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阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 US psychother...


US psychotherapist(精神治疗师) Virginia Satir (1916-1988) once said: “We need four hugs a day survival. We need eight hugs a day maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.” She believed that hugging was necessary and important. Researchers have found scientific evidence that backs up her beliefs. According to a recent study published in the journal Psychological Science, receiving a hug can reduce stress and help protect us from illness.

In the study, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in the US invited 404 healthy adults to participate in interviews about how often the experienced conflicts in their daily lives, as well as how many hugs they received within a period of two weeks. These participants were intentionally exposed to cold viruses during the interview.

According to the research, people who received hugs on the same days when they experienced conflicts tended to report fewer negative feelings during the following days. They have also found that people who received hugs were less stressed out. The physical contact that we get through hugging especially loved ones, is a “marker of intimacy(亲密) and helps generate the feeling that others are there to help in the face of adversity(困境)”, according to Scientific American People feel more comfortable and relaxed after hugging.

The researchers have also found that the more hugs people get, the less likely they are to catch colds, Science Daily noted. When people receive hugs, they release more oxytocin(后叶催产素), which is also known as the “love hormone”. According to the researchers, this hormone can decrease one’s heart rate and lower blood pressure. This can put people into a state of emotional well-being. When people are in this state, their immune systems become stronger.

Of course, hugging is not the only way to comfort others. But physical contact like hugging can comfort people without “making any judgments (about right or wrong)”, Michael Murphy from CMU told Time.



The necessity and significance of hugging is confirmed by a recent study(要点1). In the study, participants were asked about their conflict experience and the hugs they received with exposure to cold viruses at the same time(要点2). The study shows hugs help avoid negative feelings and relieve stress(要点3). The study also finds hugging can strengthen people’s immune system, reducing the possibility to develop illnesses. Surely hugging is an ideal way to give us comfort(要点4).(73字) 【解析】 文章的主要结构为总-分-总。主要讲拥抱对人们的好处:远离消极情绪,释放压力,增强免疫力。符合概要写作常规出题思路。 第一段讲述研究证实拥抱是必要和重要的。可以用到的词汇或句型有:necessity, significance, confirmed等。第二段讲述研究中,研究对象被故意暴露在感冒病毒中。可以用到的词汇或句型有:conflict experience, exposure to, cold viruses等;第三段讲述研究结果发现拥抱可以帮助人们避开消极情绪、释放压力。可以用到的词汇或句型有:avoid negative feelings, relieve stress等。第四段讲述拥抱同时也可以增强人们的免疫系统;拥抱虽然不是唯一,但却是一个理想的给人们安慰的方法。可以用到的词汇或句型有:ideal, comfort等。

假如你是李华,你们的外教课每天都有一个“Daily Report”,明天刚好轮到你展示,但是你因故不能按时展示,请根据以下要点用英语给你的外教老师David写一封电子邮件:

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注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





Some of you may play Ant Forest, 1. game on Alipay. Users collect “energy” to make their “trees” grow. When the “energy” 2.(reach) a certain level, some 3.(organize) and companies will plant a real tree in a desert area of China. And now it seems that the nation’s efforts to make a greener world have paid 4..

According to a study 5.(publish) in the journal Nature Sustainability, China and India are 6.(main) responsible for making the Earth greener over the past two decades. The study has found that since 2000 the Earth’s green leaf area has increased by 5 percent, or over 5 million square kilometers, 7. is an area equal to the total area of the Amazon rainforest. China and India account for one 8.(three) of the increased greening, but contain only 9 percent of the planet’s land area covered in vegetation(植被). China was the major contributor, adding 25 percent to this increase, while India added 6.8 percent. There is no 9.(deny) that China is one of the most successful countries in 10.(green) the desert.



    Imagine you go into a coffee shop, have a cup, and when it comes to paying your bill they tell you it’s already been paid for. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Well, that’s _________ what’s happening at the Corner Perk Cafe in Bluffton, South Carolina. It all started in 2010 with a _________ act of kindness.

The Corner Perk was just a(n) _________ coffee place until one day, when a _________ left a $100 bill with the owner, Josh Cooke. _________ she just wanted the money to be used to pay for the drinks of all the people who came in after, until it _________. According to Cooke it was “just to let them know, you know, that somebody was wanting them to have a great day.” _________, customers who came in all afternoon were puzzled when they found they didn’t have to _________ for their coffee.

This wasn’t the _____________ time the mysterious coffee-donor paid the Corner Perk a visit. Actually she’s been there ______________ eight times in the past two years. When Josh ______________ her most recent visit on the coffee shop’s Facebook page, the word spread quickly. More ____________ came forward to continue the ____________. Cooke says the ____________ lady who started the trend had a kind heart and wanted ______________ to spread in the area. Her efforts did not go ____________. Lots of people who heard about the tradition at Corner Perk Cafe simply walked into the shop and left money, ____________ even ordering anything for themselves. A jar now stands on the counter with dollar bills to pay for people’s coffee.

