满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Not many 17-year-old girls know how to s...

    Not many 17-year-old girls know how to solder(焊)copper pipes together or light a pilot light. These are_____I’ve learned as an assistant to my______in his plumbing(管道)business.

My summer job deals with_______that constantly arise physical and mental discomfort, and the work______an attitude of determination and patience that I frequently struggle to adopt.

Each morning, I______myself into large-thick men’s jeans most girls would______to wear and climb into the plumber truck. As my classmates begin their_____babysitting, or selling groceries, my dad and I carry_____toolboxes and work in the dark basements. I often get ______in messy storage boxes looking for the water meter. Nothing around is beautiful or tidy.

Sometimes I______why I stand the dust and sweat when I could be in my air-conditioned house doing summer homework. Yet as much as I_______the mess of plumbing. I look down upon myself for being so easily annoyed by disorder.______, the world was built by people willing to get their hands_______.

Five such summers have______me that the messy parts of people’s houses______the messy parts of their lives. As I learn to_____the mess, I also learn to handle the_____and contradictions in my adolescence. Life is a process of accepting_______and learning to put it in order. Plumbing work is no different. You can see it in each newly soldered group of copper pipes. And when customers express______, I understand that, in a small way, we bring______to their lives.

1.A.manners B.skills C.facts D.rules

2.A.brother B.dad C.teacher D.friend

3.A.messes B.customers C.noises D.exercises

4.A.offers B.develops C.demands D.lacks

5.A.wrestle B.lower C.squeeze D.hide

6.A.need B.expect C.refuse D.choose

7.A.shifts B.studies C.meetings D.travels

8.A.fancy B.small C.expensive D.heavy

9.A.injured B.absorbed C.lost D.interested

10.A.know B.question C.imagine D.remember

11.A.see B.clean C.hate D.create

12.A.Or rather B.At least C.After all D.In addition

13.A.full B.dirty C.firm D.free

14.A.taught B.promised C.advised D.guaranteed

15.A.examine B.divide C.reduce D.reflect

16.A.sort out B.care about C.hunt for D.give up

17.A.arrangements B.uncertainties C.competitions D.expectations

18.A.failure B.help C.change D.chaos

19.A.sympathy B.suspicion C.disapproval D.appreciation

20.A.peace B.success C.wonder D.order


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.D 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.D 20.D 【解析】 本文为夹叙夹议文。作者通过作者在5个暑假作为水管工父亲的助手,每天穿着大而厚的牛仔裤修理管道,认为世界是由那些愿意弄脏自己双手的人建立的。人们房屋的脏乱反映了他们生活中的脏乱。如果学会处理工作中的混乱,也能处理青春期的不确定性和矛盾,生活就是一个接受混乱并学会把它整理好的过程。 1.考查名词辨析。句意:很少有17岁的女孩知道如何将铜管焊接......。这些都是作为我父亲的水管工助手时我学到的技能。A. manners方式;B. skills技能,技巧;C. facts事实;D. rules规则。根据语境可知,这些东西是她在工作中学到的技能(skills)。故选B。 2.考查名词辨析及语境。句意:这些都是我作为我父亲的水管工助手学到的技能。A. brother兄弟;B. dad爸爸;C. teacher老师;D. friend朋友。根据后面的my dad and I carry___8___toolboxes可知,此处是指作为爸爸(dad)的助手。故选B。 3.考查名词辨析。句意:我的暑期工作是应付不断出现的身体和心理中的各种混乱。A. messes杂乱,麻烦,混乱;B. customers顾客;C. noises噪声;D. exercises经历。根据第二段和第三段的内容可知,作者不喜欢工作中的混乱及麻烦。