满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The dream of many people is to leave the...

    The dream of many people is to leave their mark on the world however they can. This could be in countless different _______ , from coming up with a new invention to _______ starting a family. No matter what it is, _______ the world in some way is the purpose of many lives.

That’s _______ makes the Renaissance – an art period which centered in Italy between the 14th and 17th centuries — the era of _______.

When we hear the word “art”, it’s very likely that we’ll imagine a work from the Renaissance period. This w as a time when many believe art made a revival(复兴)— “renaissance”, _______, means to bring new life to something.

Take the works of Italian artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci for example. His painting Mona Lisa became one of the best-known _______ on Earth. While many artists left their marks by bringing _______ to the world, Da Vinci did much more than that. The artist was fascinated with the study of human anatomy(解剖学)and even _______ time dissecting human bodies to help with his studies. Da Vinci also proved his __________ in many other areas, and he created sketches of ideas for many inventions, from bridges and machinery to even a helicopter and a robot.

The Renaissance also played host to many other great names in the world of art. Italian painter Raphael, for example, was another leader of this era. But his most famous work isn’t __________ on a w all today. __________, his masterpiece — the Raphael Rooms of Italy’s Palace of the Vatican — IS the w all. The walls and ceilings of the palace are filled with beautifully __________paintings of Bib le scenes, which he started as a young artist in 1508.

Religious works such as Raphael’s w ere the __________ style of the Renaissance period. We only have to look at the most iconic (标志性的)sculpture of that period — and perhaps __________— to realize that.

Italian artist Michelangelo’s sculpture David, __________ a Biblical character, was firstly shown in the 1500s. The sculpture has __________ years of exposure to the rain, having rocks throw n at it by protesters(抗议者), and even someone __________ it with a hammer in the 1990s. __________ all these, David is still standing strong and __________ today — a true symbol of the Renaissance.