Josh says “We just want people to continue to show kindness is anyway — ____________ that’s helping somebody with their electric bill or ______________ somebody’s car with gas. I say this just to show that humanity isn’t dead ________________.”

1.A.accidentally B.exactly C.occasionally D.possibly

2.A.deliberate B.serious C.random D.formal

3.A.crowded B.deserted C.interesting D.ordinary

4.A.customer B.hostess C.businesswoman D.traveller

5.A.Aimlessly B.Apparently C.Awkwardly D.Amusingly

6.A.disappears B.dies away C.runs out D.decreases

7.A.Needless to say B.On the contrary C.In other words D.What's more

8.A.wait B.pay C.answer D.apply

9.A.high B.last C.very D.best

10.A.another B.other C.any D.best

11.A.posted B.published C.painted D.printed

12.A.consumers B.donors C.passers-by D.visitor

13.A.trade B.visit C.trend D.payment

14.A.wealthy B.famous C.ambitious D.unknown

15.A.donation B.goodness C.happiness D.puzzlement

16.A.unbelievable B.undesirable C.unnecessary D.unrewarded

17.A.except B.besides C.without D.before

18.A.whether B.because C.since D.while

19.A.charging B.drawing in C.filling up D.starting

20.A.in all B.after all C.above all D.of all



How to deal with negativity

It can sometimes feel like we’re surrounded by negative people and opinions. Whether it is on social media the people we meet or in political discourse, things can often seem overwhelming and depressing. 1..

But is there a more constructive, compassionate way of dealing with these kinds of people? Here are a few suggestions.

Don’t be a receiver, and always be honest. First, when it comes to dealing with negative people, it’s essential that you make it very clear what you are prepared to put up with. 2. No one has the right to force themselves on your life to that extent, so make sure they understand that. 3.. It’s always important to be honest with people when their negativity is unfounded or seems habitual.

4. Why is the negative person you’re dealing with so negative? It’s almost certain that whatever it is they are feeling, you will have also felt it yourself too, at one time or another. Compassion should be a practice, in the sense of something done regularly. But I know it’s not always easy either — being compassionate with difficult people is also a skill that needs to be practiced for us to get better at it.

Open your heart to them. When we approach other people from a position of love or caring interest, it is surprising how often they then respond to us in the same way. Someone who is going through a hard time, or who has become habitually negative in their outlook, still has the capacity to show love and care for others. 5. It is always the best foundation to build a more positive relationship on, if you can.

A. Practice sympathy.

B. Don’t be judgmental.

C. So make sure that this is the ground you meet them on.

D. And we all know that dealing with negativity can be exhausting too.

E. Equally don’t just try to cover them with positivity either.

F. So ignore them and move on with our lives despite them.

G. Never allow yourself to simply take everything in.



    Described as the world’s most environmentally friendly protein, Solein is made by applying electricity to water to release bubbles of carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Living microbes(微生物) are then added to the liquid to feed on the carbon dioxide and hydrogen bubbles and produce the Solein, which is then dried to make the powder. It’s a natural fermentation(发酵) process similar to beer brewing. The dried Solein has a protein content of 50 percent and looks and tastes just like wheat flour.

“It is a completely new kind of food, a new kind of protein, different to all the food on the market todav in how it is produced as it does not need agriculture.” Dr Pasi Vinikka, the chief executive of Solar Foods told The Guardian. The process used to produce Solein — converting hydrogen and carbon dioxide to calories — is amazing, as the wonder food can be produced anywhere in the world. It’s also 10 times more energy-efficient per hectare than photosynthesis (光合作用), and 10 to 100 times more environment and climate-friendly in water use than animal or plant based food production.

“Solein also contains all the essential amino acids(氨基酸), but because it is produced using carbon dioxide and electricity, it does not require large amounts of land to produce,” the Solar Foods website explains. “Another unique characteristic of Solein is that it is able to take carbon directly from carbon dioxide without needing a source of sugar.”

While Solar Foods does not expect Solein to challenge conventional protein production methods in the next two decades, it does expect it to become a “new harvest” for humanity, which is significant considering so far we have only relied on plants and animals for sustenance. The Helsinki-based company plans to open its first Solein factory at the end of 2021 and scale up production to two billion meals per year by 2022.

1.Which of the following statements best describe the features of Solein?

A.It is a new kind of food containing all the nutrition.

B.It is made from water and carbon dioxide by applying electricity.

C.It is produced without consuming much land and energy.

D.It is a kind of man-made wheat flour.

2.What does the underlined word “converting” mean?

A.relating B.changing

C.contributing D.adapting

3.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.The company thinks Solein would have a rewarding future.

B.Solein is supposed to challenge traditional protein production.

C.There is still a long way for Solein to be put into production.

D.Humans can completely rely on Solein to survive.

4.What’s the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A.To promote a new kind of technology.

B.To introduce a new kind of food.

C.To make an ad for a new kind of protein.

D.To call on people to protect the environment.



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