满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Timmy' s favorite baseball player was Jo...

    Timmy' s favorite baseball player was Johnny Todd. In Little League, he wore the same number as Todd. He _______ Todd' s Souvenir cards and memorized all of his status.

Timmy carried his hero's _______ glove with him everywhere and hoped to one day meet Todd and get his _______ So the day he walked into the Burger Hut(汉堡店)and saw Todd _______ at a table, he thought it was his _______ day.

As Timmy came close to the table, a ( an) _______ man walked up to Todd and asked for his autograph. "Look, can't you see I'm eating?" Todd shouted at the old man. Timmy stood still, opening his eyes _______ with uncertainty. Why was Johnny so _______ to that old man?

_______ before he turned to walk away did Todd look at the frightened child and barked, "Hey, kid, what are you ________ at? "

Timmy was so ________ he decided to trade away all of his Johnny Todd ________ for those of other players. Some of his fellow Little Leaguers did the same thing after hearing ________ story.

The incident found its way into Internet forums and chat rooms. It ________ to light that other folks had witnessed ________ things from the athlete.

Then the small incident ________ to a major crisis for the superstar: Sales of his sport shirts dropped, kids ________ interest in collecting his cards, and the negative press made him less desirable to sponsors.

Regardless of Todd's reputation as a highly skilled athlete, his poor behavior off the field ________his good reputation in the eyes of his admirers.

Our reputation is not what we want people to think of us; rather it is an accurate judgment of the way we ________ treat others. A good reputation takes years to ________ but only a few minutes to destroy.

