满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Manuela got up earlier and bought two ba...

    Manuela got up earlier and bought two bags of cat food. She began going to the__________ barbershop on the corner, making her weekly visit to see Hussein, the old barber. Hussein was both__________ and delighted to see Manuela and the bags of food. The two hurried over to the tiny food dishes lined up in the alley. Several __________ appeared soon.

As the two _________ and made their way back inside the shop, Hussein’s smile __________ and he explained he was about to  _________ the barbershop. He had been told to leave within 7 days. His ___________barbershop simply couldn’t pay enough rent and the landlord had invited another roomer, one who wouldn't be __________ animals outside.

Manuela’s eyes began to___________ as Hussein expressed his___________ about the homeless cats he cared for. But as fate(命运) would have it, there was something better___________ for the barber and his cats. As Manuela’s blog supporters read her___________ about Hussein, they, one after another,__________ donating to him and his cats. Every day for the next week, Manuela went to Hussein with the__________ . And on the fourth day, something unbelievable happened when Hussein was able to____________a storefront in an old building near his shop. No electricity,___________ there was potential. Manuela and other people __________ to help paint and clear rubbish while electricians made all the necessary__________ .

In less than two weeks, the barber was back in___________ again. Through the kindness of strangers, _________ , his and his cats' whole world was brought back.

