满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We had two dogs, Lucky and Lily Bit. Luc...

    We had two dogs, Lucky and Lily Bit. Lucky loved to find ways to leave the confines ( ) of her indoor living routine, which made her a masterful escape artist. Lily Bit, on the other hand, did exactly as she was told, never straying, always staying close to home... except when she came under the influence of Lucky.

Whenever the two got out together, they could be seen out of sights often staying away for hours. More often than not, they’d arrive home near suppertime, covered in mud and leaves and smelling to high heaven from their afternoon outing in the woods.

I remember one such occasion when they’d once again mysteriously escaped, except this time, they returned clean and no worse for wear. It wasn’t until a few days later that we learned why. My wife ran into our neighbor Carl who lived a few houses down from us.

“I saw your two dogs the other day,” Carl said with a smile,

“Oh, yes? I’m so sorry. They’d been so good lately, so it was such a surprise when they got out. I sure hope they didn’t cause any trouble.” my wife replied,

“Oh, no, no trouble at all. Did you have any idea where they went?”

“No,” my wife answered.

“They attended my dog’s funeral (葬礼)” Carl said sadly.

“What?” Ann exclaimed, “Oh, no. I didn’t know Toby had died.

“Yep, it died a couple days ago. I was burying him in the back lot when your two dogs came running up. They sat down not far from me while. I finished burying him, then they left.”

“Wow that’s amazing! ” my wife replied. “Toby was Lily Bit’s father, you know. ”

“No, I didn’t know that,” Carl replied, “but I guess that explains why she felt like she needed to be there. She had to say her final goodbye.”

1.What words can best explain the meaning of the word “straying” underlined in Para. 1?

A.Wandering away. B.Staying still

C.Shouting loudly. D.Disobeying impolitely.

2.What difference between Lucky and Lily Bit is suggested in the first paragraph?

A.Their abilities were different. B.Their hobbies were different.

C.Their personalities were different D.Their physical features were different.

3.What would generally happen to the two dogs after they got home from outside?

A.They got more united. B.They looked in a mess.

C.They smelled nice as usual. D.They got willing to do as told to.

4.What is the author’s purpose of writing the text?

A.To show his respect for dogs. B.To be in memory of his dogs.

C.To suggest learning from dogs, D.To think highly of his two dogs.


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】 本文为记叙文。文章主要介绍了作者家两只狗的故事。两只狗很淘气,经常在外面玩耍,回来时浑身是泥土和草叶。但有一次例外,两只狗回家还是干干净净的,后来作者从邻居那里获知其原因,它们去参加一只狗父亲的葬礼了。 1.词义猜测题。根据always staying close to home(总是呆在离家近的地方)可知,never straying是指从不乱走开,所以straying意为“走开、走失”,故选A项。 2.推理判断题。根据第一段“Lucky loved to find ways to leave the confines (束缚) of her indoor living Routine...Lily Bit, on the other hand, did exactly as she was told, never straying, always staying close to home.(Lucky喜欢找方法摆脱室内生活的限制……另一方面,Lily Bit却完全按照她被告知的去做,从不乱跑,总是呆在离家很近的地方)可知,一个想办法摆脱束缚,而另一个服从,这说明它们的性格不一样,故选C项。 3.推理判断题。根据第二段第二句More often than not, they’d arrive home near suppertime, covered in mud and leaves .... (通常,它们在晚饭前回到家,浑身是泥和树叶……)可推断,它们回来时浑身是脏的,故选B项。 4.推理判断题。根据最后的对话“Wow that’s amazing! ” my wife replied. “Toby was Lily Bit’s father, you know. ”“No, I didn’t know that,” Carl replied, “but I guess that explains why she felt like she needed to be there. She had to say her final goodbye.”( “哇,太神奇了!”我妻子回答说,“你知道,Toby是Lily Bit的父亲。”“不,我不知道,”卡尔回答,“但我想这就是为什么她认为她需要在那里。她必须作最后的告别。”)可知,这些说明狗也重感情。由此可推断,作者的写作目的是为了称赞自己的狗,故选D项。

Moringa Farm Internship Program

DATE 5 May30 November 2019

LOCATION: Jaipur India


EVENT INDUSTRY/TOPIC: Clean Energy, Climate & Environment, Food & Agriculture and Quality/Process Managem

Moringa (辣木), a kind of miracle tree, has come a long way today to become a symbol of the fight against growing nutrition deficiency (营养不足) across the globe. It is also a crop suited to the climatic conditions of the region, which is unusually rich in its nutrition content literally from top to bottom.

Supporting learning

The Moringa Farm Internship Program is sort of like a live, interactive slideshow of agriculture making of Moringa from “Soil to Super food” that touches all the participant’s senses.

The Program’s Objectives

The Moringa Farm Internship Program is devoted to enriching the knowledge and lives of young people by providing them with a unique educational experience on an organic Moringa Farm in rural Jaipur, India. Program participants can learn about conservation, maintenance (维护), care, and management of Moringa Farming by means of hands-on work experience with local Moringa Farm staff.

Participants will be able to interact with Moringa specialists and educators, on all issues that may affect their operations. Experts will let you know management strategies and equipment operation up close on hand to answer your specific questions.

The Moringa Farm Internship will provide an excellent opportunity to learn about sustainable tools, techniques, and approaches that can be used in Moringa Production and value-added production systems, righting (突出) pest and disease management, leaf/seed production, and tools and equipment for commercial production.

If you’re trying to learn about Moringa, there’s nothing like going to a farm and getting your hands dirty. So click here to register now!

1.Why is Moringa specifically described in the text?

A.To stress the importance of the crop.

B.To encourage people to plant Moringa.

C.To show the significance of the program.

D.To draw attention to nutrition deficiency.

