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It was the morning before I was presenti...

    It was the morning before I was presenting a paper at an academic conference in Paris. Unexpectedly, the babysitter I’d _________ for to watch my daughter texted to say she couldn’t _________ it. Worried I’d have to cancel the _________, I asked the organizers, two men, if they knew of any last-minute babysitters.

_________ her!” they said. “We’ll watch her well.”

So, with uncertainty and anxiety, I did. While I presented my _________ in a theater hall, they entertained my daughter by letting her draw on the whiteboard and _________ on the walls. During the Q&A, my daughter demanded to be _________. As she sucked, her diaper (尿布) leaked onto my trousers. Afterward, several people came up to me to _________ me for my bringing her. A woman said that one of her favorite _________ was bringing her daughter to her workplace.

Unfortunately, my experience is not the ____________ practice. For most working women, bringing their children to work or having a flexible ____________ is not an option. When flexibility is offered, it comes with a huge ____________: advancement to higher positions is less likely for parents, usually mothers, who ____________ flexibility. In 2016, only 200 companies had official ____________ allowing children to ____________ at a workplace during working hours. ____________, bringing children to work is a rising phenomenon.

__________, in bringing this generation of children to working events or offices, I’m sure we’re teaching them a valuable lesson about work-life ____________. My hope is that, when these children become leaders, they’ll ____________ we didn’t shut them out of work spaces. ____________, they will build the policies for a fairer and more enjoyable workplace.

