满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

As is known to us, Washington University...

    As is known to us, Washington University in St. Louis became the first college in the United States to ban  ( ) selling bottled water in 2009. Since then, more than a dozen small colleges and schools have done the same. The ban isn’t because the schools don’t want students to have easy access to water. Instead, the goal is to encourage students to bring reusable bottles to save money and, more importantly, to save the environment.

Many people believe that producing and using bottled water not only wastes money but also harms the environment. They say that bottled water is unnecessary because public water supplies in the U.S. are among the best in the world. These people believe that water fountains and reusable bottles with easy access to filling stations are a better choice.

But the makers of bottled water argue that plastic bottles make up a small portion of the nation’s total waste. They say it’s unfair to single out ( 单独挑出) their product when so many other items are packaged ( 包装) in plastic containers, and what’s more, water is a healthy choice compared to some sodas and juices that are also sold at school.

What do you think: Should sales of bottled water be banned from schools? We want to hear your opinion. Write a 200-word response. Send it to tfkasks4you@timeforkids.com. Your response may be published in a future issue of Time For Kids. Please include your grade level and contact information for your parent or teacher if you want your response to be published. The deadline (截止时间) for responding is December 31, 2019.

1.Some colleges and schools ban selling bottled water in order to ______.

A.save water B.encourage students to bring water from home

C.reduce pollution D.keep students away from bottled water

2.The main disadvantage of bottled water is probably that ______.

A.it is too expensive B.it is not fresh

C.it’s not convenient to carry D.its bottle can’t be reused

3.From the passage we can learn that the bottle used to hold water is made of ______.

A.glass B.paper

C.plastic D.metal

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Bottled water is healthier.

B.Sodas and juices are of great harm.

C.Students think it unfair to ban selling bottled water.

D.The makers of bottled water are against banning selling bottled water.

5.The purpose of the passage is to ______.

A.ask for students’ opinions

B.tell people a piece of news

C.call on students to save the environment

D.wish more schools to ban selling bottled water


1.C 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.A 【解析】 这是一则征稿启事。文章是关于一些大学和学校禁止出售瓶装水向学生征求意见的启事。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句Instead, the goal is to encourage students to bring reusable bottles to save money and, more importantly, to save the environment.“相反,我们的目标是鼓励学生携带可重复使用的瓶子,这样可以省钱,更重要的是,可以保护环境。”由此可知,为了减少污染,一些大学和学校禁止出售瓶装水。故选C。 2.推理判断题。根据第一段中The ban isn’t because the schools don’t want students to have easy access to water. Instead, the goal is to encourage students to bring reusable bottles to save money and,“这一禁令并不是因为学校不希望学生轻易获得水。相反,我们的目标是鼓励学生带可重复使用的瓶子来省钱,”由此可推知,瓶装水的主要缺点是瓶子不能重复使用。故选D。 3.细节理解题。根据第三段第一句But the makers of bottled water argue that plastic bottles make up a small portion of the nation’s total waste.“但是瓶装水的制造商认为塑料瓶只占全国垃圾总量的一小部分。”由此可知,从这篇文章我们可以知道,用来装水的瓶子是塑料做的,故选C。 4.细节理解题。根据第三段中They say it’s unfair to single out ( 单独挑出) their product when so many other items are packaged ( 包装) in plastic containers, and what’s more, water is a healthy choice compared to some sodas and juices that are also sold at school.“他们说,当这么多其他的东西都被包装在塑料容器里时,单挑出他们的产品是不公平的,而且,与学校里出售的一些苏打水和果汁相比,水是一种健康的选择。”可知,瓶装水生产商反对禁止销售瓶装水。故选D。 5.目的意图题。根据最后一段中What do you think: Should sales of bottled water be banned from schools? We want to hear your opinion. Write a 200-word response. “你认为:学校应该禁止销售瓶装水吗?我们想听听你的意见。写一个200字的回答。”和Please include your grade level and contact information for your parent or teacher if you want your response to be published. “如果你想发表你的回复,请附上你的年级水平和你的父母或老师的联系方式。”可知,这篇文章的目的是询问学生的意见。故选A。

    My father and I started our morning by moving quickly into the local store. I waited in line at the Starbucks counter while he shopped around to pick up a few things.

