满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Liz was quite excited these days. She wa...

    Liz was quite excited these days. She was going to travel to Asia with her mom. Neither of them had ______ traveled out of the United States before. They were going to ______ to Hong Kong. They would travel on their cruise(乘船游览) ship to Shanghai and Beijing after ______ in Hong Kong for three days.

“Beijing is inland, so we have to _____ about a two-hour bus ride to get there from the port. I _____ the name of the port. Anyway, we’re going to ______ the Great Wall, the Tian’anmen Square, and the Forbidden City. It's going to be so ______!” she told her neighbor Jane.

From China, the cruise ship would go to Pusan in South Korea, and ______ to Tokyo. From Tokyo, they would _____ a flight back to Los Angeles.

“The trip is going to ______ three weeks. It's only going to ______ us about $ 2,800 each if we don’t _____ anything.” She laughed.

“I hope your trip is more _______ than mine was” said Jane. “I took a cruise to the Bahamas, _____ almost all the passengers got _______. I caught some kind of disease that made me ______ for almost three days. They ______ us a discount(折扣) that we could use on a _____ trip. No more cruising for me. That is really a pity.”

“We’ve ______ those things,” said Liz. “Mom and I are going to be ______ our hands every 30 minutes, and we’re bringing surgical masks with us.” Good preparations may help a lot in the travel and make it a pleasant and successful one.

