满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Pam Bales, an experienced hiker, stepped...

    Pam Bales an experienced hiker stepped onto snow-covered Jewell Trail. The hike up the lower part of Jewell was _______. But less than an hour later the weather was showing its teeth. Bales began to think about calling it a day. Then she noticed something: a single set of _______ in the snow ahead of her. She'd been_______unclear tracks all day and hadn't given them much _______ because so many people climb Jewell Trail. But these as a volunteer of the Valley Search and Rescue Team she  _______ had been made by a pair of sneakers which was surely not for this kind of trail. Strong wind screamed and_______was just hours away. If Bales continued to follow the tracks she'd add_______to the journey. But the tracks ahead meant someone might be in _____________She could not let this go. She silently scolded the absent hiker for _______  normal safety rules and struggled to walk carefully in the direction of the __________ .

After about tracks to 30 yards she rounded a corner and saw a man sitting motionless. He wore tennis sneakers and a light jacket. She checked him for any sign of ____________ . There was none. Bales had been trained in search and rescue and knew that he was hypothermic 体温过低的 and would ________soon if he didn't get out of there. The man said he had lost his way and was extremely________ . Bales brought a pair of soft-shell pants a winter hat and a jacket from her pack. She helped the man ________ the warm dry layers onto his body and offered him some hot cocoa.________he stood. She offered continuous encouragement—“ Keep going! You're doing great." Just before 6 p. m. they arrived at the trailhead very________ . Her climb up to the spot where she____________ the man had taken about four hours. Two hours had passed since then.

A week later the president of Bales' rescue group received a letter in the mail. It read “ On Sunday October! 17 1 went up my trail Jewell. ________ was to be bad. But without thinking too much I was dressed to go quickly. Next thing I knew this lady was talking to me changing my clothes making me warmer. She just kept________me. Finally I learned her name was Pam. The entire time she treated me with compassion (同情心),confidence and one hundred percent commitment..."

In the nine years since she saved John Bales has become something of a hiking legend (传奇人物). It's a n __________ she never sought or wanted but one she certainly has earned.