1.A. independent B. familiar C. expensive D. ancient

2.A. grateful B. patient C. careful D. attractive

3.A. neighbors B. barbers C. cats D. customers

4.A. spoke out B. backed off C. set off D. finished off

5.A. faded B. froze C. reappeared D. accumulated

6.A. rebuild B. sell C. lose D. decorate

7.A. dull B. classic C. remote D. wide

8.A. purchasing B. feeding C. sheltering D. collecting

9.A. glare B. open C. shine D. flood

10.A. promises B. adoration C. anxiety D. comments

11.A. in store B. by chance C. on purpose D. at present

12.A. review B. letter C. post D. invitation

13.A. suggested B. remembered C. reported D. began

14.A. congratulations B. decisions C. announcements D. contributions

15.A. return B. obtain C. protect D. spot

16.A. when B. and C. but D. so

17.A. came by B. cheered up C. broke away D. dropped out

18.A. appointments B. connections C. assumptions D. budgets

19.A. comparison B. advance C. company D. business

20.A. normally B. thankfully C. naturally D. directly


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.D 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。理发师Hussein的理发店生意不好,他面临不得不搬离的困境,他很忧郁,因为他再也不能照顾那些流浪猫了。Manuela在社交媒体上发了一条有关Hussein事情的帖子,结果得到了很多网友的捐款。于是,在这些好心人的帮助下,Hussein得以找到新的门面,继续理发和照顾流浪猫。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她准备去角落里那个熟悉的理发店,去看望理发师Hussein,这是她每周都做的事情。A. independent独立的;B. familiar熟悉的;C. expensive昂贵的;D. ancient古代的。根据句中的weekly可知,她经常去理发店,所以很熟悉。故选B项。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:看见Manuela和猫粮,理发师既高兴又感激。A. grateful感激的;B. patient耐心的;C. careful小心的;D. attractive有吸引力的。联系上下文可知,流浪猫是理发师照顾的,所以对别人买的猫粮他心存感激,符合语境。故选A项。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:很快,几只猫出现了。A. neighbors邻居;B. barbers理发师;C. cats猫;D. customers顾客。根据上文提到的The two hurried over to the tiny food dishes lined up in the alley可知他们去了放餐盘的地方,目的是喂猫,所以猫出现了,符合逻辑。故选C项。 4.考查动词短语辨析。句意:他们喂完了猫,就回到店里,Hussein脸上的笑容消失了,他说他不能待在理发店了。A. spoke out大声说;B. backed off退后;C. set off出发;D. finished off结束。根据句中的“made their way back inside the shop”可知他们已经喂猫结束,所以才回去。故选D项。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们喂完了猫,就回到店里,Hussein脸上的笑容消失了,他说他开不了理发店了。A. faded逐渐消失;B. froze 呆住;C. reappeared复现;D. accumulated积累。根据下文内容可知,理发师要对Manuela讲伤心的事情,此处笑容消失,符合语境。故选A项。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们喂完了猫,就回到店里,Hussein脸上的笑容消失了,他说他开不了理发店了。A. rebuild重建;B. sell卖;C. lose失去;D. decorate装饰。根据下文提到的He had been told to leave within 7 days.(他被告知必须7天之内离开)可知,Hussein不能再继续开理发店,选项中和此意义接近的是“lose”。故选C项。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他的理发店生意惨淡几乎付不了房租,房东已经邀请了另外一个租客,他不会喂养流浪动物。A. dull无聊的,惨淡的;B. classic经典的;C. remote遥远的;D. wide宽的。根据句中的couldn’t pay enough rent(付不了房租)可知生意不好。故选A项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的理发店生意惨淡几乎付不了房租,房东已经邀请了另外一个租客,他不会喂养流浪动物。A. purchasing购买;B. feeding喂;C. sheltering掩护;D. collecting收集。联系上下文我们知道Hussein在外喂流浪猫,那么此处用新租客不会喂流浪动物,符合语境。故选B项。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当Hussein说起他对那些流浪猫的担心时,Manuela忍不住泪流满面。A. glare瞪;B. open睁开;C. shine闪耀;D. flood灌满,淹没。根据句意可知,听到Hussein必须搬走和他对流浪猫的照顾,Manuela既感动又惋惜,所以忍不住哭了。用flood能非常贴切地表达Manuela当时的情感。故选D项。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当Hussein说起他对那些流浪猫的担心时,Manuela忍不住泪流满面。A. promises承诺;B. adoration 喜爱;C. anxiety担心;D. comments评价。根据上文提到新的租客不会喂流浪猫可知,Hussein对流浪猫很担心,担心它们没有食物。故选C项。 11.考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:但事有巧合,有些对于Hussein和猫好的事情即将发生。A. in store准备着;B. by chance偶然;C. on purpose故意;D. at present目前。根据下文内容可知,有人会伸出援助之手帮助理发师和流浪猫,那就意为着有好事即将发生。选项里只有in store能表达即将发生之意。故选A项。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当Manuela的博友们看到她写的帖子后,都一个接一个给他和猫捐献。A. review评论;B. letter信;C. post帖子;D. invitation邀请。根据本句中的blog可知,Manuela把事情写成帖子发在了网上。故选C项。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当Manuela的网友们看到她博客上写的帖子后,都一个接一个给他和猫捐献。A. suggested建议;B. remembered记得;C. reported报道;D. began开始。下文谈,到在接下去的一周,Manuela每天都要带捐款给Hussein,由此可知,此处网友们一个接一个地开始给他捐款,符合逻辑。故选D项。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在接下去的一周,Manuela每天都要带捐款给Hussein。A. congratulations祝贺;B. decisions决定;C. announcements宣布;D. contributions贡献。前文提到了donate,此处用contribution照应它,符合文意。故选D项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在第四天,不可思议的事发生了,Hussein得到了离他店不远的一个小门面,它在一栋旧房子里。A. return返回,归还;B. obtain获得;C. protect保护;D. spot看见。根据下文提到的Through the kindness of strangers, ____20____ , his and his cats' whole world was brought back.(由于大家的好心,他和他的猫得以再次拥有他们自己的天地)可知,Hussein有了一个可以做生意和喂猫的地方,所以此处用“获得门面”符合文意。故选B项。 16.考查连词辨析。句意:虽然没有电,但一切皆有可能。A. when当;B. and表顺承;C. but但是;D. so因此。根据no electricity和there was potential判断出前后两句是转折意义,所以用but连接。故选C项。 17.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:Manuela和其他人都顺道过来帮着刷漆,清理垃圾;电工把所有接头处弄好。A. came by顺道拜访;B. cheered up使高兴;C. broke away挣脱;D. dropped out推出。根据下文内容可知,是大家的帮忙让Hussein的状况变好,所以此处用“其他人都顺道过来帮忙”符合语境。故选A项。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:句意:Manuela和其他人都顺道过来帮着刷漆,清理垃圾;电工把所有接头处弄好。A. appointments约会;B. connections接头;C. assumptions假设;D. budgets预算。根据常识可知,电工的主要工作是联通电路,接好线路接头。故选B项。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:不到两周,理发师就又可以营业了。A. comparison比较;B. advance提前;C. company公司;D. business生意。根据上文可知,理发师有了新的门面,所以可以再次做生意了。故选D项。 20.考查副词词义辨析。句意:经过好心人的帮助,他和流浪猫的天地又回来了。A. normally正常地;B. thankfully感谢地;C. naturally自然地;D. directly直接地。联系上下文可知,Hussein照顾流浪猫,那么他应该是善良的人,对于Manuela和其他人的帮助是心存感激的。故选B项。

How to Become a Top Student

Successful students use different techniques(技巧)to study,which brings them more success.1.Here are the four techniques almost all topper forming students use.

They are regular. Almost all successful students study regularly,because they know “what you give is what you get”.If you put in regular hours of studying,then you will learn more and get better grades.2.This will help you to study regularly.

