满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In my class in high school, there was a ...

    In my class in high school, there was a girl who was considered the most unpopular. No one actually knows how this exclusion (排挤) came from, but we all followed it for no reason at all. One day after lunch, we girls sat on the track field, talking about things that happened in our lives. Someone brought her up, and soon the topic transformed to laughing at the funny hairstyle of her, the stupid way she walked and.... I felt extremely uncomfortable but kept silent, because I didn’t want to be the one “supporting” the common enemy. After all, it’s just a short gossip time among a trusted group of friends; why should I bring unnecessary tension?

Suddenly, one of my friends pointed her finger towards somewhere behind me. All of us turned around and saw that exact girl, hand still in the air, with a twisted (扭曲的) look on her face. She lowered her hand in slow movement, then turned around and ran off. For a second, I wanted to stand up and chase her down to tell her that no one meant what they said, and that she is an amazing person being who she is. But my legs felt so heavy, I didn’t want to make a fool out of myself—why bother taking care of the class clown (小丑)? People would think that I was crazy as well!

A few weeks later, the teacher told us that a classmate dropped out of school—it was that girl. Her parents told the school that it was the peer pressure that made her want to leave. The teacher wanted to know who the bully (霸凌) was. Again, no one spoke a word. Perhaps it was exactly this cold, hard silence that drove her away. I certainly did not raise my hand. I had never even said anything bad about her; it was my friends who loved to make fun of her every day. Surely, I didn’t bully her physically or with my language, but I kept silent when others did. By failing to stand up for her and offering her support, I was giving agreement, which made others think that it was okay to mistreat her. Perhaps if I had realized I was wrong earlier---instead of convincing myself that I had nothing to do with her leaving, I wouldn't have to bear the burden of heavy shame on my shoulders.

1.How did the author feel when seeing the girl being bullied?

A.Cheerful. B.Uncomfortable.

C.Frightened. D.Amazed.

2.What can we know from Paragraph 2?

A.The girl heard what the author’s friends said about her.

B.The author’s leg was broken while chasing the girl.

C.The group friends think it crazy to be fooled.

D.The author was mad at her friends at that time.

3.The author didn’t support the girl for the following reasons EXCEPT that______

A.she wanted to follow the flow.

B.she didn’t want to turn against friends.

C.she was prevented by the group friends.

D.she worried about others’ reaction.

4.What will the author probably do when meeting the same situation next time?

A.She will keep silent and walk away.

B.She will stand up for her group friends.

C.She will make fun of the group.

D.She will not turn a blind eye to it.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,作者讲述了自己亲身经历的校园欺凌事件,这件事导致那个被欺负的小女辍学了,作者非常后悔当时没有站出来帮那个小女孩,并发誓如果再遇到这种情况,她一定会挺身而出帮助被欺负的同学。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“felt extremely uncomfortable but kept silent”可知,当看到那个女孩被欺负时,作者感到很不舒服,故B项正确。 2.推理判断题。根据第二段中的“All of us turned around and saw that exact girl, hand still in the air, with a twisted (扭曲的) look on her face. She lowered her hand in slow movement, then turned around and ran off.”可知,我们都转过身来,看见那个女孩,手还悬在空中,脸上带着扭曲的表情,她慢慢地把手放低,然后转过身跑掉了,那个女孩的表情和动作说明她听到了作者的朋友们对她的评论,故A项正确。 3.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“No one actually knows how this exclusion (排挤) came from, but we all followed it for no reason at all.”可知,没有人知道这种排斥是如何产生的,但我们都无缘无故地遵循它(她想随大流,表现得和朋友们一样);根据第一段中的“I felt extremely uncomfortable but kept silent, because I didn’t want to be the one “supporting” the common enemy. After all, it’s just a short gossip time among a trusted group of friends; why should I bring unnecessary tension?”可知,我感到非常不舒服,但保持沉默,因为我不想成为那个“支持”共同敌人的人,毕竟,这只是一群值得信任的朋友之间短暂的闲聊时间,我为什么要带来不必要的紧张?(她不想背叛朋友,与她们为敌),再根据第二段中的“I didn’t want to make a fool out of myself—why bother taking care of the class clown (小丑)? People would think that I was crazy as well!”可知,我不想让自己出丑,为什么费心照顾班上的小丑呢?人们会认为我也疯了!(担心朋友们的反应),以上三点是作者没有支持那个女孩的原因,而没有提到她被朋友们阻止了,故C项正确。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“A few weeks later, the teacher told us that a classmate dropped out of school—it was that girl.”及“Surely, I didn’t bully her physically or with my language, but I kept silent when others did. By failing to stand up for her and offering her support, I was giving agreement, which made others think that it was okay to mistreat her. Perhaps if I had realized I was wrong earlier---instead of convincing myself that I had nothing to do with her leaving, I wouldn't have to bear the burden of heavy shame on my shoulders.”可知,作者认为:当然,我没有在身体上或语言上欺负她,但当别人这样做时,我却保持沉默,没有站出来支持她,我是在表示同意,这让其他人觉得欺负她是可以的,也许,如果我早点意识到我错了,我就不会有如此沉重的负罪感了,由此可知,对于那个女孩的辍学,作者认为自己是有责任的,非常后悔当时没有站出来支持她,所以下次再遇到这种情况她不会对此视而不见的,故D项正确。

    A good advertisement will draw customer’s attention towards your product. That is what every business really wants, in addition to your actually buying their product. In this article we will round up several great ads that cover many different styles but all have one thing in common, that is they connect to their audience.

