满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In my class in high school, there was a ...

    In my class in high school, there was a girl who was considered the most unpopular. No one actually knows how this exclusion (排挤) came from, but we all followed it for no reason at all. One day after lunch, we girls sat on the track field, talking about things that happened in our lives. Someone brought her up, and soon the topic transformed to laughing at the funny hairstyle of her, the stupid way she walked and.... I felt extremely uncomfortable but kept silent, because I didn’t want to be the one “supporting” the common enemy. After all, it’s just a short gossip time among a trusted group of friends; why should I bring unnecessary tension?

Suddenly, one of my friends pointed her finger towards somewhere behind me. All of us turned around and saw that exact girl, hand still in the air, with a twisted (扭曲的) look on her face. She lowered her hand in slow movement, then turned around and ran off. For a second, I wanted to stand up and chase her down to tell her that no one meant what they said, and that she is an amazing person being who she is. But my legs felt so heavy, I didn’t want to make a fool out of myself—why bother taking care of the class clown (小丑)? People would think that I was crazy as well!

A few weeks later, the teacher told us that a classmate dropped out of school—it was that girl. Her parents told the school that it was the peer pressure that made her want to leave. The teacher wanted to know who the bully (霸凌) was. Again, no one spoke a word. Perhaps it was exactly this cold, hard silence that drove her away. I certainly did not raise my hand. I had never even said anything bad about her; it was my friends who loved to make fun of her every day. Surely, I didn’t bully her physically or with my language, but I kept silent when others did. By failing to stand up for her and offering her support, I was giving agreement, which made others think that it was okay to mistreat her. Perhaps if I had realized I was wrong earlier---instead of convincing myself that I had nothing to do with her leaving, I wouldn't have to bear the burden of heavy shame on my shoulders.

1.How did the author feel when seeing the girl being bullied?

A.Cheerful. B.Uncomfortable.

C.Frightened. D.Amazed.

2.What can we know from Paragraph 2?

A.The girl heard what the author’s friends said about her.

B.The author’s leg was broken while chasing the girl.

C.The group friends think it crazy to be fooled.

D.The author was mad at her friends at that time.

3.The author didn’t support the girl for the following reasons EXCEPT that______

A.she wanted to follow the flow.

B.she didn’t want to turn against friends.

C.she was prevented by the group friends.

D.she worried about others’ reaction.

4.What will the author probably do when meeting the same situation next time?

A.She will keep silent and walk away.

B.She will stand up for her group friends.

C.She will make fun of the group.

D.She will not turn a blind eye to it.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,作者讲述了自己亲身经历的校园欺凌事件,这件事导致那个被欺负的小女辍学了,作者非常后悔当时没有站出来帮那个小女孩,并发誓如果再遇到这种情况,她一定会挺身而出帮助被欺负的同学。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“felt extremely uncomfortable but kept silent”可知,当看到那个女孩被欺负时,作者感到很不舒服,故B项正确。 2.推理判断题。根据第二段中的“All of us turned around and saw that exact girl, hand still in the air, with a twisted (扭曲的) look on her face. She lowered her hand in slow movement, then turned around and ran off.”可知,我们都转过身来,看见那个女孩,手还悬在空中,脸上带着扭曲的表情,她慢慢地把手放低,然后转过身跑掉了,那个女孩的表情和动作说明她听到了作者的朋友们对她的评论,故A项正确。 3.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“No one actually knows how this exclusion (排挤) came from, but we all followed it for no reason at all.”可知,没有人知道这种排斥是如何产生的,但我们都无缘无故地遵循它(她想随大流,表现得和朋友们一样);根据第一段中的“I felt extremely uncomfortable but kept silent, because I didn’t want to be the one “supporting” the common enemy. After all, it’s just a short gossip time among a trusted group of friends; why should I bring unnecessary tension?”可知,我感到非常不舒服,但保持沉默,因为我不想成为那个“支持”共同敌人的人,毕竟,这只是一群值得信任的朋友之间短暂的闲聊时间,我为什么要带来不必要的紧张?(她不想背叛朋友,与她们为敌),再根据第二段中的“I didn’t want to make a fool out of myself—why bother taking care of the class clown (小丑)? People would think that I was crazy as well!”可知,我不想让自己出丑,为什么费心照顾班上的小丑呢?人们会认为我也疯了!(担心朋友们的反应),以上三点是作者没有支持那个女孩的原因,而没有提到她被朋友们阻止了,故C项正确。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“A few weeks later, the teacher told us that a classmate dropped out of school—it was that girl.”及“Surely, I didn’t bully her physically or with my language, but I kept silent when others did. By failing to stand up for her and offering her support, I was giving agreement, which made others think that it was okay to mistreat her. Perhaps if I had realized I was wrong earlier---instead of convincing myself that I had nothing to do with her leaving, I wouldn't have to bear the burden of heavy shame on my shoulders.”可知,作者认为:当然,我没有在身体上或语言上欺负她,但当别人这样做时,我却保持沉默,没有站出来支持她,我是在表示同意,这让其他人觉得欺负她是可以的,也许,如果我早点意识到我错了,我就不会有如此沉重的负罪感了,由此可知,对于那个女孩的辍学,作者认为自己是有责任的,非常后悔当时没有站出来支持她,所以下次再遇到这种情况她不会对此视而不见的,故D项正确。

    A good advertisement will draw customer’s attention towards your product. That is what every business really wants, in addition to your actually buying their product. In this article we will round up several great ads that cover many different styles but all have one thing in common, that is they connect to their audience.