1.A.ways B.places C.countries D.centuries

2.A.continuously B.simply C.occasionally D.finally

3.A.changing B.creating C.helping D.protecting

4.A.that B.this C.what D.it

5.A.world-makers B.world-users C.world-creators D.world-markers

6.A.in all B.at all C.after all D.of all

7.A.novels B.poems C.artworks D.dramas

8.A.honor B.beauty C.peace D.entertainment

9.A.devoted B.used C.enjoyed D.spent

10.A.greatness B.talents C.skills D.morals

11.A.showing B.hanging C.appearing D.shining

12.A.For example B.As a result C.Instead D.Moreover

13.A.detailed B.painted C.decorated D.described

14.A.famous B.common C.ordinary D.special

15.A.in no time B.at any time C.of all time D.at times

16.A.coming out B.adapted from C.based on D.named after

17.A.survived B.continued C.lived for D.experienced

18.A.making B.pushing C.correcting D.attacking

19.A.In addition to B.Generally speaking C.Due to D.In spite of

20.A.handsome B.gentle C.cautious D.proud


1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.D 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了文艺复兴时期典型的三位艺术家:意大利艺术家兼发明家列奥纳多·达·芬奇、意大利画家拉斐尔以及意大利艺术家米开朗基罗的雕塑《大卫》。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这可能有无数种不同的方式,从提出一项新发明到简单地组建一个家庭。A. ways方式;B. places地方;C. countries国家;D. centuries世纪。根据上文The dream of many people is to leave their mark on the world however they can.以及This could be in countless different可知人们有无数种不同的方式来在世界上留下他们的印记。故选A。 2.考查副词词义辨析。句意:这可能有无数种不同的方式,从提出一项新发明到简单地组建一个家庭。A. continuously持续地;B. simply简单地;C. occasionally偶尔;D. finally终于。根据上文from coming up with a new invention to可知从复杂地提出一项新发明到简单地组建一个家庭,故选B。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:无论如何,在某种程度上改变世界是许多人生活的目的。A. changing改变;B. creating创造;C. helping帮助;D. protecting保护。根据下文the world in some way is the purpose of many lives.可知许多人的生活目的是改变世界。故选A。 4.考查连接代词辨析。句意:这就是文艺复兴——一个以14世纪到17世纪的意大利为中心的艺术时期——成为世界标志的时代的原因。本句为表语从句,且从句中缺少主语,指物,故填what。故选C。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这就是文艺复兴——一个以14世纪到17世纪的意大利为中心的艺术时期——成为世界标志的时代的原因。A. world-makers世界制造者;B. world-users世界用户;C. world-creators世界创造者;D. world-markers世界标记。结合上文The dream of many people is to leave their mark on the world however they can. 许多人的梦想是尽他们所能在世界上留下他们的印记,可知文艺复兴因为人们留下了印记而成为世界标志。故选D。 6.考查介词短语辨析。句意:这是一个许多人相信艺术复兴的时代——“文艺复兴”毕竟意味着给某些东西带来新的生命。A. in all总共;B. at all根本;C. after all毕竟;D. of all所有。根据下文means to bring new life to something以及句意可知“文艺复兴”毕竟意味着给某些东西带来新的生命。故选C。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的画作《蒙娜丽莎》成为世界上最著名的艺术品之一。A. novels小说;B. poems诗歌;C. artworks艺术品;D. dramas戏剧。根据上文Take the works of Italian artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci for example.可知是艺术品。故选C。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然许多艺术家通过给世界带来美而留下了他们的印记,但达芬奇所做的远不止这些。A. honor荣誉;B. beauty美丽;C. peace和平;D. entertainment娱乐。结合上文《蒙娜丽莎》的画作是一种美的标记,故许多艺术家通过给世界带来美而留下了他们的印记,故选B。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这位艺术家对人体解剖学的研究非常着迷,甚至花时间解剖人体来帮助他的研究。A. devoted贡献;B. used使用;C. enjoyed欣赏;D. spent花费。根据下文time可知短语spend time doing sth.“花费时间做某事”,故选D。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:达芬奇还在许多其他领域证明了他的伟大,他为许多发明创造了草图,从桥梁和机械到甚至直升机和机器人。A. greatness伟大;B. talents才能;C. skills技能;D. morals道德。根据下文he created sketches of ideas for many inventions, from bridges and machinery to even a helicopter and a robot.可知达芬奇还在许多其他领域证明了他的伟大。故选A。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但今天他最著名的作品不是挂在墙上。A. showing展示;B. hanging悬挂;C. appearing出现;D. shining照耀。根据下文on a wall可知是悬挂在墙上。 故选B。 12.考查介词短语辨析。句意:相反,他的杰作——意大利梵蒂冈宫殿中拉斐尔的房间——就是一堵墙。A. For example例如;B. As a result结果是;C. Instead反而;D. Moreover此外。结合上文his most famous work isn’t达芬奇的作品不是挂在墙上的,相反他的杰作就是一堵墙。故选C。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:宫殿的墙壁和天花板上挂满了精美细致的《圣经》场景画,这幅画是他在1508年年轻时开始创作的。A. detailed精细的;B. painted绘画的;C. decorated装饰的;D. described描述的。结合上文beautifully可知宫殿的墙壁和天花板上挂满了精美细致的《圣经》场景画,故选A。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:像拉斐尔这样的宗教作品是文艺复兴时期的常见风格。A. famous出名的;B. common共同的;常见的;C. ordinary普通的;D. special特别的。根据下文Italian artist Michelangelo’s sculpture David …a Biblical character可知拉斐尔这样的宗教作品是文艺复兴时期的常见风格,故选B。 15.考查介词短语辨析。句意:我们只需要看看那个时期最具标志性的雕塑——也许是有史以来最具标志性的雕塑——就能明白这一点。A. in no time立刻;B. at any time随时;C. of all time有史以来;一直;D. at times有时。根据上文We only have to look at the most iconic sculpture of that period可知那个时期最具标志性的雕塑,也许是有史以来最具标志性的雕塑。故选C。 16.考查动词短语辨析。句意:意大利艺术家米开朗基罗的雕塑《大卫》是根据圣经人物塑造的,于16世纪首次展出。A. coming out出版;B. adapted from改编自;C. based on以……为基础;根据;D. named after以……命名。根据下文a Biblical character可知是根据圣经人物塑造的,故选C。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:多年来,这座雕像一直被雨水浸泡,抗议者向它扔石头,甚至有人在上世纪90年代用锤子攻击过它。A. survived幸存;B. continued继续;C. lived for盼望;D. experienced经历。根据下文exposure to the rain, having rocks thrown at it by protesters可知雕塑从雨水浸泡,抗议者向它扔石头中幸存下来,故选A。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:多年来,这座雕像一直被雨水浸泡,抗议者向它扔石头,甚至有人在上世纪90年代用锤子攻击过它。A. making制造;B. pushing推;C. correcting纠正;D. attacking攻击。根据下文it with a hammer可知是用锤子攻击,故选D。 19.考查介词短语辨析。句意:尽管如此,大卫仍然坚强而自豪地站在今天——一个真正的文艺复兴的象征。A. In addition to此外;B. Generally speaking一般说来;C. Due to因为;D. In spite of尽管。根据下文all these可知尽管遭受了这些,大卫大卫仍然坚强而自豪地站在今天。故选D。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管如此,大卫仍然坚强而自豪地站在今天——一个真正的文艺复兴的象征。A. handsome英俊的;B. gentle温和的;C. cautious谨慎的;D. proud骄傲的。根据上文standing strong and可知大卫仍然坚强而自豪地站在今天。故选D。

(2017·北京) Jim has retired, but he still remembers the happy time ________ with his students.

A. to spend B. spend

C. spending D. spent



The little boy still needed the ________ 20 dollars to do with the things ________.

A.remaining; remained to be settled B.remaining; remaining to be settled

C.remained; remained to settle D.remained; remaining to settled



The audience ______ themselves, the concert began.

A.having seated B.having been seated C.being seated D.seated



_______ on a farm caused her to become curious about nature.

A.Her not being brought up B.She was not brought up

C.She not being brought up D.Having not been brought up



I was told that there were about 50 foreign students ________ Chinese in the school, most ________ were from Germany.

A.study; of whom B.study; of them

C.studying; of them D.studying; of whom



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