满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据首字母和英文释义填空 1.Tickets are a__________(a...


1.Tickets are a__________(able to be bought or got) from the box office.

2.After fighting the fire continuously for 12 hours, the firefighters were e___________ (extremely tired).

3.I finally p___________ (to make someone decide to do something through reasoning or argument) her to change her mind.

4.She is still r____________ (to get well again after being ill or hurt, etc) from her operation.

5.Parking is b___________ (to say that something is not allowed) around the harbor in summer.

6.You may not like her, but you have to a___________ (to agree unwillingly that something is true or that someone else is right) that she is good at her job.

7.Before boarding the plane, the security officers need to check every piece of your l________ (the cases, bags etc that you carry when you are travelling).

8.She was extremely a________(feeling worried or nervous) about the results of the final exams.

9.Only 12 of the 140 passengers s_________ (to continue to live after an accident, war or illness) in the horrible air crash.

10.The full-sized double bed o__________ (to take up a space or area) almost the whole room.


1.available 2.exhausted 3.persuaded 4.recovering 5.banned 6.admit 7.luggage 8.anxious 9.survived 10.occupies 【解析】 1.考查形容词。句意:售票处有票。able to be bought or got意为“能够买到或得到”,available可翻译为“可获得的;可够得的”。be动词后接形容词,构成系表结构。故填available。 2.考查形容词。句意:连续灭火12个小时候,消防队员筋疲力尽。extremely tired意为“极度疲劳”。故填exhausted。 3.考查动词。句意:我终于说服她改变主意了。to make someone decide to do something through reasoning or argument意为“通过推理或争论使某人决定做某事”,即为“说服”。根据句意可知,此处描述的动作已结束,应使用一般过去时。故填persuaded。 4.考查动词。句意:她仍从手术中恢复着。to get well again after being ill or hurt, etc意为“生病或受伤后再次恢复等”,即为“恢复”,且句中为be动词+动词ing形式,表示“正在做……”,故填recovering。 5.考查动词。句意:夏季禁止在港口周围停车。to say that something is not allowed意为“不允许做/说……”,即为“禁止”,且该句中parking和ban之间是逻辑上的被动关系,应使用过去分词,构成被动语态。故填banned。 6.考查名词。句意:你可能不喜欢她,但你必须承认她很擅长她的工作。to agree unwillingly that something is true or that someone else is right意为“不情愿地同意某事是真实的或别人是对的”,由空前have to可知,此处使用动词原形。故填admit。 7.考查名词。句意:登机前,安检人员需要检查您的每件行李。the cases, bags etc that you carry when you are travelling意为“旅行时携带的箱子、行李等”,故填luggage。 8.考查形容词。句意:她对期末考试的结果即为焦虑。feeling worried or nervous意为“感到担心或紧张”,即为“焦虑”,be动词后使用形容词。故填anxious。 9.考查动词。句意:140名乘客中只有12名在可怕的空难中幸存。to continue to live after an accident, war or illness意为“在事故、战争或疾病后继续生活”,即“幸存”。根据句意可知,此处描述的动作已结束,应使用一般过去时。故填survived。 10.考查动词。句意:全尺寸的双人床几乎占据了整个房间。to take up a space or area意为“占用空间或区域”。该句描述的是一般事实,因此使用一般现在时即可。故填occupies。


1.When I got to New York, I had to attend a school for students __________first language was not English.

2.Reading books, _____________ takes the reader to other worlds, is a wonderful way to enjoy life.

3.Luckily, we brought a road map, _______________ the help of __________ we could find the way.

4.The pen, _______________ I paid two dollars, was lost.

5.—I can't find Mr. Smith. Where did you last see him this morning?

—It was in the hotel _______________ he visited yesterday.

6.—I can't find Mr. Smith. Where did you last see him this morning?

—It was in the hotel ____________ he stayed yesterday.

7.___________ was reported in the paper, people in mainland China sent materials to help the flooded area in Taiwan Island.


I___________________________________________ she does.


His house is___________________________________mine.


You won't find a _______________________ fish in the world.



