满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Our families lived more than 450 miles a...

    Our families lived more than 450 miles away, so a few weeks before Thanksgiving one year, my husband and I decided to invite a guest over____the holiday. I called a senior center in the Dallas area and they____Ilse, a woman I imagined would be quiet and good-natured. When seeing her, I was wrong. Ilse was a stubborn 78 -year-old lady, who favored spending time at the center ____ she had her own apartment.

By the end of the Thanksgiving evening, we felt as if she were an old friend. Two weeks later, I invited her to lunch. The more time I spent with Ilse, the more she became like my grandma, always full of energy. Since I was the only one left in her life, I felt ____ for her. I soon became her personal Uber driver (minus the fee), and also helped her hire a ____. As the days went on, Ilse seemed more disconnected than before. Late one afternoon, she called from the emergency room to tell me she had ____ over her coffee table. After I got there, the doctor ____ she had suffered a mild stroke(中风).

During the next few days, I ____ by her apartment, sadly finding that she was so weak. And she was no longer the ____ Ilse I knew. At the end of the week, I received an early-morning call from her caregiver. “Please come over now,” her voice matter-of-fact. “She’s passed away.” But I was too shocked to cry.

The morning after Ilse’s death, I pulled her ____ out of my file cabinet. Ilse had____I take a copy of it a year earlier. I read through it and____when I saw my name. She had left me $ 50,000. I didn't____ her saying anything about that. ____, I would have insisted she donate the money to charity or give it to a friend she had known longer. Ilse was a friend I'd helped out of loyalty and____, not with the expectation of being paid. I opened an account in her honor. Over the next 20 years, Ilse's ____ grew and gave me the opportunity to____funds in her name to a cause she cared about deeply : children. Various families and charities____from her donations. It is beyond my expectation that a____I’d taken years before when I placed a call to the senior center and meet Ilse made my life richer and made me have a new understanding of____.