1.A.arranged B.looked C.care D.provided

2.A.change B.like C.make D.plan

3.A.conference B.presentation C.announcement D.conversation

4.A.Accompany B.Support C.Comfort D.Bring

5.A.dream B.life C.work D.choice

6.A.just B.even C.yet D.still

7.A.sheltered B.fed C.freed D.amused

8.A.forgive B.thank C.praise D.blame

9.A.memories B.requirements C.challenge D.preparations

10.A.unique B.rare C.random D.common

11.A.schedule B.gathering C.body D.entertainment

12.A.decision B.idea C.attitude D.risk

13.A.invent B.request C.ignore D.understand

14.A.policies B.predictions C.explanations D.assumptions

15.A.grow up B.wake up C.show up D.cheer up

16.A.Lastly B.Instead C.Thus D.However

17.A.Eventually B.Personally C.Differently D.Gradually

18.A.balance B.competition C.outcome D.interest

19.A.conclude B.expect C.remember D.question

20.A.In other words B.On the other hand C.In a similar way D.As a result


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.A 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.D 【解析】 本文属于夹叙夹议文。作者准备在巴黎的一个学术会议上宣读她的论文,她为女儿请的临时保姆爽约了。会议组织者让作者把女儿带到会场,由他们照顾。这样,作者得以顺利完成自己的论文宣读。作者由此讨论了父母,尤其是母亲是否应该将孩子带到职场一边工作,一边照顾孩子的问题。 1.考查动词短语辨析。句意:意外的是,我安排来照看女儿的保姆说她不能来照顾她了。A. arrange for为……安排;B. look for找;C. care for喜欢,照顾;D. provide for提供。根据前文的It was the morning before I was presenting a paper at an academic conference in Paris.可知,作者要在学术会上宣读论文,因此作者安排了一个保姆来照看自己的女儿,故此用“安排”符合语境,故选A项。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:意外的是,我安排来照看女儿的保姆说她不能来照顾她了。A. change改变;B. like喜欢;C. make (it)能够成功做某事;D. plan计划。根据后文的if they knew of any last-minute babysitters.可知,作者询问会议组织者是否有临时保姆,故推测她安排的保姆来不了了,故选C项。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:担心我不得不取消演讲,我问组织者,两个男人,他们是否知道有临时保姆。A. conference会议;B. presentation陈述,报告;C. announcement宣布;D. conversation对话。根据前文的It was the morning before I was presenting a paper at an academic conference in Paris.可知,作者即将作报告,present和presentation是同义词复现,故选B项。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们说:“把孩子带过来,我们照顾她。”A. Accompany陪伴;B. Support支持,供养;C. Comfort安慰;D. Bring带,领。根据本空后面We'll watch her well.可知,会议组织者叫作者将孩子带到会场,由他们照顾,故选D项。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我在剧院展示我的论文是,他们让女儿在白板甚至是墙壁上画画,以此来哄她开心。A. dream梦想;B. life生活;C. work作,作品;D. choice选择。结合上下文可知这里用work指前面谈到的作者的论文,故选C项。 6.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我在剧院展示我的论文是,他们让女儿在白板甚至是墙壁上画画,以此来哄她开心。A. just仅仅;B. even甚至;C. yet但是;D. still仍然。结合句意可知,前后文是递进关系,故选B项。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在Q&A期间,我的女儿要求进食。A. shelter保护;B. feed进食;C. free释放;D. amuse逗乐。根据下文的As she sucked可知,女儿吃奶,故此处用“喂养”符合语境,故选B项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:后来,有几个人上来称赞我带女儿来会场。A. forgive原谅;B. thank感谢;C. praise表扬;D. blame责怪。根据后文A woman said that one of her favorite ____9____ was bringing her daughter to her workplace.可知,她最美好的回忆之一是带女儿去上班,故此处用一个褒义色彩的词符合语境,故选C项。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个女士说她最美好的回忆是带女儿去上班。A. memory记忆,回忆;B. requirement要求;C. challenge挑战;D. preparation准备。结合上下文可知,此处是指一位女士在回忆之前的事情,故用“回忆”符合语境,故选A项。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的这种把带孩子到工作场所的事例并不常见。A. unique奇特的;B. rare罕见的;C. random随意的;D. common普遍的。根据句首的unfortunately可知,此处用“不常见”符合语境,故选D项。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:对于大多数工作的女性来说,把孩子带到工作地方或者有灵活的时间安排不是一个选择。A. schedule时间表;B. gathering聚会;C. body身体;D. entertainment娱乐。结合上下文可知,此处是指对于女性来说可以有灵活的工作时间是必须的,故选A项。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当有了灵活性之后,巨大的风险也随之而来:对于父母来说不太可能晋升更高的职位,通常是妈妈们,她们需要灵活的工作时间。A. decision决定;B. idea思想;C. attitude态度;D. risk风险。根据下文的advancement to higher…可知,工作时间灵活的父母不太可能晋升到更高的职位,这显然是一个巨大的风险,故选D项。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当有了灵活性之后,巨大的风险也随之而来:对于父母来说不太可能晋升更高的职位,通常是妈妈们,她们需要灵活的工作时间。A. invent发明;B. request需求:C. ignore忽略;D. understand理解。结合上下文可知,此处是指相比之下妈妈们更需要灵活的工作时间,故选B项。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在2016年,只有200家公司有官方政策允许儿童在工作时间出现在工作场所。A. policy政策;B. prediction预计;C. explanation解释;D. assumption假设。结合句意可知,允许孩子到工作场所是一种政策,故选A项。 15.考查动词短辨析。句意:在2016年,只有200家公司有官方政策允许儿童在工作时间出现在工作场所。A. grow up成长;B. wake up醒来;C. show up出现,在场;D. cheer up使……高兴。根据上文的bringing their children to work可知,把孩子带到工作场合,故此处用“出现”符合语境,故选C项。 16.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,带孩子去工作是一个越来越普遍的现象。A. lastly最后;B. instead相反;C. thus因此;D. however但是。根据上文的本空后面的bringing children to work is a rising phenomenon可知,本句与前面的信息构成转折关系,故选D项。 17.考查副词词义辨析。句意:就我个人而言,通过把这一代的孩子带到工作活动或办公室,我确信我们正在给他们上有关工作与生活平衡的宝贵一课。A. Eventually最终;B. Personally就个人而言; C. Differently不同地;D. Gradually逐渐地。根据本空后面的I’m sure we’re teaching…可知,此处谈的都是作者个人的观点,故选B项。。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:就我个人而言,通过把这一代的孩子带到工作活动或办公室,我确信我们正在给他们上有关工作与生活平衡的宝贵一课。A. balance平衡:B. competition竞争;C. outcome结果;D. interest兴趣。结合全文内容可知,本文在讨论照看孩子和工作是否可以找到一个平衡点,故选A项。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我希望,当这些孩子成为领导者时,他们会记得我们没有把他们关在工作场所之外。A. conclude得出结论;B. expect希望;C. remember记起;D. question质疑。结合句意可知,此处是指这些孩子在长大之后还记得小时候的事情,故选C项。 20.考查介词短语辨析。句意:因此,他们将建立一个更公平、更愉快的工作环境。A. In other words换句话说;B. On the other hand另一方面;C. In a similar way以相似的方法;D. As a result因此。结合上下文可知,本句和上句构成因果关系,故选D项。

    Music festivals are, for many people, the purest and most enjoyable way to experience live music. 1. But you can always spot an experienced festival goer; they're the clean, relaxed, non-sunburned ones with the hammock (吊床), the Nalgene water bottle, and the highlighted schedule. Take their example, and you'll have more fun than you've ever had.

