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Almost 200 graduate students and postdoc...

    Almost 200 graduate students and postdoctoral ( 士后) researchers gathered April 21 for a career-development event at the annual meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology where they learned about varieties of scientific careers, participated in skill-building workshops and networked with peers and speakers. The entire event was full of useful information1.

Your career path is less like a ladder and more like a jungle gym.

We're all programmed to see our career path as a series of linear (直线型) steps up to a final goal undergraduate, graduate, post doctor, forever job — but this rarely happens.2.Don't be afraid to take a risk when opportunities present themselves if they will help you build your unique career.

Create a “skills toolbox" and use it.

The skills you develop as a trainee help you stand out in the job market. When you're in the lab, talk to your colleagues about their experiments. Challenge yourself to learn new techniques both in and out of your field. Work on developing critical thinking skills, which will help you however your career evolves.

And acquire skills outside the lab. Explore entrepreneurship, science writing and communication, policy, outreach, education, even art — whatever resonates with you. 3.

Communication skills are critical to success. Less jargon (行话),more passion.

Science is a language most people don't speak fluently. When communicating with diverse audiences, think of yourself as a translator. Eliminate jargon and create analogies (类推) to make your research accessible. Work on making your science story relevant to the audience, which may mean that you don't share every piece of data you have collected. Most importantly, practice.

Training courses like the ASBMB's Art of Science Communication are available to help you develop these skills.


In professional interactions, be confident and remember that your skills and knowledge got you where you are today. Don't be frightened by people who question what you know, and don't let negative experiences diminish your self confidence.

Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. You don't need to see the entire staircase to take the next step.

With these words in mind, explore your options, network and talk to people in fields that interest you. Don't know where to start? Start with videos under the heading "Career Paths” at asbmb.org and the career section of the ASBMB Today website. 5. . For the price of a cup of coffee, you can get started on the path to career success.

A. Don't be afraid of new challenges.

B. Work on believing that you belong in the room.

C. Below are five tips for career success that struck me.

D. This will help build you into a well-rounded candidate.

E. You may move sideways in your career or even take a step or two back before moving up the ladder again.

F. Once you find a job that interests you, identify people in the field and ask for informational interviews.

G. Imposter (冒名顶替者)syndrome is a reality for many people in the sciences, especially those from underrepresented groups.


1.C 2.E 3.D 4.B 5.F 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了几条实现事业成功的方法,包括构建自身的“技能盒”并使用、沟通技巧是成功的关键,少说点行话、多点激情、运气则是准备好时发生的情况。 1.分析文章可知,文章通过总分的结构进行阐述,故文章第一段最后一句应使用总结上文,引出下文的句子,且文章后文提到了几条实现事业成功的方法,由此可知,C项符合文意,故选C。 2.第三段提到,绝大多数人认为自己的事业路程应该是直线型的,而句中提到“but this rarely happens.”but为转折连词,说明绝大多数人的事业路程不是直线型的而是曲折的,E项提到有人会在自己的职业生涯中退后几步,然后再上台阶。由此可知,E项符合文意,故选E。 3.第五段提到要在实验室外学习技能,探索创业、科学写作和交流、政策、外联、教育甚至艺术,任何能够引起共鸣的东西。D项中提到this指的是前文中提到的在实验室外学习的技能,这些都将帮助人成为一个全面发展的人。由此可知,D项符合文意,故选D。 4.第八段第一句提到“In professional interactions, be confident and remember that your skills and knowledge got you where you are today.”在专业互动中,要自信,要记住是你的技能和知识让你达到今天的成就,由此可以判断该段讲述的是与自信有关的内容。由此可知,B项符合文意,故选B。 5.文章最后一段提到“运气是当机会和准备相遇后的产物”,当你不知道怎么去找工作的时候就可以从某网站开始浏览自己感兴趣的部分,一旦找到自己感兴趣的工作,就可以要求进行信息性面试。由此可知,F项符合文意,故选F。

How to Avoid the Worst Cold-Weather Packing Mistakes

Yes, you can definitely blame winter clothes for your overstuffed(塞得过满的)suitcase. After all, warm clothing takes up a lot more room than summer T-shirts and shorts. To make matters worse, you’ve got to pack for overheated restaurants and freezing outdoor conditions. 1. . Here are some winter-packing mistakes we learned the hard way, and tips you need.


Your shoes face a big challenge in the winter. They need to be: insulated, waterproof, and warm; provide great traction in case of ice; be able to withstand salt; and be comfortable to walk in. So, your sneakers aren't going to cut it. Just remember to wear your heavier snow boots on the plane; otherwise, they'll take up half your suitcase space.

