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Sonja Redding and her _____ were on thei...

    Sonja Redding and her _____ were on their way home to Omaha, Nebraska after a weeklong visit to Washington D. C., with her two sons, one of whom, 5-year-old Xayvior, has autism (自闭症).

Although all of the other _____ had gone fine, Xayvior became angry during one of the flights, and Redding couldn't _____ him.

"It felt like everyone on the plane was looking at us and got _____ with my son,” She wrote in a Facebook post after she got home. "I don't know what to do when others just don't ______ that he is not just a child with no _____, but a child with special needs who doesn't know how to _____ himself."

The day was _____ by Delta flight attendant Amanda Amburgy. She tried to help Xayvior watch a movie, but when that failed, she offered to take him on a _____ of the airplane. That worked, and soon the child was not only calm, but _______ a good time.

"When they came back, Xayvior was much calmer and happier," wrote Redding in the _______ , which now has 2,700 likes and over 500 shares. "I want to thank this Delta attendant. She didn't judge, and she just showed______We need more people like this in the world. ”

It wasn't long _____ Amburgy was told about the post. " We're ______ to help, and that's what we want to do, ” she said in an interview. " So, we always want to make anything _____ for the family as well as other ________

She also shared what she felt when she read Redding's story. "When I read it, it _____ my heart. It's _____ I would do for anyone on the plane, because that's what I am here for. It really made a _____ in her life."

As is often the case, it is not what you say but what you do that counts when you see people in __