1.A.ever B.never C.still D.also

2.A.walk B.ship C.fly D.drive

3.A.trying B.searching C.staying D.studying

4.A.know B.take C.look D.practice

5.A.leave B.choose C.forget D.call

6.A.find B.remember C.pass D.see

7.A.cool B.difficult C.terrible D.disappointed

8.A.sadly B.finally C.secretly D.simply

9.A.make B.miss C.meet D.catch

10.A.run B.prepare C.last D.stop

11.A.cost B.offer C.save D.give

12.A.visit B.shop C.meet D.show

13.A.important B.confusing C.funny D.helpful

14.A.if B.because C.but D.so

15.A.mysterious B.sick C.angry D.nervous

16.A.travel B.dream C.regret D.waste

17.A.refuse B.give C.cheat D.order

18.A.familiar B.normal C.future D.quick

19.A.heard about B.looked forward C.called back D.made up

20.A.watching B.washing C.using D.changing


1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章中Liz给朋友介绍自己和妈妈的亚洲之行的计划,她们计划乘船游览中国的香港、上海和北京,韩国釜山和日本东京等地。 1.考查副词词义辨析。句意:她们以前都没去过美国以外的地方旅行。A. ever以前;B. never绝不;C. still仍然;D. also也。根据语境应该是Liz和妈妈以前都没去过亚洲。所以选A。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她们会飞去香港。A. walk走;B. ship乘船;C. fly飞;D. drive驾车。根据上下文可知从美国来中国应该要乘飞机。所以选C。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在香港停留三天后我们会去北京和上海。A. trying尝试;B. searching寻找;C. staying停留;D. studying学习。根据语境应该是在香港停留之意。所以选C。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:北京是内陆城市,我们需要从港口坐两个大巴才能到。A. know知道;B. take花费;C. look看;D. practice练习。根据语境是花时间坐车。所以选B。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我忘了港口的名字。A. leave离开;B. choose选择;C. forget忘记;D. call。语境是说到由港口乘车到北京,但忘了港口的名字。所以选C。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们会去看长城天安门和紫禁城。A. find找到;B. remember记住;C. pass通过;D. see看。根据语境要填参观之意。所以选D。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这将会是非常酷的。A. cool 酷的;B. difficult困难的;C. terrible可怕的; D. disappointed失望的。上文说到要去很多地方,所以会很有意思。所以选A。 8.考查副词词义辨析。句意:离开中国后,我们还会去韩国釜山,最后会去日本东京。A. sadly难过地;B. finally最后地;C. secretly秘密地;D. simply仅仅,简单地。根据语境,结束中国之行后会再去韩国,而最后会去日本。所以选B。 9.考查动词词义辨析。会赶去洛杉矶的航班。句意:A. make使;B. miss想念、错过;C. meet见面;D. catch抓住,赶上。根据语境应该是坐飞机,赶航班之意。所以选D。 10.考查动词词义辨析。这趟旅行会持续三周。句意:A. run跑;B. prepare准备;C. last持续;D. stop停止。根据语境表示要填持续多长时间。所以选C。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:持续三周,但花销不大,如果我们不买东西的话。A. cost花费;B. offer提供;C. save救;D. give给。根据语境是消费、花费之意。所以选A。 12.考查动词词义辨析。A. visit参观、拜访;B. shop购物;C. meet见面;D. show展示。根据上文可知此处表购物、买东西。所以选B。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:朋友希望Liz的旅行会有趣而不像自己之前的旅行。A. important重要的;B. confusing困惑的;C. funny有趣的;D. helpful有帮助的。从下文可知朋友的旅行并不愉快,所以希望Liz的旅行会有趣。所以选C。 14.考查连词词义辨析。句意:我去巴哈马旅行,但所有的乘客都生病了。A. if如果;B. because因为;C. but但是;D. so因此。由下文可知这里是转折。所以选C。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我去巴哈马旅行,但所有的乘客都生病了。A. mysterious神奇的;B. sick生病的;C. angry生气的;D. nervous紧张的。由下文的disease可知这里是生病之意。所以选B。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我生病了,浪费了三天。A. travel旅行;B. dream梦想;C. regret后悔;D. waste浪费。由语境可知因为生病,所以有三天都没能享受旅行。所以选D。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们给我们可以在将来用的折扣。A. refuse拒绝;B. give给;C. cheat欺骗;D. order命令。根据语境填给。所以选B。 18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们给我们可以在将来用的折扣。.A. familiar相似的;B. normal正常的;C. future将来;D. quick迅速的。根据下文,我没能乘船游览,说明折扣以后才可以用的。所以选C。 19.考查动词词组词义辨析。句意:我们听说了这件事。A. heard about听说;B. looked forward希望;C. called back回电话;D. made up弥补、组成。根据语境,此处表听说某事。所以选A。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我和妈妈决定每30分钟洗一次手。A. watching看;B. washing 洗;C . using 使用;D. changing改变。根据语境此处表示洗手。所以选B。

    Motivate yourself to be on time, and trick yourself into punctual(准时的) habits, with these tips.

Never explain why you're late. If you don't allow yourself to make excuses, you'll stop letting yourself off the hook. And you'll realize how often you've been handing out reasons as if everyone didn't already know them. There's a classic headline, "Woman Constantly Treating Herself for Once." Don't be "Person Constantly Delayed for This One Good Reason." 1. That's the decent thing to do.

2. If you're paid hourly, find out how much less you make when you clock in late. If you take more expensive modes of transportation, calculate the cost difference. See how much you spend each year on lateness.

Imagine being late to meet someone. 3. Think about the worst-case reaction they could have, whether that's frustration or a "not mad just disappointed" that makes you feel like a real dick. Now visualize being early. Think about the peace of mind as you wait for the other person. Think about standing from your seat and warmly greeting them, grandly forgiving their own lateness.

Think about your most chronically late friend or colleague. Gin up all the frustration you've ever felt with them, all the disdain. Wow, kind of harsh on your friend, but now think about other people feeling that way toward you. 4.

Plan exactly what you'll do on your phone while you wait for everyone else to show up. 5. Get excited, not for the thing you're heading to, but for those five minutes alone before it starts.

A. So, avoid being late.

B. Feel the shame and the panic.

C. Promise not to be late frequently.

D. Calculate the expense of your lateness.

E. You will never be forgiven if you are often late.

F. Instead of focusing on causes, apologize for the effect of your lateness.

G. That’s the free time, like playing a mobile game with zero guilt.



    Most squirrels don’t hibernate(冬眠). Instead, they store food for the cold season and spend the winter in their nests. But the 13-lined ground squirrel, one species of squirrel in the U.S. Midwest, is not the case. For up to 8 months, the tiny mammals won’t eat or drink anything at all and the heart rate, metabolism(新陈代谢), and body temperature dramatically drop during their long rest, which is similar to bears and other hibernating animals.

To find out how the hibernating squirrels hold back their thirst, a powerful force that could potentially wake them up, and researchers measured the blood fluid of dozens of squirrels. Generally, a high blood concentration(血液浓度) makes animals, including humans, feel thirty. The sleeping squirrels' blood concentration was low, preventing them from waking up for a drink. Even when researchers woke up the torpid squirrels, they wouldn’t drink a drop until the team artificially increased the concentration of their blood serum.

