满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据所给汉语或首字母拼写单词 1.He had completely______...


1.He had completely___________(忽视)her words, preferring his own theory.

2.According to a health report, eating too much junk food a___________ our health.

3.___________(逐渐地), she realized that he wasn’t telling the truth.

4.The expert delivered a wonderful speech, saying that humans should give animals freedom and that caged animals should be r____________ into the wild.

5.In this section, we will____________(简要地)describe possible ways of reducing the costs.

6.The girl felt f____________ because a big dog that looked quite fierce was running at her.

7.I p____________ my father to give up smoking by making him know about its harmful effects on his health.

8.Half of my classmates are ___________(志愿者) of different community service projects.

9.I feel that this lesson has taught me so much and it is extremely __________(有价值) in my life.

10.The articles which are rather difficult should be s__________ to satisfy little children.


1.ignored 2.affects 3.Gradually 4.released 5.briefly 6.frightened 7.persuaded 8.volunteers 9.valuable 10.simplified 【解析】 1.考查动词及时态。句意:他已经完全忽视了她的话(忠告),固执己见。该句中,had+过去分词构成过去完成时,故填ignored。 2.考查动词及主谓一致。句意:根据一份健康报告,吃太多垃圾食品会影响我们的健康。现在分词短语eating too much junk food整体作主语,后接谓语动词第三人称单数形式,故填affects(影响)。 3.考查副词。句意:逐渐地,她意识到他并没有说实话。句首用副词作状语,修饰逗号后的整个句子,故填gradually。 4.考查动词及被动语态。句意:这位专家做了一场精彩的演讲,提到人类需要给予动物以自由,那些被关进笼子里的动物必须被放归野外。句中,动物“被”放归、释放应使用被动语态,即be+过去分词,故填released(释放)。 5.考查副词。句意:在这一部分,我们将简要地讲述降低成本的可能方法。填空处用副词,修饰动词describe,故填briefly。 6.考查形容词。句意:这个小女孩感到很害怕,因为有一只看起来很凶猛的大狗正向她冲过来。根据后半句的解释,可知此时小女孩的心情状态是害怕,表示人的状态、心情应用-ed形容词,排除-ing形容词,故填frightened(害怕的,受惊的)。 7.考查动词。句意:通过让我爸知道其对健康的危害,我说服他去戒烟。动作发生在过去,应用一般过去时;persuade sb. to do sth.为固定短语,意为“说服某人做某事”,故填persuaded(说服)。 8.考查名词。句意:我一半的同学是来自各个不同社区服务项目的志愿者。主语(classmates)和谓语(are)都有提示作用,此处应用名词复数,故填volunteers。 9.考查形容词。句意:我感觉这门课程让我受益匪浅,对指引我的人生旅程十分有价值。此处应用形容词,程度副词extremely修饰这一形容词,故填valuable。 10.考查动词及被动语态。句意:这些难度相当大的文章,需要被改编精简以满足小孩子的教学实际。文章“被”精简,使用被动语态,be+过去分词,故填simplified。


A little boy became very ill. Because other children weren’t allowed 1.(come) near him, he suffered greatly and spent his days in bed, feeling sad. There wasn’t much 2. he could do except look out of the window. One day he saw a strange shape in the window. The boy was very 3.(amaze). He was trying to work out what had happened when he saw 4. monkey busy blowing up a balloon outside his window. At first the boy asked 5.(he) what that could possibly be. 6. more and more crazy-looking characters appearing out of the window, he burst out 7.(laugh) and found it hard to stop.

Before long, his health improved so much that he was able to go back to school again. There he told his8.(friend) about all the strange things he had seen. While he 9.(talk) to his best friend he saw something sticking out of his friend’s school bag. The boy asked his friend what it was, and he was so insistent that finally his friend had to show him what was in the bag. There, inside, were all the fancy-dress suits his best friend had been using to try to cheer 10. the little boy!



