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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 We ...


We are all aware of the threats our planet is facing. Experts agree that it’s mainly humans 1. are responsible for the destruction of the environment. Activities such as mass farming and burning  2. (harm) our climate now-and we are suffering too through natural 3.  (disaster) such as flooding and droughts.

One of the most destructive activities we are carrying out is deforestation (砍伐森林). This has been most noticeable in Brazil, which is home to the world’s 4. (large) rainforest. Deforestation there 5. (hit) its highest rate in the past decade, according to official data. The result of widespread deforestation has threatened 6. centuries-old way of life. The future of the rainforest could be 7. danger of being damaged.

The amount of deforestation in the Amazon has 8. (actual) seen a decline but the figures are still large. Brazil has taken some steps to try and decrease deforestation by 9.(introduce) government policies including fines for breaking land use regulations. While humans are largely 10. (blame) for the destruction of the rainforest, it seems only humans will tackle this problem and save planet Earth.


1.who/that 2.are harming 3.disasters 4.largest 5.has hit 6.the 7.in 8.actually 9.introducing 10.to blame 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。主要说明了专家们一致认为,对环境的破坏负有主要责任的是人类。我们正在进行的最具破坏性的活动之一是砍伐森林。虽然热带雨林的破坏在很大程度上要归咎于人类,但似乎只有人类才能解决这个问题,拯救地球。 1.考查定语从句。本句为定语从句修饰先行词humans,且先行词在从句中做主语,指人,故用关系代词who或that。故填who/that。 2.考查动词时态。根据下文our climate now-and we are suffering可知为现在进行时,表示“正在危害”,且主语为Activities,谓语动词用复数形式,故填are harming。 3.考查名词的数。disaster为可数名词,根据后文such as flooding and droughts可知应用名词复数形式。故填disasters。 4.考查形容词最高级。句意:这一点在巴西表现得最为明显,巴西拥有世界上最大的热带雨林。结合句意表示“最大的”应用形容词最高级。故填largest。 5.考查动词时态。根据后文in the past decade可知应用现在完成时,主语为Deforestation,助动词用has。故填has hit。 6.考查冠词。句意:大面积砍伐森林的结果已经威胁到了几百年的生活方式。此处特指“几百年的生活方式”应用定冠词,故填the。 7.考查介词。短语be in danger of“面临……的危险”,故填in。 8.考查副词。修饰动词see应用副词,故填actually。 9.考查非谓语动词。by为介词后跟动名词做宾语,故填introducing。 10.考查固定短语。固定短语be to blame“该受责备”,故填to blame。

    I was very fortunate to be chosen by Kindspring to receive $100 for the monthly kindness competition. This past October I ______ some Inspiration Trees and they have helped to make a ______ in people’s lives.

The idea is simple. I took a lot of fallen branches that I had been ______ on walks and hung them from the ceiling with the help of volunteers and friends. Then we ______ strings with pins (大头针) attached to them from the branches. I got a lot of art supplies and as people came in for the art exhibit, they were ______ to create a piece of art or a ______ message to hang from the branches.

The tree changed into this really funny way of ______ positive messages. If you hung a message up, you had to take one down for you to ______. The experience was really ______. People of all ages and from all walks of life were sharing art and inspiration through the ______.

With the $100 I ______ from Kindspring, I made more Inspiration Trees. I’m ______ them all over our community, such as classrooms and youth shelters for homeless teens. The act is to create communication that is positive and can ______ people’s lives by just doing a ______ act of kindness. The message people receive can be kept with them as a reminder of the ______ in the world.

1.A.showed B.bought C.found D.made

2.A.difference B.mark C.rule D.promise

3.A.counting B.collecting C.accepting D.placing

4.A.hung B.bought C.removed D.threw

5.A.ordered B.allowed C.encouraged D.chosen

6.A.short B.hidden C.positive D.important

7.A.carrying B.sending C.leaving D.exchanging

8.A.remember B.keep C.deliver D.rewrite

9.A.amazing B.strange C.direct D.painful

10.A.room B.tree C.card D.pen

11.A.raised B.earned C.borrowed D.received

12.A.running B.organizing C.putting D.storing

13.A.limit B.expand C.influence D.replace

14.A.private B.simple C.creative D.brave

15.A.good B.honesty C.politeness D.richness



    Heart disease is the leading cause of disability and death worldwide. 1. With that in mind, if you knew that you could help keep your heart healthy by eating just a little bit less every day- about six standard-size Oreos’ worth of calories-would you?

