满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What is the man's attitude towards the p...

What is the man's attitude towards the plan?

A.He is against it. B.He doesn't care. C.He thinks it reasonable.


A 【解析】 【原文】 W:What do you think of the plan to build a factory in the village? M:I don’t agree at all. It will ruin the village. And in any case I don’t think it is necessary.  

What does the woman advise the man to do?

A.Go to the office. B.Keep calling. C.Try online booking.




要点提示: 1. 表示安慰;

2. 提出建议;

3. 给予鼓励。

参考词汇:分数score 压力 pressure

注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Kenton,

I’ve received your letter.


Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua




A quite funny thing happened to me last Friday. It was a fine day and I went to London to do some shopping. I had planned to get some Christmas presents. I also needed to find some books for my course at college as I am a student of Oxford.

That morning I caught an early train to London, so by early afternoon I could buy something that I wanted. Anyway, I'm not very fond of London, all the noise and traffic, and I made some arrangements for that evening. I took a taxi to Waterloo station. I couldn't really afford a taxi, but I wanted to catch the 3:30 p.m. train. Unfortunately, the taxi got stuck in a traffic jam, and by the time I got to the Waterloo station the train had just gone. Disappointedly, I had to wait an hour for the next one. While I was waiting, I bought myself an evening newspaper, The Standard, and wandered over to the station buffet (自助餐). At that time of the day it was nearly empty, and I bought a coffee and a packet of biscuits (饼干)—chocolate biscuits. I'm very fond of chocolate biscuits. I found that there were plenty of empty tables and I sat by one near the window, where I could cozily enjoy my beverage and biscuits. Then, I began doing the crossword. I always enjoy doing crossword puzzles.(填字游戏)

After a couple of minutes a man sat down just opposite me. It seemed that there was nothing special about him, except that he was very tall. In fact, judging from his clean dark suit and a fine briefcase, he looked pretty like a typical city businessman. I didn't say anything and I carried on with my crossword.






Paragraph 1:

Suddenly he reached across the table, opened my packet of biscuits, took one, and put it into his mouth.


Paragraph 2:

​After I took the last biscuit and glanced at(瞥一眼) the man, he was staring at me angrily.





We have all kinds of festivals. Ancient people held festivals to 1. the end of winter, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Today’s festivals have many 2. : some are 3., some seasonal and some for special people or events.

Some festivals are in memory of the dead or to satisfy the 4.. 0n the important feast day in Mexico, besides 5. food, flowers and gifts to the dead, people eat food in the shape of skull and cakes with “bones” on them

People hold festivals as an honor to famous people, like the Dragon Boat Festival which honors the famous 6. , Qu Yuan.

Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals are held in many countries. In European countries, some people might win 7. for their farm produce in competitions. On Mid-Autumn festivals in China and some Asian countries, people 8. the moon and have moon cakes.

Chinese New Year is one of the most 9. and important festivals. People look forward to eating dumplings, giving lucky money in red paper and playing dragon dances.

To sum up, festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our 10. and forget our work for a little while.



    A mum of two was shocked. She went downstairs to get a drink and found a _____ stranger asleep on her sofa. The 26-year-old man had let himself in and _____ his shoes at Elaine McDade’s door while she was upstairs watching TV in bed with her children. She later _____ the man had made a mistake _____ his parents used to own her house.

Engineer Thomas Airlie, from South Lanarkshire, didn’t _____ that none of the belongings in the house were those of his parents’ when he lay on the sofa for a _____. “When I saw him, I _____ him up straight away,” Elaine said. “I even asked him if he used to live here, or if he lived in the same _____ now and just got the wrong door.”

Elaine said Thomas _____ when she woke him up. “I _____ my husband and he agreed to come home immediately. _____, my husband didn’t even know where he lived so he _____ the man at the police station instead,” she said. She later posted a photo of the _____ Thomas on Facebook explaining that it was the only time when she had ever forgotten to lock the door. She wrote that Thomas was “_____” but added, “Lesson learned again. Lock your doors.”

She sent him the _____ and got a message from him on Facebook saying “Oh, my God. I can’t apologize   _____.”

Thomas had been out with friends when he _____ got a taxi back to his parents’ old house, _____ his current home.

His friend Robbie McKean said they will never let him _____ his experience. “Our friend had a baby boy not long ago so we were drinking a lot to celebrate it. I can happily say he doesn’t walk into people’s houses and sleep on their sofa on a(n) _____ basis.”

1.A.rude B.married C.drunken D.tired

2.A.called for B.gave up C.picked out D.took off

3.A.discovered B.feared C.wrote D.imagined

4.A.though B.because C.until D.when

5.A.complain B.report C.explain D.question

6.A.nap B.holiday C.recovery D.meal

7.A.dressed B.brought C.woke D.cheered

8.A.park B.house C.street D.company

9.A.cried B.apologized C.sweated D.paused

10.A.phoned B.reminded C.praised D.blamed

11.A.Moreover B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.However

12.A.came across B.took over C.dropped off D.sent for

13.A.running B.escaping C.sleeping D.quarreling

14.A.harmless B.careless C.helpless D.speechless

15.A.photo B.story C.gift D.letter

16.A.well B.enough C.much D.deeply

17.A.nervously B.hurriedly C.easily D.mistakenly

18.A.rather than B.more than C.as well as D.in case of

19.A.consider B.share C.forget D.describe

20.A.official B.regular C.skilful D.false



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