1.A.after B.for C.by D.of

2.A.believed B.begged C.observed D.suggested

3.A.unless B.because C.though D.if

4.A.responsible B.grateful C.pitiful D.happy

5.A.teacher B.caregiver C.doctor D.guide

6.A.talked B.looked C.came D.tripped

7.A.ensured B.confirmed C.warned D.reminded

8.A.drove B.walked C.dropped D.slipped

9.A.energetic B.outgoing C.generous D.determined

10.A.photo B.will C.book D.report

11.A.insisted B.ordered C.recommended D.proposed

12.A.questioned B.relieved C.explained D.stopped

13.A.mind B.imagine C.remember D.consider

14.A.Otherwise B.Therefore C.However D.Instead

15.A.courage B.ability C.respect D.ambition

16.A.gift B.desire C.need D.idea

17.A.return B.lend C.sell D.provide

18.A.learned B.kept C.benefited D.borrowed

19.A.risk B.praise C.reward D.chance

20.A.equality B.humanity C.possibility D.reality


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.C 16.A 17.D 18.C 19.D 20.B 【解析】 本文为记叙文。作者和丈夫打电话给老年中心邀请一位老人共度感恩节,有了认识了伊尔丝的机会。从此开始他们之间的交往和关爱,作者关心伊尔丝。当伊尔丝去世后,留给了作者5万美金。但作者却把这笔钱以伊尔丝的名义帮助孩子们,让爱传递,这是人性美的传递。 1.考查介词辨析。句意:当时我丈夫和我决定邀请一位客人共度感恩节。A. after在......以后;B. for为了,关于;C. by在......旁边;D. of属于(某人),关于(某人)。分析语境可知,作者和丈夫为了(for)过感恩节邀请客人的。故选B。 2.考查动词辨析。句意:我给达拉斯地区的一个老年中心打了电话,他们推荐了伊尔丝。A. believed相信;B. begged乞求;C. observed观察;D. suggested建议,推荐,举荐。根据前面的语境可知,作者想邀请客人共度感恩节,打了电话给老年中心,对方推荐了(suggested)伊尔莎,故选D。 3.考查连词辨析。句意:尽管她有自己的公寓,但她还是喜欢在中心打发时间。A. unless除非;B. because因为;C. though然而,尽管;D. if如果。分析句子可知,本句是让步状语从句,意思为“虽然(though)”故选C。 4.考查形容词辨析。句意:因为我是她生命中唯一的一个能托付的人,我觉得我应该为她负责。A. responsible负责任的;B. grateful感激的;C. pitiful可怜的;D. happy快乐的。根据前一句“Since I was the only one left in her life”作者是唯一能让她托付的人,所以作者觉得自己对她有责任(responsible),故选A。 5.考查名词辨析。句意:我很快就成了她的私人优步司机,还帮她雇了一个护理员。A. teacher老师;B. caregiver护理人员;C. doctor医生;D. guide导游。根据文章的内容可知,伊尔丝已是78岁的高龄,因此帮助她雇佣的是护理员(caregiver),故选B。 6.考查固定搭配。句意:她从急诊室打来电话,告诉我她被咖啡桌绊倒了。A. talked谈话;B. looked看;C. came来;D. tripped绊倒。“trip over”为固定搭配,意为“(被)绊倒”符合句意。故选D。 7.考查动词辨析。句意:我到那里后,医生证实她患了轻度中风。A. ensured确保;B. confirmed证实,证明;C. warned警告;D. reminded提醒。根据语境可知,此处是指医生证实(confirmed)她患了中风。故选B。 8.考查固定搭配。句意:在接下来的几天里,我顺道去她的公寓。A. drove开车;B. walked散步,步行;C. dropped顺道拜访,下降;D. slipped滑倒,溜走。“drop by...”为固定搭配,意为“顺道拜访,造访”。本句是指作者去顺道拜访她。故选C。 9.考查形容词辨析。句意:我悲哀地发现她是如此的虚弱。她也不再是我所认识的那个精力充沛的伊尔丝了。A. energetic精力充沛的;B. outgoing外向的;C. generous慷慨大方的;D. determined坚定的,果断的。根据前一句“she was so weak”她如此虚弱,所以不再精力充沛的(energetic),故选A。 10.考查名词辨析。句意:我从文件柜里拿出了她的遗嘱。A. photo照片;B. will遗嘱;C. book书; D. report报告。根据后面的第12题后的“She had left me $ 50,000”她留给我5万美元,可知。此处是指她留下的遗嘱(will),故选B, 11.考查动词辨析。句意:伊尔丝一年前坚持要我拿一份复印件。A. insisted坚持;B. ordered命令;C. recommended建议;D. proposed提议。根据“___14___, I would have insisted ...”可知,伊尔丝一年前坚持(insisted)要作者拿一份复印件。故选A。 12.考查动词辨析。句意:A. questioned质问;B. relieved宽慰;C. explained解释;D. stopped停止。我通读了一遍,看到自己的名字就停了下来。根据后面的“She had left me $ 50,000”可知是读到自己的名字时停了(stopped)下来,发现她留给作者5万美金,故选D。 13.考查动词辨析。句意:我不记得她说过什么(有关遗嘱给我钱的事)。A. mind介意;B. imagine想象;C. remember记住;D. consider思考,考虑。根据前面看见自己的名字停下来,以及第14题后“I would have insisted she donate the money to charity or give it to a friend she had known longer.”可知,作者对此事一无所知,即不记得(remember)。故选C。 14.考查副词辨析。句意:否则,我会坚持让她把钱捐给慈善机构,或者捐给她认识时间更长的朋友。A. Otherwise否则;B. Therefore因此;C. However然而;D. Instead相反的是。根据语境可知,作者对于老奶奶赠送的5万一无所知,以及后面“让她捐赠给慈善机构等”,可知,这是一个假设,“否则的话(otherwise)”,故选A。 15.考查名词辨析。句意:伊尔丝是我出于忠诚和尊重而帮助的朋友,而不是期望得到报酬(才帮助她)。A. courage勇气;B. ability能力;C. respect 尊敬,敬重;D. ambition野心,抱负。根据并列连词and及and前的“loyalty”,可知,与loyalty并列的只能是respect(尊敬),故选C。 16.考查名词辨析。句意:在接下来的20年里,伊尔丝的捐赠与日俱增,......,A. gift礼物,赠品,;B. desire渴望,欲望;C. need需要;D. idea想法,点子。根据语境可知,作者把伊尔丝捐赠的钱用于慈善,故选A。 17.考查动词辨析。句意:以她的名义为一个她深爱的事业——孩子提供资金。A. return返回,归还;B. lend借出; C. sell出售;D. provide提供。根据语境可知,作者以伊尔丝的名义给她深受的事业——孩子提供(provide)资金。故选D。 18.考查动词辨析。句意:许多家庭和慈善机构都从她的捐赠中受益。A. learned学到;B. kept保持;C. benefited受益;D. borrowed借来。作者把钱提供给孩子们,因此许多家庭和慈善机构从中受益(benefited)。故选C。 19.考查名词辨析。句意:我没有想到,几年前我偶然打电话给老年中心遇到了伊尔丝...。A. risk风险;B. praise表扬;C. reward 奖励,报酬;D. chance机会,偶然性。根据第一段的内容可知,作者几年前是为了邀请一位客人与他们夫妻共度感恩节时偶然(chance)遇到了伊尔丝的,故选D。 20.考查名词辨析。句意:遇见了伊尔丝使我的生活更加丰富,使我对人性有了新的认识。A. equality平等;B. humanity人性; C. possibility机会;D. reality现实。根据语境可知,本文主要叙述的人性(humanity)。所以作者对人性有了新的认识。故选B。


We get our warmth from the sun. The Earth 1.(take) one year to go around the sun. It is always tilted (倾斜) to one side. When the North Pole is tilted towards the sun, the northern part of the world has summer2.it is winter in the south. The in-between times are spring and autumn. However, not everywhere has summer and winter. In some parts of the world, the weather is always hot, and winter never comes. These are the3.(country) around the equator, 4. is a line drawn around the middle of a globe of the Earth.




With my summer holiday 1.(approach), I decided to make a plan to go travelling in Yunnan Province. By searching information online, I get to know some places of interest in Dali. Every year, tourists come flooding into the small town of Dali from all directions. The streets are2.(usual) crowded with people, buying souvenirs and taking pictures everywhere. In addition, after a talk with some of my friends having a trip in Dali before, I can’t wait to travel in Yunnan3.(enjoy) the beautiful scenery there.




Dr. William retired from business1.an early age; and an important reason for his doing so was that he might devote himself more fully to the education of his daughters, which2. (conduct ) almost entirely at home. Having a decided taste for the ancient classics, he considered that so good a foundation of a sound education ought not to be ignored. Just like other parents, he thought3.came first was the education of their children.



假设你是某英语报社的编辑Rina,收到Li Wei 同学的来信,诉说因为肥胖常遭到同学嘲笑的苦恼,并向你寻求建议。请你根据以下提示给Li Wei 回信。






Dear Li Wei,

I've received your letter and I can understand you.







1.This is the town that she lived when she was young.

2.He explained the reason which he sold his car last month..

3.This is the best film which I have ever seen.

4.This is the village, where I visited last year.

5.The sun gives off light and warmth, that makes it possible for plants to grow.

6.His friend, that was very old, was famous for his paintings.

7.Which is known to us all, China is a great country.

8.Do you know the man which is teaching now?

9.I have read all the books which I borrowed from the library.

10.He told us the things and the people which he liked in America.



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