As I was standing there I became aware of an elderly woman, with untidy hair, wearing layers upon layers of old clothing, hunchbacked (弯背的) behind me in line. She had a few things for washing and seemed to want the Starbucks cashier to ring up since that queue was shorter than the queues in the store.

At some point I became aware of her edging (慢慢挪动) closer behind me — closer than I was comfortable with! I instinctively ( 本能地) placed a hand over my purse and drew it closer to me. My fear and imagination raced creating wild stories about this homeless woman who might try to steal from me.

Then it was my turn to order. As the cashier rang up my total, I discovered I was 67 cents short. I called my father but he was hard of hearing. He asked me to repeat what I said but he still couldn’t make me out. At that point, a long, grey arm, with holes in its sleeves, reached over from behind me. She laid 67 cents out on the counter, saying, we all need some help sometimes.

I was stunned! Here was a woman who clearly had very little to give and was in great need herself. I had judged her wrongly and she had offered to reach out to help me!

What an amazing gift and lesson this woman gave me about judging othersThank you, God!

1.From the passage, we can learn that the elderly woman ______.

A.probably lived a poor life

B.tried to steal money from the writer

C.always followed close behind the writer

D.often went to the store to buy a few things

2.When seeing the elderly woman behind, the writer ______ .

A.thought of her grandmother B.wondered what she would do

C.called her father right away D.was on the watch for her

3.The elderly woman decided to help the writer ______.

A.the moment she saw the writer

B.when she noticed the writer watching her

C.after the writer failed to get help from her father

D.when the writer discovered she was 67 cents short

4.The underlined word “stunned” in Paragraph 5 probably means “______”.

A.happy B.surprised

C.angry D.disappointed

5.What lesson does the writer learn from the story?

A.We should look at things from two sides.

B.It’s wise to give help to those in need.

C.The world is full of love and surprises.

D.Never judge a person from his appearance.



    An experience in a national park is exciting. But to make sure of a safe and pleasant trip, you should remember the following rules; Always keep food in safe and sealed containers.

Leaving food in the open is an invitation to animals. It is best to keep food in closed containers in a locked car. Garbage should be treated in the same way. Be careful with the park environment while walking.

To avoid meeting with bears –make your presence known. Make loud noises, shout and sing. Be especially careful in a thick bush or along streams where water makes noises.

Bells are not suggested as the sound does not carry well.

Do not approach wild animals.

Visitors have been attacked by wild animals. They may appear tame but are wild and dangerous. Many animals run faster than you can imagine.

Always put out campfires.

They are dangerous when left unattended and can cause forest fires. Always put the campfires out completely with water before leaving the area.

Be sure to carry plenty of water.

Cool, clear stream water is not as clean as it looks! Drinking untreated water can make you ill. You’d better carry enough drinking water. If you must use water from lakes or streams, boil it for one minute.

Seat belts are required by law.

Always wear your seat belts while driving! Slow down at dawn and drive carefully when it is dark. Watch carefully at all times for people and animals on roadways.

Do not feed the wildlife.

They’ll lose their desire for natural foods and become beggars. They may bite, and/or spread disease.

1.How many rules are mentioned in the passage?

A.Five B.Six

C.Seven D.Eight.

2.What does the underlined word “sealed” mean in the passage?

A.Closed. B.Large.

C.Metal. D.Special

3.To avoid meeting with bears, we should ______ .

A.stay in the bush B.make loud noises

C.take bells with us D.walk down the streams.

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Wild animals are friendly to the visitors

B.Stream water is clean enough to drink.

C.Unattended campfires can cause forest fires

D.animals have lost interest in natural foods.

5.Which would be the best title for the passage?

