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注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Two years beforeMy sister and I got a chance to take a bike trip. The journey was really hard, especial in the mountains. At firstour leg were so heavy and cold that they felt like blocks of ice. Have you ever seen snowmen to ride bicycles? That's how we looked like. Along the way, children dressing in long wool coats stopped to look us. We found it was so cold that my water bottles freezes. To climb the mountain was hard work and as we looked around, we were surprised to see beautiful lakes shining like glass in the setting sun. What a unforgettable experience!


【解析】 本文为记叙文,文章主要介绍了作者和姐姐一起骑自行车旅行的经历。 第一处:考查副词。根据语境,表示两年前,结合本句时态一般过去式可知用two years ago,所以before要改为ago。 第二处:考查副词。句意:旅程很艰难,尤其是在山上。此处修饰介词短语在山上,所以要用副词,故especial要改为especially。 第三处:考查名词复数。此处指我们的腿很重很冷。我们的腿显然不是一只,所以用复数,因此leg要改为legs。 第四处:考查不定式。表示看雪人骑自行车,“看见某人做了某事”是see sb do sth.要省略to,所以要去掉to。 第五处:考查表语从句的连接词。分析句子可知that’s后加的是表语从句,表语从句中缺like的宾语,所以用what,所以how要改为what。 第六处:考查非谓语动词。句意:那些穿着长羊毛外套的孩子停下来看我们。分析句子可知此处dress做定语,修饰children,根据sb be dressed 这个短语,可知要用过去分词作定语,所以dressing要改为dressed。 第七处:考查固定短语。look为不及物动词不能直接加宾语,look at 看,所以要加上at。 第八处:考查时态。句意:我们发现天太冷了,所以水瓶冻上了。根据本句的谓语found,was可知要用过去时,所以freezes要改为froze。 第九处:考查连词。句意:爬山很难但当我们环顾四周看到美丽的湖水在太阳的照耀下像玻璃一样时,我们感到吃惊。所以前后句为转折关系,所以but要改为but。 第十处:考查冠词。句意:多么令人难忘的一次经历啊!unforgettable以元音因素开头,表示“一次”要用an,故a改为an。  


Daisy is a girl who cares about our environment. She always longs to help 1.(endanger) species of wildlife. One day, she 2.(wake) up and found a flying carpet which took her to many3.place to experience something amazing. In Tibet, Daisy saw an antelope looking sad and it told her the species was being killed. Then the carpet showed her a place 4.there was some wildlife protection. There she came across 5.elephant, from whom she knew they used to be hunted6.mercy. But now good things are being done to save local wildlife. Knowing that, Daisy burst into 7.(laugh) in relief. At the end of the journey, she met a monkey 8.(rub) itself to protect himself from mosquitoes. The monkey asked her to pay 9.(much) attention to the rainforest. Finally, Daisy 10.(full) understood the meaning of no rainforest, no animals, no drugs.



    As a young boyBritain's great Prime Minister(首相), Sir Winston Churchill attended a public school called Harrow. He was not a good student and nearly_______from the school for breaking the rules._______he did finish his schoolwork and his mistakes there did not _______ him from going on to a university. He even really had an army experience, for which he was later elected _______. He achieved it for his wisdom and _______. Because he once refused to _______ during the painful days of World War II. His amazing determination helped inspire his entire nation and was an _______worldwide.

Towards the end of his period as prime ministerhe was _______ to make a speech to the students at his old school. When the great day_______, Sir Winston Churchill gave his short, clear-cut speech:

“Young man, never give up. Never give up! Never give up! Never, never, never, never!”

Another ________ example is Sandra Day O'Connor who fought to achieve her best education. Graduating at the top of her class, she worked her ________ into Stanford Law school, where she graduated with ________. Though working hard, she was ________ a woman in the 1950s. She was refused by many law firms ________ they preferred to hire less qualified(有资格的) man ________ a great woman lawyer. Yet she refused to give up on her dreams. With great efforts her dream ________came true.

Just like Churchill and Sandra, they stand for those who never give up.________, many people in our daily life simply say they want something but without making efforts. Instead, they let the fear of________ stop them from trying . As a wise saying goes: “It's not how many times you fall down that________. It's how many times you get back up that makes success! ” With hard work, ________ and preparation, you can overcome any difficulty and achieve success.

1.A.removed B.replaced C.returned D.refused

2.A.Thankfully B.Briefly C.Personally D.Carefully

3.A.perform B.protect C.prevent D.pretend

4.A.doctor B.minister C.worker D.teacher

5.A.energy B.expression C.excuse D.courage

6.A.give out B.give off C.give in D.give away

7.A.inspiration B.information C.introduction D.interview

8.A.required B.succeeded C.invited D.ordered

9.A.arose B.formed C.survived D.arrived

10.A.familiar B.similar C.practical D.different

11.A.route B.power C.way D.path

12.A.height B.harvest C.humor D.honors

13.A.still B.never C.once D.hardly

14.A.when B.as C.although D.if

15.A.other than B.more than C.rather than D.less than

16.A.finally B.regularly C.gradually D.hardly

17.A.Therefore B.However C.Besides D.Again

18.A.shame B.failure C.sadness D.concern

19.A.deserves B.affects C.amazes D.matters

20.A.imagination B.creativity C.interest D.determination



    Teenagers have their own thoughts and act like they know almost anything. However, in reality they don’t have much experience. So it’s not easy when you have to deal with these difficult teenagers. 1.

