wouldn’t have been saved! To all those kind people I owed my son’s coming back to life and I wanted to express my sincere 10. (appreciate) to them.



    My day started just like all the other days. I left for the train station at 7:35 to arrive at work by 8:30. While on the train I would always choose a seat away from the crowd so I can read the newspaper _______ and quietly. I didn’t know why but for some reason when I got on the train today it was unusually ________. I sat down in the only seat available beside a middle-aged man who had his head down and seemed to be ________ in his thoughts. I was glad that he didn’t notice when I sat next to him because he just ________ to look down towards the floor.

Shortly after the train left I found myself ______what could be so important that he didn’t even see me. I tried to forget about it. However, for some strange reason this inner ______ kept forcing me to talk to this man. I tried to ignore the voice _______ there was no way I was starting a conversation with a complete stranger. Finally I _______ and came up with an excuse to ask him a question. When he ________ his head, I could see that he had some tears rolling down the side of his face _______ his feeble(微弱的) attempt to wipe them away. We talked for about 20 minutes and in the end he seemed to be doing ________.

Several weeks had passed when I noticed an unaddressed ________ on my desk after returning from lunch. It only had the word ________ written on it. When I read the note inside the envelope I was so filled with emotions that I couldn’t ________ myself. It was a letter from the man I met on the train thanking me again for talking to him and ________ his life that day. Apparently he had some very hurtful personal problems that were so ________ he was planning to take his life that day.

In his letter he explained that he in _________ screamed out to God that if God really cared about him he would ________ someone to prevent him from taking his life. In his eyes I was that someone, that Angel sent by God.

So the next time you feel prompted (冲动) for no ________ reason to talk to a friend, relative, neighbor or even a complete stranger, please remember my story. You just may make a ________ in someone’s life when you listen to your inner voice.

1.A.hopefully B.peacefully C.sincerely D.immediately

2.A.full B.noisy C.clean D.empty

3.A.disappointed B.employed C.occupied D.sunk

4.A.decided B.hesitated C.began D.continued

5.A.wondering B.realizing C.concluding D.discovering

6.A.voice B.enthusiasm C.memory D.love

7.A.though B.as C.unless D.if

8.A.broke down B.broke up C.broke in D.broke out

9.A.dragged B.shook C.bent D.raised

10.A.in case of B.in search of C.in defense of D.in spite of

11.A.weaker B.worse C.stronger D.better

12.A.package B.present C.envelope D.directory

13.A.Angel B.Colleague C.Companion D.Friend

14.A.contain B.excite C.embarrass D.upset

15.A.taking B.changing C.improving D.saving

16.A.convincing B.uncontrolled C.uncomfortable D.encouraging

17.A.conclusion B.hopelessness C.power D.practice

18.A.carry B.hire C.force D.send

19.A.violent B.obvious C.disagreeing D.stupid

20.A.decision B.schedule C.difference D.reservation



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