    Lydia was a smart girlvery smart. She loved being with her friendsgoing shopping and doing what every other girl likes to do. There was only one ____ that made Lydia self-conscious(敏感):She was ____. One autumn day Lydia and her best friend Judy were taking the train to do one of their favorite ____: shopping. As a normal childJudy, both caring and patient, spoke to Lydia in ____ language all the time. The train continued to make its occasional(临时) stops when a boyno older than fifteen years oldsat in the ____ across from Lydia. Lydia couldn’t help but notice how often the boy would ____ over at her to watch her move her ____ rapidly. This was one of the things that made Lydia unhappy.

“Why must everyone stare at me?” Lydia asked her best friendtrying to ____ the boy’s stare. “Doesn’t he ____ that I am deaf? There is no need to stare at me. He is probably thinking that I am very ____ or disabled. I _____people who prejudge(预先判断)others!” Lydia had become quite ____ ...

___, the train came to a pause, waking up the boy in deep thought then. He got up, ready to get off at his ____. Instead of hurrying off the train, however, he ____ to Lydia casually and stared to _____his hands as she had just moments before. “Excuse mebut I couldn’t help but notice that you don’t like it when people stare at you. I’m ____ I made you uncomfortable. To be honestjust because of thatI ____ to get to “talk” to other ____ in here. I feel self-conscious and differentso I was _____when I saw you. I thought maybe we could be friends.” With thatthe boy walked off the train.

1.A.quality B.detail C.difference D.ability

2.A.shy B.deaf C.smart D.selfish

3.A.hobbies B.sports C.experiments D.exercises

4.A.native B.written C.foreign D.sign

5.A.train B.seat C.front D.back

6.A.glanced B.called C.laughed D.pointed

7.A.hands B.position C.baggage D.purse

8.A.catch B.avoid C.disturb D.face

9.A.remember B.care C.understand D.realize

10.A.self-conscious B.attractive C.strange D.painful

11.A.admire B.pity C.dislike D.appreciate

12.A.shocked B.upset C.frightened D.worried

13.A.Suddenly B.Naturally C.Immediately D.Directly

14.A.school B.home C.stop D.store

15.A.drove B.rushed C.announced D.headed

16.A.move B.shake C.raise D.wave

17.A.sorry B.surprised C.relieved D.frustrated

18.A.agree B.promise C.expect D.continue

19.A.tourists B.girls C.boys D.passengers

20.A.curious B.determined C.sad D.excited



    Persuasion is the art of talking someone into agreeing with you. 1.

Ethos(理念) is a speaker’s way of persuading the audience that he is a dependable person.

2. For example, a speaker can develop ethos by explaining how much experience or education he has in a certain field. After all, you would be more willing to follow advice about how to educate your child from a teacher than a doctor.

Pathos(感染力) is a speaker’s way of connecting with an audience’s emotions. For example, a speaker who want people to vote for him might say that he can make the country richer and stronger.3.

Logos(理性) is the use of facts, statistics, or other evidence to make the argument more persuasive. 4. For example, an ad for soap might say that laboratory tests have shown that their soap kills all 7,000,000 of the bacteria on your hand, which might make it more probable for you to buy their soap. Presenting this evidence is much more persuasive than simply saying “our soap is the best”.

Although the three tools above all have their strengths, they work best when used together.

5. Next time you listen to a speech, watch a commercial or listen to a friend trying to persuade you to lend him money, just remember these ancient Greek tools of persuasion.

A. These words can bring people great hope, making them want to vote for him.

B. These pictures are intended to fill the viewers with pity.

C. An audience will more probably believe you if you have data to support your opinions.

D. Use of logos can also increase a speaker’s ethos.

E. According to Aristotle, there are three basic tools of persuasion: ethos, pathos and logos.

F. In fact, most speakers use a mix of ethos, pathos and logos to persuade their audience.

G. An audience will consider a speaker dependable if he seems trustworthy, reliable and sincere.



    After the summer break, Delhi’s children returned to school this month and found a new class added to their schedules: happiness.

