满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

All of us in Monte Vista Christian Schoo...

    All of us in Monte Vista Christian School know we’ll one day have graduation photos for the yearbook taken. As the time ______, the girls start to have a ______ about what they’ll wear and where to take the photos, while the boys,______, hardly talk about it. As for me, I ______ for my photos to be taken by the sea.

When I arrived there, I met my photographer, Annie. She asked me to make some poses and I ______ her advice. After that, I asked if she could make me look ______ by taking a photo in a different way,______ I’m less than 1.6 meters tall. To my ______ she responded, “I will make no ______ to make you look like someone you’re not. You look good in your own way.” She ______ she wouldn’t try to edit the photos either.

I was shocked by what she said. Girls always ______ to look perfect by using different visual angles. When you go to a photo studio, photographers always try to hide your ______ by telling you to stand in a certain way. And picture editors can easily ______ your look by making you appear any you want to.______, that’s not the case here. Seeing I was ______, Annie explained: “Everyone has his uniqueness. You need to ______ your own beauty. You cannot live in a world of ______ photos.”

It was the first time that I had met a photographer who doesn’t ______ photos at all. After the shoot, I saw the photos - they are ______ special and natural. But what’s even more special are Annie’s ______, which will always stay in my heart.

1.A.flows B.approaches C.shrinks D.develops

2.A.discussion B.request C.reason D.complaint

3.A.by accident B.in addition C.by comparison D.in advance

4.A.accounted B.applied C.searched D.arranged

5.A.considered B.declined C.followed D.consulted

6.A.taller B.prettier C.thinner D.stronger

7.A.unless B.though C.since D.while

8.A.delight B.astonishment C.relief D.satisfaction

9.A.chance B.challenge C.contribution D.attempt

10.A.added B.swore C.explained D.admitted

11.A.pretend B.manage C.desire D.pay

12.A.preferences B.out-looking C.personalities D.imperfections

13.A.expose B.recover C.transform D.recognize

14.A.However B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.Anyway

15.A.annoyed B.confused C.discouraged D.embarrassed

16.A.absorb B.admire C.describe D.attract

17.A.vivid B.colorful C.popular D.artificial

18.A.polish B.organize C.cut D.exhibit

19.A.directly B.roughly C.partially D.truly

20.A.attitudes B.words C.actions D.skills


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.A 11.C 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.D 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者在拍毕业照时遇到一位摄影师,她告诉作者:每个人都有他的独特之处。你需要欣赏自己的美丽。你不能生活在一个人造照片的世界里。作者对此受益匪浅。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着时间的推移,女孩们开始讨论她们将穿什么。A. flows流动;B. approaches临近;C. shrinks缩水;D. develops发展。根据上文“All of us in Monte Vista Christian School know we’ll one day have graduation photos for the yearbook taken.”可知,作者一直知道总有一天要拍毕业照,故此处表示随着时间的推移,女孩们开始讨论她们将穿什么。故B。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:女孩们开始讨论她们将穿什么,在哪里拍照 。A. discussion讨论;B. request要求;C. reason原因;D. complaint抱怨。分析下文“hardly talked about it”可知,女孩们开始讨论她们将穿什么,而男孩们几乎不谈论。故A。 3.考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:随着时间的推移,女孩们开始讨论她们将穿什么,在哪里拍照,而相比之下男孩们几乎不谈论这个。A. by accident 碰巧;B. in addition另外;C. by comparison对比;D. in advance提前。分析句子可知,女孩们讨论什么,在哪里拍照,而男孩不讨论。故应该是相比之下。故C。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:至于我,我把我的照片安排在海边拍。A. accounted解释;B. applied申请;C. searched寻找;D. arranged安排。分析上下文可知,作者把照片安排在海边拍。故D。