A.A Dangerous Trip in a National Park

B.Tips for a Safe Experience in a National Park

C.How to Treat Wild Animals in a National Park

D.Protecting Wild Animals in a National Park




Every year, many college students graduate and they feel distressed and confused because they do not know whether they should choose to continue their postgraduate studies or get employed? In fact, either option has its own advantages and disadvantages.

If you are passionate about learning and can devote yourself to it, then choose to apply for a postgraduate course. Of course, you can also enter into society to sharpen your skills and enrich your experience after graduation from college or university.


1. 用约30个词概括上述图文内容;

2. 结合上述信息,简要分析大学生毕业后考研和就业人数变化的原因;

3. 请联系自身谈谈你将来大学毕业后的选择(就业还是读研)并说明理由(不少于两点)


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。







Should I live in the city or the suburbs?

There are three different kinds of areas you can live in: urban, suburban, and rural. You can describe living in a rural area as living out in the sticks or the county. This type of living is seen as idyllic (田园生活的) for those seeking reprieve (暂时缓解) from crowds. Rural areas generally have small, self-sustaining populations.

Urban living is city living: active nightlife, full of noise, sophisticated public transit system and sometimes small and expensive city apartments. Urban areas tend to be densely (密集地) populated and have more intense traffic and pollution as a result.

For those seeking an intermediary between urban and rural living, the suburbs might be just the thing. Suburbs are large residential areas away from the core of town yet close enough to the city center.

Can you afford to live in the city?

Choosing whether to live in the city or the suburbs is often a matter of budget — where can you afford to live? By and large, living in the city is more expensive than living in the suburbs, though that’s not always the case. For instance, in Las Vegas, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and a few other cities, suburban living is not always better on your wallet.

Your lifestyle influences your happiness in the city or suburbs.

For someone who enjoys five-star restaurants, vibrant (充满活力的) nightlife, and fast-paced living, residing in an urban hub is a dream come true. On the other hand, if you find crowds and tons of noise unbearable, then a large city might feel like purgatory (炼狱).

Your lifestyle is one of the primary considerations in deciding where you ought to live. If you are into fishing, hiking, and spending time outdoors, then realize that you may have to drive several hours to enjoy your hobbies if you choose city living.

Is your career better suited for the city or suburbs?

Your career should also strongly influence your choice about whether to live in the city or in the suburbs. For example, if your job is in landscape, you might find it difficult to find work in the city because there is not a high demand for landscape artists. The fact of the matter is that most city homes don’t have large yards with grass to cut, and competition for landscaping contracts is probably fierce. Similarly, a business executive (主管) may find that the suburbs do not offer the convenience afforded by city living.

The debate of whether to live in the suburbs or the city is long lasting and never-ending. When it all boils down to it, it is a matter of preference and budget, so go with your gut (决心) and you’ll make the right choice.

Passage outline

Supporting details

1. of living in three kinds of areas

Living in rural areas helps people escape from 2.streets and public transportation.

Living in urban are can mean active nightlife but has many 3. like noise, pollution and so on.

The suburbs might appeal to those seeking to achieve a 4. between urban and rural living.


Generally, city living 5. more than suburban living, but in some cases, urban living is less expensive.


When choosing where to live, you should take your lifestyle into 6..

You can settle in a big city if you prefer modern life. However, if you want to 7. your hobbies like fishing and hiking, you’d better avoid city living.


Your profession plays a great role in helping you 8. on where to live.

A landscape artist has difficulty finding work in the city while a business executive finds it not 9. to live in the suburbs.


Anyway, you’ll make the right decision if you 10. your choice on your preference and budget.







    Fred Rogers was a curious man, six feet tall and without pretense (虚伪). He liked to pray, to play the piano, to swim, and to write, and he somehow lived in a different world than I did. We became friends for some 20 years, and I made lifelong friends with his wife, Joanne. I remember thinking that it seemed as if Fred had access to another realm (领域) like the way pigeons have some special magnetic compass that helps them find home.