Next, the researchers wanted to know how the squirrels’ blood concentration dropped so low. Perhaps the squirrels drank a lot of water before hibernation to dilute(稀释) their blood, the researchers thought. But when they filmed squirrels preparing for their winter snooze, they found the animals actually drank less water than they normally did.

Instead, chemical tests revealed the squirrels regulate their blood concentration by getting rid of electrolytes(电解质)like sodium and other chemicals like glucose and urea and storing them elsewhere in the body (possibly in the bladder), the researchers reported last month in Current Biology. The finding could also explain how other hibernating animals stay containing water.

This new knowledge might one day help humans with conditions such as diabetes(糖尿病), or astronauts who have launched on long space flights. Unfortunately, even if people can figure out how to drop their blood concentration, it’s unlikely they’ll ever be as cute as sleeping squirrels.

1.What do we know about the 13-lined ground squirrels?

A.They don’t hibernate like many other squirrels.

B.They are endangered species in the U. S. Midwest.

C.They can live for months without water during hibernation.

D.Their heart rule and body temperature are extremely abnormal.

2.The hibernating squirrels don' feel thirsty because of their___________.

A.high blood concentration B.low blood concentration

C.low body temperature D.high heart rate

3.Hibernating squirrels adjust their blood concentrations by_____________.

A.Drinking much water before hibernation

B.Not eating anything during hibernation

C.Drinking less water than they normally do

D.Removing certain chemicals and storing them somewhere

4.What is the author’s attitude towards the new findings?

A.Objective B.Positive

C.Disappointing D.Uncaring



    Online live streaming(直播) is big business nowadays, making huge profits and attracting hundreds of millions of viewers. In addition to adults, this rapidly expanding industry is now drawing underage live streamers, who are not of legal age. According to a report by the Sina Weibo Data Center, live streamers aged 11—16 accounted for 12 percent of all streamers in China. The figure has been rising still, while streamers are getting younger.

It has been found that a large number of underage streamers are drinking, smoking or even exposing to attract viewers. In the best case, live streaming will affect children’s schoolwork and waste their precious youth. In the worst case, they will develop bad values and an improper outlook, which will damage their future.

“Webcasts (web broadcast) are suspected of having a hotbed of improper program. Particularly, the involvement of underage streamers in this industry is making the situation more complex” said Mao Jianguo from Southern Metropolis Daily.

Some legal experts recently issued a report on protection of the children in the cyberspace(网络空间), suggesting that those under 14 should be restricted from independently live streaming and posting videos online.

However, it is unwise and impossible to totally reject all underage streamers but it's necessary and even urgent to standardize the underage webcast sector.

Fortunately, some webcast companies have said that they will not allow streamers under the age of 18 and online live streamers must register by using their ID. However, the reality is that many underage streamers choose to avoid that by using the IDs of adults, who also go through the face scanning required for conditions. All this means that to block underage streamers from webcasting, it’s not enough to depend on their self-discipline.

Parents should tell their children about the disadvantages of getting involved in live streaming so that children develop an objective attitude toward live streaming. Adults should not lend their IDs to children to register for live streaming. And the watchdogs must patrol(巡逻) webcast platforms more actively and remove all unauthorized videos of underage streamers.

1.What are the first and second paragraphs mainly about?

A.A new industry of live streaming came into being.

B.Online live streaming has been a social concern.

C.Teenagers are curious about live streaming recently.

D.Online live streaming is increasingly popular and bringing bad effects.

2.According to Mao Jianguo’s words, we can indicate__________.

A.children’s live streaming is the root of all the social problems

B.webcasts contribute to the unhealthy trend in underage live streaming

C.webcasts are less likely to cause more social problems

D.webcasts are the main causes of many youth problems

3.What do we know about standardized measures mentioned in the text?

A.Children shall never use a webcast without the IDs.

B.Self-discipline is an effective way to stop underage streaming.

C.Parents should guide the children to use webcasts properly.

D.Watchdogs’ duty is to stop children from live streaming.

4.What is the best title of the text?