1.A.gathered B.collected C.liked D.bought

2.A.baseball B.basketball C.volleyball D.football

3.A.photo B.shirt C.autograph D.glove

4.A.seated B.standing C.remained D.staying

5.A.good B.lucky C.favorite D.unforgettable

6.A.young B.elderly C.weak D.loyal

7.A.big B.large C.wide D.broad

8.A.mean B.selfish C.impolite D.fair

9.A.Only B.Just C.Even D.Yet

10.A.glaring B.pointing C.staring D.aiming

11.A.worried B.disappointed C.excited D.scared

12.A.cards B.gloves C.pho Los D.books

13.A.the kid's B.the old man' s C.Timmy's D.Todd's

14.A.turned B.threw C.fought D.came

15.A.various B.many C.similar D.same

16.A.led B.stuck C.referred D.contributed

17.A.took B.lost C.showed D.developed

18.A.destroyed B.harmed C.wounded D.hurt

19.A.often B.usually C.actually D.personally

20.A.damage B.develop C.create D.add


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Timmy目睹自己喜欢的球星Todd的恶劣行径之后放弃收集Todd的卡片。他的这个行为引起了热烈的反应,很多网友都说见到过Todd的相似行为,这导致Todd的好名声毁于一旦。最后文章告诉我们,好名声不是我们心里想的,而是通过实实在在的行为展现出来的。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他收藏了Todd的纪念卡,并记下了他所有的状态。A. gathered聚集;B. collected收藏;C. liked喜欢;D. bought买。结合常识可知,因为喜欢一个球员,所以收藏和他有关的东西,符合逻辑,故选B项。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Timmy每天都把他的英雄的棒球手套带在身上,希望有一天可以见到他,得到他的亲笔签名。A. baseball棒球;B. basketball篮球;C. volleyball排球;D. football足球。根据前文的Timmy' s favorite baseball player was Johnny Todd.可知Timmy喜欢的Todd是棒球选手,故选A项。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. photo照片;B. shirt T恤;C. autograph亲笔签名;D. glove手套。结合常识可知,球迷希望自己喜欢的球员给自己签名,且下文的man walked up to Todd and asked for his autograph. 也有暗示,autograph是原词复现,故选C项。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天Timmy走进一家汉堡店,他看到Todd坐在一张桌子旁,心想这真实幸运的一天。A. seated坐;B. standing站;C. remained保持;D. staying待。根据常识可知,此处是指Todd坐在桌边吃东西,故选A项。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. good好的;B. lucky幸运的;C. favorite最爱的;D. unforgettable难以忘记的。结合句意可知,此处是指Timmy见到了自己喜欢的Todd,觉得很幸运,故选B项。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当Timmy靠近桌子时,一位老人朝Todd走去,请他签名。A. young年轻的;B. elderly老的;C. weak虚弱的;D. loyal当地的。根据下文的Todd shouted at the old man可知走向Todd的是一位老人,故选B项。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Timmy站在那儿没动,非常不确定的睁大他的双眼。A. big大的;B. large大的;C. wide宽的,宽地;D. broad宽的。根据下文的Why was Johnny so ___8___ to that old man?可知Timmy对Todd的行为感到吃惊,故此处用“睁大眼睛”open his eyes wide符合语境,故选C项。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:为什么Johnny如此恶劣的对待那个老人?A. mean恶劣的;B. selfish自私的;C. impolite没有礼貌的;D. fair公平的。根据前文的Todd shouted at the old man. 可知Johnny对老人大声叫喊,故此处用“恶劣的”符合语境,故选A项。 9.考查副词词义辨析。句意:就当他准备转身离开时,Todd看到了这个受了惊吓的孩子,然后大声嚷到:“嘿,小孩,你看什么看!” A. Only仅仅;B. Just刚,仅仅;C. Even甚至;D. Yet然而。此处考查only+状语 位于句首时,主句要部分倒装,故选A项。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. glaring瞪;B. pointing指;C. staring 凝视;D. aiming瞄准。根据前文的Timmy stood still, opening his eyes ___7___ with uncertainty. 可知Timmy看到了整个事情的经过,故此处用“看”符合语境,故选C项。 11.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他很失望,决定把他收藏的所有Todd的卡片换成其他选手的。A. worried担心的;B. disappointed失望的;C. excited兴奋的;D. scared害怕的。结合上下文可知,此处是指Timmy对Todd恶劣和无礼的行为感到失望,故选B项。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. cards卡片;B. gloves手套;C. photos照片;D. books书。根据上文的He ___1___ Todd' s Souvenir cards and memorized all of his status.可知Timmy收藏了很多Todd的卡片,故选A项。 13.考查物主代词辨析。句意:一些他的小联盟伙伴在听说Timmy的故事后也做了相同的事情。A. the kid's这个孩子的;B. the old man' s 老人的;C. Timmy's Timmy的;D. Todd's Todd的。结合句意可知,此处是指Timmy的小联盟伙伴听说了Timmy的故事,故选C项。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实证明他人也看到过该运动员的相似事情。A. turned转动;B. threw扔;C. fought打架;D. came来到。结合句意可知,此处考查短语it comes to light that事实证明,故选D项。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. various各种各样的;B. many 很多;C. similar相似的;D. same相同的。结合上下文可知,此处是指其他人也看到过Todd的恶劣行径,故用“相似的”符合语境,故选C项。 16.考查动词短语辨析。句意:这个小的事件给这个超级明星带来了一个巨大的危机:他的运动衫销量下降,孩子们对收藏他的卡片失去了兴趣,负面的媒体报道也让赞助商对他失去了兴趣。A. led (to)造成,导致;B. stuck (to)坚持;C. referred (to)参考,指的是;D. contributed (to)贡献。结合上下文可知,此处是指Todd的恶劣行径给他造成了巨大的危机,故选A项。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. took采取;B. lost失去;C. showed展示;D. developed发展。根据前文的major crisis for the superstar可知本句主要讲该事件给Todd带来的负面影响,故此处用“失去兴趣”符合语境,故选B项。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管Todd作为一名技术高超的运动员享有很高的声誉,但他在赛场外的糟糕表现毁掉了他在仰慕者心中的好名声。A. destroyed毁掉;B. harmed伤害;C. wounded伤害;D. hurt伤害。结合上下文可知,此处是指Todd的行为毁掉了他的好名声,且下文的only a few minutes to destroy也有暗示,destroy是原词复现,故选A项。 19.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们的名声并不是我们希望别人怎么想我们,而是我们事实上对待别人的方式的准确判断。A. often常常;B. usually通常;C. actually事实上;D. personally个人地。根据前文的Our reputation is not what we want people to think of us可知名声不是我们心里想的,而是别人从实际发生的事情来判断的,故选C想。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个好的名声需要花很多年才能建立,但只要几分钟就会被毁掉。A. damage损害;B. develop发展;C. create建立;D. add添加。结合句意可知,前后部分是转折关系,故此处用“建立”符合语境,create和destroy是反义词复现,故选C项。

    How To Help Teens with Time Management

Time management is a skill that any teen will need to learn to help him succeed. No matter how intelligent or skilled your teen is, he needs to be able to effectively manage his time to help him make the most of his potential. He will need to have the discipline to learn to prioritize(优先处理) effectively. 1.