后文多处出现“messy”、“mess”的提示。如“I often get ___9___in messy storage boxes”以及“As I learn to sort out the mess, I also learn to handle the___17___and contradictions in my adolescence.” 经常处理找工具的麻烦当我学会如何处理混乱时,我也学会了如何处理青春期的矛盾,可知在暑期中要应付许多混乱(messes)。故选A。 4.考查动词辨析。句意:而这项工作要求毅力和耐心的态度。A. offers主动提供;B. develops开发,发展;C. demands要求;D. lacks缺乏。根据下文作者每天的工作情况可知,这是工作方面的要求(demands),故选C。 5.考查动词辨析。句意:每天早上,我都会努力穿上大而厚的男式牛仔裤。A. wrestle努力处理,费力对付;B. lower恶劣;C. squeeze挤压;D. hide躲藏。 根据后面的“large-thick men”以及“许多女孩都不愿意穿” 可知,作为一个女孩我也不想穿上这样的衣服,要努力(wrestle)(即与自己心理斗争)让自己穿上这种衣服。故选A。 6.考查动词辨析。句意:这种牛仔是大多数女孩都会拒绝穿的。A. need需要;B. expect期待;C. refuse拒绝;D. choose选择。这是“大而厚的男式牛仔裤”的工作服,作为女孩是不会穿的,因此要用拒绝(refuse),故选C。 7.考查名词辨析。句意:当我的同学们开始轮班照看孩子,或者卖杂货时,我和爸爸扛着沉重的工具箱,在黑暗的地下室里工作。A. shifts班次;B. studies学习,研究;C. meetings会议,会见;D. travels旅行。根据常识可知,工作时还要休息的,所以工作是轮班(shifts)照看孩子的。故选A。 8.考查形容词辨析。句意:我和爸爸扛着沉重的工具箱,在黑暗的地下室里工作。A. fancy太花哨的,精致的;B. small小的;C. expensive昂贵的;D. heavy重的。根据作者工作的工种可知,做这种工种,他们的工具箱是很重的(heavy)。故选D。 9.考查形容词辨析。句意:我经常迷失在凌乱的储物箱里找水表。A. injured受伤的;B. absorbed吸收的;C. lost迷路的,迷失的;D. interested感兴趣的。根据后一句“Nothing around is beautiful or tidy.”可知,常在混乱的环境中找这样的物品,会让迷乱(lost)。故选C。 10.考查动词辨析。句意:当我在空调房里做暑假作业时,有时我想知道为什么我会忍受那些灰尘和流那么多的汗水。A. know知道;B. question问(问题),质问;C. imagine想像;D. remember记得。根据后面的“why I stand the dust and sweat ...”可知,这些都是问题,所以是问 (question)。故选B。 11.考查动词辨析。句意: 但正如我讨厌水管的混乱一样。我看不起自己,因为我很容易被混乱所困扰。A. see看见;B. clean清理;C. hate痛恨,讨厌;D. create创造。根据后一句“我看不起自己”可知,讨厌(hate)水管中的混乱。故选C。 12.考查副词短语辨析。句意:毕竟,世界是由那些愿意弄脏自己双手的人建立的。A. Or rather确切地说;B. At least至少;C. After all毕竟;D. In addition另外,而且。根据语境可知,此处是对前面内容的解释,即“毕竟(after all)。故选C。 13.考查形容词辨析。句意:世界是由那些愿意弄脏自己双手的人建立的。A. full充满的;B. dirty脏的;C. firm强有力的;D. free免费的。根据常识工人工作时会把手弄脏的(dirty)。故选B。 14.考查动词辨析。句意:五个这样的夏天教会了我:人们家里的脏乱反映了他们生活中的脏乱。A. taught教;B. promised承诺;C. advised劝告;D. guaranteed保证。根据下文的内容可知,这是作者从五个这样的夏天经历得到的经验,即就是“五个这样的夏天经历教会(taught)了我”。故选A。 15.考查动词辨析。句意:五个这样的夏天教会了我,人们家里的脏乱反映了他们生活中的脏乱。A. examine检测;B. divide划分;C. reduce减少;D. reflect反映,显示。根据语境可知,此处是指家里的脏乱反映(reflect)了生活中的脏乱。故选D。 16.考查动词短语辨析。句意:在我学会处理混乱的同时,我也学会了处理青春期的不确定性和矛盾。A. sort out解决(问题),整理;B. care about关心;C. hunt for寻找;D. give up放弃。根据下文“also learn to handle the___17___”中的“handle(处理问题)”是A项中的sort out解决(问题)同义词。故选A。 17.考查名词辨析。句意:在我学会处理混乱的同时,我也学会了处理青春期的不确定性和矛盾。A. arrangements安排;B. uncertainties不确定性;C. competitions竞争;D. expectations期望。根据“the___17___and contradictions”中的and,可知,本空与contradiction(矛盾)并列关系的只有B项的 uncertainties(不确定性)符合。故选B。 18.考查名词辨析。句意:生活是一个接受混乱并学会把它整理好的过程。A. failure失败;B. help帮助;C. change变化,改变;D. chaos混乱。文中反复强调生活中有各种的“mess(混乱)”,可知D项(chaos)就是它的同义词。故选D。 19.考查名词辨析。句意:当顾客表达感激之情时,我明白了,在很小的程度上,我们让他们的生活有秩序。A. sympathy同情;B. suspicion怀疑;C. disapproval反对;D. appreciation欣赏,感激。根据文章可知,作者认为管道工人帮助他人修理管道,让人们的生活有条理,那么顾客就会感激(appreciation)。故选D。 20.考查名词辨析。句意:当顾客表达感激之情时,我明白了,在很小的程度上,我们让他们的生活有秩序。A. peace和平;B. success 成功;C. wonder奇迹;D. order秩序。根据上下文的语境可知,人们学会和处理工作和生活中的混乱,让生活有秩序(order)。故选D。

Put on new set of gasses for a new view

Today I visited San Francisco’s modern-art museum. I was there to see a new exhibit about spaceflight.1.I like to “visit” this particular painting every time I go to the museum not only because it evokes(唤起)strong feelings, but because I always find something new.