A.A Full Ban against Children’s Live Streaming

B.The Attraction to Children by a Rapidly Expanding Industry

C.Different Opinions about Underage Live Streaming.

D.An Appeal for Keeping Watch on Underage Live Streaming



    I’m going to be completely honest. I have no idea how I ended up with this opportunity, I have no idea what I’m doing, but I am very happy to be here.

Last summer a friend tagged me in a Facebook post from BBC Earth and encouraged me to apply to the BBC Presenter Search 2018. The assignment was easy and hard, make a video shorter than 60 seconds where you talk about something in science you think is cool. Simple concept, but for me it was challenging as I want to talk about bryophytes(苔藓植物) forever (which is slightly longer than 60 seconds).

So I decided to make an attempt. I was going to make a 60 second video about sphagnum(水苔), commonly known as peat moss and uncommonly known as an unsung climate hero. Sphagnum is the plant genus that holds the most carbon in the world, it slowly builds up its carbon storage over hundreds of thousands of years and if undisturbed, they never let go of the carbon they gathered.

Making a short video on this was hard because I wanted to include everything. And it became even harder as I had no one to hold the camera. I tied my camera to the scrawniest little tree, swinging in the wind as a bird tried to chase me away from the mud. This chaos ended up as the video “Why sphagnum is awesome” on my channel. I submitted the video, but didn’t dare to write in the description section of the video that it was a submission, because I never imagined that I could win!

But I did.

I waited two months before I could tell people that I had won the search, and when the news came out, I received the most attention I’ve had in my entire life.

No matter your background, whether you want to pass the time or pass an exam, I really hope you enjoy the video!

1.What can we infer about the author from paragraph 1?

A.She is uncertain about the result. B.She gets used to telling people lies.

C.She is unable to achieve the goal. D.She knows much about the ending.

2.Which of the following is NOT true about sphagnum?

A.It can form its carbon storage in a very slow way.

B.It is universally recognized as an unknown climate hero.

C.It won’t release the carbon without being disturbed.

D.It contains a large amount of carbon.

3.The underlined word “scrawniest” in Paragraph 4 probably means ___________.

A.weakest B.strongest

C.shortest D.most energetic

4.What can we learn from the author’s story?

A.She shows great interest in filming the video.

B.Her knowledge helps overcome all the difficulties.

C.Her attitude and hard work pay off eventually.

D.She is more than delighted to gain the most attention.



    University of Cambridge has several funds to support university athletes. Full information can be found below:

TASS-The Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme

Launched in April 2004, TASS is designed to help promising young athletes who want to balance their sporting ambitions with a University or college education.

If you would like to be considered for the TASS Scheme, please contact your National Governing Body to see if you are eligible. You can find out more about TASS here.

UCAPP-University of Cambridge Athlete Performances Programme

UCAPP was set up in 1985 thanks to the kind generosity of Mark Hanson, who was a Modern Pentathlete during his time at Cambridge.

This programme aims to provide core services that any high-performance athletes would benefit from including Lifestyle Management, Physiotherapy, Strength and Conditioning, Nutrition Advice, Sports Psychology Support and Gym Membership.

To find out more information, please click here.

The Eric Evans Fund

The Eric Evans Fund was set up in 1996. The Fund is intended to support students who wish to improve their personal sporting performance beyond University level, or to enable them to undertake qualifications in connection with officiating, coaching or the administration of sport.

The fund is managed by the Director of Sport and two other persons appointed by the Sports Committee. If you still have any further question, please send an e-mail to the Managers.

The Hawks Charitable Trust

The Trust was established in January 1996 with a relatively small capital donated by some of the members to provide financial help to current Cambridge University students, male and female, whose sporting activities were being held back by financial problems.

For more information on this Trust, including the qualifications required for application, please see the Hawks Website.

1.What is special about UCAPP?

A.It favors the promising young athletes.

B.It requires no qualifications.

C.It is intended for high-performance athletes.

D.It helps to improve students’ personal sporting performance.

2.How can you get more information about the Eric Evans Fund?

A.By visiting the website.

B.By sending an e-mail.

C.By going to the director’s office.

D.By giving a telephone call to the message.

3.Which programme will you favor if your club needs money for a sport game?


C.The Eric Evans Fund D.The Hawks Charitable Trust



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