    Thirteen vehicles lined up last March to race across the Mojave Desert, seeking a million in prize money. To win, they had to finish the 142-mile race in less than 10 hours. Teams and watchers knew there might be no winner at all, because these vehicles were missing a key partdrivers.

DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, organized the race as part of a push to develop robotic vehicles for future battlefields. But the Grand Challenge, as it was called, just proved how difficult it is to get a car to speed across an unfamiliar desert without human guidance. One had its brake lock up in the starting area. Another began by throwing itself onto a wall. Another got tied up by bushes near the road after 1.9 miles.

One turned upside down. One took off in entirely the wrong direction and had to be disabled by remote control. One went a little more than a mile and rushed into a fence; another managed to go for six miles but stuck on a rock. The “winner,” if there was any, reached 7.8 miles before it ran into a long, narrow hole, and the front wheels caught on fire.

“You get a lot of respect for natural abilities of the living things,” says Reinhold Behringer, who helped design two of the car-size vehicles for a company called Sci-Autonics. “Even ants (蚂蚁) can do all these tasks effortlessly. It’s very hard for us to put these abilities into our machines.”

The robotic vehicles, though with necessary modern equipment such as advanced computers and GPS guidance, had trouble figuring out fast enough the blocks ahead that a two-year-old human recognizes immediately. Sure, that very young child, who has just only learned to walk, may not think to wipe apple juice off her face, but she already knows that when there’s a cookie in the kitchen she has to climb up the table, and that when she gets to the cookie it will taste good. She is more advanced, even months old, than any machine humans have designed.

1.Watchers doubted if any of the vehicles could finish the race because_____.

A.they did not have any human guidance

B.the road was not familiar to the drivers

C.the distance was too long for the vehicles

D.the prize money was unattractive to the drivers

2.DARPA organized the race in order to_____.

A.raise money for producing more robotic vehicles

B.push the development of vehicle industry

C.train more people to drive in the desert

D.improve the vehicles for future wars

3.From the passage we know “robotic vehicles” are a kind of machines that _____.

A.can do effortlessly whatever tasks living thing can

B.can take part in a race across 142 miles with a time limit

C.can show off their ability to turn themselves upside down

D.can move from place to place without being driven by human beings

4.In the last paragraph, the writer implies that there is a long way to go______.

A.for a robotic vehicle to finish a 142-mile race without any difficulties

B.for a little child who has just learned to walk to reach the cookie on the table

C.for a robotic vehicle to deal with a simple problem that a little child can solve

D.for a little child to understand the importance of wiping apple juice off its face



    Most people, when they travel to space, would like to stay in orbit (轨道) for a few days or more. And this stands to reason, if you’re paying $ 20,000 for your trip to orbit! So in order for tourism to reach its full potential there’s going to be a need for space hotels. What would a space hotel actually be like to visit? Hotels in orbit will offer the services you expect from a hotel — private rooms, meals, bars. But they’ll also offer two unique experiences: impressive views — of Earth and space — and the endless entertainment of living in zero gravity — including sports and other activities that make use of this.

The hotels themselves will vary greatly — from being quite simple in the early days to huge luxury (奢侈的) structures at a later date. It’s actually surprising that as later as 1997, very few designs for space hotels were published. This is mainly because those who might be expected to design them haven’t expected the costs to come down far enough to make them possible.

Lots of people who’ve been to space have described vividly what it’s like to live in zero gravity. There are obviously all sorts of possibilities for dancing, gymnastics, and zero-G sports. Luckily, you don’t need to sleep much living in zero gravity, so you’ll have plenty of time for relaxing by hanging out in a bar with a window looking down at the turning Earth below.

Of course all good things have come to an end, unfortunately. And so after a few days you’ll find yourself heading back to the earth. You’ll be thinking how soon you can save up enough to get back up again-or maybe you should change jobs to get to work in an orbiting hotel!

1.When traveling in space, most people would like to stay in orbit for a few days because ________.

A.it is expensive to travel in space

B.they would find the possible life in other star systems

C.they could enjoy the luxury of space hotels

D.they want to realise the full potential of tourism

2.Which of the following is a unique experience that space hotels will offer?

A.The gravitational pull. B.The special views.

C.The relaxation in a bar. D.The space walk.

3.Which of the following is NOT discussed in the passage?

