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Running is becoming popular these days. ...

    Running is becoming popular these days. Many people run to keep fit. 1.   However, if you’re doing it wrong, you won't get such good results. Fortunately, here are some tips to help you.

•Set right goals

2. Be smart and set the right goals. Sign up fora fun run or a 5K first, before even thinking about a marathon. Your goal should simply be to finish. If you push yourself too much, it is possible that you will get hurt and won't want to insist on running.

•Wear suitable shoes

Once you’ve decided to try out running, it's time to get yourself new shoes, as the wrong pair can cause foot pain. Wearing the wrong shoes can destroy your workout plan. 3.

•Eat properly before or after a run

Some of you don't eat before or after a workout. Your body needs energy to exercise. 4.So it's important to give your body energy. Experts suggest that you eat foods before and after a workout to help with your body's fat burning process.

• Run out of the city

If you live in a busy city, running along city streets is the easiest way to get in the miles, but if it's possible, find a less polluted space for your long runs. 5. Exposure to air pollution can cause damage to brain health and the lungs, so running at a cleaner environment might be worth the extra time.

A. Fresh air cleans our lungs.

B. It is a good, inexpensive way to get into shape,

C. It’s exciting to start running, but don’t set your goals too high.

D. Another side effect of skipping meals is to make you feel tired.

E. And not eating properly will affect your mental and physical being,

F. Therefore, before running, you should go to the shoe store to buy a new pair of running shoes.

G. Research shows that running in polluted air doesn’t give you the same benefits (好处) as running in clean air.


1.B 2.C 3.F 4.E 5.G 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了几项关于练习长跑的建议。 1.设空在段中,起到承前启后的作用。根据前文内容Many people run to keep fit. (许多人跑步是为了保持健康)可知,本段的核心主题为“run; keep fit”,B选项It is a good, inexpensive way to get into shape (这是一种既好又便宜的塑身方法)对应主题。故选B项。 2.设空在段首,应是对主题句的解释说明。根据主题句内容Set right goals (设定正确的目标)可知,该段主题为“set goals”,C选项It's exciting to start running, but don't set your goals too high. (开始跑步是令人兴奋的,但是不要把你的目标定得太高)提及了需要设定合理的目标,符合语境。故选C项。 3.设空在段末,呼应主题句。本段小标题Wear suitable shoes提到了合适的鞋子,且空前一句Wearing the wrong shoes can destroy your workout plan.(穿错鞋会破坏你的锻炼计划)可知,F选项Therefore, before running, you should go to the shoe store to buy a new pair of running shoes.(因此要到商店试穿合适的鞋子)符合语境需求。故选F项。 4.设空在段中,起到承前启后的作用。根据小标题Eat properly before or after a run(跑步前或跑步后要吃好)可知,本段主题为合理饮食。E选项And not eating properly will affect your mental and physical being (不合理的饮食会影响你的精神和身体)符合语境,且与后文强调合理饮食的重要性相呼应。故选E项。 5.设空在段中,起到承前启后的作用。根据前文内容if it's possible, find a less polluted space for your long runs (如果可能的话,找一个污染少的地方进行长跑)可知,本句应是对长跑时空气质量的好坏进行对比。G选项Research shows that running in polluted air doesn't give you the same benefits (好处) as running in clean air. (研究表明,在污染的空气中跑步和在清洁的空气中跑步的好处是不一样的)符合语境分析。故选G项。

    Located in the Indian Ocean, the Maldives (马尔代夫) are among the most beautiful islands in the world, with sandy white beaches, clear water, and amazing coral reefs (珊瑚礁).  The country depends on tourism, fishing, and shipping. But the rising sea level and the carbon pollution causing warming oceans are threatening (威胁) their existence.

The Maldives have asked for international help. They are a tiny country. The World Bank, the United States, the European Union, and many other groups have offered money to develop safeguards against climate change.

To protect the islands, the Maldives have built sea walls and increased the elevation (海拔) of important buildings and services such as the two interactional airports, which lie just 165 feet from the coastline.

They're also building up islands such as the Hulhumale, The new island is surrounded by nine-foot sea walls. More than 40,000 people live there. The plan is to house 240, 000, providing new opportunities for jobs. The goal is an excellent planned community with sustainable housing and buildings sensitive to the environment and needs of the people.

The government will move people living on smaller, lower-lying islands to the new built-up islands. The new islands offer free houses, new schools, health hospitals, fresh water, and waste treatment. Depending on tourism, the country hopes to build 50 more tourist islands.

"Climate change is happening, but we are not leaving the Maldives to the sea," said Environment Minister Thoriq Ibrahim. The Maldives will protect their islands, people and tourism with new islands and ongoing island development against rising sea level.

1.What makes it difficult for the Maldives to exist?

A.Their tourism, fishing and shipping,

B.Their rising sea level and carbon pollution.

C.Their sandy white beaches and coral reefs.

D.Their distant islands and warning oceans,

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.The Maldives are a small country.

B.Many groups have helped the Maldives.

C.240,000 people live on the Hulhumale now.

D.The Hulhumale is surrounded by 9-foot sea walls.

3.Which of the following will Thoriq Ibrahim agree with?

A.The Maldives will be protected

B.The Maldivians will leave all the islands.