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她让我做一些姿势,我听从了她的建议。A. considered考虑;B. declined下降;C. followed跟着,听从;D. consulted咨询。follow one’s advice固定搭配,意为“听从某人的建议”。故选C。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:之后,我问她能不能用另一种方式拍张照片让我看起来更高,因为我不到1.6米高。A. taller更高;B. prettier更好;C. thinner更瘦;D. stronger更强。根据下文 less than1.6 meters tall可知,作者想要看起来更高一些。故选A。 7.考查连词词义辨析。句意:之后,我问她能不能用另一种方式拍张照片让我看起来更高,因为我不到1.6米高。A. unless除非;B. though尽管;C. since因为;D. while然而。分析上下文可知,在那之后,我问她是否可以用不同的方式让我看起来更高,因为我的身高还不到1.6米。此处是 since引导的原因状语从句,故选C。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:令我惊讶的是,她回答说:“我不会试图让你看起来不像你。”A. delight 高兴;B. astonishment惊讶;C. relief如释重负;D. satisfaction满意。根据下文安妮是作者见过的第一个不修饰照片的摄影师可知,此处作者应该是惊讶的。故选B。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:令我惊讶的是,她回答说:“我不会试图让你看起来不像你。”A. chance 机会;B. challenge挑战;C. contribution贡献;D. attempt试图。根据下文安妮告诉作者“你不能活在一个人造的世界里”可知,她不会试图让作者看起来像一个不是她的人。故选D。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她补充说,她也不会试图编辑这些照片。A. added补充;B. swore发誓;C. explained解释;D. admitted承认。根据上下文可知,此处表示安妮补充说道,她不会编辑照片。故选A。 11.考查动词词词义辨析。句意:女孩们总是希望用不同的视角看起来完美。A. pretend假装;B. manage管理;C. desire渴望;D. pay支付。根据上下文作者试图让摄影师找角度把她拍的看起来高一些可知,女孩们总是希望用不同的视角看起来完美。故选C。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当你去摄影棚的时候,摄影师总是试图通过告诉你以某种方式站着来隐藏你的缺点。A. preferences偏爱;B. out-looking外观的;C. personalities个性;D. imperfections缺点。根据上文的“try to hide”以及下文的“ that’s not the case here”可知,此处表示隐藏缺点。故选D。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:图片编辑器可以很容易地改变你的外观。A. expose 暴露;B. recover发现;C. transform改变;D. recognize辨认出。根据下文的“your look by making you appear any you want to”可知,图片编辑器可以很容易地改变人的外观。故选C。 14.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,在这儿并非如此。A. However 然而;B. Therefore因此;C. Otherwise否则的话;D. Anyway无论如何。分析上下文可知,此处表示转折,意为“然而,在这儿并非如此。”。故选A。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:看到我很困惑,安妮解释道:“每个人都有自己的独特性。你需要欣赏自己的美丽。”A. annoyed恼怒的;B. confused困惑的;C. discouraged沮丧的;D. embarrassed尴尬的。根据下文的“explain”可知,此处作者很困惑。故选B。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:看到我很困惑,安妮解释道:“每个人都有自己的独特性。你需要欣赏自己的美丽。A. absorb吸收;B. admire欣赏;C. describe描述;D. attract吸引。根据上下文可知,每个人都有自己的独特性。你需要欣赏自己的美丽。故选B。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你不能生活在一个人造照片的世界里。”A. vivid生动的;B. colorful丰富多彩的;C. popular受欢迎的;D. artificial人造的。根据上文可知,安妮不愿意去修饰照片,故此处安妮告诉作者不能生活在一个人造照片的世界里。故选D。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是我第一次遇到一个根本不修饰照片的摄影师。A. polish修饰;B. organize组织;C. cut切断;D. exhibit展览。分析上下文可知,安妮不愿意修饰照片,想要把照片最真实的样子呈现出来。故她是一个根本不修饰照片的摄影师。故选A。 19.考查副词词义辨析。句意:拍完之后,我看到了这些照片——它们真的很特别,很自然。A. directly直接地;B. roughly大概地;C. partially部分地;D. truly真正地。根据上下文可知,最后呈现出来的照片真的很特别,很自然。故选D。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但更特别的是安妮的话,永远留在我心里。A. attitudes态度;B. words话语;C. actions行动;D. skills技巧。分析上下文可知,安妮的话对作者影响很大。故选B。

Ways to be safe in school

School safety issues involve more than violence. It may also address such concern as natural disasters, illness, fire and local emergencies. 1.

Have a plan

Teachers and students should know where to go and what to do in case of a school security situation. 2. Schools can also post guidelines in each classroom with simple pictures pointing out emergency exits, fire extinguishers(灭火器), and other emergency equipment.

Screen visitors

3. Give school visitors temporary badges(证章) to identify them. Install cameras at all entrances and restrict access as much as possible. Ask teachers and hall monitors to stop anyone in the halls without appropriate identification.

Panic buttons

Provide teachers with panic button in classroom so they can ask for help immediately. Provide clear and brief instructions about use and immediate response when started. 4.