Packing the wrong materials

3., It absorbs moisture and sweat, which will make you cold and keep you freezing. You can replace cotton with wool, as wool is naturally odor-resistant and breathable.

Leaving behind sunglasses

Since you're not headed to the beach, you might forget to pack your sunglasses. The sun can shine brightly on freezing days too tough, so be able to pack yours. 4..

Not bringing medicine

Cold and flu cases rise during the winter, and while you definitely don't plan on getting sick while traveling, you should be prepared in case it does happen. Make sure you've packed medication for upset stomach, fever relief, body aches, and congestion, 5.. Just get travel-sized versions of you go-to drugs.

A. But we're here to help

B. Choosing the right shoes

C. Wearing the wrong shoes

D. Cotton is a terrible choice for the winter

E. Better be a pair which is easy to pack and hard to break

F. You don't have to travel with the whole medicine chest though

G. Also throw some sunscreen in there as you can get sunburned in winter



    I have been a teacher for some years. In my opinion, I don't believe Artificial Intelligence (AI) could replace my teaching career. I have always been interested in human connection, and the ways in which I can use these connections to inspire change and make a difference. 1., there are other ways where AI could make a more efficient and effective difference than I could on my own.

My teaching experiences over the past several years have been creative and inspiring- 1 believe that the job of educators extends beyond simply teaching students a set curriculum. 2.. They must constantly reflect on ways to better their teaching, and they must inspire their students to be the best versions of themselves. And now with the help of Al, they could achieve these goals much easier.

3. . First, AI can be used to promote fundamental skills, such as mathematical education and vocabulary lessons. Additionally, I see AI being used for necessary tasks such as answering questions and grading assignments. Thus I could focus my attention on establishing human connection, individualizing lesson plans and inspiring my students.

The benefit AI brings is far beyond my own classroom. 4.. According to Todd Leopold, close to 800 million people worldwide are functionally illiterate (不识字的).Due to its ability to efficiently pass knowledge across large groups of people, fewer teachers may be needed in some schools. 5..

A. Since students will always need a human teacher

B. I believe AI could provide a strong basis for educational equality around the world

C. I think AI is a powerful assistant to my future classroom

D. The need for students to learn how to use Al will also grow

E. Although human connection may never be able to be fully replaced by AI

F. This could be an opportunity for students everywhere to receive equal education

G. They must observe and get to know their students in order to individualize educational plan



What does it mean to be intelligent?

It seems that everyone goes to college now, whether or not they find themselves interested in studying something long term. Even though I know there are different ways to be intelligent, I struggle due to society’s influence, which maintains that intelligence is quantifiable (可量化的) and that academic intelligence is one and the only.

Where do IQ tests come into play when one considers intelligence? Do they fall closest to priority when considering this unquantifiable concept? Intelligence simply cannot be reduced to an IQ test, which are not effective. While designed to measure “intelligence,” all they measure are biological developments that can change as one grows. 1.

There are many factors that can indicate an intelligent being, such as academic intelligence, emotional intelligence, and worldly intelligence. For instance, if a student realizes that they haven’t studied appropriately for an exam, he or she would have the ability to acknowledge that, and then make revisions to his or her study habits accordingly. 2. Emotional intelligence is the intelligence that fosters self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-improvement.

3. We cannot function without forming relationships and communication. This proves that being aware of oneself and reflecting in order to further better communication skills is an evidence to intelligence. Where would you be if you were a terrible communicator, unaware, and unwilling to improve, but academically thriving?

Emotional intelligence is what surpasses (超越) those who are hard-headed. Those who maintain academic intelligence may still be a bit dull and unaware of themselves. 4.Even as a college student, there are certain skills such as teamwork and communication that require awareness and an open mind in order to further their growth.

5. Academia is not only pictured and taught unfairly, or even close to what intelligence is if you were to quantify it. If you want to strive for mental growth, and maintain self-awareness through self-reflection, you can apply that to any intelligence category.

A. All of life is communicatory.

B. Specifically, this is emotional intelligence.

C. Intelligence is determined by many factors.

D. Stubbornness is a barrier towards communication.

E. In fact, there are many with low IQ scores that are intelligent.

F. Some connections exist between intelligence and communication.

G. So there is academic intelligence, emotional intelligence, and worldly intelligence.



    Not many 17-year-old girls know how to solder(焊)copper pipes together or light a pilot light. These are_____I’ve learned as an assistant to my______in his plumbing(管道)business.