Help your teen learn to prioritize. Not everything is of equal importance, though it may seem that way to your teen. 2. Family time is also important, more so than time spent with friends on tweeting online. School work should come first, over watching TV or surfing online. Enforce (实 施)the rule in your home, so your teen knows that he can't turn on the electronics until his work is clone.

3. Don't overload your teen with activities. Extra-curricular(课外的)activities are fun and help make your teen a better rounded individual. After school work and volunteer programs look great on a college application form. However, if it cuts in on your teen's schoolwork or he seems stressed or overworked, you may need to step in and help him cut back.

Have a system. 4. For example, provide a quiet and private workstation for your teen. Teach your teen to make sure that it is organized, so he doesn't waste his time looking for things, which is a big time waster.

Give him a planner. Place a calendar in your teen's room or in the family room, so your teen can write in his activities. 5. If having a planner or Filofax (备忘记事本)is to old school for your teen, a blackberry or other digital organizer can help him get organized.

A. Limit activities.

B. Set an example.

C. Help your teen be organized.

D. As a parent, here's what you can do.

E. This will help your teen make sure he doesn't forget anything.

F. Children learn by what they live, so you have to practice what you advocate.

G. Remind your teen that his priority is to learn al school and complete his schoolwork.



    I can remember being in middle school and high school and always wanting to be able to wear a hat while walking through the hallways or sitting in class. So far, I have always been fond of wearing different types of hats whenever I go out. I think the ban on hats has been around for as long as there have been schools, but I feel the reasoning behind the ban is pretty correct, especially with all of the violence that we lend to hear about going on with today's youth.

One of the main reasons why kids are not allowed to wear hats in school anymore is the fact that the hats could be hiding a weapon or drugs which would definitely not be a good thing for the other kids or teachers in the building. It seems that this issue has not been going on for very long in the school system, but it is definitely starting to pick up the pace as more and more kids react with violence towards their fellow students.

I am all for the ban of wearing hats in today's schools and feel that the safer that each and every child is, the better it will be for everyone in the long run. I think that we should also eventually look into installing metal detectors(探测器)in all of the schools as well because you really can't be very safe these days. It hurts to think about children causing such violence as we have all seen on TV over the past few years, but the threat is very real and should be taken seriously.

1.According to the first paragraph, we can know _______.

A.school should allow students to wear different types of hats.

B.students in middle school and high school are very happy.

C.the ban on hats had appeared before school existed.

D.forbidding students to wear hats in school is necessary.

2.Why are kids not allowed to wear hats in school anymore?

A.Because there are probably dangerous things in them.

B.Because teachers are not fond of wearing hats.

C.Because hats are likely to have an effect on kids' studies.

D.Because kids are always buying extremely expensive hats.

3.What can you infer according to the passage?

A.Kids' safety in school is more important than anything else.

B.Metal detectors should be installed as soon as possible.

C.It is a pity that kids always do great harm to their teachers.

D.The threat that appears on TV should be taken seriously.

4.The passage mainly tells us _______.

A.how kids are protected from danger in school.

B.why kids are not allowed to wear hats in school.

C.the ban on hats in middle school and high school.

D.different opinions on the ban of wearing hats in school.



    Mexico takes the third place in the most - attended carnival celebrations behind Rio de Janerio in Brazil and New Orleans in the US. While carnival is celebrated in Mexico in all major cities, the celebration in Mazatlan is the most expected.

Every year, over 300,000 people attend the carnival celebration in Mazatlan in Mexico. It is a popular destination for carnival festivities along with other Mexico's famous port cities like Veracurz, Ensenada, and La Paz. If you're planning to visit Mexico to observe this famous celebration, it is advisable to book months before the actual date as boarding and lodging(食宿费)rise sharply during the holidays.

People from all walks of life actually participate in this yearly festive celebration. It has become a part of people's way of life both for Catholics (天主教徒)or non- Catholics. People in the US celebrating this tradition and some parts of South America throw confetti eggs(五彩蛋)to one another as part of the tradition's practice. This is believed to bring good luck to the person who' s hit by it.

Besides the above activities, masquerade (化妆)balls and rides that charge entrance fees are available. In the evening, a grand firework display awaits audience and participants.

During the last day of the celebration, South American countries such as Mexico conduct cultural awards including poetry contest and so on. The Clemencia Isaura Poetry recognizes and awards the person with the best unpublished work in Mexico.