It wasn’t a welcome-back joke. In a country where top universities require average test scores above 98 percent and where cheating on final high school exams is organized by a “mafia” that includes teachers and school officials, the Delhi government's new scheme marks a change of emphasis(强调)from student performance to well-being.

“We have given best-of-the-best graduates of ability to industry,” said Manish Sisodia, Delhi’s education minister, “…But have we been able to supplied best-of-the-best human beings to society, to the nation? “

Sisodia’s happiness classes represent a major experiment in a country known for its overstrict, bookish education system, which has helped cement a new middle class over the past thirty years but is also poorly thought of for encouraging rote(死记硬背的) learning and causing high pressure levels. Under the program, 100,000 Delhi students spend the first half-hour of each school day without opening a textbook, learning instead through inspirational stories and activities, as well as such thinking exercises as meditation.

Some teachers, though, remain uncertain. Some of them say, the public schools are too crowded for a course based so heavily on classroom interaction(互动). Others doubt that the happiness classes can change the culturally deep-rooted emphasis on exams and memorization. Geeta Gandhi Kingdon, chair of education, economics and international development at University College London, said that there haven’t been any studies to value their workability. “As far as I know, in some schools they are just another box-ticking exercise,” she said.

1.What’s the author’s purpose of writing the first paragraph?

A.To tell a welcome-back joke. B.To introduce a new program.

C.To argue against the testing system D.To emphasize studies mixed with happiness

2.Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word “cement “ in paragraph 4?

A.preview B.attend C.destroy D.increase

3.How is the fourth paragraph mainly developed?

A.By giving examples. B.By making comparisons.

C.By following time order. D.By listing data

4.What's Geeta Gandhi Kingdon’s attitude towards the possibility of happiness classes?

A.confident B.hopeless C.doubtful D.indifferent

5.Which is the best title for this passage?

A.Delhi’s children return to school

B.Delhi offers “ happiness “ classes

C.Happiness classes become Welcome in Delhi

D.Happy classes prove another box-ticking exercise



    Being a young boy, I began to learn what people said was not always what they really meant or felt. And I knew it was possible to get others to do what I wanted if I read their real feelings and responded suitably to their needs. At the age of eleven, I sold rubber door-to-door after school and quickly worked out how to tell if someone was likely to buy from me. When I knocked on a door, if someone told me to go away but their hands were open and they showed their palms (the inside surfaces of their hands), I knew it was safe to continue because they weren't angry although they may have a dismissive(不屑的) attitude. If someone told me to go away in a soft voice but used a pointed finger or closed hand, I knew it was time to leave.

As a teenager, I became a salesperson, and my ability to read people earned me enough money to buy my first house. Selling gave me the chance to meet people and study them close and to know whether they would buy or not.

I joined the life insurance(保险)business at the age of twenty. And I went on to break several sales records for my company, becoming the youngest person to sell over a million dollars’ worth of business in my first year. This achievement allowed me to become a member of the well-known Million Dollar Round Table(MDRT), which recognizes the world’s top achievers in life insurance. I was lucky that the skills I’d learned as a boy in watching body language while selling could be used in this new area, and were directly related to the success I could have in any business closely connected with people.

1.Which of the following meant the author must give up the rubber sale?

A.A customer’s gentle voice. B.A customer’s open palms.

C.A customer’s finger shape. D.A customer’s sign of anger.

2.What is the author’s main purpose of mentioning the success in life insurance?

A.To prove the magic of his studying body language

B.To show off his unusual insurance-selling achievements

C.To attract more people to buy his life insurance

D.To simply let readers know about his good luck

3.Which is the correct order of the author’s life events?

He bought his first house

He got the chance to meet people and watch body language

He became a member of MDRT

He broke the first sales record for the insurance company

A.①②④③ B.②①④③ C.①④②③ D.①④③②

4.What does the underlined words “new area” in the last paragraph refer to?

A.The study of selling products. B.The life insurance business..

C.The research of body language. D.The work for the MDRT

5.According to the passage, which of the following can best describe the author?

A.intelligent but overconfident B.open-minded and determined

C.thinking and sharp-eyed D.grateful and gentle



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