2. Most music festivals that charge money has graduated pricing, where tickets are sold at ''Early Bird'' prices, advance prices and gate prices. You can save yourself a fat chunk of change if you get the early bird tickets. Also, at festivals that sell camping, get your camping tickets early. If they sell out, you’ll be stuck staying off-site. Take care of other reservations early, too: plane tickets, car rental reservations, etc.

3. Music festivals generally publish a schedule well before the event. Print one out off the festival's website and highlight your ''must-see'' bands. But remember: be careful not to be too rigid! Spontaneous (即兴) jam sessions, great bands you’ve never heard of, festival stages running late and so on can interrupt your plans. This is not a bad thing! It just helps to have a game plan going in.

Know the Rules. 4. This can save yourself some money. If a festival doesn't allow glass, it'd be an unhappy experience to have to pour out all of your expensive microbrews (微酿啤酒). If a music festival doesn't allow pets, know this in advance, so you don t show up to the gate with Fido and get a surprise. So knowing the rules is beneficial. 5.

A. Get your tickets early.

B. Know the schedule in advance.

C. Check out three types of ticket prices.

D. However, they can be physically and mentally tiring

E. If a music festival allows you to bring your food and water, do it.

F. Music festivals aren't just about music, but they re about togetherness, too.

G. If its website is unclear about their rules, get in touch and ask for clarification!



    Apple has filed a patent for ''a wearable electronic ring'' that could let you control your other devices (设备) without touching them. The file includes drawings of the potential design and lists intend functions like a rechargeable power source (电源). The ring is designed to be worn on one finger and doesn't appear to be a stand-alone product. Instead, it aims to improve the user experience of bigger devices like iPhone and iPad. Apple also throws attention onto the potential safety functions of the ring by stating that the light given off by some touchscreen devices could be ''inappropriate in certain social environments or even dangerous if it gives away the position of a user who is in danger''.

The tech giant (巨头) explains in the patent that touchscreen devices we are using now can be seen as ''burdensome, inconvenient, or useless for certain tasks and applications''. It suggests that holding an iPhone or iPad for too long could tire some users and obviously, Apple can’t ignore such situations! It says the Apple Ring could be a more effective way to control those devices from a distance.

Apple isn't alone with this ''smart ring'' idea.

Amazon recently put the Echo Loop on the market, a smart ring that uses Alexa. The device is similar to the smart speaker but is worn on your finger instead. It’s currently only available in the US and has an introductory price of $129. 99 (100). Google recently presented its Pixel 4 smartphone and one of the top new functions is called Project Soli, which provides a '' Motion Sense'' effect. It lets you control the Pixel 4 without actually touching it. You can wave your hands in the air to pause or skip songs, alarms and phone calls, and more.

As with all patents, we can’t know for sure if Apple is going to bring out a smart ring device until official word is given.

1.What can Apple's smart ring do potentially?

A.Work as a mobile phone.

B.Charge itself automatically.

C.Promote users own security.

D.Stop viruses attacking phones.

2.What made apple develop the wearable product?

A.The drawbacks of its touchscreen devices.

B.The huge marketing potential of touchscreens.

C.The fierce competitions from across the country.

D.The introduction of other companies’ technology.

3.What do we know about the Echo Loop?

A.It's popular with users.

B.It's under development.

C.It's not sold internationally.

D.It's not accepted by Apple.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.The Tech Firms' Smart Rings

B.Apple's New Device Patent

C.The Future of Touchscreen Devices

D.New Technologies, New Products



    There are as many kinds of careers (职业) as there are people. They vary greatly in the type of work involved (涉及) and in the ways they influence a person's life. The kind of career you have can affect your life in many ways. By making wise decisions concerning your career, you can help yourself build the life you want. To do that, you need as much information as possible. The more you know about yourself, the better able you will be to choose a satisfying career.

What do people hope to obtain from a career? Some people desire a high income. Some hope for fame. Others seek for adventure. Still others intend to serve people and make the world a better place. Before you begin to explore career fields, you should determine your values. your interests, and your aptitudes that will make you competent for your future work. Most people are happiest in jobs that fit their values, interests,and skills. Each person has many values, which vary in strength. For example, money is the strongest value for some people—that is, wealth is more important to them than anything else. As a result, they focus their thoughts, behaviour, and emotions on the goal of earning a high income. Other values include devoting to religion, taking risks, spending time with family, and helping others.