There's real pleasure to be found in revisiting a museum replaying a game or rewatching a movie. Some of that enjoyment comes from the feeling of familiarity of course.2..There’s always plenty more to see, hear, taste, smell, feel, of understand the second or third time around. But how do you discover the exciting new thing in the familiar?

One way is approaching whatever task is at hand by searching for the things that you didn't see in the first time around. First, recognize that everything is always changing.3.Second, remove judgment from the experience, if possible, and just observe what's new. For example, look for the ways in which a change in your neighborhood is interesting or exciting.

4.That could mean removing sugar, coffee, a certain kind of media from your life for a specified time. Once the break is over, that same thing will have more of its former interest or excitement.5.So is true that novelty is fun, but given enough of a break in between, repeated experiences regain that initial excitement.

A. Repeated experiences like this are valuable.

B. Visiting a new country brings fresh experience.

C. Coffee will never taste better if you quit it for a month.

D. But the piece of art that made me cry was a familiar one.

E. But it also comes from noticing new things in what is so familiar.

F. So the second experience is never exactly the same as the first one.

G. Another way is changing your routine and taking a break of some kind.



    Picture a lecture session at a business school and your probably imagine students gazing at screens filled with equations(方程式).What you might not expect is students attempting to sing “O clap your Hands”. But Bartleby was treated to this delight on a visit to Saïd Business School in Oxford earlier this year.

There was a catch. Some of the students had to try conducting the chorus. The first to take the challenge was a rather self-confident young man. It didn’t take long for him to go wrong. His most obvious mistake was to start conducting without asking the singers how they would like to be directed, though they had the expertise and he was a complete beginner.

The session, organized by Pegram Harrison, a senior fellow in entrepreneurship(企业家精神), cleverly allowed the students to absorb some important leadership lessons. For example, leaders should listen to their teams, especially when their colleagues have specialist knowledge.

Other business schools have also realized that their students can learn from the arts. At Carnegie Mellon University , Leanne Meyer has introduced a leadership-training programme that includes poetry and a book club. She believed that involvement in such pursuits can help develop empathy(同理心) in future leaders and that the programme benefits students in terms of how they promote themselves to recruiters(招聘人员).

The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) has trained many great dramatists. It also offers training courses for managers. “Acting about finding the truth in the character and in yourself.” says Walker-Wise, one of RADA'S tutors. Being a manager involves a lot more than just setting targets. It requires empathy and a knowledge of human nature. An education in the arts might help develop those qualities. Above all, the students on Harrison's Course were experiencing something Bartleby never expected to see in those attending an MBA lecture they were having fun.

1.What does “this delight" in paragraph 1 refer to?

A.Singing in a business class. B.Visiting Said Business School

C.Picturing a lecture session. D.Gazing a screens full of equations.

2.Which of the fallowing best describes the session by Pegram Harrison?

A.Common and influential. B.Educational and effortless.

C.Challenging and instructive. D.Controversial and practical.

3.What should a leader do based on the conducting experience?

A.Offer promotion opportunities. B.Value team members’ opinion.

C.Set specific targets. D.Control every step.

4.How does acting contribute to being a manager?

A.It provides entertainment. B.It develops goal-setting skills.

C.It exposes the truth in business. D.It helps understand human nature.



    In the old days, when you had to drive to a movie theater of to to a video store to get some entertainment, it was easy to see how your actions could have an impact om the environment.You were hopping into your war, driving across town and coughing out emissions(排放)and using gas all the way.

But now that we’re used to staying at home and streaming movies, we might get a little cocky. After all ,we’re just picking up our phones or maybe turning on the TV. You’re welcome.Mother  Nature.

Not so fast, says a recent report from the French-based Shit Project. Watching a half-hour show would lead to 3.5 pounds of CO2 emissions. That’s like driving 3.9 miles. According to "Climate Crisis: The Unsustainable Use of Online Video," digital technologies are responsible for 4% of greenhouse gas emissions, and that energy use is increasing by 9% a year. Stored in data centers, videos are transferred to our terminals such as computers, smart phones, etc. via networks: all these processes require electricity whose production consumes resources and usually involves CO2 emissions.

In the European Union, the Eureca project lead scientist, Rabih Bashroush, calculated that 5 billion downloads and streams of the song "Despacito" consumed as much electricity as the countries of Chad, Guinea-Bissau, Somalia, Sierra Leone and the Central African Republic used in a single year.

Streaming is only expected to increase as we become more attached to our devices. Online video use is expected to account for 80%of all internet traffic by 2022 according to CISCO. By then, about 60% of the world's population will be online.

