满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Linda worked as a waitress at the Route ...

    Linda worked as a waitress at the Route 130 diner in Dover, New Hampshire. One Thursday morning around 5:30 am, she was _______ two firefighters, Young and Hulling. Quite _______, she heard that they had been up all _______ putting out a fierce warehouse fire, which took twelve hours to get under control.

_______, Linda decided to honor these two heroes by picking up their _______ and writing them a heartfelt message of gratitude. It _______, “Your breakfast is on me today. Thank you for all that you do... Fueled by fire and driven by _______, what an example you are! Get some rest.”

This simple act of kindness meant so much to the _______ firefighters. The firefighters _______ and thanked her before leaving the __________

To return the young lady’s kindness, upon his arrival home, Hulling posted a Facebook update __________ his friends to go eat at the diner, which was quickly __________ over 3,000 times.

However, it was not until afterwards that they realized Linda was __________ the one that could use the __________. When they found out that Linda was trying to __________ money for her paralyzed father to get a wheelchair-accessible van, Young posted with a __________ to a GoFundMe page for Linda’s dad, and the support __________.

The total donations reached $60,000 and went beyond Linda’s wildest dreams. She had never __________ that her small gesture would be paid in such a __________ way. “I’m truly blessed that those two walked through the doors today and __________ for the opportunity to be a part of something so positive and uplifting.’’ Linda said on Facebook.