Establish a hotline

Establish a hotline so students can report crimes and threats anonymously(匿名地). Post the number in obvious locations so students can see it on a regular basis. 5. Establish a student disciplinary committee, and develop peer counseling programs for newcomers and victims of bullying(欺负).

A. Teachers and students should be certain that immediate help will arrive.

B. Visitors are not allowed to enter schools.

C. Students may report crimes and threats more quickly without being identified.

D. Require that all visitors enter the security office and explain why they are there.

E. It is said that about 16,000 students die in school accidents every year in China.

F. So what can we do to make the school a safer place?

G. Just as schools practice fire drills, they can conduct safety drills.



    In the near future, IoT (Internet of Things) will drive huge innovation (革新) in the way our food is grown. Plants will have a “voice”, not a human voice, but a voice based on data that can tell people, computers, and machines when, for example, they are thirsty, or need more sun, medicine, etc.

Take vertical (垂直的) farms, for example. Farming is moving indoors where the growth of plants can be monitored and controlled. The facilities are built vertically, so growing areas can be put in piles. This greatly reduces the amount of land needed for farming.

From an IoT point of view, vertical farms are connected in two ways. First, small sensors (传感器) in the soil or connected to plants tell a control system exactly how much light, water, and nutrients are needed to grow the healthiest crops. Sensors will also tell vertical farmers when crops are nearing their peak for harvesting at just the right time to make sure it’s still fresh when it reaches its final destination.

Second, vertical farms will be connected to other networks and information systems, including databases that track local demand. For example, local restaurants may input when they need fresh food supplies. And vertical farmers could get that information so they know which crops to grow in what quantities. This type of IoT system would have been unimaginable a generation ago.

Today, vertical farms are being experimented. Yet, the numbers point to a bright future for the industry, especially as the world’s population continues to grow. For example, Green Sense Farms in Chicago is able to harvest crops 26 times a year using 85 percent less energy, one-tenth the water, and no pesticides. A side benefit of lower energy use is lower CO2 output of two tons per month, with the added benefit of creating 46 pounds of oxygen every day.

1.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Voice machines help plants speak up.

B.Farmers are all turning to vertical farming.

C.IoT has brought great innovation to our future life.

D.Vertical farms driven by IoT are a future for agriculture.

2.How do sensors attached to plants work?

A.By recording farmers harvesting crops.

B.By monitoring farmers working their fields.

C.By analyzing information to preserve crops.

D.By passing information on to a control system.

3.According to Paragraph 4, the IoT system can help ________.

A.expand the output of crops B.match supply with demand

C.determine the needs of farmers D.move restaurants onto farms

4.What is the author’s attitude towards the future of vertical farming?

A.Negative. B.Indifferent. C.Optimistic. D.Doubtful.



    Every year, hundreds of millions of Monarch Butterflies (黑脉金斑蝶) from Canada and the United States journey as far as 2, 500 miles to the forests of Michoacan, Mexico, a place which has the world’s largest insect migration. It’s such a breathtaking sight, but as always, human greed is threatening to destroy it.

The Monarch Butterflies start to arrive in Michoacan in late October to make their winter home in the trees high up in the mountains of the natural reserve. Once there, they gather together in large masses. These masses often become so heavy that they cause tree branches to bend or even break. But there’s a purpose of all these massing - it allows the butterflies to survive in the low nighttime temperatures at these high altitudes.

The Michoacan Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary (保护区) is most impressive during the months of February and March, just before the winged insects begin their long journey home.

Mexico’s Butterfly Forest is a shelter protected by law, and one of the country’s most popular sights, but that hasn’t stopped people from slowly but steadily destroying it.

Illegal woodcutting in the heart of the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve has been a longstanding problem, but criminals are rarely brought to justice. They are often set free after paying some money.

Just last month, an even greater threat rose in Michoacan’s butterfly home. The country’s largest mining corporation gained the right to reopen an old mine in the heart of the monarch reserve. Experts believe that if the mine is reopened, it will likely spell the end of this magical place.

And as if all this wasn’t bad enough, the increasing use of herbicides (除草剂) in the American corn belt has led to the decrease of a plant which is essential to the monarchs’ development from egg into butterfly.

1.When do the Monarch Butterflies begin to fly back to Canada?

A.In January. B.After March. C.In October. D.In December.

2.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.The weather. B.The reserve. C.The massing. D.The forest.

3.What can we know about the protection of Monarch Butterflies in Mexico?

A.It is very satisfying.

B.It should be strengthened.