1.A.husband B.friends C.family D.daughters

2.A.flights B.adventures C.expeditions D.voyages

3.A.kid B.calm C.comfort D.amuse

4.A.excited B.sad C.frightened D.angry

5.A.understand B.agree C.wonder D.accept

6.A.principle B.character C.discipline D.temper

7.A.control B.operate C.direct D.instruct

8.A.survived B.cured C.saved D.rescued

9.A.trip B.tour C.stroll D.wander

10.A.enjoying B.having C.taking D.recalling

11.A.note B.letter C.message D.post

12.A.love B.passion C.enthusiasm D.attention

13.A.after B.before C.since D.as

14.A.nowhere B.where C.here D.there

15.A.easier B.lighter C.happier D.busier

16.A.parents B.children C.passengers D.attendants

17.A.touched B.hit C.struck D.moved

18.A.nothing B.everything C.something D.anything

19.A.difference B.convenience C.importance D.confidence

20.A.trouble B.dilemma C.situation D.confusion


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.A 16.C 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.A 【解析】 本文为记叙文。文章叙述了索尼娅·雷丁带着有自闭症的儿子在飞机上,当儿子生气时,她无法让自闭症的儿子平静下来,此时得到了空姐安博吉的帮助。于是雷丁发帖感谢,而空姐却认为这是她应该做的。 1.考查名词辨析。句意:索尼娅·雷丁和她的家人在对华盛顿特区进行了为期一周的参观后,正在返回内布拉斯加州奥马哈的路上。A. husband丈夫;B. friends朋友;C. family家人;D. daughters女儿们。根据“with her two sons”可知,她是和家人(family),故选C。 2.考查名词辨析。句意:尽管其他的航班都很顺利,但在其中一次航班上,赛维奥变得很生气,雷丁无法让他平静下来。A. flights飞行,航班;B. adventures冒险;C. expeditions探险;D. voyages航行。根据后面的“became angry during one of the flights”可知,此处是指航班(flights),故选A。 3.考查动词辨析。句意:但在其中一次航班上,赛维奥变得很生气,雷丁无法让他平静下来。A. kid戏弄;B. calm使平静;C. comfort安慰;D. amuse使娱乐。根据前面的“became angry”可知,是因为他生气了,所以无法让他平静(calm)下来,选B。 4.考查形容词辨析。句意:感觉飞机上的每个人都看着我们,生我儿子的气。A. excited激动的;B. sad悲伤的;C. frightened害怕的;D. angry生气的。根据常识可知,这个有自闭症的孩子在飞机上的行为会让人生气的(angry),故选D。 5.考查动词辨析。句意:当别人不明白他不仅是一个没有自律的孩子,而且是一个有特殊需要的孩子时我不知道该做什么。A. understand理解;B. agree同意;C. wonder想知道;D. accept接受。根据语境及常识,人们在不熟悉的情况下是不能理解(understand)这个孩子的情况。可知,选A。 6.考查名词辨析。句意:当别人不明白他不仅是一个没有自制力的孩子。A. principle原则;B. character性格,特点;C. discipline纪律,自制力;D. temper脾气。根据前面可知。这个孩子有自闭症,所以没有自制力(discipline),故选C。 7.考查动词辨析。句意:他还是一个有特殊需要却不知道如何控制自己的孩子。A. control控制;B. operate操作;C. direct指导;D. instruct指令。根据前文可知他是一个有自闭症的孩子,所以无法控制(control)自己,故选A。 8.考查动词辨析。句意:达美航空公司空姐阿曼达·安伯奇化解了这一天的困境。A. survived活下来,幸存;B. cured治愈;C. saved挽救,化解困境,解救某人摆脱困境;D. rescued拯救。根据空后的的内容可知,空姐帮忙让孩子平静,所以化解(saved)了这一天的困境。故选C。 9.考查名词辨析。句意:她提出带他去参观飞机。A. trip旅行, (尤指短程往返的)旅行;B. tour指游览多地的旅行、旅游,观光;参观;C. stroll不慌不忙地溜达,散步;D. wander徘徊,游荡。虽然trip和tour二者都有诱敌深入,旅行。但tour有观光,参观。此处是指空姐带着Xayvior去参观或观赏(tour)飞机。故选B。 10.考查动词辨析。句意:很快,孩子不仅平静下来,而且玩得很开心。A. enjoying享受;B. having拥有;C. taking拿;D. recalling回忆。根据语境可知,此处是指玩的开心。“have a good time”为固定搭配,意为“玩的很开心”,故选B。 11.考查名词辨析。句意:雷丁在帖子中写道,现在已经有2700人点赞。A. note 笔记,便条;B. letter信;C. message信息;D. post邮件,邮递,帖子。根据后面“有2700人点赞”可知是帖子(post),而且在第13小题“Amburgy was told about the post”也有提示,故选D。 12.考查名词辨析。句意:她只是表达爱。我们需要世界上有更多这样的人。A. love爱;B. passion激情;C. enthusiasm热情;D. attention关注。根据上文空姐对孩子的爱(love),故选A。 13.考查连词辨析。句意:没过多久,安伯奇就听说了这篇文章。A. after在......之后;B. before在......之前,趁......;C. since自从;D. as当......时候。“It was not long before...”为固定句式,意为“没多久就......”,故选B。 14.考查副词辨析。句意:我们是来帮忙的,这就是我们想做的事。A. nowhere无处,哪里都不;B. where哪儿;C. here这儿;D. there那儿。本文是叙述过去的事,过后的再提,一般用“那儿(there)”,故选D。故选D 。 15.考查形容词比较辨析。句意:我们总是想让这个家庭和其他乘客更舒服容易一些,更舒服。A. easier更容易,更舒服的;B. lighter更轻;C. happier更快乐;D. busier更忙。这里是说空姐的责任总是想让家庭和其他家庭更容易一些。故选A。 16.考查名词辨析。句意:我们总是想让家庭和其他乘客更容易一些,更舒服。A. parents父母;B. children孩子;C. passengers乘客;D. attendants服务员。在飞机上的人应该是乘客(attendants),故选C。 17.考查动词辨析。句意:当我读它时,它触动了我的心。A. touched触动;B. hit击中;C. struck敲打;D. moved感动,移动。此处是指读到这个帖子时的感受是帖子“触动(touch)”我的心,故选A。 18.考查不定代词辨析。句意:我会为飞机上的任何人做些事。A. nothing什么没有;B. everything所有事物,一切;C. something一些事,某物;D. anything任何事物。空姐会为乘客做职责内的某些事(everything),而不是任何事,或是所有的事,故选C。 19.考查名词辨析。句意:因为这就是我来这里的目的。这真的对她的生活有影响。A. difference区别;B. convenience便利;C. importance重要;D. confidence信心。“make a difference in...”为固定搭配,意为“在....起作用,有影响,有区别”。故选A。 20.考查名词辨析。句意:通常情况下,当你看到别人处于麻烦时,重要的不是你说了什么,而是你做了什么。A. trouble麻烦;B. dilemma困境;C. situation情形;D. confusion困惑。根据语境是说,看到处于麻烦时,要去做点事。“in trouble”为固定搭配,意为“处于麻烦中”,故选A。


There were two men living next to each other, both 1. large gardens. One of them was a retired teacher and the other was a baker. The teacher 2. (rare) cared for the plants in his garden, but the baker was very careful with his plants. Therefore, the teacher’s plants were small, while the baker’s plants were3. bigger and greener.