1.A.calling B.praising C.serving D.anticipating

2.A.in private B.in public C.by design D.by coincidence

3.A.day B.night C.morning D.afternoon

4.A.Touched B.Shocked C.Excited D.Embarrassed

5.A.uniform B.money C.check D.breakfast

6.A.replied B.wrote C.indicated D.read

7.A.concern B.courage C.confidence D.curiosity

8.A.worried B.ambitious C.modest D.exhausted

9.A.showed up B.sat up C.teared up D.stayed up

10.A.apartment B.station C.restaurant D.warehouse

11.A.urging B.forcing C.helping D.reminding

12.A.collected B.examined C.removed D.shared

13.A.really B.normally C.suddenly D.hardly

14.A.fire B.help C.diner D.message

15.A.count B.donate C.change D.raise

16.A.note B.picture C.link D.click

17.A.poured in B.spread out C.declined D.doubled

18.A.promised B.expected C.doubted D.accepted

19.A.rapid B.generous C.proper D.conventional

20.A.grateful B.eager C.ready D.greedy


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.C 11.A 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.B 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。Linda在为两名消防员服务时,碰巧听说他们熬夜扑灭大火,所以帮他们付了饭钱并写了一封感谢信。后来其中一位消防员发现Linda更需要帮助,所以在筹款网站帮她发布了链接,很快大量的捐款过来了。通过这件事,Linda更加感激能够帮助别人,因为这让她得到了更大的帮助。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个周四,早上大约5点30,她正在为两个消防员——Young and Hulling服务。A. calling叫,打电话;B. praising表扬;C. serving服务;D. anticipating预料。根据前文的Linda worked as a waitress at the Route 130 diner in Dover, New Hampshire.可知,Linda的身份是服务员,故此处用“服务”符合语境,故选C项。 2.考查介词短语辨析。句意:碰巧,她听说他们熬了一晚上,扑灭了一场凶猛的仓库大火,这场大火用了12个小时才控制住。A. in private私下地;B. in public在公共场合;C. by design故意地;D. by coincidence碰巧。结合上下文可知,此处是指她在为两个消防员服务时,偶然听到他们的对话,故用“碰巧”符合语境,故选D项。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:碰巧,她听说他们熬了一晚上,扑灭了一场凶猛的仓库大火,这场大火用了12个小时才控制住。A. day白天;B. night夜晚;C. morning早晨;D. afternoon下午。根据前文的One Thursday morning around 5:30 am和which took twelve hours to get under control.可推测,消防员熬了一整夜——12个小时,才把火扑灭,故选B项。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:被他们的行为所感动,Linda决定为他们付钱来表达对他们的崇敬,并且写了一封衷心的感谢信。A. Touched感动的;B. Shocked震惊的;C. Excited兴奋的;D. Embarrassed尴尬的。根据下文and writing them a heartfelt message of gratitude.可知, Linda被消防员熬夜灭火的行为所感动了,故选A项。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:被他们的行为所感动,Linda决定为他们付钱来表达对他们的崇敬,并且写了一封衷心的感谢信。A. uniform制服;B. money钱;C. check支票;D. breakfast早饭。根据下文的Your breakfast is on me today.可知,Linda决定为他们付账来表达自己的崇敬和感激,pick up one’s check“为……付账”,故选C项。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:上面写着:“今天你们的早餐由我来付,非常感谢你们所做的一切……你们以火和勇气为动力,你们真是好榜样!好好休息下!” A. replied回答;B. wrote写;C. indicated暗示;D. read读。read可以表达信息、标志、信件上写着什么,故选D项。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:上面写着:“今天你们的早餐由我来付,非常感谢你们所做的一切……你们以火和勇气为动力,你们真是好榜样!好好休息下!” A. concern担心;B. courage勇气;C. confidence信心;D. curiosity好奇心。结合上下文,此处是指在Linda看来需要极大的勇气才能扑灭猛烈的大火,故选B项。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个简单的善举对于这些疲惫的消防员来说意义重大。A. worried担心的;B. ambitious有抱负的;C. modest谦逊的;D. exhausted疲惫的。根据前文的which took twelve hours to get under control.可知,这场大火用了12小时才扑灭,故推测消防员现在很疲惫,故选D项。 9.考查动词短语辨析。句意:消防员流下了感动的泪水,在离开餐馆前由衷地感谢Linda。A. showed up出现;B. sat up坐直;C. teared up流泪;D. stayed up熬夜。结合常识,看了Linda真情实意的感谢信,消防队员被感动了,所以流下了眼泪,故选C项。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:消防员流下了感动的泪水,在离开餐馆前由衷地感谢Linda。A. apartment公寓;B. station站;C. restaurant餐馆;D. warehouse仓库。根据前文的Linda worked as a waitress at the Route 130 diner in Dover,可知,Linda在一个餐馆当服务员,故此处用“消防员离开餐馆”符合语境和逻辑,故选C项。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了回报这个年轻女士的善良,Hulling一到家就在Facebook上更新了消息,大力推荐他的朋友去这家餐馆吃饭,这条消息很快就被分享转发了3000多次。A. urging大力推荐;B. forcing强迫;C. helping帮助;D. reminding提醒。结合句意可知,此处用“大力推荐朋友去餐馆吃饭”符合语境,故选A项。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了回报这个年轻女士的善良,Hulling一到家就在Facebook上更新了消息,大力推荐他的朋友去这家餐馆吃饭,这条消息很快就被分享转发了3000多次。A. collected收集;B. examined检查;C. removed移除;D. shared分享。此处是指网友把Hulling的消息分享转发,故选D项。 13.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,很快他们意识到Linda才是那个真正需要这个帮助的人。A. really真正地;B. normally正常地;C. suddenly突然地;D. hardly几乎不。根据下文的they found out that Linda was trying to ___15___ money for her paralyzed father to get a wheelchair-accessible van可知,Linda正在努力挣钱为她瘫痪的父亲买一个轮椅可以上的去的货车,所以Linda才是那个真正需要帮助的人,故选A项。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,很快他们意识到Linda才是那个真正需要这个帮助的人。A. fire火;B. help帮助;C. diner餐厅;D. message信息。根据前文的Your breakfast is on me today.可知,Linda帮消防员付了早餐的费用,可后来Hulling意识到Linda才是需要帮助的人,故选B项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当他们发现Linda正在努力筹钱为她瘫痪的父亲购买一个轮椅可以上去的货车时,Young在GoFundMe网站为Linda的爸爸发布了一条连接,此后援助源源不断地过来了。A. count数;B. donate捐赠;C. change改变;D. raise筹集。根据上文的However, it was not until afterwards that they realized Linda was ___13___ the one that could use the ___14___.可知,Linda非常需要帮助,故此处用“她努力筹钱给父亲买货车”符合语境,故选D项。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当他们发现Linda正在努力筹钱为她瘫痪的父亲购买一个轮椅可以上去的货车时,Young在GoFundMe网站为Linda的爸爸发布了一条连接,此后援助源源不断地过来了。A. note 笔记;B. picture照片;C. link链接;D. click点击。根据前文的GoFundMe page可知这是一个专门筹钱的网站,在上面发布链接,捐的钱就可以直接到受捐赠人的账户,故选C项。 17.考查动词短语辨析。句意:当他们发现Linda正在努力筹钱为她瘫痪的父亲购买一个轮椅可以上去的货车时,Young在GoFundMe网站为Linda的爸爸发布了一条连接,此后援助源源不断地过来了。A. poured in涌入;B. spread out分散;C. declined减少;D. doubled加倍。根据下文的The total donations reached $60,000 and went beyond Linda’s wildest dreams可知,捐款的数额远远超过了Linda的想象,故此处用“涌入”表达捐款的量很大,故选A项。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她从来没有想到她的一个小小的行为会以这样慷慨的方式得到回报。A. promised承诺;B. expected猜想;C. doubted怀疑;D. accepted接受。结合上下文,此处是指Linda没有想到会有这么多人帮助她,捐赠了那么多钱,故选B项。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她从来没有想到她的一个小小的行为会以这样慷慨的方式得到回报。A. rapid快速的;B. generous慷慨的;C. proper适当的;D. conventional守旧的,传统的。结合上下文,此处是指Linda的一个小小的行为得到了很大的回报,故此处用“慷慨的”符合语境,small和generous是反义词复现,故选B项。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Linda在Facebook上说:“我真的很幸运,今天那两个人走了进来,而且非常感谢能有机会成为如此积极向上的事情中的一部分。” A. grateful感激的;B. eager渴望的;C. ready准备好的;D. greedy贪婪的。结合上下文此处是指Linda很感激能帮助别人和被别人帮助,grateful和上文的gratitude是同义词复现,故选A项。