King Oscar: Open

This ad puts forward an idea that King Oscar's fish products are as fresh as they can possibly get. This idea is then realized by combining a fish and one of their canned products showing the customer they will be buying a fish straight from the ocean. This simplistic image gives off just enough to tell the consumer what the deal is with their product.

Panasonic 3D TV: Dino

Here is another ad that has a lot going on but still is able to get its message across fairly easily. We will first notice the dinosaur in the mess living room but then see the girl pointing at the TV, which will give us the impression that Panasonic's 3D televisions are extremely realistic. The great art direction leads to the customer understanding what product is on display almost immediately.

Pepsi: Straws

This clever Pepsi ad conveys a lot to the customer; at first glance it gives the impression that Pepsi is the preferred choice of even the straws(吸管). And then after that it makes fun of Coca Cola by using their red and white colors for the other can as well as their classic design. This is a very clever ad on many levels.

Canal+: iPhone Titanic

This ad may take a bit more time to understand but the design itself can keep a customer interested. The large finger and the iPhone in the corner can quickly help the viewer connect the dots with the sinking Titanic ship and show that we can have all our favorite movies right on our iPhones.

1.What is the common feature of great advertisements?

A.They involve many different styles.

B.They will draw every business’attention.

C.They can attract customers and touch them.

D.They make comparison between products.

2.What is special about King Oscar?

A.Its fish products are very fresh.

B.It conveys a lot to the customers.

C.People can buy fish directly from ocean.

D.It gives us extremely realistic impression.

3.Which advertisement mentioned its competitor?

A.King Oscar: Open. B.Panasonic 3D TV: Dino

C.Pepsi: Straws. D.Canal+: iPhone Titanic.



    A new device (设备) called Orion is helping those who are blind to see. It does this in a new way by helping them experience the world around them.

Jason Esterhuizen lost his eyesight after a car accident. He never thought he would be able to see light or movement again. But now with the movement of a switch (开关), his world suddenly grew brighter.

He says, “I still can’t put it into words. I mean from being able to see absolutely nothing, it’s completely black, to all of a sudden seeing little flickers (闪烁) of light move around.” It is not full or normal sight, but Esterhuizen can move about in the world around him.

The new technology uses several parts. One is a small device placed in the brain. The other parts are a video camera on sunglasses and a processing device that can be carried in a person’s clothes. When the user points the camera, a signal goes to the processor (处理器) and then back to the glasses. The glasses then are in wireless communication with the device in the brain. The information causes a pattern to develop in the part of the brain. The pattern helps users sense or see movement and shapes of light. And it all happens in seconds.

Esterhuizen is one of just two people in the U.S. testing this technology. He says that “I can tell someone moving across the room, walking past me or walking away from me, or it’s a light against the wall. It is just amazing to have some form of functional vision again.” He adds that now he can do everyday activities around his home that he once could not. It is easier to walk outside.

The researchers believe that one day this technology could help people who have lost their vision because of illnesses like diabetes. It may also help those with poor vision or who were born blind.

1.Which of the following caused Esterhuizen to go blind ?

A.An illness. B.A car accident.

C.A brain damage. D.A genetic problem.

2.What can we know about sunglasses of the new technology?

A.They are put in the brain.

B.They are carried in the user’s clothes.

C.They are mainly used to protect a person’s eyes.

D.They communicate wirelessly with a small device.

3.What can we infer about Esterhuizen in paragraph 5?

A.He fully regains his sight.

B.He always do daily activities freely.

C.He feels delighted to see the world again.

D.He is the only one to test this technology.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Orion makes homes brighter.

B.Orion functions as normal eyes.

C.A new equipment helps the blind see.

D.A new technology happens in seconds.



    Two little girls who are lovely in Britain are bringing thousands of people together to sign a petition (请愿书) demanding that Burger King and McDonald’s stop giving away free plastic toys.

With the help of their mother, nine-year-old Ella and seven-year-old Caitlin started an online petition in order to persuade the fast food giants (巨头) to do away with the wasteful toys that come with Happy Meals and Junior Meals.

Since starting the petition, the youngsters have got over 350,000 signatures of their 500,000 goal, and the call to action has already received further support from adults and children.

“We’ve been learning all about the environment at school and the problem of plastic. It made us very sad to see how plastic harms wildlife and pollutes the ocean, and we want to change this,” reads the petition. “That’s why we want Burger King and McDonald’s to think of the environment and stop giving away plastic toys with their kids meals.”