C.The Maldives should give up tourism,

D.The Maldives will sink to the sea.

4.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A.The Maldives and their tourism.

B.The Maldives and their rising sea level

C.The Maldives and their climate change.

D.The Maldives and their fight against rising sea level.



    The other day I was shopping at a local store and came across a lady from India squatting () on the floor looking for a certain product on the bottom shelf. She stood up quickly when she saw me as if to get out of my way. Feeling sorry, she explained that she was a cashier at a nearby store and was on her lunch break, trying to get a few needed things before her time was up.

I comforted her. “I am in no hurry. Go ahead and do what you need to do. I have plenty of time.” While she searched for something, she said that sometimes customers were rude to her at the store and she was really thankful for my kindness. I told her that I had noticed cashiers being treated rudely by some people and that those people needed to be more understanding.

She thanked me for being so nice and friendly. I told her, “The world would be a better place if we all acted kindly toward each other. Those who are rude may have bad karma (报应) coming after them finally for treating people badly.” She nodded and was surprised that I knew what karma was.

She asked me what karma meant. I gave her a simple answer. She looked puzzled, then broke out in a big smile and covered her mouth with her hand, laughing as she walked away.

It felt so good that I may have helped someone feel better for even a few seconds. In a brief exchange I showed her there are good and kind people in the world and may have added to her belief in humanity (人性). Maybe she thought about that later in the day, perhaps when someone was treating her unkindly.

1.Why did the lady squat on the floor?

A.To find a certain product.

B.To get out of the way.

C.To have a lunch break.

D.To explain that she was a cashier

2.Which of the following can best describe the writer?

A.Rude, B.Friendly.

C.Humorous. D.Brave.

3.What made the lady surprised?

A.She was treated rudely. B.The writer knew what karma was.

C.She was misunderstood. D.The writer comforted her.

4.What does the writer want to tell the readers?

A.No pains, no gains.

B.It's easier said than done.

C.Failure is the mother of success.

D.Kindness is the sunshine of social life.



    Whether it's hanging the stockings or baking cookies, all of our favorite Christmas traditions have an interesting history. But no matter where or how you celebrate the holiday season, you might notice a rather unusual custom: finding oranges in your stocking on Christmas morning. As it turns out, there are several arguments as to why people began to put oranges in Christmas stockings.

According to the original story of St. Nicholas (now called Santa Claus), the saint gave three bags of gold to a poor man. The money helped the man pay for his daughters' weddings, and St. Nick has had a reputation for being generous ever since. Meanwhile, the oranges are thought to represent the gold he left the girls.

Some believe, on the other hand, that the practice began during the Great Depression. Because many families couldn't afford to buy Christmas gifts or candy, luxury (奢侈) foods, like oranges and walnuts were placed under the tree, instead.

Another explanation is that the oranges are a reminder to share what you have with others, as December is the season of giving. And finally, some think the oranges were once a "special treat" in the winter — especially for children living in the north. Therefore, there appeared oranges in the stockings.

1.What does the underlined word "reputation'' in paragraph 2 mean?

A.Great system. B.Future generation.

C.Big celebration. D.Good name.

2.Why are the oranges a reminder to share what you have with others?

A.Because December is the season of giving.

B.Because many families couldn't afford to buy Christmas gifts or candy.

C.Because the oranges are thought to represent the gold he left the girls.

D.Because the oranges were once a "special treat" in the winter.

3.How many arguments are there according to the passage?

A.2. B.3

C.4. D.5.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.People can only put oranges in Christmas Stockings.

B.Many families were rich during the Great Depression.

C.St. Nicholas helped the man pay for his daughters' weddings.

D.The oranges were not a ''special treat" in the winter for children living in the south.




Samantha Wynter from Mexico finds this movie interesting because It examines the results of genetic engineering of humans in the future. It shows the struggles of Victor to succeed in a world of genetically-designed, perfect humans.

Central Station

Stella Tupinamba from Brazil reviews this excellent Brazilian film which was recently nominated (提名) for Academy awards. This movie which features the talented actress, Fernanda Montenegro is, in Stella's words, "like a prize" for Brazilians. It's a very special film. Don't miss it!

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Masako Kanki from Japan is pleased to find the movie so faithful to the book, but a little disappointed in the lack of character development. However, she finds the movie fantastic and is eagerly looking forward to viewing more movies based on Hany Potter books.

Life is Beautiful

Akiko Tanaka from Japan feels this Italian movie is a very special one. She finds the story very beautiful but very sad. She tells us the basic story of this heart-breaking movie, which shows us we should never forget what happens during wars.

1.Which film will probably win Academy awards?

A.Gattica. B.Central Station.

C.Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. D.Life is Beautiful.

2.Who is a little disappointed about the film?

A.Samantha Wynter B.Stella Tupinamba.

C.Masako Kanki. D.Akiko Tanaka.

3.From which part of a magazine is the passage most probably taken?

A.Movies. B.Music.

C.Sports. D.Technology.



假定你是李华,你的英国笔友 Jim 想了解中国建国 70 年以来生活方式的变化,请你给他回复邮件,内容包括:

1. 生活方式的变化(至少写两点变化)

2. 变化给人们带来的好处

3. 你的感受

注意:1. 词数 100 左右

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Jim,



Li Hua



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