They have clear goals. All topper forming students have definite,specific goals.3.They motivate(激发)you and drive you to study more. But make sure that you do not get carried away. Set realistic goals which can challenge(挑战)you,but do not seem impossible or too difficult to achieve.

They study without pressure(压力).Successful students study a lot. But they study without putting strain on themselves. Most students make the mistake of studying too hard or studying continuously for a long time.4.Studying should be done in a balanced manner. Take a break for a few minutes,after studying for 30 or 45 minutes. Relax,walk around your room or house,or drink some water and return to studying. Such short breaks will refresh your brain and you will learn more.

5.Studying is not something you do just because your parents ask you to do it. It's actually very important for you. Studying gives you knowledge and skills that will remain with you for the rest of your life. It gives you the ability to get a job and earn money. And successful students recognize the value of studying well.

A. This creates tension and actually slows down learning and memory.

B.But to score grade A in English,you should make well planned efforts.

C.Set aside some hours,each day or each week,for studying.

D.Having such goals gives you a purpose to study better.

E.Learn their techniques,and you will also join their rank.

F.They finish their homework on time.

G.They give importance to study.



It is quite reasonable to blame traffic jams, the cost of gas and the great speed of modern life, but manners on the road are becoming horrible. Everybody knows that the nicest men would become fierce tigers behind the wheel. It is all right to have a tiger in a cage, but to have one in the driver’s seat is another matter.

Road politeness is not only good manners, but a good sense. It takes the most cool-headed drivers great patience to give up the desire to beat back when forced to face rude driving. On the other hand, a little politeness goes a long way towards reducing the possibility of quarrelling and fighting. A friendly nod or a wave of thanks in answer to an act of politeness helps to create an atmosphere of good will and becomes so necessary in modern traffic conditions. But such behavior of politeness is by no means enough. Many drivers nowadaysdon’t even seem able to recognize politeness when they see it.

However, misplaced politeness can also be dangerous. A typical example is the driver who waves a child crossing the street at a wrong place into the path of oncoming cars that may not be able to stop in time. The same goes for encouraging old ladies to cross the road wherever and whenever they want to.

An experienced driver, whose manners are faultless, told me it would help if drivers learnt to correctly join in a traffic stream without causing total blockages that give rise to unpleasant feelings. Unfortunately, modern drivers can’t even learn to drive, let alone master the roadmanship (公路驾车技能). Years ago, experts warned us that the fast increase of the car ownership would demand more give-and-take from all road users. It is high time for all of us to take this message to heart.

1.The most suitable title for this passage would be __________.

A.Traffic Jams. B.Good Manners.

C.Road Politeness. D.Modern Drivers.

2.Troubles on the road are often caused by __________.

A.traffic jams.

B.the behavior of the drivers.

C.the great speed of modern life.

D.terrible road conditions.

3.According to the writer, a good driver should __________.

A.encourage children to cross the road whenever they want to.

B.beat back when forced to face rude driving.

C.be able to recognize politeness when he sees it.

D.join in a traffic stream quickly however other people feel.

4.It is not always right for drivers to __________.

A.master the roadmanship.

B.neglect politeness when they see it.

C.give a friendly nod in answer to an act of politeness.

D.encourage old ladies to cross the road whenever and wherever they want to.



    For the last month, a married couple has been interacting with a robot — called an Avatar — hat’s con trolled by their daughter hundreds of miles away. Made by ANA Holdings Inc, it looks like a vacuum cleaner with an iPad attached. But the screen displays the daughter’s face as they chat, and its wheels let her walk slowly about the house as though she’s really there.

“Virtual travel” is nothing new, of course. Storytellers, travel writers and artists have been stimulating the senses of armchair tourists for centuries. It’s only in recent decades that frequent, safe travel has become available to the non-wealthy.

Yet even as the world’s middle classes climb out of the armchair and into economy-class seats, there are signs of a post-travel society appearing. Concerns about the environment make people lose interest in carbon-intensive (碳排放量很高的) airlines. And the aging of societies is both slowing down the growth of physical travel and creating demand for alternative ways to experience the world. For the travel industry, virtual reality offers a tantalizing (诱人的) response to these trends.

Of course, far-out (前卫的) technologies encourage profits. ANA doesn’t plan to start selling Avatars until next year. By one estimate, the global market for this kind of technology will be worth only about S300 million by 2023. By contrast, ANA’s traditional travel business brought in more than $19 billion last year.

But although the business case for virtual vacations is still weak, the market for technologies that bridge physical distances between families and coworkers seems likely to only expand. ANA’s robots may not replace its airplanes any time soon, but they’ll almost certainly be a part of travel’s high-tech future.