My summer job deals with_______that constantly arise physical and mental discomfort, and the work______an attitude of determination and patience that I frequently struggle to adopt.

Each morning, I______myself into large-thick men’s jeans most girls would______to wear and climb into the plumber truck. As my classmates begin their_____babysitting, or selling groceries, my dad and I carry_____toolboxes and work in the dark basements. I often get ______in messy storage boxes looking for the water meter. Nothing around is beautiful or tidy.

Sometimes I______why I stand the dust and sweat when I could be in my air-conditioned house doing summer homework. Yet as much as I_______the mess of plumbing. I look down upon myself for being so easily annoyed by disorder.______, the world was built by people willing to get their hands_______.

Five such summers have______me that the messy parts of people’s houses______the messy parts of their lives. As I learn to_____the mess, I also learn to handle the_____and contradictions in my adolescence. Life is a process of accepting_______and learning to put it in order. Plumbing work is no different. You can see it in each newly soldered group of copper pipes. And when customers express______, I understand that, in a small way, we bring______to their lives.

1.A.manners B.skills C.facts D.rules

2.A.brother B.dad C.teacher D.friend

3.A.messes B.customers C.noises D.exercises

4.A.offers B.develops C.demands D.lacks

5.A.wrestle B.lower C.squeeze D.hide

6.A.need B.expect C.refuse D.choose

7.A.shifts B.studies C.meetings D.travels

8.A.fancy B.small C.expensive D.heavy

9.A.injured B.absorbed C.lost D.interested

10.A.know B.question C.imagine D.remember

11.A.see B.clean C.hate D.create

12.A.Or rather B.At least C.After all D.In addition

13.A.full B.dirty C.firm D.free

14.A.taught B.promised C.advised D.guaranteed

15.A.examine B.divide C.reduce D.reflect

16.A.sort out B.care about C.hunt for D.give up

17.A.arrangements B.uncertainties C.competitions D.expectations

18.A.failure B.help C.change D.chaos

19.A.sympathy B.suspicion C.disapproval D.appreciation

20.A.peace B.success C.wonder D.order



    The structure in organizations has changed. It has transformed from a boss to a leader being at the top and from method directing to cooperation, _______ how many of us have actually made this _______ within ourselves?

Let's not get personal about any person or connect this to any _______ organization. Consider the _______ pattern on a social media website such as LinkedIn. We often see good articles written by junior-level employees which _______ new enthusiasm and new perspectives, but how many senior-level _______ go and "Like" the article? Not _______read it, but actually "Like” it. More often than not, the answer is none. Leaders read such articles, but they _______ to press the "Like" button due to some fear!

A friend of mine, who holds the _______ of Director of Human Resources in a reputed organization, happened to mention an article that his team member had written. I casually enquired ________ the absence of a "Like" or comment from him. His answer really ________ me! He said: "You know what my ________ is? I cannot be commenting or liking his article in public!" Amazed by this behavior, I did my research on this pattern on a few social media platforms. Yes, people want to “Like" or comment on articles and photos that are published by people with an ________ level and do so as well.

While we are ________ the "Like" button on a junior-level employee's one — year anniversary, we jump to be one in a few hundreds to offer ________ on a senior-level leader's one — year completion. However, I think our precious “Like" for the employee ________ a lot and encourages him, while, on the other hand, it is ________ many hundreds and is not ________ noticed by the leader.

Encourage new talents and ________ them. If we do not exhibit this socially, I am sure we will not ________ it in our job either.

1.A.so B.otherwise C.yet D.while

2.A.organization B.method C.cooperation D.transformation

3.A.unusual B.ordinary C.common D.particular

4.A.behavioral B.online C.popular D.personal

5.A.oppose B.contain C.promote D.lack

6.A.leaders B.writers C.employers D.readers

7.A.precisely B.barely C.merely D.thoroughly

8.A.stop B.hope C.hesitate D.regret

9.A.name B.title C.faith D.honor

10.A.for lack of B.on account of C.in need of D.with regard to

11.A.confused B.astonished C.dissatisfied D.annoyed

12.A.team B.level C.habit D.reputation

13.A.superior B.different C.average D.junior

14.A.pressing B.missing C.skipping D.considering

15.A.congratulations B.suggestions C.opinions D.remarks

16.A.changes B.requires C.proves D.means

17.A.intended for B.replaced by C.judged by D.buried in

18.A.even B.just C.ever D.still

19.A.know B.motivate C.demand D.observe

20.A.represent B.like C.show D.notice



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