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Patience is a quality _____ success feed...

Patience is a quality _____ success feeds on itself.

A.where B.what C.that D.which


A 【解析】 考查定语从句。句意:耐心是成功的源泉。分析句子可知,quality为先行词,在后面的定语从句中作地点状语,所以关系副词为where。故选A项。

假设你是李华,你在读英国中学生Jack的博客时了解到他即将作为一名交换生来北京学 习,希望能够寄宿在一名擅长英语的中学生家里,以便更好地了解中国文化。请根据以下要点 Jack写一封电子邮件:

1. 欢迎他来中国学习;

2. 介绍你个人情况;

3. 邀请他住在你家并愿意为他提供帮助。

注意:1. 词数100左右,开头和结尾已给岀,不计入总词数;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Jack,

I'm glad to learn that you' re coming to Beijing as an exchange student and


Best wishes.


Li Hua



假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。





Health is of greatly importance for us. We need some common knowledges to stay healthy.

Firstly, pay attention to the diet. We should eat lots of fruit and vegetables, and they are rich in fiber and low in fat. Don't have a lol of food what contains loo much fat, such as like butler. Don't drink too much coffee, too.

Secondly, exercise was necessary. Regular exercise can help stop us get fat. People who do running every day usually have strong hearts than those who don't.

Finally, form good living habits. We should sleep about 8 hours at night, and never work too late. Besides, stay away cigarettes.




The Moon seems to follow you because it's so far away. That idea may sound wrong. After all, 1. could something far away seem to follow along? To understand, start with objects 2. are much closer.

When you are riding in 3. car, close things seem lo move by 4. ( rapid) as you pass them. A tree or house by the road starts out ahead of you. It comes up fast and, in a few moments, it's far behind you.

5. (object) that are far away do not seem to move very fast. 6. you can see a faraway building or a mountain from a moving car, notice how long it 7. (take) for that object to pass by. Out West, you can sometimes ride toward mountains that never seem lo get any 8. (close).

The Moon is more than 200,000 miles away. It is 9. far away that the motion (移动) of your car doesn't change its position enough for you 10. (notice). So, the Moon just seems to follow you wherever you go.



    Timmy' s favorite baseball player was Johnny Todd. In Little League, he wore the same number as Todd. He _______ Todd' s Souvenir cards and memorized all of his status.

Timmy carried his hero's _______ glove with him everywhere and hoped to one day meet Todd and get his _______ So the day he walked into the Burger Hut(汉堡店)and saw Todd _______ at a table, he thought it was his _______ day.

As Timmy came close to the table, a ( an) _______ man walked up to Todd and asked for his autograph. "Look, can't you see I'm eating?" Todd shouted at the old man. Timmy stood still, opening his eyes _______ with uncertainty. Why was Johnny so _______ to that old man?

_______ before he turned to walk away did Todd look at the frightened child and barked, "Hey, kid, what are you ________ at? "

Timmy was so ________ he decided to trade away all of his Johnny Todd ________ for those of other players. Some of his fellow Little Leaguers did the same thing after hearing ________ story.

The incident found its way into Internet forums and chat rooms. It ________ to light that other folks had witnessed ________ things from the athlete.

Then the small incident ________ to a major crisis for the superstar: Sales of his sport shirts dropped, kids ________ interest in collecting his cards, and the negative press made him less desirable to sponsors.

Regardless of Todd's reputation as a highly skilled athlete, his poor behavior off the field ________his good reputation in the eyes of his admirers.

Our reputation is not what we want people to think of us; rather it is an accurate judgment of the way we ________ treat others. A good reputation takes years to ________ but only a few minutes to destroy.

1.A.gathered B.collected C.liked D.bought

2.A.baseball B.basketball C.volleyball D.football

3.A.photo B.shirt C.autograph D.glove

4.A.seated B.standing C.remained D.staying

5.A.good B.lucky C.favorite D.unforgettable

6.A.young B.elderly C.weak D.loyal

7.A.big B.large C.wide D.broad

8.A.mean B.selfish C.impolite D.fair

9.A.Only B.Just C.Even D.Yet

10.A.glaring B.pointing C.staring D.aiming

11.A.worried B.disappointed C.excited D.scared

12.A.cards B.gloves C.pho Los D.books

13.A.the kid's B.the old man' s C.Timmy's D.Todd's

14.A.turned B.threw C.fought D.came

15.A.various B.many C.similar D.same

16.A.led B.stuck C.referred D.contributed

17.A.took B.lost C.showed D.developed

18.A.destroyed B.harmed C.wounded D.hurt

19.A.often B.usually C.actually D.personally

20.A.damage B.develop C.create D.add



    How To Help Teens with Time Management

Time management is a skill that any teen will need to learn to help him succeed. No matter how intelligent or skilled your teen is, he needs to be able to effectively manage his time to help him make the most of his potential. He will need to have the discipline to learn to prioritize(优先处理) effectively. 1.

Help your teen learn to prioritize. Not everything is of equal importance, though it may seem that way to your teen. 2. Family time is also important, more so than time spent with friends on tweeting online. School work should come first, over watching TV or surfing online. Enforce (实 施)the rule in your home, so your teen knows that he can't turn on the electronics until his work is clone.

3. Don't overload your teen with activities. Extra-curricular(课外的)activities are fun and help make your teen a better rounded individual. After school work and volunteer programs look great on a college application form. However, if it cuts in on your teen's schoolwork or he seems stressed or overworked, you may need to step in and help him cut back.

Have a system. 4. For example, provide a quiet and private workstation for your teen. Teach your teen to make sure that it is organized, so he doesn't waste his time looking for things, which is a big time waster.

Give him a planner. Place a calendar in your teen's room or in the family room, so your teen can write in his activities. 5. If having a planner or Filofax (备忘记事本)is to old school for your teen, a blackberry or other digital organizer can help him get organized.

A. Limit activities.

B. Set an example.

C. Help your teen be organized.

D. As a parent, here's what you can do.

E. This will help your teen make sure he doesn't forget anything.

F. Children learn by what they live, so you have to practice what you advocate.

G. Remind your teen that his priority is to learn al school and complete his schoolwork.



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