满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

单词填空 1.Frightened, she didn’t dare to __...


1.Frightened, she didn’t dare to ____ (靠近) the front door in the dark.

2.The drowned boy had stopped ____ (呼吸) before he was saved.

3.After the interview, John came to the c____ that she was not fit for the job.

4.They were ____ (焦急地) waiting for the result when the telephone rang.

5.I feel honored to be one of the ____ (参与者) of the project.

6.Young people should become more ____ (独立的) of their parents.

7.Radio systems enable us to c____ each other even though we do not have a telephone within easy reach.

8.Many children are so ____ (上瘾的) to the Internet games that their studies are badly affected.

9.Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. S____, our minds are developed by learning.

10.There is nothing like a holiday to make us feel ____ (放松的).


1.approach 2.breathing 3.conclusion 4.anxiously 5.participants 6.independent 7.contact 8.addicted 9.Similarly 10.relaxed 【解析】 1.考查动词。句意:由于害怕,在黑暗中她不敢走近前门。根据dare to可知,不定式后接动词原形。故填approach。 2.考查动词。句意:那个溺水的男孩在获救之前已经停止了呼吸。结合句意,可知用短语stop doing sth.停止做某事。故填breathing。 3.考查名词。句意:面试之后,约翰得出的结论是她不适合这份工作。短语come to the conclusion得出结论。故填conclusion。 4.考查副词。句意:他们正在焦急地等待结果,这时电话铃响了。修饰动词waiting for,用副词形式。故填anxiously。 5.考查名词。句意:我很荣幸能成为这个项目的参与者之一。one of + 复数名词。故填participants。 6.考查形容词。句意:年轻人应该更加独立于他们的父母。become后接形容词作表语,more后接后接形容词independent构成比较级。故填independent。 7.考查动词。句意:无线电系统使我们能够相互联系,即使我们没有唾手可得的电话。根据enable sb. to do sth.使某人能够做某事,所以接动词原形。故填contact。 8.考查形容词。句意:许多孩子沉迷于网络游戏,他们的学习受到严重影响。短语be addicted to沉溺于。故填addicted。 9.考查副词。句意:我们的身体通过锻炼变得强壮。同样,我们的思维是通过学习而形成的。结合句意,可知用副词形式修饰整个句子。故填Similarly。 10.考查形容词。句意:没有什么比假期更能让我们放松。系动词feel后接形容词形式,结合其逻辑主语us,可知用relaxed,表示“(人)感到放松的”。故填relaxed。

So as you can see from what I've said, I'm a1.kind of person. But there's one thing I really love — I'm2.about football. I'm3.of the class team at school and I'm also a member of the Senior High team. Because of this, I make sure that I have a good4., and as I've said, this isn't a problem because my mother5.us so well.




Tim Berners-Lee. If you don’t know his name very well, you’ve surely used his famous 1. (invent). The British scientist 2. (create) the World Wide Web in the 1980s. On Oct 29, the Internet 3. (official) turned 50 years old. To mark the day, Berners-Lee wrote online, “The Internet & the web it enabled have changed billions of lives for 4. better. But their power for good is under threat.

5. (speak) at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), he pointed out three problems affecting today’s web – criminal behavior, ad-filled websites, and offensive online communication, 6. led Berners-Lee to create the Web Foundation and a contract for the web. Both aim 7. (protect) Internet users. In the contract, he mentioned the need for companies to make sure that everyone has web access, called for a reduction in offensive material, and more 8. (person) data privacy. The latter is a hot topic right now. Big companies, like Facebook, have 9. (use) users’ private information by sharing it with advertisers.

In the next 30 years, if we give up on trying to build a better web, we will have failed it. We need to come together 10. a global community (社区).



    Teaching your children healthy eating is important so they have a good relationship with food. Children who ____ too much of the wrong types of foods are at ____ risk of health conditions like fatness, heart disease and cancer. ____ all the ads for junk food, it can be hard to keep your child eating healthily. ____, there are ways you can employ to ____ children achieve this goal.

Serve your child mainly ____ snacks, such as fruits and vegetables or wholegrain biscuits and cheese. Keep healthy snacks ____ by placing them on low shelves in the fridge or in the cabinets so your children can ____ them when hungry.

If you don’t ____ your child to eat a particular food, keep it out of the ____. She/He can’t eat foods that aren’t ____. Make less unhealthy foods---something you eat ____. This will limit the ____ of junk food your child can eat.

Don’t ____ junk food as a trading tool. ____ children with junk food or using it to please children to get them to eat healthier foods ____ makes this food more appealing and healthier foods less attractive, so ____ non-food rewards (奖励).

Children learn by ____ what you do. In my opinion, ____ you don’t want your child to eat too much junk food, model healthy eating and ____ eating a lot of junk food yourself. Allow children to help pick out new, healthy foods for snacks.