“We like to go to eat at Burger King and McDonald’s, but children only play with the plastic toys for a few minutes before they get thrown away and harm animals and pollute the sea. We want anything they give us to be environmentally friendly so we can protect the planet for ourselves and for future generations,” they continued.

In addition to the girls making a convincing argument, the amount of signatures on the petition almost doubled after reporters with the BBC’s War on Plastic followed the young activists to the McDonald’s headquarters in order to present the petition.

Since the little girls’ story started being picked up by international news outlets, Burger King and McDonald’s have emailed statements to CNBC detailing their plans for making their free toys more environmentally friendly.

1.How did the two girls begin their petition?



C.By Internet.

D.By newspapers.

2.Why are the two little girls gathering many people together?

A.To gain people’s attention.

B.To get over 350,000 signatures.

C.To eat at Burger King and McDonald’s.

D.To stop two giants presenting free plastic toys.

3.What will Burger King and McDonald’s plan to do after the petition?

A.To email statements to BBC.

B.To make a convincing argument.

C.To sell more environmentally friendly toys.

D.To give away more environmentally friendly toys.

4.Which of the following best describes the two little girls’ story?

A.It’s about product promotion.

B.It’s about company introduction.

C.It’s about commercial advertising.

D.It’s about environmental protection.



    “I had no intention to adopt a cat that day. I just liked being around animals. ” Miranda says. But when she saw Nala in her metal cage, “We made eye contact and I couldn’t resist (抗拒) her big blue eyes.” At that point, “Nala was so small. I asked the shelter if I could hold her. Once I had Nala in my arms, Nala looked up at me and licked () my face.” And that was when she knew she had to take this kitty home.

Still, Miranda never imagined Nala would become an Insta-star. “I started Nala’s Instagram account in 2012 as a way to share photos with my close friends and family in Thailand,” she explained. The possibility of Nala gaining attention beyond that small group of people hadn’t occurred to her until it happened.

Miranda says, “Each time Nala’s photo was featured on Instagram’s popular page, her account would gain 1,000 new followers. ” From there, Nala’s popularity snowballed. Large nationwide brands messaged Miranda about hiring Nala to do ads. “This took us by surprise because we couldn’t believe that a big brand wanted to pay them to take photos with their products next to Nala”.

Nala started life out in a shelter, just waiting to be loved like many other animals that were abandoned. Today that dream has surely come true. Nala has over 4 million followers on Instagram, which earned her the title “Guinness World Records Most Popular Cat on Instagram.”

In addition to managing her Insta fame, Nala is being asked to test various cat food brands. More importantly, “Nala is our chance to share the love to help create a better life for other animals, so they can grow well and bring joy to the world like Nala has.”

1.What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A.Visits to a shelter. B.Love at first sight.

C.Power of blue eyes. D.Duty to adopt cats.

2.Why did Miranda open Nala’s Instagram account?

A.To meet Nala’s needs. B.To assist Nala be a star.

C.To share Nala’s pictures. D.To attract public attention.

3.How did Miranda feel about Nala’s popularity?

A.Satisfied. B.Amazed.

C.Upset. D.Disappointed.

4.What does the underlined phrase “that dream” in paragraph 4 refer to?

A.Being eager to be loved.

B.Starting life in the shelter.

C.Gaining chances to earn money.

D.Being raised by Instagram fans.



    Caves (洞穴) have a primary appeal — they hold the secrets to our past and are mysterious in and of themselves.

● Mammoth Cave

Kentucky, USA

The longest cave system in the world lies beneath the Green River Valley in Kentucky and while over 400 miles of passageways have been mapped, it has yet to be fully discovered. The complex limestone labyrinth (石灰岩迷宫) was discovered by humans 4,000 years ago.

● Blue Grotto

Capri, Italy

Once used as the personal swimming hole for the Roman Emperor Tiberius, this extremely bright sea cave is almost 200 feet long and 82 feet wide. Its unique glow comes from the light entering the small opening to the outside.

● Avshalom Cave Nature Reserve

Beit Shemesh, Israel

Also known as the Soreq Cave Nature Reserve, Avshalom is considered to be the Rosetta Stone of climate history in the Eastern Mediterranean through the packed stalactites (钟乳石) found in the cave, some of which are over 13 feet long, and are as old as 300,000 years.

● Cave of the Crystals

Naica, Mexico

This unique cave system in Mexico contains some of the largest natural crystals (水晶) ever found—the longest of which is 39 feet long and 13 feet thick. However, it is rarely explored due to logistical difficulties: it is extremely hot due to its location above a volcanic vent, and the huge crystals block also block the passage.

1.Where does the longest cave lie in?

A.Kentucky, USA. B.Capri, Italy.

C.Beit Shemesh, Israel. D.Naica, Mexico.

2.Avshalom is famous as            .

A.the most beautiful cave. B.the Soreq Cave Nature Reserve.

C.the Emperor’s swimming hole. D.over 400 miles of passageways.

3.Which cave includes the largest natural crystals?

A.Cave of the Crystals. B.Blue Grotto.

C.Mammoth Cave. D.Avshalom Cave Nature Reserve.



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