1.What purpose does the first paragraph serve in the passage?

A.To show a picture of our future life.

B.To describe the daily life of a couple.

C.To attract readers’ attention to the topic.

D.To add background in formation of the topic.

2.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A.Humans tend to live much longer than before.

B.People are becoming more worried about the environment.

C.Virtual travel might cater for people’s desire to see the world.

D.The profits of carbon-intensive airlines are possibly declining.

3.ANA is not planning to start selling Avatars soon probably because ________.

A.it is still skeptical about their potential

B.they still need to be further tested out

C.traditional travel business is taking off

D.their commercial profits may not be satisfying

4.The author believes the global market for virtual travel is ________.

A.promising B.ambiguous

C.depressing D.challenging



    “Our aim is to take our art to the world and make people understand what it is to move,” said David Belle, the founder of parkour.

Do you love running? It is a good exercise, yet many people find it boring. But what if making your morning jog a creative one? Like jumping from walls and over gaps, and ground rolls? Just like James Bond in the movie Casino Royale? Bond jumps down from a roof to a windowsill and then runs several blocks over obstacles on the way. It is just because of Bond’s wonderful performances that the sport has become popular worldwide.

Yes, that’s parkour, an extreme street sport aimed at moving from one point to another as quickly as possible, getting over all the barriers in the path using only the abilities of the human body. Parkour is considered an extreme sport. As its participants dash around a city, they may jump over fences, run up walls and even move from rooftop to rooftop.

Parkour can be just as exciting and charming as it sounds, but its participants see parkour much more than that.

Overcoming all the obstacles on the course and in life is part of the philosophy behind parkour. This is the same as life. You must determine your destination, go straight, jump over all the barriers as if in parkour and never fall back in your life, to reach the destination successfully. A parkour lover said, “I love parkour because its philosophy has become my life, my way to do everything.”

Another philosophy we’ve learnt from parkour is freedom. It can be done by anyone, at any time, anywhere in the world. It is a kind of expression of trust in yourself.

1.Parkour has become popular throughout the world because of     .

A.its founder, David Belle B.the varieties of participants

C.its risks and tricks D.the film, Casino Royale

2.The underlined word “obstacles” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “    ”.

A.streets B.objects

C.roofs D.barriers

3.Which of the following is the philosophy of parkour?

A.Sports and extremes. B.Determination and freedom.

C.Dreams and success. D.Excitement and popularity.

4.Which of the following is true of parkour?

A.It is a team sport. B.It is a good but boring sport.

C.It needs special training. D.It challenges human abilities.



    Here are some books which can inspire kids to think about nature and the environment.

How to Raise Monarch Butterflies      —By Carol Pasternak

Have you ever watched a monarch transform from a caterpillar(毛虫)to a butterfly from up close? In this book, learn everything about the monarch life cycle and how to raise monarchs from eggs to adult butterflies. You will also get to know the efforts involved to protect the species.

A Kid’s Guide to America’s Parks    —By Erin McHugh

This year, the US National Park Service’s National Park Week is on April 21-29. During the week, all the national parks offer free admission. Enrich your knowledge with this book, as it introduces the national parks and some interesting places in the US, including their geography, specific animals as well as environmental challenges. The book’s featured places include Yosemite National Park, Ellis Island (home of the Statue of Liberty) and the National Park of American Samoa, the only U.S. national park south of the equator(赤道).

Where Do Recyclable Materials Go?   —By Sabbithry Persad

Tiana had been learning about recycling at school. But when her dog, Bubbles, gets lost running after a recycling truck, she ends up learning a lot more about recyclable materials than ever! Follow Tiana and her family as they search for Bubbles around town and at the Materials Recovery Facility. Along the way, readers will learn a lot about recycling and how they can do their part in protecting the environment.

Scrap Kins Build-It Book Volume 1    —By Brian Yanish

Meet the Scrap Kins. They are creative, friendly monsters(怪物) who live in a recycling center, known as Scrap City. They’ll show you how to turn junk into pretty cool things. Readers will learn how to create cute bags from old jeans, beautiful ships from milk boxes, and more. Remember that one person’s trash is another person’s treasure!

1.Which author teaches you how to make an artwork from wastes?

A.Carol Pasternak. B.Erin McHugh.

C.Sabbithry Persad. D.Brian Yanish.

2.Why is the National Park of American Samoa special?

A.There is a famous statue in it. B.It is free for admission.

C.It has its specific animals. D.It lies south of the equator.

3.The common goal of the four books is to _________.

A.teach kids practical skills B.raise kids’ environment awareness

C.comment on kids’ behavior D.make kids interested in geography



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