What does it mean to be intelligent?

It seems that everyone goes to college now, whether or not they find themselves interested in studying something long term. Even though I know there are different ways to be intelligent, I struggle due to society’s influence, which maintains that intelligence is quantifiable (可量化的) and that academic intelligence is one and the only.

Where do IQ tests come into play when one considers intelligence? Do they fall closest to priority when considering this unquantifiable concept? Intelligence simply cannot be reduced to an IQ test, which are not effective. While designed to measure “intelligence,” all they measure are biological developments that can change as one grows. 1.

There are many factors that can indicate an intelligent being, such as academic intelligence, emotional intelligence, and worldly intelligence. For instance, if a student realizes that they haven’t studied appropriately for an exam, he or she would have the ability to acknowledge that, and then make revisions to his or her study habits accordingly. 2. Emotional intelligence is the intelligence that fosters self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-improvement.

3. We cannot function without forming relationships and communication. This proves that being aware of oneself and reflecting in order to further better communication skills is an evidence to intelligence. Where would you be if you were a terrible communicator, unaware, and unwilling to improve, but academically thriving?

Emotional intelligence is what surpasses (超越) those who are hard-headed. Those who maintain academic intelligence may still be a bit dull and unaware of themselves. 4.Even as a college student, there are certain skills such as teamwork and communication that require awareness and an open mind in order to further their growth.

5. Academia is not only pictured and taught unfairly, or even close to what intelligence is if you were to quantify it. If you want to strive for mental growth, and maintain self-awareness through self-reflection, you can apply that to any intelligence category.

A. All of life is communicatory.

B. Specifically, this is emotional intelligence.

C. Intelligence is determined by many factors.

D. Stubbornness is a barrier towards communication.

E. In fact, there are many with low IQ scores that are intelligent.

F. Some connections exist between intelligence and communication.

G. So there is academic intelligence, emotional intelligence, and worldly intelligence.



    As they reach school age, about 90 percent of children will have experienced a condition in which fluid (液体) fills the middle ear, muffling (使模糊) sound and sometimes causing infection. The fluid usually clears on its own, but if not, it can lead to a painful ear infection called acute otitis (中耳炎) media. In some cases the fluid can persist for more than a year, causing hearing loss during this period, and slowing down their development of language and social skills.

Diagnosis usually requires a visit to a specialist—but researchers have now developed an app that detects this fluid just as accurately, with only a smartphone and a paper funnel (漏斗).

