满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

-What's your father's attitude to your n...

What's your father's attitude to your new job?

I ______ ideas with him up to now. However, he always lets me make up my mind.

A.won't exchange B.didn't exchange C.don't exchange D.haven't exchanged


D 【解析】 考查时态。句意:--你父亲对你的新工作持什么态度?--到目前为止我还没有和他交换过意见。但是,他总是让我下决心。由句中的时间状语up to now可知,此处应用现在完成时。故选D。  


One day, during the long summer holiday, Mrs. Martins took Brendon and his younger brother and sister to the beach. As soon as they got there, the three children raced down to the sea to try out their new surfboards. They were soon swimming out to the waves and riding back on their boards.

After a while, Brendon noticed that Kim was floating away from him and his sister. “Come back, Kim, "he shouted. "Mum said we have to stick together(团结). "Kim put his arms over the side of his board and began paddling (划水), but instead of getting closer, he began moving further away.

“Brendon, help!” called Kim."I' m caught in a rip(离岸流)." Brendon quickly paddled over to his brother.

“Hold on to the back of my board and I’ll pull you in,” Brendon told the frightened boy. But the rip was too strong and soon both Brendon and Kim were moving further from the beach.

“Kylie, come and help,” Brendon yelled to his sister. Soon all three children were floating away from the beach.

" It's no use fighting, "said Kylie, "We’ll just tire ourselves out. We have to stick together and hope the current takes us onto the beach again. "For the next 20 minutes, the frightened children held onto each other’s boards and let the current pull them along.





Paragraph 1:

“I can’t even see the beach any more,” cried Kim. …


Paragraph 2

“Thank goodness!” cried their mother running up to hug them.…







Dear Jack



Li Hua




A new research shows that nicer people are likely to be poorer than people who are not so nice. Researchers studied how the personalities of different people1.(affect) how rich they were. They found that people2. a nice and warm personality were 3.(poor)than people who were more selfish. They also found that it was more difficult for kinder people to look after their money because of their “agreeableness”. The research suggests that agreeableness4.(associate) with various signs of financial hardship, including lower savings and higher debt.

Researchers looked at data from different5.( source), including two online surveys taken by almost 4,000 participants. The data included answers to questions on people's financial situation6. people’s attitude towards money. They compared this data with findings of some other surveys, in7.almost 5,000 people answered questions about their personality and their agreeableness. The researchers say agreeable people seem8.(care) less about money so they do not manage their money9.(wise). Researcher Sandra Matz says that10.(be) kind has "financial costs " but that kinder people “always have a happier life”.



    Two-year-old Nancy is deaf. However, that hasn’t stopped her from being a(n)  ______ little girl trying to “chat” to anyone she meets. As soon as she goes out into town with her parents, she starts ________ in the hope that the person she is talking to  _______ sign language too.

Normally, hearing loss is a social _______  for those who don’t know how to use sign language. Anyone Nancy tried to talk to ________ this and felt so sorry they couldn’t _______. They wished they could  _______ her and say something back, but they found themselves completely _______ .

Then, something amazing happened. Instead of causing a _______ , this barrier brought the community together. Determined to _______ sign language so that they could talk to Nancy, her _______ hired an instructor on their own, and now they are ________to taking classes together. The teacher ________ that this is really remarkable because, quite often, even the parents of deaf children don’t _________to learn the language. But here Nancy has a full community that is signing and communicating with her, and it is a _________story.

The teacher also says that this level of inclusion will make a huge difference in Nancy’s _______ . It almost certainly guarantees that she will be a happier and more ______  individual in the future. Nancy’s parents are already noticing a ________ in their daughter and they have no words to express how _______ they are to their neighbors.

With a little girl and a lot of love, the neighbors ________ make the neighborhood a community.

1.A. independent B. helpful C. outgoing D. generous

2.A. signing B. cheering C. waving D. smiling

3.A. accepts B. appreciates C. recognizes D. knows

4.A. mistake B. barrier C. conflict D. stress

5.A. discussed B. ignored C. realized D. denied

6.A. respond B. apologize C. return D. agree

7.A. inspire B. protect C. trust D. understand

8.A. at risk B. in surprise C. at a loss D. in a hurry

9.A. debate B. separation C. complaint D. panic

10.A. create B. learn C. translate D. improve

11.A. classmates B. parents C. teachers D. neighbors

12.A. devoted B. opposed C. accustomed D. addicted

13.A. warns B. predicts C. admits D. regrets

14.A. fail B. bother C. hesitate D. refuse

15.A. relaxing B. popular C. satisfying D. beautiful

16.A. plan B. hearing C. life D. opinion

17.A. well-adjusted B. mature C. well-behaved D. considerate

18.A. potential B. belief C. strength D. difference

19.A. friendly B. grateful C. important D. familiar

20.A. truly B. almost C. merely D. even



How you open your car door matters to cyclists

Typically, a person sitting in the driver's seat of a car opens the door with the hand closest to it.1.Pull the handle, and the door is open. but if you do that at the wrong time, you may create a barrier for a passing cyclist. The cyclist will be knocked off the bike, and the car door is likely to be damaged by the fast-moving bicycle.

Luckily, there's a simple way to solve the problem: open your car door with your other hand, using the Dutch reach.2.This will force you to turn your body. At least, you'll look into your side view mirror to check for any traffic. This way, you can prevent harm to cyclists.3.

The Dutch reach is just what Dutch people do. They are used to opening their car doors this way. All Dutch are taught it.4. The technique dates back about 60 years in the Netherlands, but it didn’t really become known as the Dutch reach until a retired American physician named Michael Charney started the Dutch Reach Project in 2016 in an effort to popularize the practice in the United States and other countries. He was motivated by the death of a 27-year-old who rode into an open car door and died just five blocks from his home in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

5. When people do it, it works. To make it a habit, Charney recommends attaching a ribbon to the door handle as a visual reminder to use your other hand.

A. It's part of regular driver education.

B. The Dutch reach is a simple behavioral solution.

C. Every child is taught about the danger of careless driving.

D. And you might also keep your car door safe in the process.

E. It makes sense since doors are designed to be opened that way.

F. Cyclists usually don't pay much attention to the cars around them.

G. That is, instead of using your left hand, reach for the door with your right.



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