满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I had a rocky start to life. My mum brou...

    I had a rocky start to life. My mum brought me up as a single parent. School was a ____ experience. I was troublesome and ____ teachers in lessons.

At 14, I was ____ out of school. My mum took me to the Caribbean, where my grandparents lived. It turned out to be a good experience for me: I returned to school and became ____ It was a kick up the backside (警醒)to see a different culture. I returned to the UK after two years and ____ applied to study in a college.

It was then that I knew I really had to ____ and avoid getting into trouble. One day, a college tutor told me he felt I had ____ and told me not to waste it. He was the first teacher to ____ me. He gave me a self-development book that explored ____ From there I started reading all sorts of self -development books and watching ____ speakers.

I ____ studying business and marketing at Manchester Metropolitan University. I realised I could stay out of ____ and make money, and it made me ____ to start my own business.

I received a ____ of £2,000 and business support from the Prince's Trust to help me set up a sportswear business. I also ____ We Shine Together, a social enterprise that provides training programmes to help people from ____ communities gain qualifications. Tm also a motivational speaker and regularly ____ my story at schools and colleges around Birmingham.

I like to ____ in myself and regularly buy self -development books and go on courses. I feel like I've ____ my life massively. ____ I was kicked out of school, I knew what I wanted in life. I always had that kind of courage and determination in me.