A.When was the space traveling made possible?

B.What are the unique experiences that space hotels will offer?

C.Why were there not many published designs for space hotels?

D.How can the travelers enjoy themselves in space hotels?

4.This passage is mainly about ________.

A.traveling in space B.the ways of living in space hotels

C.zero gravity and space hotels D.the description of space hotels



    Camping wild is a wonderful way to experience the natural world and, at its best, it makes little environmental influence. But with increasing numbers of people wanting to escape into the wilderness, it is becoming more and more important to camp unobtrusively(不引人注目地) and leave no mark.

Wild camping is not permitted in many places, particularly in crowded lowland Britain. Wherever you are, find out about organizations responsible for managing wild spaces, and contact them to find out their policy on camping and shelter building. For example, it is fine to camp wild in remote parts of Scotland, but in England you must ask the landowner’s permission, except in national parks.

Camping is about having relaxation, sleeping outdoors, experiencing bad weather, and making do without modern conveniences. A busy, fully-equipped campsite(野营地) seems to go against this, so seek out smaller, more remote places with easy access to open spaces and perhaps beaches. Better still, find a campsite with no road access: walking in makes a real adventure.

Finding the right spot to camp is the first step to guaranteeing a good night’s sleep. Choose a campsite with privacy and minimum influence on others and the environment. Try to use an area where people have obviously camped before rather than creating a new spot. When camping in woodland, avoid standing dead trees, which may fall on a windy night. Avoid animal runs and caves, and possible homes of biting insects. Make sure you have most protection on the windward side. If you make a fire, do so downwind of your shelter. Always consider what influence you might have on the natural world. Avoid damaging plants. A good campsite is found, not made—changing it should be unnecessary.

1.You needn’t ask for permission when camping in ________.

A.national parks in England B.most parts of Scotland

C.crowded lowland Britain D.most parts of England

2.The author thinks that a good campsite is one ________.

A.with easy access B.used previously

C.with modern conveniences D.far away from beaches

3.The last paragraph mainly deals with ________.

A.protecting animals B.building a campfire

C.camping in woodland D.finding a campsite with privacy

4.The passage is mainly about ________.

A.the protection of campsites B.the importance of wild camping

C.the human influence on campsites D.the dos and don’ts of wild camping



    Far from the land of Antarctica, a huge shelf of ice meets the ocean. At the underside of the shelf there lives a small fish, the Antarctic cod.

For forty years scientists have been curious about that fish. How does it live where most fish would freeze to death? It must have some secret. The Antarctic is not a comfortable place to work and research has been slow. Now it seems we have an answer.

Research was begun by cutting holes in the ice and catching the fish. Scientists studied the fish’s blood and measured its freezing point.

The fish were taken from seawater that had a temperature of -1.88 and many tiny pieces of ice floating in it. The blood of the fish did not begin to freeze until its temperature was lowered to -2.05. That small difference is enough for the fish to live at the freezing temperature of the ice-salt mixture.

The scientists’ next research job was clear: Find out what in the fish’s blood kept it from freezing. Their search led to some really strange thing made up of a protein never before seen in the blood of a fish. When it was removed, the blood froze at seawater temperature. When it was put back, the blood again had its antifreeze quality and a lowered freezing point.

Study showed that it is an unusual kind of protein. It has many small sugar molecules held in special positions within each big protein molecule. Because of its sugar content, it is called a glycoprotein. So it has come to be called the antifreeze fish glycoprotein. Or AFGP.

1.What is the text mainly about?

A.The terrible conditions in the Antarctic.

B.A special fish living in freezing waters.

C.The ice shelf around Antarctica.

D.Protection of the Antarctic cod.

2.Why can the Antarctic cod live at the freezing temperature?

A.The seawater has a temperature of -1.88.

B.It loves to live in the ice-salt mixture.

C.A special protein keeps it from freezing.

D.Its blood has a temperature lower than -2.05.

3.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refer to?

A.A type of ice-salt mixture. B.A newly found protein.

C.Fish blood. D.Sugar molecule.

4.What does “glyco-” in the underlined word “glycoprotein” in the last paragraph mean?

A.sugar B.ice

C.blood D.molecule



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