You're probably not going to give up your streaming services, but there are things you con do to help lessen the impact of your online use.

Here are some tips:

Disable autoplay for video on social media.

Stream over Wi-Fi, not mobile networks.

Watch on the smallest screen you can.

Don’t use high-definition(高清)video on devices.

1.It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that people think           .

A.they should welcome Mother Nature

B.watching movies at home is more fun

C.it is inconvenient to drive to a movie theater

D.streaming at home avoids possible emissions

2.We may learn from the text that         .

A.3.9 miles may produce 3.5 pounds of CO2

B.digital technologies account for 4% of electricity use

C.Online video use makes up 80% of all internet traffic

D.60% of the world’s population watch videos online

3.Why are the five countries mentioned in paragraph 4?

A.To praise their energy-efficient practice.

B.To prove the poverty of the five countries

C.To stress the popularity of the song “Despacito”

D.To show the high energy use of downloads and streams

4.How can people help to save energy when streaming?

A.Use high-definition videos. B.Turn off video autoplay

C.Stream over mobile networks. D.Watch movies on bigger screens.



    In the trailer (拖车式房屋)Sischo was refreshing the snails ‘(锅牛)accommodations--an  ongoing routine that takes days of careful work. He had found a dozen of Achatinella bulimoides--a third of the world's population of the species. Once every individual was accounted for, he cleaned the cage and packed in new leaves. The work took much trouble, but the responsibility, he said, was like “a heavy weight sitting on you.”

The trailer is very vulnerable. It’s designed to keep away would-be thieved, and to resist hurricanes. But a fire could easily destroy it, or a disease could sweep through it. Last September , a mystery pathogon(病原体)appeared to have entered the trailer on leaves fed to the snails, killing almost an entire species. As sad as the event was, there’s no good way to insure against future catastrophe. The snails can’t simply be spread among zoos or other facilities: they need special equipment, experienced handlers, and a diet of native Hawaiian plants.

Consequently, it can be hard for the snails' minders to relax, even when they are outside the trailer. “How do you switch off when your decisions mean existence or extinction?" Sischo said. While action lightens the burden, yet with animals whose natural history is largely unknown, that action can be dangerous. "If you do it wrong, the snails die.”

Snails are neither intelligent nor beloved. Sischo's friends sometimes tease him about being "the strange snail guy' ; strangers ask why he cares. It's hard to convince people, but he insists that if he can just get them in the trailer, they will understand why the Achatinella bulimoides are worth saving. "People melt," he said“When you show them that the entire population is in this chamber, it hits them."

1.What is the trailer used for?

A.Accommodating guests B.Sheltering snails

C.Planting vegetables. D.Alarming thieves.

2.What does the underlined word “vulnerable" mean in paragraph?

A.Quite. B.Safe.

C.Easily affected. D.Well protected.

3.What is the snail minders' attitude towards their job?

A.Relaxed. B.Confident.

C.Cautious D.Disapproving

4.Which of the following could be the best title for the text?

A.The Last of Its Kind B.The Worst of Times

C.Mourn Its Loss D.Resist Possible Dangerous



    Bull Run Regional Park

Thus family- friendly park is around 30 miles from the District. Bull Run is a history fan's delightIt provides access to the nearly 20-mile Occoquan Trail, which was used during the war. The trail is one of many hiking options on the 1,500-acre grounds. Each cabin($85 to $95 per night) accommodates six people and offers such luxuries(奢华)as electricity, heat and swing.

Savage River Lodge

Savage River Lodge-about three hour drive from the District-- specializes in a solid roof and a side of luxury. Savage River is surrounded by more than 700 acres of thick forest, and popular activities include fly-fishing. biking, hiking and cross -country skiing. Cabins start at $250 per night.

Cherry Hill Park

Given its proximity (邻近) to the District, this family-owned campground is particularly appealing to visitors who are traveling to the area via recreational vehicle. It also offers buses to the subway and organizes sightseeing tours as well as daily educational sessions. Guests can play mini golf, go fishing, or hit the basketball court. Cabins start at $99 per night.

Maple Tree Campground

Maple Tree Campground is about a 90-minute drive from the District. Come to this campground for nature's evening show: It always has really pretty sunsets. While there's no electricity, guests can use a wood stove for heat and cooking. Field tent sites start at $8 per night and tree cottages $65 per night

1.What's the minimum cost for a group of 10 to stay at Bull Run Regional Park for one night?

A.$85. B.$95

C.$170 D.$850

2.Which tour spot is suitable for people traveling by public transport?

A.Cherry Hill Park. B.Savage River Lodge.

C.Bull Run Regional Park. D.Maple Tree Campground.

3.The passage most probably appeals to those who are         .

A.planning a business trip B.seeking a weekend getaway

C.fond of online shopping D.interested in geography study



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