C.It cost the government a lot.

D.It has saved many butterflies.

4.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

A.Monarch Butterflies have a worrying future.

B.America has many mines waiting for exploration.

C.Monarch Butterflies live in the centre of an old mine.

D.The use of herbicides will let Monarch Butterflies lay fewer eggs.



    It was a rainy day. I had no desire to drive up the winding mountain road to my daughter Carolyn’s house. But she had insisted that I come to see something at the top of the mountain.

So here I was, although unwilling to make the two-hour journey through fog and rain. After lunch, my daughter requested me to drive her to Barage. After a ten-minute drivewe parked the car and got out. We walked along a path that was thick with old pine needles. Huge black green evergreens towered over us. Gradually the peace and silence of the place began to fill my mind. Then we turned a corner and stopped--and I gasped in amazement.

From the top of the mountain to the slopes and valleys, were rivers of daffodils(水仙) in full bloom. A sea of amazing colors, like a carpet before us. It looked as though the sun had tipped over and spilled gold down the mountainside. At the center hung a waterfall of purple hyacinths. Here and there were breathtaking tulips.

A riot of questions filled my mind. Who created such beauty? Why? How?

As we approached the home. We saw a sign that read “Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking.” The first answer was: “One Woman--Two Hands, Two Feet, and Very Little Brain.”The second was: “One at a Time.”The third: “Started in 1958.”

I was so moved by what we had seen. “She changed the world,” I said, not getting over the shock. “One bulb(球茎) at the time. She started almost 40 years ago, probably just the beginning of an idea, but she kept at it.”

“Imagine,” I added, “if I had a vision and worked at itjust a little hit every day, what might I have accomplished?”

Carolyn looked sideways at me, smiling. “Start tomorrow,” she said,”Better yet, start today.”

1.Why did the author decide to visit her daughter

A.She missed her very much.

B.She didn’t want to disappoint her.

C.She must pick her up.

D.She has an urge to look at the sea of flowers.

2.What does the underlined word “hyacinths”in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?

A.A kind of flowers. B.Famous waterfalls.

C.Mountain springs. D.A name of a place.

3.What did the author learn from the sign?

A.Easier said than done.

B.Well begun, half done.

C.Women can shake the world.

D.Little steps add up to big success.

4.What is the best title of the passage

A.An Amazing Trip to Barage

B.A Moving Story of a Mother’s Love

C.A Special Sign on the Way Home

D.A Valuable Lesson From a Woman



    Philadelphia offers a ton of attractions that are suitable for people of every age and here are some family-friendly attractions.

Spruce Street Harbor Park

Spruce Street Harbor Park, one of the best urban beaches in America, is an outdoor heaven on the Delaware River waterfront. Visitors can relax in a hammock, play on the playgrounds, and play games like table tennis and giant chess. Don’t miss out on the park at night, when colorful LED lights hanging from treetops make the entire area bright.

Blue Cross River Rink

Offering ice skating in the winter and roller skating in the summer, Blue Cross River Rink creates a fun, outdoor experience for the whole family. Visitors can play on the nine-hole mini-golf course during the summer, and enjoy eats and drinks from the on-site(现场的)bar and restaurant all year round.

Sesame Place

Big Bird, Elmo and the other stars of Sesame Street come out and play at Sesame Place, the only theme park in the nation starring the popular TV show’s most lovable characters. A water park, interactive activities, parades, fireworks and shows add to the fun.

Once Upon a Nation Storytelling Benches

On summer days, uniformed and professional storytellers at 13 storytelling benches throughout Philadelphia’s Historic District entertain visitors with true, free, three-to-five minute tales about the colonial(殖民的)era as part of Once Upon a Nation. Children can pick up a Story Flag at any storytelling bench, and then collect a star from every storyteller on their journeys. Flags with all the stars can get free rides on the Parx Liberty Carousel at Franklin Square.

1.Who would most probably go to Spruce Street Harbor Park?

A.People who are fond of colorful lights.

B.People who have a preference for skating.

C.People who want to have a relaxing day.

D.People who are interested in water activities.

2.Which place would fans of Big Bird be interested in?

A.Sesame Place.

B.Blue Cross RiverRink.

C.The Parx Liberty Carousel.

D.Spruce Street Harbor Park.

3.What can we know about Philadelphia Storytelling Benches?

A.It can be visited all year round.

B.It is available at a small charge.

C.It is educational for children.

D.It is aimed at serving the public.



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