1.A.long B.boring C.pleasant D.unforgettable

2.A.clothes B.tools C.gloves D.footprints

3.A.recording B.following C.covering D.leaving

4.A.response B.expectation C.thought D.hope

5.A.realized B.suggested C.admitted D.remembered

6.A.success B.darkness C.freedom D.disaster

7.A.information B.interest C.risk D.pain

8.A.trouble B.control C.doubt D.touch

9.A.knowing B.making C.judging D.breaking

10.A.wind B.tracks C.sound D.hikers

11.A.power B.life C.injury D.loss

12.A.recover B.escape C.wake D.die

13.A.cold B.starving C.sleepy D.concerned

14.A.pick B.pull C.bring D.carry

15.A.Unwillingly B.Nervously C.Immediately D.Slowly

16.A.tired B.stressed C.upset D.scared

17.A.treated B.observed C.located D.protected

18.A.Chance B.Sight C.Health D.Weather

19.A.praising B.encouraging C.excusing D.instructing

20.A.title B.fortune C.opportunity D.option


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.C 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.D 16.A 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。全文主要讲述了一位经验丰富的徒步旅行者Pam Bales在登山途中救了一位登山迷路者的经历。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:爬珠宝小径较低的部分很令人愉悦。A. long长的;B. boring无聊的;C. pleasant愉悦的;D. unforgettable难忘的。结合后文转折后遇到困难可知C项pleasant“愉悦的”切题。故选C项。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后他留意到了雪中的脚印。A. clothes衣服;B. tools工具;C. gloves手套;D. footprints脚印。通过语境翻译可知脚印切题。故选D项。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她沿着这条小径走了一天了,而且因为很多人都爬过这座山,所以她也没多想。A. recording记录;B. following沿着;C. covering覆盖;D. leaving离开。由前文可知她在爬小径,此处使用following“沿着”符合题意。故选B项。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她沿着这条小径走了一天了,而且因为很多人都爬过这座山,所以她也没多想。A. response回复;B. expectation期待;C. thought想法;D. hope希望。通过语境翻译可知C项切题。故选C项。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是作为峡谷搜救队的志愿者,她意识到这样的运动鞋绝对不适合爬山。A. realized意识到;B. suggested建议;C. admitted承认;D. remembered记得。根据后文中继续寻找可知,此处是意识到可能存在问题需要解决,A项realized“意识到”切题。故选A项。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:还有几小时就要黑天了。A. success成功;B. darkness黑暗、黑天;C. freedom自由;D. disaster灾难。通过语境翻译可知B项darkness“黑暗、黑天”切题。故选B项。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果继续的话会增加风险。A. information信息;B. interest兴趣;C. risk风险;D. pain痛苦。结合前文所述大风在刮马上天黑,表示环境艰险,C项risk“风险”切题。故选C项。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:前方的轨迹意味着可能有人遇到麻烦了。A. trouble麻烦;B. control控制;C. doubt怀疑;D. touch触摸。通过语境翻译可知A项trouble“麻烦”切题。故选A项。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她小声的责备消失的登山者,他违反了安全规则。A. knowing知道;B. making制作;C. judging评论;D. breaking打破。结合前文所述前方的旅程危险,因此打破了安全规则,D项breaking“打破”切题。故选D项。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后她小心翼翼地往那个登山者的方向走。A. wind风;B. tracks轨迹;C. sound声音;D. hikers登山者。结合后文所述所跟随的雪地上的轨迹, B项tracks“轨迹”切题。故选B项。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她检查了一下他是否有受伤迹象。A. power能力;B. life生活;C. injury受伤;D. loss损失。通过语境翻译可知C项injury“受伤”切题。故选C项。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果他不离开这里就会死掉。 A. recover恢复;B. escape逃跑;C. wake醒来;D. die死亡。通过后文内容可知,他伤的很重,D项die “死亡”切题。故选D项。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他说他迷路了,感觉特别冷。A. cold寒冷;B. starving饥饿;C. sleepy困倦;D. concerned担心。结合上文所述可知当时天气极为寒冷,因此A项cold“寒冷”切题。故选A项。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她帮这个男人把温暖干净的毯子拉到他的身上,给他一杯热可可。A. pick捡起;B. pull拉;C. bring带来;D. carry携带。通过语境翻译可知B项pull“拉”切题。故选B项。 15.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他慢慢地站了起来。A. Unwillingly不情愿地;B. Nervously紧张地;C. Immediately立即地;D. Slowly慢慢地。结合后文内容可知在她的鼓励下他继续走了下去,此处意为先站了起来。D项切题。故选D项。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们疲惫地到达了登山口。A. tired疲惫的;B. stressed有压力的;C. upset沮丧的;D. scared害怕的。根据下句可知她爬山到发现他的地点用了4小时的时间,意在表明路程之长,A项tired“疲惫的”切题。故选A项。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她爬山到定位他的地点用了4小时的时间。A. treated对待;B. observed观察;C. located定位;D. protected保护。通过语境翻译可知C项located“定位”切题。故选C项。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:天气要变坏了。A. Chance机会;B. Sight视力;C. Health健康;D. Weather天气。通过语境翻译可知D项Weather“天气”切题。故选D项。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她一直在鼓励我。A. praising表扬;B. encouraging 鼓励;C. excusing找理由;D. instructing指导。根据前文可知他处于困境中时,她一直在鼓励他增强求生欲,因此B项encouraging“鼓励”切题。故选B项。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她从没想过会得到这样一个称号,但她真的实至名归得到了。A. title头衔、称号;B. fortune 运气、财富;C. opportunity机会;D. option选择。通过语境翻译可知A项title“头衔、称号”切题。故选A项。


In April 2017 , two giant pandas from China arrived at a zoo in the Netherlands. There, they 1.( welcome) to the Chinese-style compound where they were to live. On May 30, after the preparations were complete, the day finally came2.the pandas met their fans for the first time. People were excited because 3. zoo is the only place in the country where it is possible to see pandas. In fact, the last time there were pandas in the Netherlands was in 1987.




It's a popular belief that fish can't remember anything1. longer than seven seconds. It may seem sad to think that they don't remember what they've eaten or where they've been. But a recent study 2. ( find) that a kind of fish called African cichlids can remember events from as long as 12 days ago. Researchers trained the fish to go to a certain area of their tank 3. ( get) food. They then waited for 12 days before 4. ( put) them back in the tank again. With the help of computer software, they found the fish still went to the same place where they first got food.




Most of us claim we don't have time for exercise. However, many experts say that exercise plays an important role in making our body healthy. Being 1.( physical) active offers many advantages. As a physical reward, exercise can reduce weight and the risk of heart disease. Exercise also 2. ( bring) good effects mentally. It can make us feel refreshed and happy, helping us increase our life quality. Actually, exercise can be done in simple 3.( way). For example, we can take the stairs rather than the lift. Overall, it's hard to find time to exercise in our busy lives, but every little bit helps.















参考词汇:学生会:student union   义卖:sale of goods for charity






根据首字母或中文意思填写正确的单词和短语,注意使用正确的形式。 10题为单词拼写,后5题为短语填空。

1.It never o_____ to me that I might want to be my own sometimes.

2.The doctors and nurses are making p______ for the coming operation.

3.He taught us pronunciation of every English word with great p_____.

4.He has an e_____ talent for painting and his works have been on display throughout the country.

5.When the 5G network is a_____ to practice, it surely can push the development of the high-tech field.

6.More than $2.15 billion of its outstanding loans are _____ (到期的) by the end of this year.

7.No matter how much we weigh, we shouldn’t be _____(尴尬的) about our weight.

8.The number of people who use shared bikes to travel to _____ (目的地) is going up in cities.

9.The _____ (要求) of Dongtai Municipal Government is that people should not set off fireworks in downtown areas.

10.He was _____ (深信) of the need for cheap edition of good quality writing.

11.I like to _____(回顾) my high school days, which are the happiest in my life.

12.Football is just not _____ (我喜爱的东西) ---I like playing volleyball.

13.When I got into the office, I found Mr. Green ______(埋头于)his work, without noticing my arrival.

14.No one succeeds overnight; success _____ (属于) those who are willing to start small and patiently work.

15.We keep trying, for we know all our efforts will _____(带来好结果).



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