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The graduate business school (研究生商学院)can...

    The graduate business school (研究生商学院)can open new doors of opportunity for internationally--- minded students expecting to experience a new country, expand their skill set, and increase their earning power. 1.

Firstly, there are plenty of options for graduate business programs. One of the primary benefits of studying in the United States is access to the world ‘s most diverse pool of graduate; business schools. With over 4 ,000 programs in the US that accept the GMAT exam, there are more options available to you than ever before.2.Part- time, online, or even accelerated programs may be a better fit for you.

3. Two hot business majors in the US are technology and consulting. Findings show that 67 percent of US technology companies and 57 percent of consulting companies either plan to hire or are willing to hire intentional business school graduates this year which can be good news for international students who want to pursue job opportunities in the United States alter business school.

Finally, starting salaries at US companies arc at an all - lime high for MBA graduates. 4. The average starting salaries for business master’s graduates arc US115,000, more than double the US55,000 they plan to offer to bachelor’s degree new hires. And more than half of US companies plan to increase MBA starting salaries this year.

No matter where you are in the world, there are always opportunities to further your skills. 5. Start here with the school search tool to find the program that fits best for you.

A. Wondering how to continue your journey?

B. In addition, programs are not just limited to full - time ones.

C. The full - time MBA remains the most popular program type.

D. Secondly, career opportunities are plentiful in the US right now.

E. Here are three reasons for applying to a US graduate business school.

F. Starting your career with a master' s degree pays off in the long run, too.

G. If earning more money is a motivator for you, studying in the US is a fantastic option.


1.E 2.B 3.D 4.G 5.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了申请美国商学院研究生院的三个理由。 1.本句位于第一段最后一句,有启示下文的作用。且后文主要描述了申请美国商学院研究生院的三个理由。E选项“以下是申请美国商学院研究生院的三个理由。”符合上下文语境,故选E。 2.结合后文Part- time, online, or even accelerated programs may be a better fit for you.(兼职,在线,甚至是速成课程可能更适合你)可知除了全日制课程,还有兼职、在线等等,故课程不局限于全日制课程。故B选项“此外,课程不局限于全日制课程。”符合上下文语境,故选B。 3.结合后文Findings show that 67 percent of US technology companies and 57 percent of consulting companies either plan to hire or are willing to hire intentional business school graduates this year which can be good news for international students who want to pursue job opportunities in the United States alter business school.(调查结果显示,67%的美国科技公司和57%的咨询公司计划今年招聘或愿意招聘有意进入商学院的毕业生,这对那些想在美国另类商学院寻找工作机会的留学生来说是个好消息)可知是在说明攻读美国商学院研究生有助于就业,就业机会更多。故D选项“其次,美国现在有很多就业机会。”符合上下文语境,故选D。 4.根据后文The average starting salaries for business master’s graduates arc US115,000, more than double the US55,000 they plan to offer to bachelor’s degree new hires. (商学院硕士毕业生的平均起薪为11.5万美元,是学士学位毕业生5.5万美元的两倍多)可知是在说明在美国学习毕业后工资更高,故G选项“如果赚更多的钱是你的动力,在美国学习是一个很好的选择。”符合上下文语境,故选G。 5.结合后文Start here with the school search tool to find the program that fits best for you.(从这里开始,用学校搜索工具找到最适合你的项目)可知是在建议一种开始新旅程的选择,故A选项“想知道如何继续你的旅程吗?”符合上下文语境,故选A。

    The French Danone company is the latest to replace some plastic water bottles with aluminum () cans. Competitors like Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Nestle have also started selling water in aluminum cans.

Replacing plastic water bottles that pollute the seas with recyclable aluminum cans should be an easy way to help the environment, right?

Maybe not.

Aluminum cans might result in less ocean waste, and the metal containers also are lighter than glass or plastic bottles, but they also come with their own cost to the environment. The production of an aluminum can is estimated to release two times as much carbon dioxide into the air as a plastic bottle.

“That’s the dilemma you’re going to have to choose between,” said Ruben Griffioen, an official at beermaker Heineken. He said his company was Lrying to reduce the use of plastic bottles.

Bruce Karas of Coca - Cola North America agreed. He said, “There’s a mix. There are some things that are not that desirable, but if you have five good things and one that isn’t, we’ll all have to make decisions.” He added, “It’ll never be that clean.”

Bottled water is a 19 billion industry. Although its use of cans is increasing, experts say cans are unlikely to completely replace plastic bottles.

Aluminum is costlier than plastic so canned drinks mean higher prices for buyers. Another major consideration is user convenience-cans stay open while bottles can be reclosed. More importantly, there is one barrier to ending the use of plastic water bottles: There may not be enough cans to go around. Beer and wine makers are now also increasingly using aluminum.

1.What’s the advantage of aluminum cans?

A.They are pollution-free. B.They are lighter.

C.They are cost-effective. D.They are low-carbon.

2.What is Karas’s attitude to replacing plastic bottles with aluminum cans?

A.Supportive. B.Disapproving. C.Neutral D.Indifferent.

3.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.The wide application of aluminum cans. B.The promising future aluminum cans

C.The major advantages of aluminum cans. D.The unavoidable limitations of aluminum cans.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Aluminum Cans or Plastic Bottles? B.A Blessing or a Misfortune?

C.How to Deal with Plastic Bottles? D.Why Do We Choose Aluminum Cans?



    Sleep, considered a luxury by many, is essential for a person’s wellbeing. Researchers have found that insufficient sleep increases a person’s risk of developing severe medical conditions. such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Now, a new study by Boston’s Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT) has found that getting sufficient sleep is also the key to improving academic performance.