Researchers have found evidence that just a modest reduction in our daily caloric intake (摄入) could have protective benefits for our hearts. They drew on data from the Long term Effects of Reducing Intake of Energy (ERIE) study. According to the study, the experiment began with 218 participants, all of whom were normal weight or just slightly overweight and between the ages of 21 and 50. Researchers started 143 participants on a diet that reduced their caloric intake by 25%. 2.. In the end, 188 participants completed the study-117 with caloric restriction and 71 without. Over two years, people in the calorie-cutting group reduced their caloric intake by an average of about 12%.

3.. They lost about 16.5 pounds on average and saw improvements, including lowered cholesterol (胆固醇) and blood pressure, on all six primary factors associated with risks to heart health. “We expected there to be some improvement on cardiometabolic (心血管代谢) factors,” says William Kraus, the study’s lead author. “4..”

Though the weight loss was relatively impressive, it wasn’t responsible for a majority of the heart benefits. After conducting further analysis, researchers determined that caloric restriction can have health benefits above and beyond those normally associated with weight loss. “5..”

A. We need to do exercise to benefit heart.

B. The others were assigned to a normal diet.

C. It can hold back negative effects of aging.

D. But we didn’t expect the degree of improvement we saw.

E. About 2,200 people in the U.S. die per day due to heart problems.

F. The experiment was carried out by comparing two different groups.

G. This reduction in calories had significant effects on the participants who ate less.



    If you watched TV in the 1980s, you probably remember the Head &Shoulders advertisement warning, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”

Now new research suggests that this isn’t totally true. For a paper called “The Tipping Point of Moral Change: When Do Good and Bad Acts Make Good and Bad Actors? “ published in Social Cognition, Nadav Klein and Ed O’ Brien, psychological scientists at the University of Chicago, ran several experiments designed to discover how quickly people are willing to change impressions.

In one online study of 201 participants, an office worker known as “Barbara” started off, but occasionally committed () a series of positive or negative actions. Sometimes she held doors for people. Other times she would cut in line. Subjects answered how long such behavior had to go on for their view of Barbara to tip in various directions.

The result? Barbara had to do nice things for more weeks to become regarded as a good person than the number of weeks she had to do bad things to become bad. Another online experiment involving 200 female participants also found that people were quick to judge when Barbara was doing wrong and much slower to believe she’d changed for the better.

“People only need to commit just a few bad actions to appear greatly changed for the worse, but need to commit many good actions to appear greatly changed for the better,” the authors write.

If you’ve made a good first impression on a group of people, don’t get too comfortable. Flub something, and they’ll quickly change their impression for the worse. But if you made a bad first impression? Then the Head & Shoulders advertisement is on to something because, as Heather Huhman, president of Come Recommended, puts it, “People are always quick to judge, and we like our opinions-we don’t like to change our minds.”

“It is difficult to change a bad first impression, but not impossible. Don’t try to force new relationships. Let relationships develop naturally and don’t do things just to make people like you. Be yourself, “ Huhman advises.

1.What did the Head & Shoulders advertisement show?

A.First impressions are lasting.

B.First impressions are not reliable.

C.First impressions can work wonders.

D.First impressions are the most natural.

2.What are the findings of the studies?

A.People are quick to judge.

B.It takes more time to become bad.

C.It’s hard to change bad impressions.

D.People always focus on bad actions.

3.What does the underlined part “Flub something” in Paragraph 6 refer to?

A.Show something. B.Do something bad.

C.Try something new. D.Keep on doing something.

4.What’s Huhman’s advice?

A.Be the real you. B.Make people like you.

C.Create a good impression. D.Ignore people’s judgements.



    A city in South Korea, which has the world’s highest smartphone usage rate, has placed flashing lights at a road crossing to warn “smartphone zombies” (低头族) to look up and drivers to slow down, in the hope of preventing accidents.