Doctors typically detect the problem by peering into the ear for a visual assessment. Yet, this method has only a 50 percent accuracy rate. “Right now, if you bring your child to a pediatrician, or to any urgent care family doctor, the way they look at whether or not there’s fluid in the middle ear is by looking at the eardrum,” says Sharat Raju, a surgeon in the department of head and neck surgery at the University of Washington.

For a cheaper and more accessible alternative, researchers at the University of Washington turned to smartphones. First the user follows a template to cut and tape a piece of paper into a funnel, which can be placed between a smartphone and the patient’s ear. Next the app plays a chirping sound through the phone’s speaker; the sound waves bounce off the eardrum and hit the phone’s microphone, where they register and are analyzed by the app. An eardrum with fluid behind it will vibrate (振动) differently than if the middle ear is full of air, as it normally is.

To develop the app, the researchers first played chirps for patients with and without fluid in their ears. They recorded the echoes (回音), which indicate the eardrum’s mobility. Then they used a machine learning model to classify the returning sound waves, determining which audio characteristics indicated a normal ear and which suggested the presence of fluid. Once they tested the app on 98 children, ranging from 18 months to 17 years old, at Seattle Children’s Hospital. It correctly detected fluid in 85 percent of cases, and correctly identified fluid-free ears in 82 percent.

The researchers are currently trying to get FDA approval for the app, and have founded a company to commercialize it. They hope to make it available by the end of the year, to help parents track children’s ear health at home.

1.What do we know about the fluid from the first paragraph?

A.It is mostly part of children’s growth. B.It is unavoidable for any child.

C.It is a permanent physical condition. D.It is beyond any medical means.

2.What does the underlined word “pediatrician” refer to in Paragraph 3?

A.A hospital. B.A specialist.

C.A relative. D.An app.

3.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A.The application of the app. B.The causes of the kid’s ear problem.

C.The purpose of developing the app. D.The experiment of the smartphone.

4.What do the researchers expect of the app?

A.It will upgrade the medical technology. B.It will hit the market in the near future.

C.It will help children do better academically. D.It will save doctors medical operations.



    Detroit Hives is a non-profit organization that buys vacant lots in the city to transform into bee farms. Timothy Paul and Nicole Lindsey started the non-profit last year, focused on improving the Motor City’s “left behind” communities and educating people on bees.

Timothy got interested in honey and honeybees because of a cough he couldn’t shake. He was sick for months, until a store owner in nearby Ferndale recommended he try some local honey. Soon Timothy’s cough was gone. And he and Nicole found that abandoned urban sites often became illegal dumping grounds, contributing to an overgrowth of allergens (过敏原) — not to mention the mess. The couple began to think about how to settle that issue by producing local honey on vacant sites, and Detroit Hives was born.

To become certified beekeepers, Timothy and Nicole took two courses. They bought their first vacant lot for $340, with the aid of the Detroit Land Bank Authority community partnership program. From there, they built three hives and vegetable garden plots. Thousands of bees now buzz (嗡嗡) on the lot. “The neighbors say they wish we were there decades of years ago. That area had always been a place where people dumped garbage, so when we came here, we gave that area a sense of purpose. The neighbors keep an eye on the area to make sure that people don’t dump any more,” Lindsey said.

Currently, Detroit Hives has partnered with local Detroit Soup and a homeless shelter to provide local, raw honey and they also sell their sweet product. In addition, Detroit Hives spreads awareness about bees through public tours of the farm. The couple also speak at schools in the area. They aim to expand beyond their first farm this year.

1.What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 2?

A.The method of curing cough.

B.The inspiration for Detroit Hives.

C.The terrible environment in Detroit.

D.The medical value of local honey.

2.What can we learn about the couples’ work?

A.It enriched the variety of vegetables.

B.It disturbed the neighbors’ normal life.

C.It improved the environment in the area.

D.It enabled neighbors to live in harmony.

3.Why does Detroit Hives offer public tours?

A.To appeal to more customers.

B.To help expand their first farm.

C.To promote their honey product.

D.To help people learn more about bees.

4.Which of the following best describes the husband and wife?