1.A.eat B.waste C.have D.make

2.A.lower B.better C.higher D.bigger

3.A.Over B.With C.After D.On

4.A.Therefore B.However C.Formally D.Finally

5.A.order B.see C.help D.protect

6.A.unhealthy B.simple C.poor D.healthy

7.A.accessible B.ready C.prepared D.nearby

8.A.cook B.reach C.arrive D.afford

9.A.hope B.want C.advise D.promise

10.A.house B.place C.school D.yard

11.A.here B.there C.over D.out

12.A.immediately B.always C.honestly D.rarely

13.A.quality B.character C.amount D.shape

14.A.see B.use C.get D.give

15.A.Providing B.Rewarding C.Sharing D.Filling

16.A.only B.also C.even D.ever

17.A.choose B.buy C.exchange D.demand

18.A.remembering B.delaying C.watching D.imagining

19.A.once B.if C.though D.as

20.A.prevent B.keep C.avoid D.ban



Top Tips for the Flu Season

It’s coming. I can feel it in the air. On the subway every time someone coughs, I look up to see if I can move a little further. As I exit the train, I immediately reach for hand wash to remove any of the dirt on my hands. 1.

If you are young and healthy, it’s most likely that you will just feel uncomfortable for a week or two, miss some work or study. If you are elderly, have medical problems, or are a young child, you may not be so lucky. 2. Depending on the year, between 3,000 and 49,000 people die.

The best way to prevent the flu is to get vaccinated (接种疫苗). 3. However, it still offers considerable protection. In adults , the vaccine is 59 percent protective on average. For children the story is better. Clearly, we need better vaccines but it’s still a really good idea to get vaccinated.

Can the flu shot give you the flu? You may have an arm pain or a little fever, but the injection does not contain a live virus and cannot give you the flu.

4. It isn’t clear how long protection lasts and if the vaccine protects against different flus for only one year.

Finally, here is some advice for what to do if you get the flu.


• Stay at home until your fever has been gone for at least 24 hours. That will reduce the number of people you give this to.

• Cover your coughs and sneezes.

• Keep your hands clean. Use soap and water or hand wash frequently, especially after coughing or sneezing.

• Drink plenty of water.

Best wishes for a happy flu season!

A. Flu season is here, and I take it seriously.

B. If you got the flu shot last year, do you need it this year?

C. Each year more than 200,000 people are staying in hospital due to the illness.

D. If you have the symptoms, call your doctor early to see if he wants to prescribe some medicine.

E. Flu symptoms usually come on suddenly and frequently and include high fever, cough, sore throat and body aches.

F. Oftentimes doctors’ offices have special rooms set up in the fall just for giving flu shots, so its fast , easy and effective.

G. You may have heard about a new study on flu vaccines, and it found that the flu vaccine didn’t work as well as we thought or would like.



    China will continue to improve its policies and beef up support to speed up commercial use of the 5G network, an official with the country’s top industry regulator said on Tuesday.

Wen Ku, a spokesman for the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said the ministry will continue to support the development of the super-fast fifth-generation wireless technology by telecom carriers and encourage local authorities to come up with more support policies.

Chen Zhaoxiong, vice-minister of Industry and Technology, said that the development of the 5G network could give rise to massive opportunities in industrial growth and job creation. The ministry will make continuous efforts to promote the use of 1000Mb broadband connections and expand the coverage of fiber-optical broadband services, he said. Meanwhile, the ministry will upgrade telecom networks and operation systems by the end of November to ensure that mobile phone users nationwide can switch service carriers without changing phone numbers, he said. He explained that it could require substantial (大量的) efforts as it involved the upgrading of operation systems of a total of 1.6 billion users in the country.

In the meantime, a “floor-price” will be set for low-income and elderly populations to further promote mobile networks, he said. In order to better protect the rights of consumers, the number of service packages offered by the telecom carriers will be trimmed(削减)by more than 15 percent this year, according to Wen. Carriers are also required to make public all their service packages and make them all available for the users, he added. “We will step up investigations on wrongdoings so that consumers can see their telecom bill plain and clear,” he said.

China has expanded the download speed of mobile broadband sixfold compared with five years ago, while the charges for broadband connections and mobile Internet were down by 90 percent, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

China’s digital economy reached a total volume of 31 trillion yuan ($4.5 trillion), or 34.8 percent of its GDP, in 2018, according to the ministry.

1.Which of the following best explains “beef up” underlined in Paragraph 1?

A.Obtain. B.Focus. C.Attract. D.Strengthen.

2.According to Paragraph 4, Chen Zhaoxiong’s attitude towards the 5G network is ______.

A.uncaring B.doubtful C.positive D.negative

3.What can you know about the 5G network from the text?

A.Its development could bring more chances in job creation.

B.Its charges are higher than former networks.

C.It is already widely used in commerce.

D.Its download speed is sixfold faster than former networks.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.The Advantages of 5G Network

B.Efforts Made for 5G Network

C.Concerns for 5G Network

D.The Rapid Development of 5G Network



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