Fred died in 2003, somewhat quickly, of stomach cancer. He was 74. “Just don’t make Fred into a saint (圣人),”  That has become Joanne’s refrain (叠句). 91 now, still full of energy, she lives alone in the same roomy apartment, in the university section of Pittsburgh, that she and Fred moved into after they raised their two boys. Throughout her 50-year marriage to Fred, she wasn’t the type to hang out on the set or attend production meetings. That was Fred’s thing. He had his career, and she had hers as a concert pianist. For decades she toured the country with her college classmate, Jeannine Morrison, as a piano duo; they didn’t retire the performance until 2008.

“If you make him out to be a saint, people might not know how hard he worked,” Joanne said. Disciplined, focused; a perfectionist — an artist. That was the Fred she and the cast and crew knew. “I think people think of Fred as a child-development expert,” David Newell, the actor who played Mr. “Speedy Delivery” McFeely, told me recently. “As a moral example maybe. But as an artist? I don’t think they think of that.” that was the Fred I came to know. Creating, the creative impulse (冲动), and the creative process were our common interests. He wrote or co-wrote all the scripts for the program — all 33 years of it. He wrote the melodies. He wrote the lyrics. He structured a week of programming around a single theme, many of them difficult topics, like war, divorce, or death.

I don’t know that he cared whether people saw him as an artist. He seemed more intent (急切的) that people not see him at all. The focus was always on you. Or children. Or the tiny things. It was hard to see Fred.

I like you just the way you are. One day he told me where that core message came from. His grandfather, Fred Brooks McFeely, who like the rest of the Rogers family lived in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, about 40 miles east of Pittsburgh. “He was a character,” he said. “Oh, a lot of me came from him.”

His grandfather represented a life of risk and adventure, the very things Fred’s boyhood lacked. He was a lonely kid, an only child until he was 11, when his sister came. He was bullied. Here comes Fat Freddie! He was sickly. He had asthma. He was not allowed to play outside by himself. He spent much of his childhood in his bedroom.

He had music, and he had puppets to keep himself amused. He didn’t need much. He was expected to fill his father’s shoes, become his business partner at the brick company. “My dad was pretty much Mr. Latrobe,” he told me. “He worked hard to accomplish all that he did, and I’ve always felt that that was way beyond me. And yet I’m so grateful that he didn’t push me to do the kinds of things that he did or to become a miniature (缩小的) version of him. It certainly would have been miniature.”

Fred wanted to be like his grandfather. “He taught me all kinds of really neat stuff!” he told me. “I remember one day my grandmother and my mother were telling me to get down, or not to climb, and my grandfather said: ‘Let the kid climb on the wall! He’s got to learn to do things for himself!’ I heard that. I will never forget that. What a support that was. He had a lot of stone walls on his place.” “I think it was when I was leaving one time to go home after our time together,” Fred told me, “that my grandfather said to me: ‘You know, you made this day a really special day. Just by being yourself. There’s only one person in the world like you. And I happen to like you just the way you are.”

1.What is the author’s impression of Fred?

A.Fred had many lifelong friends.

B.Fred lived in a strange world.

C.Fred could always find way home.

D.Fred was an amazing person.

2.Why does Joanne try to persuade people not to make Fred into a saint?

A.To show the great success the couple achieved.

B.To underline the great pains Fred spared at work.

C.To remind people of the contributions she made.

D.To keep the weaknesses of Fred’s character hidden.

3.Who may think Fred a moral example?

A.David Newell. B.The author. C.Common people. D.Joanne.

4.What did Fred prefer to do according to the author?

A.Write scripts and music on his own.

B.Act as the man behind the curtain.

C.Focus more on difficult topics.

D.Present himself as an artist.

5.Which of following might have the greatest influence on Fred’s growth?

A.His poor health condition. B.His father’s expectation.

C.His unhappy childhood. D.His grandfather’s attitude.

6.What is mainly talked about in the passage?

A.The making of Fred Rogers.

B.The importance of a good wife.

C.The influence of a moral example.

D.The achievements of Fred and his wife.



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