满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



Once there was a princess. Her father was the king. He wanted her to marry someone that would make her laugh. Many princes came from around the world. No one made her laugh.

Three brothers lived near the king’s castle. They wanted to marry the princess too. So they began walking to the castle. They each had a loaf of bread. As they walked, they saw a sad old man. “Can you share some food?” the old man asked the first brother. The first brother said, “No,” and then walked away. Then the first brother fell, and hurt his leg. He couldn’t walk to the castle. He went home. The second brother passed the old man. “Can you share some food?” the old man asked. “No,” said the second brother. He turned and walked away. Like his brother, he fell and hurt his leg. He also went home.

Dale, the third brother, also saw the old man. “Can you share some food?” the old man asked. “Yes,” said Dale. He and the old man shared the loaf of bread. “For your kindness, I have a gift for you,” the old man said. “It will make the princess laugh.” The old man gave Dale a goose with golden feathers. Dale did not know how a goose would make the princess laugh. But he thanked the old man and went on his way.

As Dale walked, a girl touched the golden feathers of the goose, but suddenly, she was stuck (粘住)!


When a man passed Dale and the three girls, he tapped a girl on the shoulder, and he became stuck, too.



As Dale walked, a girl touched the golden feathers of the goose, but suddenly, she was stuck! She had no choice but to walk with Dale. A second girl and her sister saw the goose. The girls also touched the feathers. Suddenly, they were stuck too! So Dale, the goose, and the three girls walked toward the castle. When a man passed Dale and the three girls, he tapped a girl on the shoulder, and he became stuck too. So Dale, the golden goose, and the four stuck people walked to the castle. When the princess saw Dale, she began to laugh. The king began to laugh too. Soon, everyone present was laughing. The king was happy. He had found someone who could make his daughter laugh. The princess was happy, too. Dale and the princess were married, and lived happily ever after. 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写。文章主要讲述了曾经有一位公主。她的父亲是国王。他要她嫁给一个会让她笑的人。许多王子来自世界各地争取娶到公主,但是没有人能逗得她笑。 有三兄弟他们也想娶到公主,在他们去城堡的路上他们看到一个可怜的老人。老人问他们是否可以分享一些食物给他。尽管他们每个人都有一条面包但只有第三兄弟戴尔和老人分享了一条面包,老人为了表达好意,送了一份礼物给戴尔,它是一只金色羽毛的鹅。戴尔谢过老人后带着鹅继续前进。 续写分为两段。第一段的开头是:戴尔走着时,一个女孩抚摸着鹅的金色羽毛,但突然,她被粘住了!所以可以接着写:她别无选择,只能和戴尔一起散步。又一个女孩儿和她的姐姐看见了那只鹅。她们也抚摸着羽毛。 突然,他们也被粘住了!于是戴尔,鹅和三个女孩朝城堡走去。第二段的开头是:当一个男人经过戴尔和三个女孩时,他轻拍了一个女孩的肩膀,也被粘住了。所以可以接着写:于是戴尔,金鹅和四个被困的人走到了城堡。当公主看见戴尔时,她开始大笑。 国王也开始大笑。很快,在场的每个人都在笑。 国王很高兴。 他找到了一个能让女儿笑的人。公主也很高兴。戴尔和公主结婚了,从此过着幸福快乐的生活。续写时应注意词数和时态,保持内容连贯。

假定你是班长李华,在寒假期间全班同学计划到孔子博物馆参观。请你给外教Mr. Henry写封邮件,邀请他参加,内容包括:

1. 发出邀请;

2. 活动安排;

3. 注意事项。

注意: 1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:孔子博物馆 Confucius Museum

Dear Mr. Henry,



Li Hua




1.She had failed for twice in the driving test, and finally made _____ on her third try.

2.With the arrival of winter vacation, students are actively applying _____ volunteers.

3.People can’t wait ______ (know) the program for the 2020 Spring Festival Gala (春晚).