If you are a partygoer and looking for the best event to be at... then this is the best party celebration you should participate in. South American countries are the best place to be at for this type of celebration including New Orleans in the US.

1._______is the first place in the most - attended carnival celebrations.

A.Mexico. B.Rio de Janerio.

C.New Orleans. D.Sao Paulo.

2.If you plan to see the carnival celebration in Mazatlan, you'd better _______ .

A.reach there by plane.

B.bring more money with yourself.

C.book accommodations in advance.

D.visit Mexico's famous port cities.

3.In Paragraph 3, the underlined part " people from all walks of life"  means people_______.

A.walking in different ways.

B.having different interests in life.

C.coming from different parts of the city.

D.working in different occupations.

4.What happens last during the carnival celebrations?

A.Throwing confetti eggs. B.Poetry contests.

C.Masquerade balls. D.A grand firework display.



    NEW YORK—Gordon Parks, who experienced the struggles and victories of black America as a photographer for Life magazine and then became Hollywood's first major black director with " The Learning Tree" and the hit "Shaft," died Tuesday, his family said.

Parks, who also wrote fiction and was a gifted composer, died at his home in New York, according to a former wife, and nephew Charles Parks.

"Nothing came easy," Parks wrote in his autobiography(自传)."I was just born with a need to explore every tool shop of my mind, and with long searching and hard work, I became devoted to my restlessness. "

He covered everything from fashion to politics to sports at Life from 1948 to 1968.

But as a photographer, he was perhaps best known for his photo essays on the effects of poverty in the United States and abroad and on the spirit of the civil rights movement.

He went through a series of jobs as a teen and young man, including piano player and railroad dining car waiter. The breakthrough came when he was about 25 , when he bought a used camera in a pawn shop (典当行) for $7.50. He became a freelance (自由投稿的)fashion photographer, went on to Vogue magazine and then to Life in 1948.

" Reflecting now, I realize that, even within the limits of my childhood vision, I was on a search for pride, meanwhile taking measurable glimpses of how certain blacks, who suffered from racism, were against it," he wrote.

When he accepted an award from Wichita Stale University in May 1991, he said it was "another step forward in my making peace with Kansas and Kansas making peace with me."

1.Which of the following jobs didn't Gordon Parks do?

A.A photographer. B.A director.

C.A composer. D.A politician.

2.What can you infer from the passage?

A.Parks thought not everything was easy.

B.Parks was later fond of exploring every person.

C.Parks worked at Life for 20 years.

D.Parks married only once.

3.What directly helped Parks be a fashion photographer?

A.His photo essays. B.A used camera.

C.A pawn shop D.Vogue magazine.

4.The passage is most probably taken from _____ .

A.a short story collection. B.a popular science magazine.

C.a research paper. D.a newspaper.



    Our bodies need a healthy diet which should include all the things you need to develop normally—— proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins. Cutting out things you might see as fattening, such as carbohydrates or fats, can slop your body from developing normally.

There are some simple rules which can help you to stay a healthy and normal weight. They sound quite easy but might be more difficult to put into practice. You can ask your family and friends to help you to slick to these rules—and it might even help them to be a bit healthier!

• Eat regular meals—breakfast, lunch and dinner.

• Include carbohydrate foods such as bread, potatoes, rice or pasta with every meal.

• Eat at roughly the same time each day. Long gaps between meals can make you so hungry that, when you do eventually eat, you eat far more than you need.

• Get enough sleep.

• Avoid sugary or high fat foods and junk foods. If you have a lunch of crisps, chocolate and a soft drink, it doesn't feel as if you're eating very much, but it will pile on the pounds. A sandwich or roll with fruit and milk or juice will make you feel fuller, but you are much less likely to put on weight——and it' s better for your skin.

If you follow these suggestions you will find it easier to control your weight, and you won't find yourself wanting sweet foods all the Lime.

1.What does the underlined word "they" refer to?

A.Your family and friends. B.Our bodies.

C.Regular meals. D.The simple rules.

2._______ doesn't help you to keep fit.

A.Taking regular exercise.

B.Not having carbohydrate foods.

C.Avoiding high fat foods and junk foods.

D.Eating at roughly the same time each day.

3.The main idea of the passage is ______ .

A.how to stay healthy.

B.how to keep a healthy diet.

C.how to stay a healthy and normal weight.

D.who will be more helpful for you to stick to the simple rules.



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