King Oscar: Open

This ad puts forward an idea that King Oscar's fish products are as fresh as they can possibly get. This idea is then realized by combining a fish and one of their canned products showing the customer they will be buying a fish straight from the ocean. This simplistic image gives off just enough to tell the consumer what the deal is with their product.

Panasonic 3D TV: Dino

Here is another ad that has a lot going on but still is able to get its message across fairly easily. We will first notice the dinosaur in the mess living room but then see the girl pointing at the TV, which will give us the impression that Panasonic's 3D televisions are extremely realistic. The great art direction leads to the customer understanding what product is on display almost immediately.

Pepsi: Straws

This clever Pepsi ad conveys a lot to the customer; at first glance it gives the impression that Pepsi is the preferred choice of even the straws(吸管). And then after that it makes fun of Coca Cola by using their red and white colors for the other can as well as their classic design. This is a very clever ad on many levels.

Canal+: iPhone Titanic

This ad may take a bit more time to understand but the design itself can keep a customer interested. The large finger and the iPhone in the corner can quickly help the viewer connect the dots with the sinking Titanic ship and show that we can have all our favorite movies right on our iPhones.

1.What is the common feature of great advertisements?

A.They involve many different styles.

B.They will draw every business’attention.

C.They can attract customers and touch them.

D.They make comparison between products.

2.What is special about King Oscar?

A.Its fish products are very fresh.

B.It conveys a lot to the customers.

C.People can buy fish directly from ocean.

D.It gives us extremely realistic impression.

3.Which advertisement mentioned its competitor?

A.King Oscar: Open. B.Panasonic 3D TV: Dino

C.Pepsi: Straws. D.Canal+: iPhone Titanic.



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假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






Last week, my parents told me the good news my family would go camp with my uncle’s family. I feel so excited about it, because I could spend the whole night outside, it never happened before. When the day came, we brought the equipments and bought some food. In the afternoon, the two families settled in, and then we started to walk around. My cousins and I rushed to the forest and went to the high point, where we could appreciate the whole sight. Stand on the highest place, I felt so great. The world was in the front of my eyes and I thought of some old poets’ description. At night, we made a fire and talked happily. The parents were talking about the family chores and the kids were playing games. It was such happy a moment for me.




Regret is as common an emotion as love or fear, and it can be nearly as powerful. We feel it 1.we either blame 2. (we) for things that turned out bad or long to undo a choice we made in the past. The effect regret has 3. our lives and how we deal with regret are equally important.

In some cases, regret can be disastrous. In 1995, a British man who 4. (regularity) played one set of lottery numbers forgot to renew his ticket during the week when his numbers came up. He was so filled with regret and self – blame that he 5.(commit) suicide. While this is 6. extreme consequence of regret, it can have many other lesser effects on the mind and body that can still seriously affect our lives.

7. (hold) inside for too long, regret can affect the immune system. If one fails to learn and grow from past mistakes, deep feeling of regret can stay locked inside, keeping one from fully 8. (engage) with life. This can put stress on relationships, careers, and many other aspects of life. In addition, too many regrets can lead to severe depression, 9. may require professional help. Thus, it is important that we understand 10. regret is and how we can learn to deal with it.



    Laughter is so familiar to every one of us. There is an English saying that ______, “He who laughs last laughs the hardest.” High School Musical star Zac Efron is laughing a lot these days.

______a young boy, Efron was picked on in school because he was always the smallest in his class and _____ because he had a big space between his teeth. In sixth grade, Efron’s basketball team made it to the league championships. In double overtime(两个加时赛), with three seconds left, he rebounded the ball and passed it-- to the _______ team! They scored and his team lost the game.

But history, as they say, is a thing of the______. Now at 21, Efron is one of People Magazine’s 100 Most Beautiful People, graces the cover of Entertainment Weekly, Hollywood’s most ______  magazine, and is traveling the world ______ the third High School Musical film. Director Adam Shankman _______ Efron as “arguably the biggest teen star in America right now.” Simply google “Zac Efron” and you get more than 14 million _____. Yes, it seems Efron has a lot to smile about these days.

Efron was born and ______ in California. He took school ______ . According to Efron, “I would get crazy if I got a B and not an A in school.” It was his father who encouraged him to act. He took part in school ______ and acted in a local theater group. He also_______ singing lessons. He graduated from high school in 2006 and was _______ to the University of Southern California to study film. But he put it off--why study movies ______ you can star in them?

Now Efron is also earning more than $3 million for his ______ in High School Musical 3. Not bad for a 21-year-old. But Efron ______ remembers those bullies(欺人者). “You always have to remember that bullies want to bring you down because you have something that they _______.” Efron said. “Also, when you get made fun of, when people point you’re your _______, it’s an opportunity for you to rise above.”

Efron has risen all the way to the top of the movie business. And he can now ______ all the way to the bank.

1.A.says B.goes C.reads D.talks

2.A.As B.Like C.For D.To

3.A.teased B.admired C.liked D.hated

4.A.strong B.right C.wrong D.active

5.A.past B.present C.moment D.time

6.A.effective B.respectful C.valuable D.influential

7.A.acting B.promoting C.advancing D.performing

8.A.thought B.served C.described D.treated

9.A.responses B.pictures C.passages D.comments

10.A.hired B.raised C.directed D.trapped

11.A.seriously B.formally C.easily D.cautiously

12.A.meetings B.reports C.lectures D.performances

13.A.taught B.took C.cancelled D.escaped

14.A.admitted B.recognized C.realized D.relieved

15.A.that B.when C.whether D.which

16.A.career B.role C.result D.movie

17.A.even B.yet C.still D.ever

18.A.admire B.observe C.earn D.consider

19.A.excuses B.weaknesses C.strengths D.descriptions

20.A.laugh B.cry C.sing D.run



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