4.The little girl wrote a thank-you letter to the firefighter by ______ she was rescued.

5.The doctor recommended that we_______ (take) exercise regularly to keep fit.

6.Eye doctors recommend that the child’s first eye exam _______ at the age of six months old.




1.The rescue teams helped to set up s_________ for local homeless women and children.

2.On holidays, most of the teenagers would like to p_________ bags and go off on a trip.

3.Sun Yang, the world record holder, is a natural swimming a_________.

4.The audience didn’t r_________ the singer until he took off the mask.

5.The Great Wall a_________ millions of tourists from all over the world every year.

6.The drought in South Africa in 2019 caught the _________(全球的) attention.

7.It’s important to learn to take a _________(积极的) attitude to life when you are in trouble.

8.No one was injured in the fire, but the building was completely _________(摧毁).

9.The major _________(挑战) of this century is to find ways to meet the needs of a growing population.

10.Chinese _________(文字) are becoming more and more popular around the world.



    I have a close childhood friend. He spent the last eight years attending night______ to get his bachelor’s degree (学士学位) while also doing a full-time job. Last month, after years of late nights and weekends of studying, he______ graduated.

He ______ in our hometown after high school, ______ most of his friends, myself included, left long ago for other states for university and jobs. Over time, work, families, and other ______ have made it difficult for us all to be ______ in our hometown at the same time.

I put forward a wonderful idea: plan a weekend that we’d all be ______ to fly back to our hometown to surprise him and celebrate his ______. It was so much fun ______ the affair. The bait (诱饵): his mom told him that he was going to have ______ with just his grandparents to celebrate. Little did he know that the family dinner would ______ a 20-person affair with friends from all around the states. I got to ______ a cake so that everyone ______ could enjoy it.

When the guest of honour arrived to “dinner with the ______”, he was greatly surprised and told us it made him feel special. The “white lie” dinner plan was a great ______ for me.

1.A.club B.party C.cafe D.school

2.A.finally B.quickly C.suddenly D.luckily

3.A.taught B.stayed C.arrived D.married

4.A.but B.so C.or D.for

5.A.adventures B.requests C.experiences D.arrangements

6.A.inside B.apart C.back D.out

7.A.safe B.eager C.free D.anxious

8.A.birthday B.achievement C.examination D.wisdom

9.A.debating B.studying C.planning D.controlling

10.A.lunch B.dinner C.time D.fun

11.A.turn into B.give up C.relate to D.focus on

12.A.sell B.deliver C.cut D.order

13.A.attending B.leaving C.receiving D.tasting

14.A.teachers B.grandparents C.classmates D.friends

15.A.surprise B.worry C.success D.stress



    Which do you like better: breakfast or lunch? 1. Brunch gets its name from the first two letters of breakfast (br-) and the last four letters of lunch (-unch).

2.. They liked to go hunting. During the hunting break, they would enjoy a mid-morning meal that included meat, eggs and many other things.

Today, it is a meal eaten around late morning to early afternoon, usually on weekends. It might seem like a simple meal, but sometimes it raises breakfast to an artistic level. For example, ordinary pancakes might be changed to blueberry pancakes.

In Melbourne, brunch culture is also being welcomed. I decided to try it with my friend. We visited a cafe that is famous for its flower theme. 3.

This theme is also shown in its food and drinks. The pink rose tea latte (拿铁) had real rose petals (花瓣) on top. 4. For the main course (主菜), I chose the soft-shell crab. The crab was placed in a bread bowl with some fried crab claws () on the top.

The brunch greatly satisfied my appetite (食欲). 5.

A. It tasted as sweet as it looked.

B. Lack of food is the main cause of brunch.

C. Well, with brunch you don’t have to choose!

D. Though I was full, I still wanted to have another one.

E. Rich British people are believed to have invented brunch.

F. Even if I was busy with work, I still spent enough time having breakfast.

G. There was a wall full of various types of fresh and colorful flowers.



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