A.Optimistic. B.Faithful.

C.Creative. D.Demanding.



    The new garbage sorting regulation has taken effect in Shanghai starting July 1. Many citizens are still confused about the classification of the four different types of trash. Thankfully, authorities have released an official guideline to clarify the new rules.

The guideline, published by the Shanghai Greenery and Public Sanitation Bureau, provides a rather clear definition on the four kinds of waste: recyclable waste, hazardous (有害的) waste, household food waste and residual (剩余的) waste.

Hazardous waste, as the name suggests, includes assorted poisonous materials like used batteries, light bulbs, out-of-date medicines, paint and pesticides.

Household food waste, which is translated to “wet trash” in Chineserefers to food leftovers, rotten food, pet food, fruit peels, remains of TCM herbs (中药) and flowers.

Paper, plastic, glass, metal and textiles (纺织品) are counted as recyclable waste.

The definition of residual waste is a little confusing. Anything that is not listed above belongs in this category.

As specific as the new guideline is, residents still have a hard time sorting trash correctly and are finding it challenging to memorize them all. For instance, both plastic bottles and bubble tea or coffee cups are plastic materials. However, the former falls to the category of recyclable waste and the latter belongs to residual waste. To save the hassle, some netizens have come up with their own ways to sort trash.

“We should do this from a pig’s angle,” commented one netizen. “Those edible (可食用的) for pigs are household food waste. Those even pigs don’t want to eat are residual waste. If a pig consumes something and dies of it, then something must be hazardous waste. Those which can be sold and the money we gain can be used to purchase pigs are recyclable waste.” The new regulation has gone into effect on July 1. Those who do not sort their trash properly will be fined RMB200.

1.What do the old thrown-away sweaters belong to?

A.Residual waste. B.Hazardous waste.

C.Recyclable waste. D.Household food waste.

2.What does “wet trash” have in common?

A.They are completely wet. B.They all come from plants.

C.They can give off bad smell. D.They can break up easily.

3.What is the tone of the netizen?

A.Humorous. B.Serious.

C.Delightful. D.Uncertain.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Shanghai bans four sorts of garbage.

B.Shanghai launches garbage sorting enforcement.

C.Citizens in Shanghai still question garbage sorting.

D.Citizens in Shanghai welcome the garbage sorting policy.



    Since the modern Olympics began in 1896, it has been held in more than 40 different cities. That gives Olympic fans quite a few possible travel destinations to choose!

Beijing, China

Olympic fans should consider visiting the Beijing Olympic Park to check out the special buildings of the so-called “Bird’s Nest” and “Water Cube”—the national stadium and aquatics center built for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Popular historic places in Beijing include the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, and Tian’anmen Square.

Innsbruck, Austria

Located in the heart of the Alps, Innsbruck is known as a great winter destination—which explains why it has hosted not one but two Winter Olympics. Known for its mountainous views, Innsbruck is the perfect stop for outdoor adventurers.

Mexico City, Mexico

This wonderful travel destination offers a wide number of popular museums, historic buildings, and public parks. People will love shopping for fresh meat and produce at the markets, taking a cooking class, and generally eating their way through Mexico City, which is especially known for its culinary (烹饪的) experiences that include both globally well-known restaurants and locally favored street carts.

Melbourne, Australia

Nearly half a century before Sydney hosted the 2000 Summer Olympics, Melbourne became the first Australian host city in 1956. Head to the “cultural capital of Australia”, located in Victoria on the southeastern coast, for an energetic cafe culture and art scene, Melbourne offers something for every type of traveler and everyone can enjoy an evening at one of the city’s many rooftop bars or a day of wine tasting.

1.Where will you go if you are fond of adventure?

A.Beijing, China. B.Mexico City, Mexico.

C.Innsbruck, Austria. D.Melbourne, Australia.

2.What can visitors do in Mexico City?

A.Enjoy wonderful culinary classes. B.Buy beautiful clothes and shoes.

C.Admire beautiful mountainous views. D.Visit special stadiums for the Olympics.

3.What can we know about Melbourne?

A.It is famous for all kinds of wine. B.It has many world-famous hotels.

C.It hosted the Summer Olympics twice. D.It can satisfy different travelers’ needs.



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