满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的词或括号内单词的正确形式。 I was on...


I was on my way home with a friend yesterday when I found 1.mobile phone by the roadside. After picking it up, I started searching the contact list and called 2. (number) to see whether I could figure out whose phone it was.  3. (fortunate), the only person who answered the phone didn’t recognize the number that I was calling from.

My friend 4. (suggest) that we go back to the street and the house in front of which we found the mobile phone. And we did so. I knocked at the door and two young men answered. 5. of them had lost their phones, but as I referred 6. some names on the contact list, one of them said he also had those names and that it must be the phone of one of 7. (they) friends. Then, he took the phone and said how wonderful it was that I spent the time finding the owner. Afterwards, I left without leaving my name or address. I never considered 8. (keep) the phone. Instead, I immediately tried to find the owner. And I believed that was exactly what I would want someone 9. (do) if I lost my phone. It couldn’t have been 10. (good).

Sometimes, helping others is just doing the right thing.


1.a 2.numbers 3.Unfortunately 4.suggested 5.Neither 6.to 7.their 8.keeping 9.to do 10.better 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要写了作者在捡到别人的手机后,立刻辗转找到它的主人的故事。 1.考查冠词。根据下文的it可知,此处泛指“一部手机”,故填a。 2.考查名词复数。number“电话号码”是可数名词,故填numbers。 3.考查副词。修饰整个句子用副词作状语,根据语境可知,我打电话想要找到手机的主人,因此“唯一一个接电话的人没有认出我打电话的号码。”是不幸运的。置句首单词首字母大写,故填Unfortunately。 4.考查动词时态。文章讲述过去发生的故事,用一般过去时,suggest是谓语动词,与主语My friend是主动关系,故填suggested。 5.考查代词。根据语境可知,他们两个都没有丢手机。neither“两者都不”符合语境,置句首单词首字母大写,故填Neither。 6.考查固定短语。根据句意:但是当我提到通讯录上的一些名字时,其中一个说他也有这些名字。refer to“提到;涉及”是固定短语,故填to。 7.考查代词。修饰名词friends用形容词性物主代词,故填their。 8.考查非谓语动词。consider doing sth.“考虑做某事”是常用搭配,故填keeping。 9.考查不定式。want sb. to do sth.“想要某人做某事”是常用搭配,故填to do。 10.考查形容词比较级。否定词+谓语动词+比较级相当于最高级,根据句意:再好不过了 。故填better。

    Every Saturday night my family and I go out and feed the homeless in the city of Orlando.

We wanted to see ______ it was like in the life of a homeless person.One special thing I like to ______ is, my family and I do not eat ______ we begin our journey so we know how it feels to be hungry.We all get together in the ______ and prepare the food.Some of the meals are sandwiches and cookies and a bottle of water.Sometimes my mom ______ a steaming hot delicious meal.We then______ them all up to feed 30 or more people.

Before my family and I get into the car we ask God for ______ in a family prayer.A lot of people ______ homeless people.Not all homeless people are drug addicts or bad people.Some are really nice;______ of them just had bad things happening to them.

____ when my family and I went out on the street we had to earn their trust, because a lot of people are  ______ to them for no good reason.But ______ they see us every week they ______ us.We ______ know some of their names.We all have to remember that these are people with ______ .Some of them shake our hands for giving them food.Some of them do really funny dances because they are happy.

We have become really close ______ a man named Tony and his wife.They have all of their personal ______in shopping carts.After ______ us several times he has told us a lot about his life.He graduated from Howard University.He ______ teach French and Spanish.

After we finish feeding the homeless, it makes me ______ what I have at home.I love feeding the homeless and making a difference in someone's life.