Before making a career decision, you can ask yourself what is most important to you and examine your beliefs to better know your values. For example, is it important to you to work as a member of a team? Or would you rather be in charge or work alone? If working alone or being in charge is important to you, independence is probably one of your primary values.

1.How can we make a wise career decision?

A.We learn more about ourselves. B.We stick to our beliefs more firmly.

C.We change our interest more often. D.We find more career opportunities.

2.What does the underlined word ''aptitude'' mean in paragraph 2?

A.Experiences. B.Abilities.

C.Feelings. D.Families.

3.According to the writer, a satisfying career is one that ________.

A.brings huge wealth

B.meets inner demands

C.develops interests and skills

D.contributes to forming values

4.What does the writer convey to us in the last paragraph?

A.The contents of our values.

B.The foundations of our values.

C.The places to achieve our values.

D.The ways to understand our values.



    P.S. 139, in Brooklyn, New York, has a school garden where students grow their favorite fruits and vegetables. It also has a school cookbook filled with recipes that use those foods, as well as a technology club, a soccer club, an artists' club, and a teachers’ lounge.

All of this is partially thanks to a process called PB. Through PB, students, parents, teachers, and P. S. 139 staff decide each year how to use some of the school’s money. Over the past three years, P. S. 139 has spent nearly $50,000 this way. Usually, only school leaders get to decide how to distribute a budget, but PB lets others weigh in. Shari Davis is one of the heads of the PB Project, a nonprofit group based in New York and California. '' PB opens the door and invites folks to participate in decisions. People who are closest to the problems in a community are often also closest to settling them. ''  she told TIME for Kids.

To start the PB process, members of a school community think about changes they’d like to see. Then they submit their ideas to a committee. It organizes the ideas into complete proposals (议案), which include the cost of each project. Lastly, every member votes for the winning projects that will be supported financially.

PB Project co-founder Josh Lerner helped bring the approach to P. S. 139. He finds that leaders are pleasantly surprised by the winning projects, which help them '' better understand what their communities need'', he says.

PB isn't just for schools. It’s also used by city and state governments around the world. New York City has been using PB since 2011. New Yorkers have spent more than $210 million this way. They've provided money for playgrounds, dog parks, and trees for city sidewalks, among other projects.

1.What is special about PB?

A.It allows ordinary people to play a role in decisions.

B.It accepts money from local government.

C.It helps P S. 139 build a school garden.

D.It focuses mainly on public schools

2.What is the first step for the PB process?

A.Applying to the head master. B.Putting forward project ideas.

C.Gathering members to vote. D.Making a specific budge.

3.How do the leaders in P.S. 139 feel about the agreed projects?

A.Proud. B.Shocked.

C.Delighted. D.Embarrassed.

4.What is the author' s purpose in writing the text?

A.To introduce the PB approach. B.To bring up a social problem.

C.To offer proposals to communities. D.To help leaders make better preparation.



Traditional Marriage Ceremonies


The groom comes to the bride's house and gives her flowers. They go to the church and the man is inside when the bride's father brings her to her future husband. When they come out, the family throws rice on them.


Some days before the wedding, friends and relatives bring old porcelain (瓷器) and kitchenware to throw on the ground in front of the bride and groom. This is supposed to grant them a happy, lucky life; that's why this evening event is called Polterabend — the evening with lots of broken porcelain. The Polterabend often develops into an informal and casual party.

El Salvador

When a wedding is celebrated, the wedding ceremony service starts without the bride. The groom and all the people who have been invited to the ceremony are waiting for her during the service. A group of seven men goes to the bride's home. The bride and her family are waiting for seven white cars which accompany the bride's car until they arrive at the church.


The couple drinks Japanese rice wine in front of a priest (牧师). First, the bride drinks the wine from a small cup. Next, the bride passes the cup to the groom and he also drinks the wine from the cup. They drink three times. This means that they make a commitment to love each other forever.


When a girl gets married, all her female friends write their names inside her bridal shoes. After the wedding ceremony, if someone’s name has been rubbed off and can’t be read anymore, it means this person is going to get married next.

1.Why do people throw porcelain before the wedding ceremony in Germany?

A.To enjoy a casual party.

B.To respect the guests present.

C.To wish the couple good luck.

D.To kick off the wedding party.

2.In which country does the wedding ceremony start while the bride isn't there?

A.belgium. B.Germany.

C.El Salvador. D.Turkey.

3.What ceremony implies the new Japanese couple's promise of a life-long love?

A.Drinking wine three times.

B.Throwing rice to their guests.

C.Writing their names in the shoes.

D.Going to the church first with a priest.



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