1.A.pleasant B.shared C.negative D.rewarding

2.A.assisted B.challenged C.defended D.monitored

3.A.kicked B.helped C.freed D.scared

4.A.arbitrary B.intelligent C.aggressive D.disciplined

5.A.successfully B.temporarily C.previously D.unrealistically

6.A.relax B.focus C.hide D.suffer

7.A.money B.time C.sympathy D.potential

8.A.doubt B.trust C.bless D.warn

9.A.nature B.culture C.business D.education

10.A.fragile B.desperate C.tricky D.inspiring

11.A.ended up B.gave up C.objected to D.stuck to

12.A.order B.sight C.trouble D.hand

13.A.hesitant B.disappointed C.determined D.reluctant

14.A.deposit B.pension C.revenue D.grant

15.A.praise B.avoid C.run D.shut

16.A.wealthy B.civilized C.disadvantaged D.harmonious

17.A.publish B.share C.read D.invent

18.A.invest B.take C.trade D.interfere

19.A.shrank from B.turned around C.broke down D.messed up

20.A.Before B.Unless C.As if D.Even though


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.C 14.D 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了我一开始是一名问题学生,被学校开除了,我的妈妈带我去加勒比海,让我体验了不同的文化,回来后我就下定决心好好学习,最后成功申请了大学并成功创业的故事。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:上学是一种不愉快的经历。A. pleasant愉快的;B. shared共有的;C. negative消极的;D. rewarding值得的。根据下文,我在学校总是惹麻烦并且在课堂上质疑老师,说明我读书时的经历并不好。故选C。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我在课上总是给老师带来麻烦和挑战。A. assisted帮助;B. challenged挑战;C. defended防卫;D. monitored监视。根据下文我被学校开除可知,我在课上总是给老师带来麻烦和挑战。故选B。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:14岁时,我被学校开除了。A. kicked踢;B. helped帮助;C. freed使自由;D. scared使害怕。be kicked out of school意为被学校开除,结合上文我在学校不干好事,因此肯定是被开除了。故选A。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我回到学校,受到了纪律的约束。A. arbitrary任意的;B. intelligent聪明的;C. aggressive有攻击性的;D. disciplined遵守纪律的。根据上下文可知,我搬家到加勒比后,事情发生了转折,it turned out to be a good experience说明我在学校的表现有所改正。故选D。 5.考查副词词义辨析。句意:两年后我回到了英国,成功地申请了一所大学。A. successfully成功地;B. temporarily暂时地;C. previously 之前地;D. unrealistically不切实际地。根据上下文可知,我在加勒比的经历警醒着我,使我的学习态度变好了,所以我回国后成功申请到了大学得以学习。故选A。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在那时,我知道我必须集中精力,避免陷入麻烦。A. relax使放松;B. focus集中;C. hide藏;D. suffer遭受。根据上下文可知,从此以后我意识到我应该专注于正道而不应该不务正业。故选B。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:有一天,一位大学老师告诉我,他觉得我有潜力,告诉我不要浪费它。A. money 钱;B. time时间;C. sympathy同情;D. potential潜力,潜能。根据上文可知,老师说我有一定潜力,不应该浪费它。故选D。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他是第一个信任我的老师。A. doubt怀疑;B. trust信任;C. bless保佑,祝福;D. warn警告。根据上文可知,大学老师说我有一定的潜力,我以前在学校总是惹老师麻烦,因此这是第一次有人认可、信任我。故选B。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他给了我一本探讨商业的自我发展的书。A. nature自然;B. culture文化;C. business生意,商业;D. education教育。分析下文可知,我学习的是商业和市场营销。故选C。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:从那时起,我开始阅读各种自我发展书籍,观看鼓舞人心的演讲。A. fragile精致的,脆弱的;B. desperate绝望的,拼命的;C. tricky诡计多端的;D. inspiring鼓舞人心的。根据下文可知,从那以后,我开始广泛地阅读自我提升的书籍,并且观看激励人心的演讲。故选D。 11.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我最后在曼彻斯特大都会大学学习商业和市场营销。A. ended up以…结束;B. gave up放弃;C. objected to反对;D. stuck to坚持。根据下文可知,我最终得以在曼彻斯特城市大学学习商业营销。故选A。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我意识到我可以远离麻烦赚钱,这让我决定自己创业。A. order命令;B. sight 视力,视野;C. trouble麻烦;D. hand手。stay out of trouble意为不惹是非。根据下文可知,随着我的学习深造,我发现我自己能逐步稳定下来,不惹是非,还能挣钱。故选C。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我意识到我可以远离麻烦赚钱,这让我决定自己创业。A. hesitant犹豫的;B. disappointed 失望的;C. determined下定决心的;D. reluctant不情愿的;勉强的。根据下文可知,我的学业和生活逐步稳定下来后,我决心开始自己创业。故选C。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我得到了王子信托基金2000英镑的赠款和商业支持,帮助我创办了一家运动服装公司。A. deposit押金;存款;B. pension养老金;C. revenue收益;D. grant补助金。根据下文可知,我从王室那里得到了补助金和创业支持,从而支撑我的运动装生意。故选D。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我还经营着We Shine Together。A. praise赞扬;B. avoid避免;C. run运营;D. shut关闭。根据下文可知,同时我还运营一家公益机构,来帮助贫困社区的人们获取提升自我的资格。故选C。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是一家社会企业,提供培训计划,帮助来自弱势社区的人获得资格。A. wealthy富有的;B. civilized文明的;C. disadvantaged弱势的;D.harmonious和谐的。分析上下文可知,我还运营一家公益机构,来帮助贫困社区的人们获取提升自我的资格。故选C。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Tm也是一个励志的演讲者,经常在伯明翰的学校和学院分享我的故事。A. publish出版;B. share分享;C. read读;D. invent发明。根据上下文可知,我成为了一名励志演讲者,有时会在学校分享我的励志经历。故选B。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我喜欢投资于自己,定期购买自我发展书籍和课程。A. invest投入;B. take拿走;C. trade贸易;D. interfere干涉 。invest in myself意为提升自我。根据上下文客户,我喜欢提升自我,并且会定期买书、继续学习深造。故选A。 19.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我觉得我的生活有了很大的转变。A. shrank from退缩;B. turned around转身,扭转;C. broke down出故障,坏了;D. messed up弄脏; 弄乱。根据上下文可知,我极大地扭转了我的人生。故选B。 20.考查连词词义辨析。句意:尽管我曾被学校开除了,但我知道我生活中想要什么。A. Before在…之前;B. Unless除非;C. As if好像;D. Even though即使。根据上下文可知,虽然我曾被退学,但我清楚地明白我自己的人生方向。故选D。

—The development of gene-editing has released huge innovation potential.

—But if used illegally, such a promising technology could become ____.

A.a Pandora’s box B.a dark horse C.a child's play D.a Herculean task



—What about your trip to Nantong Printed Blue Nankeen Museum?

—It displays traditional Chinese art and craft and we ____ a great time there.

A.had B.have C.would have D.had had



____ volunteer service at the museum can better cater to visitors in future will be discussed at the seminar.

A.That B.Why C.When D.How



In the New Year speech ____ by our headmaster, he summarized the progress we made in 2019.

A.clarified B.restored C.underlined D.delivered



—I hope we have opportunities to see each other in the future.

—Is it a ____ way of telling us you are to leave?

A.controversial B.roundabout C.confidential D.ridiculous



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