One night, 4. heavy storm hit the village. The next morning, both of the neighbors came out to check on their gardens. The baker saw that his plants 5. (destroy). However, the teacher’s plants were not damaged at all and stood firm.

6. (surprise), the baker asked the teacher, “We both grew the same plants and I cared for my plants better 7. you did. How are your plants still OK?”

The teacher smiled and said, “You gave your plants too much attention, so you made 8. too easy for them to grow. I gave my plants just a little bit of water, so their roots had to grow deeper 9. (find) more by themselves. That’s 10. my plants survived.”




Look at the round cakesThey are made by Siew BoonShe is a jelly artist 1. runs her own businessShe has created beautiful 3D jelly cakes by 2.useseaweed jelly and natural coloring

Siew Boon 3.beginher business more than two years agoIn late 2017unfortunatelydoctors found a cancer on her breastHowevershe was determined not to let cancer get in the way of her doing 4. she lovedOn the days when she was feeling 5.well),she spent time creating 3D jelly cakes for her team of doctors and carers

During her fight with breast cancerfocusing on creating beautiful 3D jelly cakes helped to turn her focus away 6. the physical pain and negative thoughtsMoving forwardshe hopes to find 7.wayto make it a meaningful career

Every piece is created upside down and takes up to 4 hours to completeThe flowers are made with special toolsIt takes a lot of creativity and 8.patientto create every piece

Aside from being beautifulthe cakes are special in tasteThey have a 9.varyof unique tastessuch as flavors of appleslemonspeaches and roses

Siew Boon thinks the most 10.satisfypart of her job is to be able to bring joy to others




Have you ever wanted to be in a TV show or movie? There is a new app 1.lets you put yourself in your favorite shows.2. some people are worried about this app.

The app is called ZAO. A tech company3.(call) Momo released it last month. It lets users put their faces over the faces in photos and videos. Users can put themselves into popular TV shows and movies. For example, you can put your face into a scene from the movie Titanic. Your face 4.(replace) Jack’s or Rose’s. It looks very 5.(nature). Released on Aug 30, it was the most-downloaded free app in China as of Sept 10, according to App Annie, 6.website that tracks app data.

However, some people worry that the app could be abused. People can use the app to make themselves look like politicians or celebrities (名人). They could also violate (侵犯) celebrities’ right of publicity, 7. (use) their faces to make videos or8.other illegal uses.

Other people worry that they might lose their facial recognition data. 9.is possible that hackers (黑客) could steal this data from app10.(company) and use it to break into users’ phones and steal their money.




Although the Obamas and Prince Harry have a famously close relationship, the former first couple might not be invited to the upcoming royal wedding -- and if they don't, Donald Trump will likely be 1.(blame).

Government officials in the U.K. are reportedly encouraging Harry not to invite the Obamas for fear 2. offending current president Donald Trump (who is unlikely 3.(receive) an invitation of his own).

It remains 4.(see) whether Harry and Meghan Markle will take the advice of government officials, however.

According to The Sun, the couple have made 5. clear that they would like to invite the Obamas to their wedding on May 19.

While Trump was 6.(original) scheduled to make an official state visit to the United Kingdom in 2017, the trip was postponed until July of 2018 and has since been downgraded to a "working trip," during 7. Trump will not meet the Queen.

Of course,8.(be) the president of the United States is no guarantee of a royal wedding 9. (invite).

In 2011, Obama didn't receive any card to William and Kate's wedding, (which was considered a state event, while Harry and Meghan's wedding will not be) , even 10. he was the sitting president at the time.




Who needs more things as birthday gifts? My 70th birthday was coming up in June when I did Kayaking(划皮划艇)with my son. Paul and I took a double kayak so I could stop 1.row anytime to take photos.

Our guides knew the best places 2. (find) whales, sea lions and dolphins. We were never 3. (disappoint) Sometimes we didn't bother with the photos and just watched in wonder as magnificent 4. (creature) came nearer for us to see eyeball to eyeball. Posing for a photographer was not high 5. their priority list. Sometimes, though, the sea lions would appear to be looking 6. (direct) at us as if to say, "Here I am. Take my picture?

One morning, the whales put on 7. performance for us, probably no more than 20 meters offshore. We 8. (see) a unique tail appear, then another, then another. Each time, it was a little 9. (close) to us. They were coming our way! We were screaming, "Whale, whale!" every time one jumped.

All too soon, it was time for us to leave Hanson Island, 10. we had spent four wonderful days. I asked Paul, "What are you going to do for my 80th?"



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