The designers of the system were motivated by growing worry that more pedestrians (行人) addicted to their phones will become victims in a country that already has some of the highest injury rates among developed countries.

State-run Korea Institute of Civil Engining and Building Technology believed its system of flashing lights at crossings can warn both pedestrians and drivers.

In addition to red, yellow and blue LED lights on the road, “smartphone zombies” will be warned by flashing lights and a warning sent to the phones by an app that they are about to step into traffic.

“Increasing numbers of accidents are happening at pedestrian crossings, so these lights are needed to prevent these pedestrian accidents,” said KICT senior researcher Kim Jong-hoon.

South Korea has the world’s highest smartphone usage rate, according to Pew Research Center, with about 94 percent of adults owning smartphones in 2017, compared with 77 percent in the United States and 59 percent in Japan.

For now, the warning system is set up only in Ilsan, a city about 30 km northwest of the capital, Seoul, but is expected to go nationwide, according to the institute.

Kim Dan-hee, a 23-year-old citizen of Ilsan, welcomed the system, saying she was often too absorbed in her phone to remember to look at traffic. “This flashing light makes me feel safe as it makes me look around again, and I hope that we can have more of these in town,” she said.

1.What is the purpose of South Korea’s new warning system?

A.To prevent pedestrian accidents. B.To limit the use of phones.

C.To remind pedestrians to look around. D.To ensure drivers’ safety.

2.How does the writer introduce the high smartphone usage rate of South Korea?

A.By describing a scene. B.By making comparison.

C.By explaining a subject. D.By raising a question.

3.What’s Kim Dan-hee’s attitude to the new warning system?

A.Supportive. B.Indifferent. C.Objective. D.Doubtful.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Flashing lights at the crossing in different countries.

B.Watching out for safety while crossing the road.

C.South Korea ranking the world’s highest phone usage rate.

D.New warning system to prevent accidents in South Korea.



    One Saturday afternoon, I went to a fast food restaurant to have some food with my kids. As we were walking into the restaurant, I noticed a woman smoking a cigarette outside. While we were waiting in line, with about ten other people, we saw the woman rush back into the store to help the busy staff.

A customer standing next to us started yelling at the employee who had begun filling brown paper bags with fries, burgers, and nuggets, “I saw you,” she said. “I saw you out there smoking; then you came in straight and touched our food! It’s disgusting! Why would you do that?” The woman wouldn’t stop. Everyone was staring. The employee was getting teary. It looked as if she just wanted to find a place to hide. The manager came over and told her to wash her hands and leave the floor for a while. He then apologized to the customer.

“That’s disgusting,” my oldest son whispered to me, “But I do feel bad for her.” I was glad he followed it up with that last sentence. His comment showed me that he’d probably never treat someone the way that customer had treated that employee.

You are allowed to be angry at others’ improper behavior and tell them how you feel. However, you don’t need some audience or witnesses when you are making negative comments on others. Doing that in public doesn’t strengthen your point.

I’m willing to bet that the woman being criticized was so shamed that she wasn’t able to hear the message that was being forced down her throat. However, had the customer taken her aside, and said in a quiet voice, “I noticed you didn’t wash your hands after your smoke break; can you please go to do that now?” The employee would have had the opportunity to do just that. The message the customer wanted to convey would have gotten to that employee more effectively, and her entire day would not have been ruined.

1.Why was the customer so angry?

A.The employee smoked in front of her.

B.She was yelled at by people around her.

C.She had to wait in a long line for her food.

D.The employee touched food without washing hands.

2.How did the employee respond after hearing the customer’s words?

A.She felt confused and annoyed.

B.She turned to her manager for help.

C.She was very sad and embarrassed.

D.She dealt with the problem calmly.

3.The comments of the author’s oldest son indicated that he       .

A.had sympathy for the employee

B.supported the customer’s behavior

C.cared little about the employee’s action

D.had experienced the situation many times

4.What does the author mainly want to convey?

A.We should treat every person equally.

B.We should always mind our behavior.

C.We should admit our mistakes bravely.

D.We should avoid criticizing someone in public.



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