Jeffrey Grossman, who led the research. was not trying to find the link between sleep and grades when he handed out Fitbits to the 100 students in his introduction to Solid-State Chemistry class. Instead, the professor of Computational Materials Science hoped the popular wrist-worn device which. tracks a person’s activity 24/7, would show a connection between physical exercise and academic achievement.

However, the study, published in the journal “Science Learning” on October 1, 2019, discovered a surprising insight. Then was a straight-line relationship between the average amount of sleep a student got and his/her grade on the 11 quizzes, three midterms, and the final exam administered during the semester.

Even more interesting, it was also not sufficient for students to just head to bed early the night before a test. Instead, it’s the sleep you get during the days when learning is happening that matters most.

The time students went to bed each night was similarly important. Those who went to bed in the early hours of the morning performed poorly, even if the total sleep time was the same as a higher - performing student. “When you go to bed matters. Grossman says. If you go to bed after 2, your performance starts to go down even if you get the same seven hours. So, quantity isn’t everything.”

1.What is the new finding about sleep?

A.It's essential for a person’s health. B.Sleeping less may cause obesity.

C.Sleeping too much is dangerous. D.Ample sleep leads to better grades.

2.What does the underlined word “Fitbits” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Wearable devices. B.Questionnaires.

C.Fitness equipment. D.Smartphones.

3.Which of the following best describes the final result the new study?

A.Doubtful. B.Predictable.

C.Disappointing. D.Unexpected.

4.What will benefit students’ study according to Grossman?

A.Sleeping for 5 hours each day. B.Heading to bed at 3 a.m every day.

C.Getting enough sleep while learning. D.Going to bed early only before a test.



    A call came into Jimmy Gilleece’s bar. A newly married woman, who had spent the afternoon at his bar, couldn’t find her wallet. She didn’t care about her ID, credit cards, or 150 in cash-but her wedding ring was inside.

Gilleece, 42, didn’t like the idea that a theft could have occurred at his place. So he determined to find the wallet. He spent hours on videos from surveillance (监控) cameras, watching the woman’s every step in the bar. Within minutes, a young man approached the bar, put something in his pocket, and walked off.

Gilleece posted a clip (视频片段) on the bar’s Facebook page to find out who the young man was. Within hours, Gilleece got a text from 17-year-old Rivers Prather, who said he’d done it because he hadn’t eaten in two days. He said he saw the ring but thought it was fake, so he took the money and threw the wallet into the ocean. Then he bought a sandwich.

Gilleece told the teen to meet him at the docks (码头). There they talked a lot and Gilleece knew that Prather was from a poor family. Seeing the teenager’s small build, Gilleece thought he was more of a kid than a criminal. However, because of the missing ring, Prather could be put into prison.

Gilleece decided to help the kid. He hired two local divers to search the waters where the wallet had been thrown. More than an hour passed, with no sign of the ring. Gilleece grew worried. And then a diver popped up. In his hand was the wallet, and inside was the ring. When Gilleece called the wallet’s owner, she burst into tears and immediately dropped the charge against Prather for stealing the ring.

1.What did the woman value most in her wallet?

A.Her ID. B.Her credit cards.

C.Her money. D.Her wedding ring.

2.What did Prather do after getting the wallet?

A.He kept the ring. B.He spent the money in it.

C.He threw it in a dustbin. D.He returned it to the owner.

3.Why did Gilleece help Prather?

A.To teach the child a lesson. B.To meet the customer 's demand.

C.To save the forgivable child. D.To win back the reputation of his bar.

4.What would happen to Prather next?

A.He would be sent to prison. B.He would not be accused by the woman.

C.He would get a job in Gilleece’s bar. D.He would live a better life ever after.




1. Admission and School Policies

The enrollment(注册) of a pupil to the School is subject to the School’ s Admission and Entry policies and other policies and procedures revised by the School from time to time.

4. Fees

School Fees are listed on the Fee Schedule and vary from time to time. A full term’s tuition must be paid for any term during which the pupil is in attendance regardless of the number of days attended. If tuition fees have not been paid, the Refundable Deposit shall be used to pay the tuition fees and the parents/guardians remain responsible for the rest. The School reserves the right to exclude(开除) a pupil if tuition or other fees are not paid in full by the due date.

2. Withdrawal by Parent/Guardian

If a parent/guardian desires to withdraw a child for any reason from the school, that parent/ guardian shall give a minimum of six weeks written withdrawal notice to the School. Notice received during a school holiday will be considered to have been received on the first day of the following term.

3. Refundable Deposit(押金)

When a pupil is offered a place the parent/ guardian shall immediately pay the required Refundable Deposit. This is to secure enrollment at the School until the termly or annual fees have been paid. The Refundable Deposit is refundable, and shall be without interest and without taking into account changes in exchange rates.

5. Termination by the school

The school may terminate(终止) this agreement when permanent exclusion or removal is required. The School shall not take such action without good cause and full consultation with parents/ guardians and the pupil. Parents/ guardians have the right to appeal on a decision to permanently exclude a pupil.




1.How long in advance should a written withdrawal notice be given?

A.A whole holiday. B.At least six weeks.

C.A whole term. D.At least one day.

2.What do we know about tuition fees?

A.They must be fully paid.

B.They stay the same every year.

C.They vary with the number of days attended.

D.They can’t be paid with the refundable deposit.

3.In which section of a school’s brochure might the text appear?

A.Study Tips. B.Application Procedures.

C.Terms and Conditions. D.Frequently Asked Questions.




1. 你所在城市暑假期间气候情况。

2. 你暑假通常有那些户外活动。


1. 词数100左右。

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 开头语和结尾已为你写好,不计入词数。

Dear Andrew,

How is everything going on?


I can’t wait for your coming!


Li Hua



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