1. Keep calm

It is easy for difficult teenagers to make you lose control and act improperly. 2. When you feel angry or challenged by a teen, take a deep breath and count slowly to ten, and then deal with the problem after you become calm again.

2. Set up clear boundaries(界限)

Since most teenagers want to experience greater independence and selfhood, some will challenge you in order to test their power. It’s very important to set boundaries. 3. The first boundary in almost any situation is that you will be treated with respect. In addition to respect, there may also be a list of family, classroom, or team ground rules.

3. Pay attention to the leader

Many teachers know that when they face a group of difficult students in class, it’s not necessary to deal with every student. 4. Another management skill is to separate challenging persons so that they’re less likely to form a group and feed off each other.

4. Show understanding

5. Say to yourself with some humor and then get on with your business.

A. The first rule is to keep calm.

B. Below are keys to deal with them.

C. Make use of useful communication.

D. At worst this may make you the other side.

E. When a teenager is in difficulty, show understanding.

F. Useful boundaries are those which are fair and reasonable.

G. Usually, by dealing with the leader, the rest of the group will follow.



    Binge-watching(疯狂观看) your favourite TV series is bad for your brain, a neurologist has warned. Dr Randall Wright, based in Texas, said the need to watch episode(一集) after episode has a similar effect on the brain to gambling. What’s more, Dr Wright added that sitting in front of the screen for hours creates an ’unhealthy environment’.

The past time often leads to social isolation(孤立), snacking on junk food and a lack of exercise and sleep, which, over time, is bad for the brain, he said. But he said it is possible to get rid of the side effects of being a couch potato with four tips.

When you let auto play start the next episode so you can find out what happens next, your brain receives positive feedback, Dr Wright wrote in an article for the Houston Methodist Hospital. This instant satisfaction is similar to gambling(赌博), where even after a win, you are not satisfied and want to continue playing. With binge-watching, you are not satisfied with stopping after episode five and want to continue watching. This cycle coupled with the snacking can lead to unhealthy changes in your brain and body over time. Dr Wright said:“Binge-watching itself is not bad. It becomes problematic when watching a third, fourth or fifth episode replaces healthy activities.”

Dr Wright suggested exercising before a binge-watching TV – or even inbetween episodes – because activity helps the brain generate new cells. Setting an alarm can be helpful for reminding yourself to go to sleep at a decent time. Spending too much time in isolation can lead to depression, Dr Wright said, so it’s important to balance TV viewing with socializing. As for the snacks, Dr Wright advises to stay away from salty, fatty, calorific foods. Research has shown unhealthy eating while binge-watching can lead to piling on the pounds.

1.Which is NOT the bad effects caused by Binge-watching?

A.Eating junk food. B.Doing little exercise.

C.More social communication. D.Not having enough sleep.

2.What can be implied in the passage?

A.Binge-watching itself is bad.

B.Binge-watching is similar to gambling in some way.

C.You are content with watching episode after episode.

D.It is unlikely to get rid of the bad effects of Binge-watching.

3.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.Keeping away from snacks matters.

B.We should balance TV viewing with socializing.

C.It gives suggestions about dealing with binge-watching TV.

D.Setting an alarm reminds yourself to go to bed on time.

4.What can be the best title for the passage?

A.Saying no to gambling.

B.Sitting for long is harmful.

C.Binge-watching, Bad for brain.

D.TV series have bad influences on your brain.



    Guess what former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and United States president Donald Trump’s granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, have in common? They both study Chinese as a second language.

Although Chinese is known as one of the hardest languages to learn, a lot of people from different backgrounds are studying it with hopes of big benefits.

Nov 2 saw more than 120 people, coming from 105 countries, compete in the finals of the 12th “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for foreign secondary school students. Held in Zhengzhou, Henan province, the finals was mainly made up of speech contests and talent shows. The contestants also visited the Shaolin Temple, Longmen Grottoes and other historical sites in Henan.

While reasons for learning Chinese were different, a common one was interest in the country’s rich culture and rapid development.

Raissa, 17, from the Union of the Comoros, developed a strong emotional connection with China after her grandmother was cured by doctors of the Chinese medical team in Africa three years ago. This led her to learn Chinese at a local Confucius Institute.

Fascinated by Chinese culture, the competitor has taken part in activities on traditional Chinese medicine and folk arts during her first trip to China. “My dream is to study medicine in China so that I could cure patients like the Chinese doctors did,” she said.

For Fekete Marcell Zoltan, 17, from the Hungarian-Chinese Bilingual School, studying Chinese may secure him a future job as a Hungarian diplomat(外交官) to China. “After graduation from high school, I would like to further my studies in China,” he said.

Robert Davis, director of the Chinese-language program in Chicago’s public school system, may give you a hint. “Chinese isn’t the new French. It’s the new English, which is widely used all over the world.”  he told CGTN.

1.Why are Mark Zuckerberg and Arabella Kushner mentioned in paragraph one?

A.To show Chinese is popular.

B.To introduce them to the readers.

C.To tell the readers they love China.

D.To stress the importance of learning Chinese.

2.The underlined word Fascinated in paragraph 6 can be replaced by ______.

A.Attracted. B.Employed.

C.Inspected. D.Appreciated.

3.What is the common reason for the competitors to learn Chinese?

A.It’s easy to learn.

B.They want to become a doctor.

C.They hope for a good job after graduation.

D.They have interest in Chinese culture and rapid development.

4.What is Robert Davis’ attitude to learning Chinese?

A.Doubtful. B.Supportive.

C.Indifferent. D.Upset.



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