满分5 > 高中英语试题 >






One possible version: Being driven by my father to school one day, I suddenly noticed many public bicycles parked along the road in my neighborhood. Behind them on the wall was a sign reading “Green Travel”. Feeling it my duty to do something, I told my father that I would give up his car and rent a bike instead. Back home that day, I searched the Internet for information about how and where to rent a bike. I found out that there was a rental service nearby, where I could apply for a rental card. The next day I headed toward it immediately after school. To be honest, I was a bit surprised to find quite a few people lining up there for the cards. I joined them and finally got one. The next day I first rode a bike to the subway station and then took the subway to school. The bicycle seat is not as comfortable as a car seat, but I feel proud that I am doing something for the environment. 【解析】 本篇书面表达考察图画式写作。 根据提示可知本文为图画式作文,命题者要求学生根据图片内容写一篇短文。因为出题者没有提出具体的写作话题,所以需要学生自己观察图片提炼出主要话题进行写作。分析图片可知它主要讲为保护环境,一个青少年积极参与“绿色出行”活动的故事。此类作文的结构往往采用三段式,第一段简要讲述故事发生的时间,地点及人物。第二段是故事的主要部分。第三段是故事的结尾部分,然后用一到两句话说明自己的感受,结束全文,升华主题。在在行文构思中,注意过渡词和各种句型的搭配使用,确保文章层次清晰,结构严谨。 【亮点说明】 本范文结构清晰,最大的特色是灵活使用各种句型结构。例如现在分词作状语Being driven by my father to school one day及Feeling it my duty to do something,过去分词作后置定语many public bicycles parked along the road in my neighborhood,完全倒装句Behind them on the wall was a sign reading “Green Travel”. Where引导的非限制性定语从句where I could apply for a rental card.等等。 其次是文章中使用Back home that day和The next day等短语表明故事按照时间顺序发展,向阅卷老师展示了清晰的结构。最后是文章中一些过渡短语和固定结构选用的非常好,如give up his car,To be honest,as comfortable as a car seat和feel proud that等。第二段中的I was a bit surprised to find quite a few people lining up there for the cards中使用了“主语+be+adj.+to do sth.”的句型,并且包含了一个现在分词做后置定语的成分,充分展现了作者深厚的作文功底,无可争议地提高了文章的档次。  








1.When we made it to the top of the mountain, we were deeply attracted by the s_____________ (near or around you) beauty.

2.This job requires you to be dynamic, enthusiastic, organized and f__________ (can change easily to suit any new situation).

3.I think I have the right qualities and q____________ to get the job.

4.Exhausted but happy, we had a significant day and what we did was w___________ of our effort.

5.That plane crash o__________ only several minutes after the plane took off.

6.The old man w_____________ the accident when he crossed the street yesterday.

7.He is curious about many things, so he is e__________ to learn about them.

8.It is a_____________(clear, obvious) to everyone that he is seriously ill.

9.She's suffering from s____________ (very serious) depression.

10.We decided to d_____________(put off) our wedding until next year.

11.Before college entrance exam, teachers help the students relieve t_________ and anxiety.

12.We should try hard r__________ of what the result will be.

13.If you want to o_________ (get) further information, you can call me at any time.

14.If you need help getting a taxi, ask your hotel for a___________.

15.The meeting will be held in the high school a___________.

16.Genevieve studied at the p____________ university in the north.

17.Will Smith is one of the world's r____________ movie star.

18.Living in a small home is more e_____________ than living in a large one.

19.When I'm in need of r____________, I often go running outside.

20.Rachael is very a___________ and exercises almost every day.

21.A piano and violin a__________ the singers.

22.My brother and I wear size medium and large shirts, r___________.

23.The U. S. president's r______________ is the White House.

24.Watching millions of birds fly is an e__________ experience!

25.Maybe someone will develop a t__________ solution for that problem.

26.Madeline and I e___________ a family of deer on our morning walk.

27.____________(缺乏知识) is no excuse.

28.____________(一次观光旅行) took us all around the picturesque city.

29.This 2008 bridge has______________(成为必看景点) in its home of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

30.The color____________(代表……的希望) changing one's life for the better.

31.After winning this contest, she _______________(开启了模特职业生涯)



"I've got good news for you, Mia. There's going to be all kinds of terrible in there, so you won't really ____________," Mom said.

A.stick to B.dress up

C.zip up D.stand out



_____________, knocking the wind out of me.

A.She wandered around the main lobby B.She charged me like a bull

C.I was into classical music D.I was raised by the music community



_______________, standing just on the other side of the automatic doors.

A.I make my way across the ICU B.I stormed out

C.Teddy zoomed down the stairs D.She did my makeup



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