1.A.what B.how C.whether D.why

2.A.talk B.imagine C.mention D.remind

3.A.until B.before C.while D.after

4.A.hall B.yard C.kitchen D.hotel

5.A.buys B.takes C.brings D.prepares

6.A.cook B.bag C.press D.roast

7.A.protection B.possession C.allowance D.expectation

8.A.hate B.misunderstand C.understand D.support

9.A.some B.the other C.others D.the rest

10.A.At last B.At least C.At first D.At once

11.A.generous B.kind C.mean D.grateful

12.A.in case B.now that C.for fear D.provided that

13.A.rely on B.believe in C.talk with D.worry about

14.A.still B.even C.never D.ever

15.A.love B.expression C.feelings D.money

16.A.to B.by C.of D.with

17.A.belongings B.clothes C.groceries D.goods

18.A.feeding B.missing C.meeting D.finding

19.A.would B.used to C.needed D.ought to

20.A.dislike B.own C.recognize D.appreciate



    As we “happen to be” the best creature in the world, it’s our duty to look after other species (物种).Here are some points which might help to protect wildlife.

Join organizations like Greenpeace and World Wildlife Fund.They have devoted themselves to protecting the earth and its animals.Many volunteers join organizations like these and work for the environment.1.

2. Don’t buy something made from ivory (象牙) and things like this.Baby seals (海豹)  are hunted for their skin, as it is used to make expensive coats.Don’t buy them.

3. You can write a heartfelt and logical (合理的) letter to the government stating your ideas about this problem and how it can be solved.

Recycle (回收利用) and reuse.It will reduce the need to have more raw materials to produce something.4.  And wild animals’ home will not be destroyed.

Governments should create more safe zones and national parks for wild animals.5. Governments should apply strict laws to stop hunting.

I hope this post was helpful.Share your views about this issue and let your voice be heard.

A.Let your voice be heard.

B.Stop hunting for pleasure.

C.As a result, fewer trees will be cut down.

D.You can build a bird house and feed local birds.

E.Refuse fur coats and medicines made from rare animals.

F.You can find some organizations like these and join them.

G.There they will be able to move freely without worrying about hunters.



    In America, experts find that campus jobs can help students not only in their studiesbut also in their lives after school. That is why more and more universities are providing work experience for students.

In 2011, Clemson University, a public university in South Carolina, asked Neil Burton, head of the Career Center, to develop a program that was not only a way of creating more jobsbut also a way to provide special positions that would teach students valuable skills related to their interests or fields of study. It also wanted the students to work in professional (专业的) environments that would provide useful experience in their job searches after college.

The program works like this: any professor or student in Clemson University in need of professional help can come up with a plan. This could be a biology professor looking for a research assistant, or an administrator who needs help raising donations (捐赠物) for the school. It can also be any outside organization that works with Clemson University, such as a company that is designing new building for the campus.

If the position meets the conditions of the programit will be listed on Clemson University’s website. Students ask to be thought for the job and go through an interview(面试). If accepted, students are allowed to work for one term. Before they start, they are also required to take a class that tells them what to expect in the position. Finally, at the end of the term, students are tested on what they have learned from the experience.

The program has been a success from the very start. By 2014, Clemson University had 626 students working through the program. And Burton believes the program will have helped over 1000 students by 2019.

“This is not just a success for the school. Students who take part in the program are 20% more likely to have a full-time job offer once they finish their studies. After all, every day spent in college should help prepare students for what comes after, not just classwork,” says Burton.

1.Why did Clemson University ask Burton to develop the program?

A. To help poor students find jobs.

B. To research the relationship between studies and jobs.

C. To prepare students for the future after graduation.

D. To prepare some professional suggestions for Clemson University.

2.Which is the right order of the things a student should do to work through the program?

a. Ask for a position.

b. Take a class.

c. Be tested.

d. Work for one term.

e. Have an interview.

A. a, b, c, e, d. B. b, c, a, d, e.

C. a, e, b, c, d. D. a, e, b, d, c.

3.What can we know from Burton’s words in the last paragraph?

A. Campus jobs only help students in their studies.

B. Colleges can provide students with full-time jobs.

C. The program benefits students greatly.

D. Students working through the program are sure to find good jobs.

4.In which part of a website can we read the passage?

A. Technology. B. Education.

C. Travel. D. Society.



    It happens all the time: during an airport delay, a Korean perhaps starts talking to a man who might be Colombian, and soon they are chatting away in what seems to be English. But the native English speaker sitting beside them cannot understand a word.