2.What can we know about the Moringa Farm Internship Program?

A.It is intended for farmers. B.It lasts more than half a year.

C.It provides vocational training. D.It is available on the Internet.

3.How do the program’s participants learn about Moringa?

A.By attending various courses about it.

B.By involving themselves in farming it.

C.By observing specialists and educators.

D.By watching slideshows about the crop.




Thirteen-year-old Amy lost her mother in a car accident. She had no choice but moved from New Zealand to Canada to live with her father Thomas.

Thomas was an inventor, living on a farm. He brought Amy back to his messy house, which had not been cleaned up for years. Most of the rooms in the house were used for storing his gliders (滑翔机) and their parts.

One day, Amy happened to see Thomas testing his glider but he soon crashed in the surrounding field. Scared and unsure if her father was all right, Amy heard his father's shout of triumph. She couldn't understand her father strange behavior so that she barely talked with him. "My new life is absolutely miserable!" Amy thought with tears in her eyes.

It was not until Amy found the eggs that her life changed. While exploring the area around the farm, Amy discovered an abandoned nest of 16 goose eggs under a fallen tree. She gathered all of the eggs and brought them back to the bam where she took a heating lamp to provide light and warmth for them.

One afternoon after school, Amy was thrilled to discover all of the eggs had hatched. The baby geese and Amy looked at each other and a bond immediately formed. The geese assumed Amy, the first thing they saw, was their mother. Amy asked his father, “Can I keep the baby geese, please?" "Yes," Thomas agreed. Although he knew there would be a lot of challenges waiting for them, it might be a chance to improve their relationship.

Looking after the baby geese very carefully, Amy even named all of them like a real mother. Soon winter arrived, it was the time for migrant birds like geese to go south for the cold days. Thomas made a great many attempts to teach the geese to fly but none of them followed him. They just stuck close to Amy all the time.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1

Frustrated, Thomas decided to teach Amy, their mother ", how to fly. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2

Finally that day came, Thomas and Amy each flew a glider, leading the geese towards south. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



假定你是李华,学校将于下周五举行英语演讲比赛,主题为“Doing things right or doing right things”, 请你代表学生会给外教老师Jack发一封邮件,邀请他来做裁判。内容包括:

1. 比赛相关细节;

2. 给参赛者点评;

3. 并对英语学习提些建议。

注意:1. 词数:80词左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





You can possibly see cats roaming around 1. you visit the Palace Museum. Now, the museum is reaching out to cat lovers. On Nov 4, the museum 2.(begin) selling cat-themed cartoon books which tell stories about the cats on the palace grounds as well as cultural and creative3.(produce) featuring the so-called "royal cats."

Now the Palace Museum has about 200 royal cats, most of 4. are descendants (后代) of the royal families’ pets. With the ending of the Qing Dynasty, many lost their owners and escaped 5. separate areas of the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City has 6. (mass) and well-preserved wooden buildings. To prevent these relics from 7. (damage) by rats, staff in the Palace Museum helped bring these cats back out of hiding and provided them with food. Wandering around the empty lanes of the palace at night, they keep the buildings 8. (protect) from rats and mice.

"9. is the natural mascots (吉祥物) for the Palace Museum, especially for millennials (千禧一代) that play an important role in interacting with young people and promoting the museum,”10. person working there said.



    An Amazon order starts with a tap of a finger. Two days later— or even in a matter of hours — the package arrives. It seems simple enough.

But to deliver Amazon_______and countless others from businesses that_______over the internet, the basic structure of major urban areas around the world is being_______. And New York City, where more than 1.5 million packages are delivered_______, shows that this push for_______is having impacts on traffic, roadway safety and pollution.

Delivery _______operated by UPS and FedEx double-park on streets,_______bus and bike lanes. They got more than 471,000 parking violations last year, a 34 percent increase from 2013. The main_______for packages into New York City, leading to the George Washington Bridge from New Jersey, has become the most ___________interchange in the country. Trucks heading toward the bridge____________at 23 miles per hour, down from 30 m.p.h. five years ago.

While the________of ride-hailing services like Uber has unquestionably caused more________, the sudden increase of trucks has________the problem.________, cars in the busiest parts of Manhattan now move just above a jogger ,s pace, about 7 m.p.h., roughly 23 percent________than at the beginning of the decade.

Amazon did not________a request for comment on the________of its deliveries on growing traffic jams in New York. Other companies, including FedEx and UPS, said they were using technology and taking other measures to make deliveries less________on crowded streets.

New York City officials say they have________to better manage truck traffic on the streets. “The city is experimenting with enforcement (强制) and ________management regulations to address this growing challenge.”said Polly Trottenberg, the city's transportation commissioner.

1.A.orders B.possessions C.symbols D.matters

2.A.put B.sell C.knock D.get

3.A.greeted B.transformed C.separated D.handled

4.A.shortly B.swiftly C.daily D.monthly

5.A.growth B.benefit C.progress D.convenience

6.A.goods B.workers C.trucks D.business

7.A.blocking B.protecting C.replacing D.damaging

8.A.entryway B.zone C.trip D.terminal

9.A.privileged B.complicated C.sacred D.jammed

10.A.drive B.twist C.travel D.kick

11.A.stress B.rise C.support D.restriction

12.A.traffic B.packages C.unrest D.targets

13.A.postponed B.improved C.worsened D.addressed

14.A.Consequently B.Initially C.Significantly D.Reliably

15.A.lower B.weaker C.steeper D.slower

16.A.refer to B.respond to C.give out D.put forward

17.A.effect B.development C.suspension D.basis

18.A.parallel B.alternative C.burdensome D.tiresome

19.A.made way B.taken a risk C.made contributions D.taken steps

20.A.creative B.important C.meaningful D.severe



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