They don’t know they are speaking Globish, the latest addition to the 6,800 languages that are said to be spoken across the world. Not that its inventor, Jean-Paul Nerriere, considers it a proper language. “It is not a language, but it is a tool, ” he says. “A language is the vehicle of a culture. Globish doesn’t want to be that at all. It is a means of communication.”

The seeds for Globish came about in the 1980’s when Nerriere was working for IBM in Paris with colleagues of about 40 nationalities. At a meeting where they were to be addressed by two Americans whose flight had been delayed, they started chatting. Then the Americans arrived and beyond their opening phrases, “Call me Jim, ”“Call me Bill, ”no one understood a word. And Jim and Bill, needless to say, did not understand the strange English spoken by others. They all spoke low-quality English. Except Jim and Bill, everyone was speaking Globish though they didn’t know it.

The main principles of Globish are a vocabulary of only 1,500 words in English, gestures and repetition. One of the interesting things in Globish is that with 1,500 words you can express everything. The target is to reach the point where you will be understood everywhere. The list goes from “able” to “zero”. “Niece and nephew, for example, are not included, but you can replace them with the children of my brother, ” Nerriere says.

But a small problem is still waiting for him. The fluent Globish speakers will not be understood by native English speakers. To this question, Nerriere responded confidently, “This is the way to get Americans to learn another language. ”

1.From the first two paragraphs, we can know that ________.

A.the Korean realizes he is speaking Globish

B.Globish is the working language at airports

C.Nerriere thinks Globish is a communication tool

D.the native English speaker is interested in Globish

2.Which of the following can explain the reason for inventing Globish?

A.The IBM workers in Paris couldn’t speak English at all.

B.Nerriere needed to keep in touch with the IBM corporation in America.

C.Two Americans Jim and Bill wanted to make themselves understood.

D.The IBM staff in Paris were from many different countries.

3.How can Globish speakers communicate beyond the Globish vocabulary?

A.They might use French words instead.

B.They might use body language.

C.They might create new words.

D.They might consult a dictionary from “able” to “zero”.

4.What is Nerriere’s attitude towards the future of Globish?

A.Optimistic. B.Cautious.

C.Worried. D.Doubtful.



    Next time you’re in a public place, take a look around you, and count how many people are using their phones. I can tell you now that it is probably more than half, whether you’re on public transport, in a cafe or simply walking down the street.

I’m not saying that I am not an example of this, but it always amazes me how people can spend so much time on their phones without actually talking to anyone in particular.

For example, I recently visited London and travelled on the tube while I was there. Apart from the people asleep, almost everybody else was on their phones, and because of the nature of the tube, it is difficult not to see exactly what they are all doing. Of course, being underground it is difficult for you to get any signal, which rules out texting or using the Internet, but there is still plenty you can use your phones for. People were playing games, reading articles and listening to music, and I am sure that as soon as they emerged from the train station they would start texting or calling or checking their emails.

Recently, my smartphone broke and had to be sent off to the warehouse for repair for a week or so. In the meantime I had to use a really old, basic phone just to keep me in touch with my family and friends. All I could do on this phone was send text messages, make calls and play one game. And I loved it. I loved being free from the Internet, and I really didn’t mind not having constant updates about what my friends were doing or what the latest celebrity story was. It allowed me to spend more lime taking in my surroundings.

However, I knew that as soon as I got my smartphone hack I would be one of those people once again. Perhaps I should just go back to using the basic phone and forget my smartphone.

1.Why are you asked to look around in Paragraph 1?

A.To ensure your safety.

B.To communicate with people.

C.To count the people around you.

D.To count the number of people using the phones.

2.What were many people on the tube in London probably doing?

A.Using mobile apps.

B.Talking with each other.

C.Reading printed books.

D.Checking social network sites.

3.What did the author think of having to use his basic phone?

A.He felt great actually.

B.He found it very inconvenient.

C.He couldn’t see much difference,

D.He felt terrible at first but better later.

4.What does the underlined part “those people” in the last paragraph refer to?

A.People without mobiles.

B.People using basic phones.

C.People using smartphones reasonably.

D.People spending a lot of time on mobiles.



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